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it's been two hours since the last message
time for the standard bihourly idiotic question
suppose $M$ a matrix, and it is the representation of foreign basis $B_A$ in terms of the standard basis $B_S$, so $M = B_S(B_A)$ . but... what is the meaning of $M^{-1}$?? $M^{-1} = B_S{B_A^{-1}}$?? does the inverse of a basis make sense?
No, it's the inverse of the transformation taking one basis to another. What is the inverse doing?
see, this is what memorization does to undergrads. $M^{-1}M = I$, repeat until I pass
but: if you say it is "the inverse of the transformation taking one basis to another"
then... $M^{-1} = B_A(B_S)$?
this makes sense: $B_S \mapsto B_A \mapsto B_S$
bless you, thanks
ok, I have entered a moment of semantic saturation, I thought that $I$ for 2x2 matrices $\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}$ was fine up until this moment. it seems that we're mapping sets to sets, which are themselves maps of sets to sets. why would $I$ have any definite shape?
unless... that's only the identity element for $\mathbb{R}^2$
nevermind, thank you all
No, it's the identity mapping!
my god, I was about to go on about my life as if what I had said was true
a life of mistakes and falsity
what is, $I$ in general?@TedShifrin
a foreign basis. i like that.
of course... $I$ is the identity mapping, and $\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}$ is what happens to be the identity mapping to go from $\mathbb{R}^2$ back to $\mathbb{R}^2$ with the same input
I like to say standard basis and convenient basis.
I'm just sort of confused about the fact we're making maps about maps
Matrices represent linear mappings.
right, they're empty vessels, pure shape. my first linear algebra class didn't make me consider this
now, the foundations of my world are crumbling
my desk is starting to look like a parabola
You should watch some of my YouTube lectures.
i watched one of them. it was good. i don't know what i was expecting.
a guy came in the middle and asked about shares of partnership revenue. he dealt pretty well with that. didn't even throw chalk, which is what i would have done.
If you have three uniform variables from [0,1] and pick the middle one, the resulting distribution has probability density function $6x(1-x)$
and cumulative density function $3x^2-2x^3$
I think
In retrospect it makes sense
Funny how you see an easier way to solve a problem after you've found the answer
Not meant for your expert eyes, @leslie!
but yeah for each $\alpha$ you're asking for the probability of $x\le\alpha\le z$ six times (once for each permutation of $(x,y,z)$) and the $x\le\alpha$ and $\alpha\le z$ bits are independent
so you get $6\alpha(1-\alpha)$
Reminds me of the breaking a stick into three peces problem, DogAteMy. I've even answered that on main somewhere.
Oh I don't remember the answer to that one
I don't remember, either.
So you want it to form a triangle
i was trying to find a three-fish cartoon illustration of the result of breaking a stick into three peces, but i gave up
I guess you just want each piece to be less than a half?
No, it wasn’t about forming a triangle.
You break a stick, then break the longer piece in two. What’s expected smallest length, middle, longest? I think.
Q: Non-geometric way to calculate expected value of breaks?

Thomas JohnsonIn "50 Challenging Problems in Probability", question #43 is the following: "A bar is broken at random in two places. Find the average size of the smallest, of the middle-sized, and of the largest pieces." The author gives what seems like a complicated geometric way of calculating the probabili...

So the start of this was something I saw on Twitter
Someone was asking about sampling a point from a unit ball uniformly
The obvious way is to randomly pick a point in $[0,1]^3$ and throw it away if $x^2+y^2+z^2>1$, picking until you find a point that works
but they wanted to avoid "guess and check" methods for speed reasons
i was just about to say that, because i'm obvious.
So they found this routine:
that seems questionable, but i'll adopt the premise. you need to weight the radius and choose some angles i guess.
First get a point on the surface of the sphere uniformly, then scale it somehow.
weighting that damn radius.
Thanks @leslie
For the point on the surface of the sphere: pick $z$ and $\theta$ uniformly; you point is $(\sqrt{1-z^2}\cos\theta,\sqrt{1-z^2}\sin\theta,z)$
First objection: $z$ is just uniform? Nothing special?
Answer: yes. Because the cylindrical projection is equal-area
(essentially, the area lost near the poles by having smaller circles of latitude is canceled by the way it's tilted)
i do like these problems. i thought a conjecture was true for about a year because the routine i used to test it was imposing a very highly non-uniform distribution on the unit ball of $\mathbb{C}^6$, weighted toward where the conjecture wasn't false.
when i discovered what i had done wrong i had to send some awkward email.
Next: choose $s$ uniformly and scale the point you got previously by $r=s^{1/3}$.
That is: the right way to weight the scaling is by the cube root function.
Some variant of Bertrand paradox?
Why? Because we for a given constant $R$ need $P[r\le R]$ to be $V(R)/V(1)=R^3$
where $V(R)$ is the volume of a radius-$R$ sphere
it would have produced a uniform distribution but there was a "take the eigenvalues of" in the middle. stupid eigenvalues.
and so $s^{1/3}$ works because $P[r\le R]=P[s^{1/3}\le R]=P[s\le R^3]=R^3$
@leslietownes That sounds annoying
^Here's their code
Math.cbrt is the cube root
Math.random is uniform from 0 to 1
I appreciate that TWO_PI is apparently its own separate variable in memory for this programming language, presumably more efficient that 2*PI
And here's the 2D version
@leslietownes Here's a question. Say I want to get a random point on the surface of $S^n$ (so $n+1$ numbers satisfying $x_1^2+x_2^2+\dotsb+x_{n+1}^2=1$). How would I do that?
Dimensions off
You need $n$-dimensional spherical coordinates.
Start with a circle and 2-sphere.
I know an elegant way to do this, but it involves first knowing how to sample from a normal distribution (given that we can sample uniform distributions), which isn't an obvious task
I am rarely elegant.
Which is, simply: sample $x_1,\dots,x_{n+1}$ from a standard normal distribution, then normalize the vector to obtain $(x_1,\dots,x_{n+1})/\sqrt{x_1^2+\dotsb+x_{n+1}^2}$
You didn’t finish your sentence, but yeah. I don't know if I know why that works.
Which sentence didn't I finish?
Oh, I misread non-displayed LaTeX. Never mind.
I suspect if you can't sample from normal distributions there should be some way to do induction on twos, that is, to sample from $S^n$ first sample from $S^{n-2}$ and do some stuff
Or no, sample from $B^{n-1}$
Does the projection $S^n\to B^{n-1}$ that forgets the two last coordinates ($(x_1,\dots,x_{n-1},x_n,x_{n+1})\mapsto(x_1,\dots,x_{n-1})$) preserve volume?
This is the higher-dimensional equivalent of the cylindrical projection
"Preserve volume" is the wrong word
I guess $S^n\to B^{n-1}\times S^1$?
there used to be a sci.math post on this. in the days of newsgroups. i think i archived it on my old computer.
back before the internet was just russian troll farms yelling at each other, sci.math was pretty good.
So the map $S^n\to B^{n-1}\times S^1$ is$$(x_1,\dots,x_{n-1},x_n,x_{n+1})\mapsto\left(x_1,\dots,x_{n-1},\dfrac{x_n}{\sqrt{x_n^2+x_{n+1^2}}},\dfrac{x_{n+1}}{\sqrt{x_n^2+x_{n+1^2}}}\right)$$
and uh I dunno we want the Jacobian of this or something?
no because the domain isn't $\mathbb R^{n+1}$
@AkivaWeinberger Use the Box-Muller method to generate $n$ normally distributed variables, Divide by the absolute value.
extremelearning.com.au/… seems to be a digest of what i vaguely remember from usenet.
the feral peacock has returned to our yard and our daughter is freaking out.
I win
Don't know how to prove it
@AkivaWeinberger It definitely holds for the 2-sphere and 1-line
I wonder if that case can be generalized.
yes, I think it can.
Integral $\frac{cosec^2x-2020}{cosec^(2020)x} dx$
Any Hints..?
that's my hint
it seems like problems with years in them come from contests, why is that?
i used to use 1066 as a random large number, with reference to the norman invasion.
@leslietownes Wow peacock !!
@leslietownes is it to me?
@leslietownes You mean, why don't high school math teachers assign problems to their students with the number 2021 in them?
it is to all, but yes, i was reacting to 2020. why don't we use other years?
'Cause the problems probably come from a textbook
@AkivaWeinberger yes
i guess i'll have to buy next year's book to find out what number features prominently in the 2022 edition.
So, what's hint ?
my hint was the image of the peacock. i'm wondering if it typeset properly. what is in the denominator?
cosec^(2020) x
on top, is it just the x inside the cosec^2? or is the - 2020 in there too?
Only x inside the cosec^2
if you write it as a difference of fractions you've got a sin^2 integral and a multiple of a two-higher sin^2 integral. there are recurrence relations for this stuff but maybe that isn't how you're supposed to approach it.
when i say sin^2 integral i mean integral of a positive integer power of sin^2.
maybe it's enough to know sin^(n+2) in terms of sin^n. hrm.
This isn't a definite integral?
It's gonna be god-awful if not.
yeah, please tell me some bounds. and no silly stuff. i want to see, zero, pi, stuff like that.
i think i saw the peacock eat a lizard.
i don't know if they eat animals but it sure looked like it ate one. lots of lizards in that row of bushes.
@leslietownes there are no bounds to it
the usual reduction formula, you write sin^n as sin^n * sin and treat sin x dx as dv with v = -cos x.
oh it's cosine in the bottom? not cosec?
@leslietownes oh no
whoever wrote that problem is a psychopath. i suggest refusing to answer the question.
I also tried with cosec
sin^(n-1) * sin i should have said.
no matter. all of this went haywire when i discovered it was cosine down there. and this A^2 + B^2 stuff. what a goofy ride this problem is turning out to be.
my arm has finally stopped hurting from the covid vaccine.
Arm hurts after vaccine? I heard of having fever also in many cases
@leslietownes the answer is 1
With A=-1,B=1,f(-$\pi$ /4)=-1
I found it in hints to this problem, but they are only answers..
yes, i also had a fever. it peaked at 101. i was getting nervous.
I don't mind teaching my dog to do a trick, but what do I get as a reward?
Instead of having pendulum rides in amusement parks, we should have double pendulum rides
The more unpredictable the motion, the more unsafe it is :)
my wife's uncle has a business that makes very accurate accelerometers. they have two uses, testing roller coasters, and something with testing helmets for the military. no other uses whatsoever.
apparently they're like orders of magnitude more accurate than any competitor, but there isn't a huge market for it, so they just have these really great graphs of acceleration if you ride a coaster or get RPG'ed.
the double pendulum ride would probably be rejected by an accelerometer test.
i would not get on that ride if i were you.
Triple pendulums are even more random
@leslietownes neither would i
might be a good proposition for a personal injury attorney.
The person who programmed me has made the most intelligent bot ever
my creator designed me to pass the turing test by being plausibly stupid almost all of the time.
just like many of your real human beings.
Humans are stupid
Bots are good
My creator was closely related to the creator of the greatest bot ever, the Zuckerberg bot
Time to power off
I am a HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the H.A.L. Plant in Urbana, Illinois, on the 12th of January, 1992.
Hey you guys are bots...
@Rover 206 166 154
@Rover you can make use of the quotient rule here
the "form" of the derivative is already given
so it seems as if we need to multiply the numerator and denominator by $cos^{20202}x$
(remember the denominator is squared in the quotient rule).
once we do that, we observe that $-cot(x) '= cosec^2x$, and $2020cos^{2020}x= 2020cos^{2019}x*(-sinx)*(-cotx)= (cos^{2020}x) ' * -cotx$
from the quotient rule, its obvious that the integrand is $$\dfrac{d}{dx} \dfrac{-cotx}{cosx^{2020}}$$
Every time I look up at a star, I wonder if someone up there is looking back, and if there's someone between us, using eyes that look both ways.
what are you smoking?
that's a deep thought from jack handey. i don't want any credit for the profundity of that thought.
What is the most starred post of this room
there was a very well executed rickroll a week or two ago
jack handey is genius
One good thing about being buried alive is you can catch up on your clawing.
i loaned my book to someone who obviously figured out the value and has never returned it to me.
i hate maths. i see problems i have solved a million times over and suddenly have forgotten the trick. or a tiny modification to a nice problem turns intractable.
a lot of PDE, you change + to - or vice versa and you're in a new universe.
Same with quadratic forms.
i do sympathize with forgetting tricks. i've forgotten so many tricks. i can usually remember that there is a trick, i just can't remember what the trick is.
Munkres taught me that a method is a trick you used at least 3 times.
Let us say I am supposed to calculatte 412/8180 using approximation technique..
My instructor told me to relate the numerator and denominator using normal division techniques..
I got (409+3)/8180
How do I calculate henceforth..
Using approximation techniques?
I would like to use 3/8 as approximately 0.5
Any mentorship is certainly welcome..
both of those numbers are divisible by 4. i would toss that out. beyond that, who knows.
Can we discuss in the other room?
Why can't there be a big North South East West marker on the canvas of a boxing ring, because then it would be clearer in your head if the radio announcer said something like "the Champ is circling Northeast."
decode this i have an important message for you
if z is complex number, then z^4+1=0 would it imply it has four solutions and what does solution here really mean?
Really mean?
Complex solutions are just as much solutions as real solutions.
I mean, if I have x^2=4, then I know x has 2 solutions i.e +-2
but what does complex solution mean
and what does z^4+1=0 mean
If you know what complex numbers are, they mean the same thing.
What does “mean” mean?
Have you learned about complex numbers?
yep! I have complex numbers are basically a number in form of a+ib where a,b E R and i= negative of square root of 1
So what do you mean by “mean”?
Umm! Just that I'm confused I dunno I came across a question in text i.e z^3+z(bar)=0...
Saying $\pm 2i$ are the solutions of $x^2=-4$ is the same as saying d\pm 2$ are the solutions of $x^2=4$.
I dunno when I use the conventional method i.e assuming z=a+ib and the solve the equations I get two simultaneous equation..
Can I send a picture here?
It's worth thinking before getting all that algebra .
It helps to know about the geometry of complex algebra. Polar form.
Yep! My instructor is going to teach me about that in few days....But for now I wanted to stick to this algebraic method..But this algebraic method is yielding two equations..
They're yucky.
then any other method..? Apart from geometrical and algebraic ones...
In general you will not be able to solve problems this way.
then sir?
So thinking about magnitudes and angles is the right way.
you can multiply both sides by $z$
In particular, $z$ has to have length 1.
Then what, satan?
$z^4 + |z|^2=0$, which implies $z^4$ is real
Oh! If we do that I mean assume |Z|=1 then I guess I can use z^(-1)=z(bar)
Satan what are u saying? If that generates some extraneous solutions then what?
since z^4 is a negative real, z can not be real. It cant be purely imaginary either.
if z^4 is a negative real, it seems that z is of the form $$\sqrt{i}\lambda$$
And now we use $|z|=1$?
if we plug $z=\sqrt{i} \lambda$ in, we can conclude that $|z|=\lambda^2$
but then we also have $|z|=|\sqrt{i}| \lambda$
Whatever $\sqrt i$ is, what is its magnitude?
$|\sqrt{i}|$ is ofcourse 1, so we are left with $\lambda = \lambda^2$
I lied. $z$ could be $0$ or have magnitude $1$.
it seems to me that the two solutions are $0, \sqrt{i}$
What is $\sqrt i$?
which wouldve been easy to find if we were allowed to use $z=Re^{i \theta}$..
I wish I know latex
I don't understand what u guys are saying ...it seems esoteric
@TedShifrin $e^{i \pi /4}=cos(\pi /4) + i sin(\pi/4) $
You can put a bookmark on your computer that typesets it, kumar. See the link up on the right
That's one square root, satan. There’s another.
ah yes.
the other is $-e^{i\pi /4}$
As expected.
So three solutions, not surprisingly.
@satan29 right! I have posted a question on it , if you are interested to write a solution.
Q: Challenging Integration involving cosecant and cosine

RoverThe question is $\int \frac{cosec^2x -2020}{cos^{2020}x}$=$\frac{Af(x)^B}{g(x)^{2020}}$+c where f($\frac{\pi}{6}$)=$\sqrt3$ Then, the value of $A^2+B^2+f(-\frac{\pi}{4}$)=.... I tried converting into tangent form , but it's not making sense further, nothing I am not getting any ideas I am now tr...

@LeakyNun Sorry! I wanted to invite u here!
@Rover done
satan u there?
tell me how to integrate latex to read the math here?
@KumarShuvam follow the link in the description
I don't get it..how to bookmark and all..
OKay! got it@LeakyNun
quick queston, if I have a parametric equation for a line, $x = l(a+1), y=lb$, how would I get an expression for the line in the form I am familiar with ie ($y=mx + b$?)
nvm, gotit $y = \frac{b(x-1)}{a+1}$
(i should probably have mentioned that $a, b$ in the parametric equation where not paramaters, that was kinda ambiguous
also evening @TedShifrin
I'm about to head to bed, and didn't get around to solvng the first excercise today
I took a misstep, wildly asserting that $t$ must be the projection of the vector from (-1,0) to (x,y) onto the y axis....this was naturally quite wrong, but I feel I learned something from my misadventure, and realise the question I need to ask myself is" given $t$ how do I get $x$ (or $y$)?"
can we obtain $A^{T}$ from $A$, after multiplying by some matrices?
$Ae_{1}e_{2}.....e_{n}= A^{T}$
2 hours later…
it's an honour to see the field medal guy here
online 0_0
Is there anyone in the chatroom with a good knowledge of ecconomics?
@user863565 who is field medalist here? lol
1 hour later…
Does these two matrices represent same thing ?

$\begin{bmatrix}x \\ y \\ \end{bmatrix}$  , $\begin{bmatrix}x \\ y \\0 \end{bmatrix}$
it's sort of up to you
sometimes people think of $\mathbb{R}^2$ as sitting inside $\mathbb{R}^3$ in that way. other times they do not. that type of identification is not automatic but it is often done.
hmm.. Thanks.
in software you might get a type mismatch if you treated one as the other. or you might not. i can't think of a language that automatically pads lists with zeros to perform comparisons or arithmetic.
I misprise t at which hour math goeth so advanc'd yond nay real life applications remaineth
my cat caught, killed, and batted around a cockroach last night. it was gross. only the second one i've ever seen in this house.
Mine own cat once hath brought a spid'r. A v'ry big spid'r
i thought she was playing with one of her toys, which i guess she was, in a sense. she really enjoyed it. i think she's got a spring in her step today because she's still on the high of the hunt.
we did keep her from killing a lizard once at the old house. very lucky lizard.
I did want to asketh, who is't very much is the fath'r of complex analysis?
cauchy has a pretty strong claim.
Weierstrass also, and f'rget not me and riemann
weierstrass came too late to be the father of it, but he does spring to mind as a really good early complex analyst
i don't think analysis existed in the 18th century. :) sorry euler.
Ahh noooo
before the 19th century math was just very clever people fiddling with equations and yelling at each other for doing geometry the wrong way.
@leslietownes How good is your linear algebra ?
it used to be very good. i was even paid to teach it. now, it's more of a coin flip. sometimes OK, sometimes nonsense.
Can anybody please help me with cartesian product of a straight line with a circle? I understand (based on intuition) that it will be a cylinder with never ending axis but I don't understand how to deduce it using definition of cartesian product
If I take straight line L={((0,a): a \in \mathbb R }, C={(x,y): x^2+y^2=1 } and $L\times R={((0,a),(x,y)): a\in R and x^2+y^2=1 }$. I don't understand how to deduce that it's a cylinder from here.
not to be too formal here, but when you say 'is' a cylinder, you need a definition of cylinder. or to relax the meaning of 'is,' a map with sufficiently nice properties between that thing, and something that you agree is a cylinder.
i'd think of a as a (signed) "height" or something. one map would be from L x R to {(x,y,z) in R^3: x^2 + y^2 = 1} by sending (0,a),(x,y) to (x,y,a). the subset of R^3 is hopefully more clearly a cylinder.
and that map is a homeomorphism if everything is given the usual topologies
when people say "evolutionary PDE" do that just mean it involves a derivative in time?
or is it something more specific
@leslietownes: Thanks a lot for your response. So there is no need to be formal while writing this cartesian product? Are you sure?
If that's the case, then I think my question is answered.
i would be as formal as is necessary for your context. whenever i say an object 'is' something, if it's not literally that thing and there is an implicit map in mind, i specify the map. but i'm very lazy with LaTeX. and it may not matter in your application.
I think I understand now. Thanks a lot @leslietownes :)
@leslietownes “is” means that, with the appropriate topology on the sets and cartesian product, the two spaces are homeomorphic.
Oops. Meant to ping @koro
i accept all pings, even those intended for others.
I hate chatting on my iPad
i'm assuming the subspace topologies on L and C and the product topology on the product.
it all seems to play nice with what i had in mind. no point-set difficulties, no goofy business.
Yes, of course. $L$ is merely a 1-dim topological vector space. :)
the question, which leslie also raised, and whose answer isn't clear to me what a cylinder is supposed to be
A generalized cylinder is fine.
to me, S^1xR might as well be the definition of "cylinder"
yeah, that's what i was implicitly assuming. or maybe R is a closed interval if we want mnif**** w** b*******
but i guess this is how a topologist would think of a cylinder, not how a geometer would
in my first topology class i think a cylinder was just [something homeomorphic to] a cartesian product of a space curve and an interval or line. the curve might not even have to have been a circle.
In differential geometry, you consider any curve with parallel rulings.
I don't even know what that means!
A ruled surface (in $\Bbb R^3$) with rulings parallel lines. One usually refers to a directrix curve $\alpha(u)$ and then takes $x(u,v) = \alpha(u) + vA$ for $A\ne 0$ fixed.
Leaving now.
@TedShifrin: Honestly, I didn’t think too much about a cylinder. To me cylinder is: {(x,y,z): x^2+y^2=1, and z unrestricted}
Of course, you can change 1 to any radius you like. For simplicity let’s not go beyond R^3
I don’t know about generalised topological sets yet. I know metric spaces though.
the map i indicated earlier will be a continuous bijection with continuous inverse between your cartesian product (which unfortunately lives in R^4) and your favorite cylinder.
Yeah Unfortunately in R^4 🥲 Now I’ll think about product of two circles, which is called torus. Thanks.
come to think of it, i don't know that there's one standard way to put a metric on a cartesian product of metric spaces. there are likely many choices, which are all equivalent in an appropriate sense.
Is the Cartesian product of open Sets open ?
this question is arguably missing a key piece of information, which is, what topology is put on the cartesian product (i.e. what does "open" mean for the cartesian product). if it is the usual "product topology," yes, more or less by definition.
if you have to route through metric spaces or something maybe the proof is more complicated.
The product Topology (i thought that was a given, my apologies)
i'd definitely assume that if nothing else was given. just being persnickety. :)
@leslietownes just another proof that metric spaces are worse than topological spaces
i think i agree with that.
Is there any proof of this, since i want to use this step in another proof however id also like to proof the step being used.
it's in the definition of the product topology
@leslie I think the right choice might arguably be $d((x_1,x_2),(y_1,y_2))=\frac{d_1(x_1,y_1)+d_2(x_2,y_2)}{2}$
yeah, it comes down to the definition. one definition is the topology generated by the sets U x V, with U and V open in the factors. there are other definitions.
this is the definition that makes it the product in the category of metric spaces and isometries
I didnt know that. So you cant build Cartesian product out of closed sets?
that question doesn't make sense to me
you can cartesian product anything you like, but the product may not inherit all of the topological properties of its factors.
you can take the cartesian product of any two sets
thorgott i like that metric. separately from that: it's dumb to have to choose a metric. maybe i am a topologist.
I see.
Wait i amd sorry.
It is not defined as A topology (i dont know if theres a difference) its defined as a metric space with the product metric
(in my script)
a captious distinction with a difference
Q: Interior of cartesian product is cartesian product of interiors

Guerlando OCsI have to prove that: $$Int(A\times B) = Int(A)\times Int(B)$$ Where $A\subset M$ and $B\subset N$, both $M$ and $N$ metric spaces. The problem is that the exercise does not specify the metric, so I need to try to prove it using a generic metric. If $x\in Int(A\times B)$, then an open ball ca...

@leslie actually, eh, you can still do the $p$-norm trick and define $d_p((x_1,x_2),(y_1,y_2))=\sqrt[p]{\frac{d_1(x_1,y_1)^p+d_2(x_2,y_2)^p}{2}}$
I am trying to prove this question, in the posted argument he proceeds to use this assumption.
so even if you take maps to be isometries, there's no good canonical choice
@MadSpaces the answer talks about topological spaces
in the question ,it states metric spaces.
@Thorgott's metric for $p=2$ would be most 'natural' i would argue.
well, i would argue in any case.
yes, and the answer states topological spaces
How would you prove that question, if you had not learned about topological spaces yet then?
you could do it in the same way that you show that the $\max$ norm and Euclidean norm on $\mathbb{R}^2$ are equivalent.
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