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Hi guys.
@JonasTeuwen Hej Jonas
@OldJohn Hi :-).
If anyone is going to be in the UK at the end of the month, we are having a party (myself and my wife are both retired and both have important birthdays this month) - and any MSE member is invited :)
Thanks @OldJohn!
when I say "any MSE member", I might have to exclude one or two people on the site :P
@OldJohn I am in Helsinki :-(.
@OldJohn I will remember it for next year! 8-). But I might be in Australia...
@JonasTeuwen I am sure you will have a great time there - I always have!
@OldJohn oh...
@OldJohn Maybe you should give your party in Helsinki eh...
I would love to - but have already agreed to povide beds for people from ireland
@OldJohn So you have two extra beds then! 8-).
@JonasTeuwen at least
Where in the UK?
@MeAndMath halfway between Manchester and Liverpool
@JonasTeuwen You mean you will be, not am.
So @jonas if finding a girlfriend is not the holy grail, then what do you consider the holy grail of mathematics?
@JasperLoy What do girls have to do with math?
@JonasTeuwen Nothing, but my question still is valid.
@OldJohn Nice.I really would like to go...pity that i can´t...But thanks!
@JasperLoy How precise do you want the answer?
@JonasTeuwen Anything. I just want to know what you think.
@JasperLoy when did girls have anything to do with the holy grail of maths ???
@JasperLoy I can't answer it.
@OldJohn They ruin your quest in looking for it! 8-).
@OldJohn Well, I just make random associations!
@JonasTeuwen :)
@JonasTeuwen Not really. They might even help you. See A Beautiful Mind.
@MeAndMath well - if you are ever in our part of the UK - drop me an email
@OldJohn I am reasonably often in the UK 8-).
@JasperLoy That's fiction...?
@JonasTeuwen It is possible though. Art mirrors life and life mirrors art.
@JonasTeuwen just let me know - I now have a decent supply of whisky :)
@OldJohn Purrrfect.
@OldJohn Unfortunately I´m not...I really would like to be!
@OldJohn You spelled whisky the way I like.
@MeAndMath Another time then, another time.
a party with mathematicians:Awesome!
You can always come to chat. It's also a party.
<walks in wearing nothing but cowboy boots> Howdy y'all
YAY!That´s why I love being here!
back shortly - just going to look for meteorites :)
@HenryT.Horton Erm, luckily Peter is not here or he will faint.
@OldJohn Are there real ones where you are?
Poor Peter... The blood rushes straight away from his head in these situations
@HenryT.Horton You are really a drama queen.
I will faint in his place ...
@HenryT.Horton Pics or it did not happen.
@JasperLoy it appears not - at least tonight
@OldJohn But did you ever see any?
@HenryT.Horton BTW do your cowboy boots have spurs?
@JasperLoy I have seen plenty in the past
Ah, I have never seen one.
me neither:-(
@JasperLoy don't worry - they only last for a fraction of a second usually - not that great, really
Meteor showers are neat to watch.
I don't have time for showers
more important - I think I now understand the relevance of $p$-adics :)
@HenryT.Horton You need to shower before you meet me.
@HenryT.Horton I wondered where that smell was coming from.
@JasperLoy You need to accept my natural scent if you really love me.
@HenryT.Horton OK. I will let you know when I am there.
how cute
@skullpatrol That's probably one of the hamburgers that got lost in my rolls of fat...
yesterday, I had enough showers/steamings/massages/dunkings-in-warm-water ... to last me a month :)
At least it's a free meal if I find it later.
@HenryT.Horton WTF!
@OldJohn :-D
U has a smell.
Hey this Chrome seems to be working better in chat now.
@skullpatrol Is that a dog or cat?
looks like a cat...
@JasperLoy Yep, from the nose it looks like a cat to me.
@skullpatrol Actually it looks like a tiger.
looks like a deformed rat to me :(
how does it look like a tiger?
vicious polar bear attack :)
polar bears are normal bears after a coordinates change
@MeAndMath And if they existed at the South pole would that make them bipolar?
hi @robjohn
@skullpatrol hello
@robjohn How do you feel; as moderator?
@HenryT.Horton Put your clothes back on the Konig of Style is here :0)
@JonasTeuwen pretty much as I always feel.
hi @mixedmath
@robjohn It did not enrich your life...? That's good!
hi @Norbert
@mixedmath howzitgoin?
hi guys
@JonasTeuwen I still have a lot to learn
@robjohn How to be sneaky...?
@robjohn I'm pretty well. I did one of those MRI study bits that colleges are always doing, and so I got to look at pictures of my brain today.
I've got an easy question for you
Can you help me?
$\Huge\text{A real twisted mean square.}$
@mixedmath: was it interesting or freaky? It's probably different for everyone.
@Norbert I don't know, but I can listen to the problem.
is it true that $s_n(RS)\leq s_n(R) s_n(S)$ where $s_n$ is the n-th singular value
@mixedmath: you were already a mod, right? So you probably don't have too much to learn about the process.
@robjohn It was really cool! I apparently have a very wrinkly brain. That's exciting.
@robjohn yes, that's right. I'm a mod at Philosophy. Although there are a thousand times more flags at MSE
@mixedmath I think it is very bad if it is not wrinkly. So that's good.
Dang... my brain is a perfect sphere
@mixedmath Yeah, but you know how to handle things. I still don't know exactly how to handle certain things.
I think I have a prove, but it uses a serious sledgehammer
@Norbert 15 or 30 pound?
@Norbert I'm afraid to say that I've forgotten everything about singular value bits. So it turns out that I'm useless to you :(
Well in this case I'll just show you a proof and I'll say is correct or not
Thanks to Allakhverdiev we know that $$s_n(T)=\inf\{\Vert T-F\Vert: \mathrm{dim}(F)<n\}$$ Take arbitrary $F$ with $\mathrm{dim}(F)<n$
then $-R F-SF+F^2$ have rank $<n$
so $$s_n(RS)\leq \Vert RS-FS-RF+F^2\Vert$$
but $$s_n(RS)\leq \Vert RS-FS-RF+F^2\Vert\leq \Vert R-F\Vert \Vert S-F\Vert$$
Since $F$ is arbitrary we apply Allakhverdiev result to get $$s_(RS)\leq s_n(R) s_n(S)$$
@HenryT.Horton If your brain was a perfect sphere every point on it would be bipolar ;-D
Identify antipodal points on my brain to get the real projective brain
@mixedmath what do you think about this proof
it seems to me correct
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Ahh! What a pity! I didn't expect that! =P
@PeterTamaroff Hola,Peter!
@MeAndMath Funniest thing I have seen for a long time was "What is an anagram of Banach-Tarski?"
@MeAndMath Hello.
@OldJohn what´s the answer?
Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski
@OldJohn GREAT!
@PeterTamaroff What´s up?
@MeAndMath Nothing now, but today I met a field medallist.
You never said what the talk was or who gave it...
@PeterTamaroff Incredible!who is?
@HenryT.Horton This guy
That bowtie... THAT BOWTIE
Hey,@PeterTamaroff, tell me something,what lin.alg book do you use?
@MeAndMath No one at the moment. I'll finish my topology book first. People seem to praise "Hoffman and Kunze"
@PeterTamaroffI have it
I think so funny Tamaroff studuying topology.
there are so many off in topology.
What are you saying here
who´s saying?
You´s saying
what am I saying?
Any Algebraic Geometers around? Are there sufficient conditions for when the solutions to a polynomial in multiple variables can be parametrized?
@MeAndMath What are you saying?
@Henry About what?topology,Tamaroff?NOW,I`m not saying anything.
About topology
did you that there is a Hausdorff space in Bonn university?
In the Mathematics Institute of at the University of Bonn, in which Felix Hausdorff researched and lectured, there is a certain room designated the Hausdorff-Raum (German for Hausdorff Space).
I read basics of algebraic geometry when I wrote my master's thesis but I don't know an answer to your question.
i supposed married points aren't allowed in
@HenryT.Horton Henry.
@HenryT.Horton Could you help me with something?
Like, get serious.
Just for a while.
It's quite fast. =P
@HenryT.Horton Figlio di puttana!
wow. It's getting wild in here. What are you working on, @Peter?
Henry,eu não deixava...
Gana un mundial...
@HenryT.Horton 78' 86'
@FortuonPaendrag Identification topologies.
Any question in particular?
Maybe I can be of service.. :P
@FortuonPaendrag OK.
Say $p:E\to B$ is an identification.
Say $G:E\to Y$ is continuous.
Let $p,G$ be such that for every $x,x'\in E$ such that $p(x)=p(x')$ then it follows $G(x)=G(x')$.
The idea is to construct a continuous function $g:B\to Y$
By defining $g(b)=G(x)$ for each $x\in p^{-1}(\{b\})$, $B\in B$.
Now, I want to put that in terms of the equivalence relation $x\sim x'\iff p(x)=p(x')$
Note that $g$ will be well defined since whenever $x,x'\in p^{-1}(\{a\})$ for some $a$; it will follow that $x\sim x'$, so $G(x)=G(x')$
That's because we're defining $g$ in fact in terms of equivalence classes, right?
Yes, yes. I follow that part.
This is similar to the path-lifting lemma. A more general case, I think.
So, what is your question?
How can the construction of $g:B\to Y$ be put in terms of the equivalence relation?
I cannot think of anything..
I mean, isnt $\sim$ just establishing the structure of the quotient space
@FortuonPaendrag Basically, for each $x\in E$, let $\widehat x$ be its equivalence class.
$g$ exists if and only if each equivalence class is mapped to the same element in $Y$ by $G$, right?
Those are all the points "identified" together by $p(x)=p(x')$
Sorry I misread.
So, do you accept my statement?
@FortuonPaendrag But the equivalence class will indeed do that. Note that $x\sim x'\Rightarrow G(x')=G(x)$
Ah right. I was stupid. You put that in the Hypotheses.
@FortuonPaendrag I'm not proving anything. Just that the author doesn't mention any equivalence relation explicitly. I think I should wait. He does it in the next paragraph.
Then you basically define g as follows. if $x \sim x'$ by your equivalence relation, then $g(x)=g(x')=G(p^{-1}(x))$
Is that a construction in terms of the equivalence relation? Or is this too obvious?
@FortuonPaendrag It's OK. That's what the author does.
But he makes no mention of an eq rel. He is about to do it now
@Peter Were you looking for something more explicit?
@FortuonPaendrag Nah, its OK.
Henry got upset...
Gotta go!meal time!
@MeAndMath Nope.
basically, if you have a surjection p (any surjection), then there is a "canonical" bijection between E/~ (where ~ is induced by the surjection p) and p(E).
I need more xmonad.
I need more wine.
@JasperLoy Easy!
@JonasTeuwen sudo apt-get install wine!
Hey @ben!
of course, if we want to have continuity of the maps involved, that means we have to restrict how many open sets we wind up with in the image.
It's the Duistermaat-Heckman formula guy
@JonasTeuwen I have to read back in the transcript to get some context.
@robjohn There is none - other than two beard mathematicians named John.
Easy eh... If only that math was so easy.
He was a very famous Dutch one - for Dutch standards.
@JonasTeuwen okay
And I am reading one of his books as we speak!
@robjohn There is no context other than who has beards in this chat!
@JonasTeuwen Which?
@JasperLoy And named John...
Because Hans is named Johannes (= John in English).
ok, is the space compact? check. simply connected? check. do i have a beard? check. good to go.
@JonasTeuwen Does it mean you should get a beard too?
@JasperLoy It seems like I have no other choice.
@JonasTeuwen I am not getting one, no way.
You are not named John and are no analyst.
@JasperLoy It's not a matter of "getting" as much as just stop actively suppressing it.
He is an analist though.
@HenningMakholm He is Asian, you know...
No beard for Jassy...
@HenryT.Horton Erm, no. I don't do that.
@HenningMakholm Then one needs Pokon.
@JonasTeuwen Not a hyperintelligent shade of the color blue? Aw, shucks.
@JonasTeuwen I hope to be an analyst though, but maybe a geometer.
@JasperLoy Duistermaat was both!
And a pretty damn good one!
But he had a beard to contribute to his power
@HenryT.Horton I have a beard down there though.
Yes Jasper, we know you're asian
A beard makes you a better mathematician. No doubt about that.
I bet @JM has a beard.
@HenryT.Horton Oh come on, even non-Asians have beards down there...
I imagine JM has a double chin with a beard on each one
And I a moron if I use compiler-compilers in Haskell?
I just realized that Henning has a beard as well!
You know what is scary? A lexical analyser for Haskell is maintained by some dude with an @microsoft.com e-mail address.
@JonasTeuwen What is your alternative? Compiler-compilers in Visual Basic or compiler-compiler-compilers in Haskell?
@JonasTeuwen Why is that scary?
Why do we have do distinguish between strong and weak induction? Arent they basically the same?
@JonasTeuwen Um, Simon Peyton-Jones is at Microsoft.
@PeterTamaroff Well, sometimes in a proof we make use of one and not the other.
@PeterTamaroff Yes they are, but they are distinguished for the benefit of beginning students who cannot yet handle them as instances of the same thing.
@HenningMakholm OK.
@HenningMakholm As a double spy?
Wait. Should I go back to Lisp?
@JonasTeuwen You should just go back to your books.
@JasperLoy hey

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