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@TedShifrin I suspect as much, thanks for the advice.
happy saint patricks day! although he did leave a rather guilty legacy
what was that? the leprechaun film franchise?
i don't know my history
Clarinetist, good luck with that. sounds super awkward to do via Zoom. i would shrivel into a ball afterward even if it went well.
I could continue teaching if I really wanted to, but it has been ridiculously difficult for me especially amidst the pandemic.

I've mentioned this a few times here now, but basically, I went into this position with nothing other than a set of learning outcomes. None of the textbooks I've seen were sufficient for teaching what I deemed necessary, so I spent a few hundred hours creating my own source material, on top of maintenance and catching up with technological changes every semester. Additionally, enrollment for this class has been historically low, so I've had to promote it as well.
I'm proud of what I've done though: I've had first-semester community college students place in contests against graduate-level students. The relationships I've built and the things I've accomplished - especially since this was the first time I taught anything professionally - are what I'll leave with me.
what do you teach?
Data science
Did you take a look at Pearl?
What text by Pearl? Book of Why? Causality?
he takes the approach to the discipline from the concept of causality
This is a very different focus from that book. My goal is to teach students how to work with datasets and automate reporting.
that sounds cool. teaching is really a labor of love, there's not a lot of day-to-day thanks in it. i can only imagine what it's been like with new tech all the time.
If you were to ask me, this stuff should be taught in high school alongside a programming class.
well every teacher thinks his subject should be taught in highschool :P
i think there's something to be said for it. it's more useful than calculus, and everyone says teach that in high school. but it's easier to teach formulas in a cookie-cutter way than to teach programming.
It doesn't take deep knowledge to learn how to manipulate numbers at scale in a spreadsheet. Honestly, handheld calculators are outdated and IMO people are kidding themselves if they act like calculators are how computations are done at scale.
it's like people say there should be more statistics in high school. i agree. you find those teachers and train them.
I actually disagree with stats in high school; quite frankly, most people aren't ready for stats
(and I hold an MS)
it does surprise me that they still sell calculators.
@leslietownes was about to say that XD
I think calculus is alright
i think stats is just impossible to do right at the high school level. you can kind of do calculus right at the high school level.
I despise the whole "calculus sandwich" debate going on
"Calculus or Stats?"
I've even heard people say that infants should be taught set theory... sigh
That's a false dichotomy that only someone who doesn't understand both subjects well would bother asking about, in my opinion
it's very much, "which piece do we swap out to fix all the problems"
not a lot of thought behind it.
infants should be taught set theory.
It's a true dichotomy given that time is finite
and also history, science, civics, english etc are importan
Stats can't be done properly until after Calc. II, having tutored many students who have gone through similar classes to AP Stats
What books to follow for IBPS PO.
my daughter actually did subtraction today. she wanted five little crackers. my wife gave her three. she said she wanted more crackers. we asked how many more to get five. we had to ask it five or six times in various ways before she understood. then she said: "two!"
Anyone having any idea.
unfortunately, "two!" is also her answer to any counting problem where she's tired of thinking about it. could have been a lucky guess.
when saying "X should be taught in highschool instead of Y" we need to keep in mind that half of the population is below average in terms of IQ
K-12 math curricula is governed by standardized testing too, as that drives funding and real estate, among other things
Anyway: model theory should be taught in highschool instead of calc
I'm glad I've never been a K-12 teacher. It must be an incredible amount of stress.
higher category theory should be taught in high school instead of physics
because, i mean, that's what physics is, as i understand it. so just skip a step. get right to it.
we should teach lambda calculus instead of computer class
teaching K-12 teachers is also an incredible amount of stress due to undertraining and the exam and other political pressures you identify.
it's a miracle i ever ended up learning anything. good thing i forgot most of it
@Astyx The course is a first course and these students haven't done any amount of set theory (so no cardinality). But I prefer this inverse argument. It brings together all the pivot machinery they have been using in their problem sets.
gtg now
have a great day everyone
you too.
what is a latex code of vertical $\sim$? I can't find it
Oh, right. Thanks
not sure if it's literally a vertical tilde or just a visual equivalent. in graphics packages (i dunno about mathjax) they also have general tools to rotate symbols. i like \sim horizontally, but \wr seems to do an OK rotated job.
at least they preserve the orientation. i dunno what to tell you if you want a left-handed version of one of those.
@SayanChattopadhyay cardinal here is just a fancy word for n and m, which is what you're discussing anyway
But hey, whatever floats your boat
@Clarinetist i think probability theory can't really be taught in high school, but statistical methods can, as long as the emphasis is put less on proving the CLT and more observing the CLT holds, it seems to work fine
it does devolve into memorizing procedures to do significance testing when students have to sit exams, but at least some appreciation for statistics can be developed
(beyond discrete probability , I mean)*
they should just teach gambling in school, in the form of card and dice games. maybe roulette.
yeah, the doctrine of chances should be the mandatory textbook
then it's down to the pool hall for some dynamical systems.
@Simone False.
WTH is a vertical \sim? Where is it used?
to denote a vertical isomorphism in a commutative diagram
wreath product
oh, right
Thanks :)
you're a wizard @Astyx
\Lbag in stmaryrd is something else
A what?
Let $G$ be a finite group and $S$ generate $G$. Let $s \in S$ such that $<s>$ is a normal subgroup of $G$. Now $<s>$ is abelian subgroup. I have been reading a text and there for an element $x$ in a coset of $<s>$, they have talked about an $s^x$. What can $s^x$ mean? Can it be $s*x$, where $*$ is the group operation? They have not mentioned regarding such notation..
sometimes i have seen superscripts used for conjugation (e.g. s^x = x^{-1} s x or xsx^{-1} depending on whether you want to act on left or right), or other for other group actions that are somehow fixed by context.
Hmm, ok. Probably it is the conjugation in this case then. There, they say "since $<s>$ is abelian, if $x,y$ are elements in the same coset of $<s>$, then $s^x=s^y$. I do not get what they mean though.
Many many thanks @leslietownes
How can we say $s^x=s^y$?
Maybe they mean by $s^x$ the map $S \to S$ given by $z \mapsto x z x^{-1}$, and not the element $x s x^{-1}$. That would make some sense.
With this notation I think you have $(s^x) (s^y)^{-1} = s^{xy^{-1}}$, as an equality of maps on $S$. If $x$ and $y$ are in the same coset, this map is "conjugation by something in $S$," which will fix all of $S$ because $S$ is abelian. So $s^x (s^y)^{-1}$ will be the identity map on $S$.
i think that's weird notation to say the least, if $s$ is also a generator of $S$. but it makes sense if you ignore that.
Thank you very much @leslietownes Another small question. How did you determine it is going to be "conjugation by something in $S$,"? $x,y$ are elements in the same coset of $<s>$. but does $xy^{-1}$ necessarily be in the generating set $S$?
Is it because the action should be by an element in the generating set?
sorry, for $S$ above read $\langle s \rangle$. i was unconsciously trying not to use $s$ twice.
Hmmm, no I think you mean $<s>$?
Yes :) :)
the fact that that other object named $S$ generates $G$ is never used, so i don't know why it needs a name.
i'd like to have a talk with the writer of this book or notes.
maybe the name will be used later. they should have named $G$ by $\mathcal{S}$.
It is like $s^{xy^{-1}} = xy^{-1} s (xy^{-1})^{-1} = x x^{-1} s y y^{-1} = s$ because of the abelian property right?
@leslietownes Yes @leslietownes
i don't know if $x$ and $y^{-1}$ will individually commute with elements of $\langle s \rangle$, but $xy^{-1}$ will.
Ok, I understand it now :)
Thanks a million @leslietownes :)
you're welcome. or as i like to say, $S^s \in \langle s \rangle \subseteq \mathcal{S}$
Thank you very much again @leslietownes :)
Have a nice day/night!
There will be no slander of green teas in this chat room......Green tea is the essence of where higher level math germinates from. :)
i've moved on to ginger tea (it's orange)
there is a tea adequate for all times of day...
Earl Grey for me.
a good earl grey in the late morning or early afternoon is nice, not too late so the caffeine won't be flowing through the system late into the night....
I used to drink espresso quite late.
I could imagine that. I've recently changed my "math study" time to start a little later in the afternoon and not wrap up until around 3-4 am. I find the silence of the night allows for better thinking.....as a result I may sip on a yerba mate late at night
an espresso would probably have me wired...
i find espresso calming. but half a glass of orange juice and i'm bouncing off the walls.
Lol...you are a different cat @leslietownes....
anyone know how to calculate the transformations that leave this invariant? $ds^2=\frac{dudv}{uv}-\frac{dr^2}{r^2}-\frac{dw^2}{w^2}$
@leslietownes tons of sugar
i'm surprised it's legal to sell it
Freshly squoze is safer and better!
What's the biggest million that is divisible by prime numbers in 1-100?
@MarkGiraffe This makes no sense to me.
just multiply 'em all together and power em up. gets as big as you want. if we're even remotely talking about what i think we are, which we're not.
3,217,644,767,340,672,907,899,084,554,130 is beeg. Not even the full amount.
smallest number divisible by all the primes between 1-100, and also by a million, i could probably do that.
there's the mr. show sketch, "24 is the highest number." worth a look. maybe informative.
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