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For example, you can define $1/0$ well and say that it's just a notation, and then, state the critical properties of $1/0$ and keep manipulating it.
One of your "critical properties" must be that it is not a real number.
But it could be well behaved just like real numbers.
Incidentally, some mathematicians manipulate logic.
Did you hear something called intuitionistic logic?
It could also not be well behaved...
Only the real numbers behave like the real numbers :-D
Guys, who does know some parametric representation of surface $z_1^4 = 1+z_2$?
$z_1=t$ and $z_2=t^4-1$.
@FrankScience $z_1, z_2 \in \mathbb{C}$
@Nimza It's also OK when $t\in\Bbb C$.
@FrankScience so nice! Thanks!
@Nimza Whether it is nice depends on the problem you're working with.
As long as t doesn't represent time.
@FrankScience now I want to integrate some functions on surface, but I think this parametrisation is ok for me
Time being a real number.
@FrankScience Brouwer? Our national maths hero.
@JonasTeuwen no
@BenjaLim What?
@JonasTeuwen Is admission to the University of Amsterdam difficult?
@skullpatrol Depends on your degree. If you have a European one: fine.
If you have a reasonable US one: fine as well.
@jonas Remember to see a doctor about your tongue today.
@matt I hope you are feeling better today.
Who does know how a projection of $z_1^4 = z_2^2 + 1$ on $\mathbb{R}^3$ should look like? I expected something like torus, but in Matlab received some self-interlacing surface without holes
Is there any way to describe the red function using a single expression? I can easilly get it using a piecewise definition, but in this particular case this is not wanted.
( I am asking if the red function can be expressed on the form f( x ) = ... )
f(x) = -abs(x) - abs(3 - x) + 7
That did it
You probably meant $4-|x|-|x-3|$.
Doh! $10-|x|-|x-3|$
@N3buchadnezzar The constant 7 does not work (try plugging in $x=0$).
@MartinSleziak Yes I know
And you probably need 5/4 somewhere.
Oh, I see that it is capped off
Now the problem seems to be which of the lines is red. :-)
@N3buchadnezzar Would you mind using using rectangle function?
What robjohn wrote was the orange one.
@MartinSleziak it is the family of parabolas that are not truncated.
@MartinSleziak Why 5/4 ?
Is the red one piecewise linear?
@MartinSleziak Yeah
7/4 then?
@N3buchadnezzar If you want to take fourier transforms or something similar that requires only piecewise continuous, then you can use a rectangular function to desribe it.
$|x|+|x-3|$ has slope 2.
The red line has slope -7/2 in the right part.
Try $y=7+\frac{7}{20}(x(3-x)-|x(3-x)|)$
It doesn't cross at $x=-2$, so some of the numbers I am assuming from the picture are not right.
@JasperLoy Yeah, thanks, sort of.
I just made it like this in pgfplots
@robjohn \addplot[color=red,thick] coordinates {(-2,0) (0,7) (3,7) (5,0)};
@robjohn And the function is linear not quadratic.
@N3buchadnezzar Oh... then I am assuming things wrong :-)
How do I post my image here?
Making things linear usually makes things easier.
@Nimza use the upload button on the right, besides the send button.
@JayeshBadwaik oh, thanks. Didn't see it
Or using [text](link) format; see faq.
Does it look like $w^2 = z^4 - 1$?
$$ f(x) = - \frac{7}{4}\left( |x| + |3-x|\right) + \frac{49}{4} $$
@N3buchadnezzar They both work :-)
@robjohn Yeah, I saw. Now I was trying to figure out why ;)
@N3buchadnezzar Is this pgfplots?
@JasperLoy Indeed
@Nimza Is this also pgfplots?
I would assume mathematica.
@JasperLoy what is "pgf"? It is an orthoprojection on 3d plane
@Nimza It is a graphics program in TeX.
@JasperLoy a, no... it is Matlab
@Nimza OK, the three M's are not free though.
Matlab, Mathematica, Maple
@JasperLoy yeah :(
I guess I would only use it if I am in a university that subscribes.
@JasperLoy It is not free, I agree, but for some things they really are much better (Mathematica) :-(.
And I usually don't have much time to write a decent integrator for X.
Everything is free for Pirates, Yarr!
@JonasTeuwen Aha! But anyway I would not want to get too involved in computational stuff. Seen a doctor yet?
Kickass, bro.
@JasperLoy I have seen one.
And three cute girls doing some tests.
@JonasTeuwen Er, no flirting. You already have a girlfriend.
@JasperLoy I didn't. But they are cute anyway.
@JonasTeuwen OK, good good. I wonder if I will ever have a girlfriend.
@JasperLoy If you work well on everything, I suppose: yes.
But don't see it as a holy grail because often they bitch quite a lot.
But anyways... I'm off for coffee!
See ya!
See ya!
@skull I saw the starred message. I dislike Lang's books too. Many of them seem to be copy and paste of each other. And they leave some important things to the exercises. Lang wrote his books while on vacation.
Is there a function that is undefined for every x between oh lets say x=0 and x=3?'
$$f(x) = \begin{cases}
x^2 & \text{if} \ \ x<0 \cap x>3
is not valid, no piecewise functions.
@N3buchadnezzar Can it be undefined in some parts outside that as well?
@JasperLoy Yeah, are you thinking about fourier series?
Do you mean something like functions used in Batman equation?
$\frac{1}{\min (0,x)}$
What I am really looking for is a function that has $f(0)=7, f(3)=7 ,f'(1)=-1$ and has no minima or maxima on $x \in [0,3]$
@N3buchadnezzar That's quite a different question!
I know! I am sorry...
@MichaelBoratko is it a soap membrane on your avatar?
@Nimza Yes, a computer generated one.
There's a lot of really great math art on that site, done by Paul Nylander.
I did it!
@MichaelBoratko wow, thanks. I'm mesmerized by holes
$$f(x) = \frac{-x^2/3 + 8x - 14}{x-2}$$
@Nimza No problem
@MichaelBoratko Are you working in this direction?
I am very interested in minimal surfaces, yes
Not quite enough background yet to really get my hands dirty
@JonasTeuwen No wait! I have a question about an integral.
@MichaelBoratko it is interesting, is it possible to find genus by boundary without drawing a surface? As I know in inverse Dirichlet-Neumann problem for Riemann surfaces it is impossible now
@Nimza I don't know, sounds like an interesting question though
@Matt Try me if it is not too advanced.
@JayeshBadwaik I have an operator $T_n : X \to \mathbb R$, defined as $T_n f = D_n \ast f (0)$, the convolution with the Dirichlet kernel evaluated at zero. I want to compute the operator norm of it.
So basically you want to find the supremum of $\left|\left| D_{n} \ast f(0) \right|\right|$ correct?
@Matt so, you have an integral
\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} f(x)D_{n}(-x) dx
Almost: $$ \int_0^1 f(x) D_n(x) dx$$
Just about constants. Doesn't really matter.
Yeah. Just a moment.
Here, from my notes.
I am trying to go from penultimate to ultimate line.
Have it.
Shouldn't hatch chickens before they're counted...
But I think I'm very close.
@Matt I guess it has something more to do with the conditions on $f$, rather than the integral itself.
@JasperLoy I just saw some of your answers on english. LOL
@JayeshBadwaik I think one can use Hölder and then $L^2 \subset L^1$.
Now I need to show that first to see why, forgot why.
(if the measure space is finite)
Somehow I want $L^1 \subset L^2$ implies $\|f\|_2 \leq \|f\|_1$.
Unforgivable. I really need to finally remember the proof.
@Matt It is the holder inequality proof I guess. $\|f\|_2 \leq \|f\|_1$
How do you get $\|f\|_2 \leq \|f\|_1$ from Hölder?
I am misreading you, aren't I.
@Matt Yup. Just a min, will be back.
@Matt Holder's ineqality says if $\frac{1}{q} + \frac{1}{p} = 1$ then
Sorry, I am wrong, I doing it opposite.
$\|f\|_2 \geq \|f\|_1$. Awfully sorry.
@JayeshBadwaik Which one made you LOL?
@JasperLoy possessiveness of the s/o
@JayeshBadwaik OIC, well, not really funny.
It's wrong. I looked it up: we have $$ \|f\|_1 \leq \|f\|_2$$
Not the other way around.
@Matt yeah, but I am wondering why do you need to do that? Are there any conditions given on $f$?
the only thing you need to do is $\|f\|_{\infty} \leq 1$
I posted it as a question.
@Matt How many questions have you posted this month?
@Matt what do you mean by "The operator norm is the sup over f with norm equal to 1."? Are you saying that norm of $f$ is $1$?
No, I mean $$ \|T\| := \sup_{\|f\|=1} \|Tf\|$$
@Matt really?
@anon Well according to my lecture notes:
what is X here?
A finite measure space. This only holds for finite measure spaces.
Gawd I haz teh hunger. Need to eat, how inconvenient : (
I mean, for domain of $f$ of cardinality $n$ and $f\equiv1$ identically we have $\| f\|_1=n$ and $\|f\|_2=\sqrt{n}$
so you are missing a constant
But the constant is there. The measure of the space. In my question on main, the space has measure one, so the constant is one : )
Really have to go and eat something now, I'm starved.
@Matt Teh Hungur!
@Matt Continuous inclusion. Jensen's theorem.
Or Hölder.
Now that is my kind of math teacher ;-D
She's the one that gets the job.
I prefer the math teachers to know math well, not the ones that look good.
Yes, of course.
They should also be able to communicate well, in my opinion.
I find there is nothing worst than listening to something you don't understand
through an accent you don't understand.
@robjohn I seem to remember you talking about this :-D
@JonasTeuwen I definitely didn't fall into your second category :)
@OldJohn Do you mind if I post one last one, Sir?
@skullpatrol Go ahead!
@skullpatrol Nice
hi @HenryT.Horton @HenningMakholm
Skullpatrol? Is that you?
@JonasTeuwen Was having a good laugh today. Went to see the school counsellor. : D
hmm, can i access this channel through an IRC server?
Him: "Well you certainly waited way too long to seek for help with your anxiety problem. I can write something saying that they should give you an extension if you do a therapy with me."

Me: "Sure I'll do anything. Though I don't think it's curable."

Him: "But if you don't believe in it it won't work!"

Me: "What? So you're saying that everything you can do is entirely based on placebo effect?"

Him: ... *blank face*
this chatroom is on an SE network, not an irc server.
Ok, feel free to delete it.
(irc server is before my time, I don't really know what it means.)
@Matt anon was talking to breeden (see above)
Oops, missed that. I thought he was referring to my conversation with Jonas.
irc an old (but still thriving), comparatively minimal protocol for text-based chat, and there are many servers out there dedicated to it
well, visually minimalistic anyway
Internet Relay Chat was it?
I think I will have to check it out at some point too.
"IRC is just a multiplayer notepad"
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a protocol for real-time Internet text messaging (chat) or synchronous conferencing. It is mainly designed for group communication in discussion forums, called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication via private message as well as chat and data transfer, including file sharing. IRC was created in 1988. Client software is available for every major operating system that supports Internet access. As of April 2011, the top 100 IRC networks served more than half a million users at a time, with hundreds of thousands of channels History IRC was cre...
Is 4chan an example?
try mibbit (channel #math on the EFNET server, for example)
the mibbit site itself is a middle entity, not part of irc. otherwise you can get a chat client like say IceChat, and you connect to servers and join channels and so forth with text commands
multiplayer notepad :)
So 4chan is not an example.
I'm there. Another one off my to do list : )
Isn't there somewhere better to redirect this meta question? The currently alleged duplicate seems to be based on misunderstanding one or both of the questions.
@skullpatrol I never used IRC.
@JasperLoy Me neither.
@skullpatrol In fact SE chat rooms are the only ones I ever used. So nerdy.
@JasperLoy Me too ;-)
@skullpatrol You need to wait for her to turn around and see her face first.
@JasperLoy Yes.
Nobody look at my faaaaace!
Because you, Sir, are a monster :O
@skullpatrol I used to look much hotter than the girl in the pic.
@HenryT.Horton My eyes!
@JasperLoy "Used to"?
@skullpatrol Well, various things have taken a toll on me.
@JasperLoy Aren't you a guy? Why are you comparing your looks to a girl?
@HenryT.Horton In the same way you can compare algebra to analysis.
Well it doesn't matter now. You only used to look hotter. Now you fall below my standards.
hi @OldJohn
@HenryT.Horton Well, one day I will be restored to glory.
@skullpatrol Hi folks
@OldJohn Refreshed after the spa!
@JasperLoy Oh yes - but rather shattered after the travelling
@HenryT.Horton I used to think you were a nice guy.
@JasperLoy That would be quite a feat of modern surgical technique
@OldJohn Sp $1-1=0$. :-)
@skullpatrol I'm one of the worst people to ever exist.
@JasperLoy Yeah - feels a bit like that :(
@HenryT.Horton No, it just takes a few weeks of workout, very simple. In fact, maybe I already am hotter than her.
@skullpatrol You must take it with a sense of humour, but maybe that was part of it as well. :-)
@JasperLoy Post a pic of yourself in the same pose and outfit
@PeterTamaroff Hello Pedro! How was the talk?
@JasperLoy Her bod is happening, no doubt about it ;-D
@JasperLoy Good. I liked it.
@PeterTamaroff OK. Did you ask for his autograph? :-)
What was the talk about
@JasperLoy I took a picture, not an autograph =P
@HenryT.Horton The talk around here is about how mean you are.
@PeterTamaroff Oh OK. Want to show it here?
@JasperLoy I have to wait for it. The photographer should send it by email...
@PeterTamaroff Ah, I thought you used your handphone to take a digitial one.
@JasperLoy I have a crappy handphone =D
@PeterTamaroff Mine has no camera, the way I want it.
I mean. It is a decent phone. The camera is crappy.
But when my current one spoils it would be hard to find a phone without a camera.
They are always making things worse aren't they?
Could someone give me an example of a quotient/identification map?
@JasperLoy Things aren't made to last.
I had to search the whole island to get a pair of specs that have plain black plastic frame and a nosepad.
@JasperLoy I don't even have a cell phone.
And it's also hard to find a T-shirt with one colour and no words or designs at all.
@skullpatrol Did you watch the movie Cellular?
No, should I?
@skullpatrol It's very exciting...
@JasperLoy I don't watch many movies either.
@skullpatrol OK. Maybe that's because you actually have a life. :-)
Movies cut into time I could be spending doing nothing on the computer
This room is better than any movie, in my opinion :-D
@skullpatrol Of course, that's because I am here for you bro.
@JasperLoy You, Sir, are definitely one of the good guys.
We're the good guys, Michael
@skullpatrol Yeah, I met many many bad guys in my life, not just trolls but demons.
Could anyone care about the math for a second?
That's all I care about. Enough with this extraneous conversation.
@PeterTamaroff Fire away, young man
@OldJohn =D Hello there.
@PeterTamaroff Hola
Was Old John watching the whole time? Did he hear me singing to myself?
Now I'm reading about identifications (quotient) maps. And although the author doesn't mention it, I think he is doing the following:
He's got a gun!
I'm always watching ... and listening ...
Let $p:E\to B$ be an identification.
@PeterTamaroff Not Mendelson, I hope :)
Mendelson is for homo[morphism]s
And let $G:E\to Y$ be such that for each $x,x'\in E$, $p(x)=p(x')\Rightarrow G(x)=G(x')$
I thought you were doing Spivak.
@HenryT.Horton I decided not to mix things up. When I end this, I start another. Else I'll get stuff mixed up. Plus, I like topology.
yo @N3buchadnezzar
Now, we define an equivalece relation.
$x\sim x'\iff p(x)=p(x')$
@PeterTamaroff should that be iff ?
@OldJohn Yes, yes.
Now what we do is $Y/\sim$
And for each equivalence class in $Y/\sim$ and $b\in B$ define $g(b)=G(\hat b)$
Wait, nah. Let me rewrite.
Let $\sim:E\to E$ such that $x\sim x' \iff p(x)=p(x')$
Note that $x\sim x \Rightarrow G(x)=G(x')$
Now for each $b\in B$, define $\beta =[p^{-1}(\{b\})]$, the equivalence class of $b$.
Let $p:E\to B$ be an identification and $G:E\to Y$ be continuous, and $p(x)=p(x')\Rightarrow G(x)=G(x')$ (this should've gone first)
$[\cdot]$ mean equivalence class of.
REWRITE: Now for each $b∈B$, and $x\in p^{−1}({b})$ set $\beta =\hat x$, the equivalence class of $x$.
Let us say I take the euclidian inner product between two vectors, what does the number i recieve tell me?
@N3buchadnezzar It can tell you if the vectors are orthogonal (if the inner product is zero)
And if not, then whether the angle between them is acute or obtuse.
¿cómo estás?
salam, hale soma chetouri?
Soy cansado... y tu?
Pablo no englis...
@HenryT.Horton estoy muy bien!
bueno que és viernes...
@PeterTamaroff Hi Peter!
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Gracias a Dios!
@PeterTamaroff, you should have stayed for lunch!
@PeterTamaroff What lin.alg book do you use?

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