@MikeMiller The setting is that we have a generator $A \colon H \rightarrow H$ of a $C_0$-semigroup $(T_t)_{t \geq 0}$ (on some Hilbert space), a measurable disturbance $B \colon H \rightarrow H$, and an operator-valued thingy $C$ that governs the magnitude of our noise, induced by some brownian motion $W_t$. This last thing you can imagine as time-dependent noise at every point in space.
We want to solve the stochastic PDE $$\mathrm d X_t = (AX_t + B(t,X_t)) \mathrm d t+ C(t,X_t) \mathrm d W_t$$ in a "mild" sense, which means that we search for an $H$-valued time-dependent process $X$ wi…