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he gets very in detail about his urinary problems.
@leslietownes very valid concern
Tycho Brahe ( TY-koh BRAH(-hee) -⁠ BRAH-(h)ə; born Tyge Ottesen Brahe; 14 December 1546 – 24 October 1601) was a Danish nobleman, astronomer, and writer known for his accurate and comprehensive astronomical observations. He was born in the then-Danish peninsula of Scania. Tycho was well known in his lifetime as an astronomer, astrologer, and alchemist. He has been described as "the first competent mind in modern astronomy to feel ardently the passion for exact empirical facts". Most of his observations were more accurate than the best available observations at the time. An heir to several of Denmark...
it's very interesting from a modern perspective because he is clearly suffering from PTSD. they didn't have the words for it.
i walked up a tower in copenhagen, it might have been an observatory at one point. mr. brahe was there once.
I was talking about the company... ahah is that where they got their name?
I honestly didn't know whether you were talking about the new Cardano or the old Cardano through all this.
Hey guys
me too ! xd
Hi, Demonark.
i'm just about as confused as it is possible to be. i was referring to individuals and not corporate entities.
Any fun math being done?
sorry, confusion is probably my fault. I was talking about crypto in general (in particular, the new cardano currency)
to put it mildly, i have yet to make an investment in cryptocurrency.
im super tired, thanks @TedShifrin and @leslietownes ! Ill give that lecture a go tomorrow. My vector calculus will improve slowly but surely...
i hope to understand vector calculus someday.
best of luck.
@jay if you want to be more confused you can check out liouvilles theorem in hamiltonian dynamics
which states that the density of particles stays constant along trajectories, expectedly
@AminIdelhaj math is unfun
OMG!!! is that @OldJohn?
It is indeed
How are you doing?
By what name would I have known you before?
its been over 6 years since your last message in here, sir
I'm fine, thanks. Spending my retirement in non-math pursuits
That sounds about about right
How are things with you?
fine, thanks
Great. I can't stay right now, but I will be back in less than 6 years!
Nice seeing you, sir.
And you too!
Bye for now
@user2103480 there's also a version of this for QM, though in that case the notion of trajectories is very debatable
(flow lines exist, but interpreting them as trajectories of actual particles very much goes against the grain of orthodox QM.)
@AminIdelhaj A rook can move up or right on an $N\times N$ chess board. How many different combinations of moves make the rook go from the bottom left corner to the top right one?
@Astyx my brain interpreted as knight instead of rook. and that makes me wonder what the path-graph of a chess board looks like from a knight's pov
have you seen this, sir @Semiclassical?
you're not the first one
(for a rook it's easy: two squares on a chess board are connected if they're in the same rank or file)
@user85795 nope
the fact that it's called a virial identity does catch my eye tho
but that particularly one is fancy pants
like, where did p come from
@Semiclassical man dont tell me these things I'm already despairing at the low level stuff
We're still dealing with the lennard jones fluid and I tried to find any info on the density of that thing in the microcanonical ensemble
Virtually all documents just use the cheap $\Bbb E[\delta(E-H)]$ trick
@astyx cool
Let's see
Want a hint?
Well I'll think for a bit first
You're going to need a computer at some point if you want to compute actual numbers
what are numbers
numbers are a special type of sheaf
numbers aren't a mathematical concept
purely linguistic, a reminder of the horrors we endured
Leaky, if you care to think about some analysis, would you happen to know why the integrand being rational implies the integral is an algebraic function of t?
Hey guys. Does A^T+A have a simpler form?
In fact it's something like (ab^T)^T+(ab^T)

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