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as grave as the circumstances are, the video killed me
she basically crab dances to the frickin coup
you know the original video?
googled after you sent me the link
this is hilarious
dankest timeline
@user2103480 i have a link for you which i will post and delete bcoz dont want to get flagged
got it right
got rt
watched it
axiom of choice show feet
the op's name was coom d'etat last i checked
changed it apparently
brb looking for myanmar coup dance meme instead of learning topology
gotta have priorities
post if you find good ones
will definitely do
so sad that theres no bass-boosted deep fried version yet
Put some Russian hardbass in the background and share it as proof of Russian meddlings in the US elections
@AlessandroCodenotti I think there's no way to top that original music
I like the trip-hop feel
Burmese scene
found one in front of the hindenburg
@user2103480 A coup is a seizure of power
So wrong choice of words
This was just a seizure
@AlessandroCodenotti Solid bit
@MikeMiller don't know if thats some joke or whether I missed some new developments
ok I was sent several but every single one of them would get me banned here
@BalarkaSen you there
@BalarkaSen now I wanna know
yes here
uh oh
delete now
@Astyx wait ill send you on discord
yeh this was bound to happen
capitol one is the funniest thing i have seen in a while
you there
got it
really shouldve taken the time to find good footage where you can set her on the ground
where's the art in this
still tragically funny
@user2103480 was power successfully seized?
@MikeMiller was it unsuccessfully seized?
no clarity at the moment
it was right? the military has declared a one year state of emergency
"Army appears in full control amid reports hundreds of MPs are being confined in government housing" says the guardian so yeh I could call this a coup attempt but I'm too lazy
oh lol
I'm out of touch
deleting account
Suu Kyi as well as many politicians have been detained
@MikeMiller hall and oates intensify
sorry for being a dick
no worries I'm used to it
now enjoy the dance it's glorious
i dont know all the details of the Myanmar coup but i suspect it has to do with the Rohingya genocide
yeah surely
@BalarkaSen I think the military was largely responsible so it's only getting worse...
If you want to get in touch with me in the future my email isn't too hard to find
hahaha no I meant temporarily off the internet, for a few hours
appreciate it though, when the pandemic's over and some of us go on conferences somewhen after that, you are happily invited to come over at my place
which will be cologne or berlin. or if I'm lucky, lisbon and athens (greece) in the coming year
Some shit happened here which I will never get to know
Why is this happening? How can I optimize with respect to fewer variables?
I am a bit confused here...what should I do to get the correct result x=1?
drawing a picture works
The issue the computer has is that it thinks y is a set number and not a parameter
So if $|y|\le1$ then the max value that x can have is $\sqrt{1-y^2}$ and otherwise it's $-\infty$ (there are no solutions)
@Thorgott Yes but I often need this kind of optimization problems in many variables and I need to use some computation software...
Oh so what should I do to correct this?
Learn a formal computation language (along with a software you can have access to) and don't use Wolfram alpha?
any good optimization software on tablet?
Did MikeM delete himself again?
looks that way
Mathematica certainly knows how to do constrained extrema. I have forgotten the syntax, though.
Wolfram alpha isn't mathematica though
It's weird they don't give the mathematica syntax in the answer
It's a "weak" version.
Here's the right syntax for Mathematica: Maximize[{x, x^2 + y^2 == 1}, {x, y}]
Putting Maximize[{x, x^2 + y^2 == 1}, x] gives the same nonsense.
You have to tell it to vary both $x$ and $y$. Otherwise, $y$ is fixed, as @Astyx suggested.
I was going to type that lol
In general, if you want to do something on wolfram alpha, you can type keywords along with "mathematica" on google and check the wiki
Oh it works!! Thank you very much
The syntax makes sense, as often problems will have parameters in them (which you want fixed for the solution).
I wonder how mathematica tackles these problems
Hello Guys..
Hi @Ted
Hi, a Balarka.
@Astyx I don't think it can be done, because it fails for $a_2$.
Hello Dr. Shifrin!
Sorry, I've been having some health issues so I've not been able to be on and study.
So I apologize for my delayed responses.
Hi, polite. Get well!
I only mentioned you the other day because someone was complaining that the room is only diff and alg geometry.
Variety is nice.
@astyx Why not with Lagrange multipliers?
@user85795 there are some variety streamers
Welcome back @JBis
@TedShifrin: I was going to point you to this question, but then someone posted that the bug had been fixed in 12.2.
I know it exists in 12.0. I guess you could weigh in on 12.1
just use geogebra
@user85795 hi o/
@user85795 o/
@politeproofs No worries, health is more important than maths (lots of things are more important than maths)
It can be done, it's just that you need to realise that the (n-1)/2 was a minorant for the number of integers less than n/2
That number is precisely $\left\lfloor {n\over 2}\right\rfloor$
For a general $r$, that would be $\left\lfloor rn\right\rfloor$, and that goes to infinity when n goes to infinity, which is all that matters
\o @JBis
\o @robjohn
It turns out that $\left\lfloor {n\over 2}\right\rfloor \ge {n-1\over 2}$, but $\left\lfloor {n\over 3}\right\rfloor$ isn't (always) greater than $ {n-1\over 3}$
There's a similar bound for $\left\lfloor {n\over 3}\right\rfloor$ which I believe you can find, given you understand how the bound for $\left\lfloor {n\over 2}\right\rfloor$ was found
@Astyx but $\left\lfloor\frac n3\right\rfloor\ge\frac{n-2}3$
Or robjohn could just give it to you :)
lol no worries
@LeakyNun truism?
@TedShifrin Right. I was more wondering what methods were used to find roots for the equations. Espacially since it gives exact solutions (integers) and not approximations given by, say, the newton method
heck, I might as well go all the way: $\left\lfloor\frac nk\right\rfloor\ge\frac{n-k+1}k$
@TedShifrin I have been thinking about $\Bbb H^2 \times \Bbb H^2$.
Anyway, time to make some crepes
@Astyx when should we arrive?
Pour moi, @Astyx?
@BalarkaSen Hmm, OK.
Spec(A) for A: commutative ring with unity is not Hausdorff in general right?
Think about the nilradical
Suppose $\{a_n\}, \{b_n\}$ are infinite sequences such that the series $\sum_{i=1}^\infty a_i = A, \sum_{i=1}^\infty b_i = B.$

Let $\{d_n\}$ be the sequence such that $d_n = a_n + b_n$ for all $n$. Prove that $\sum_{i=1}^\infty d_i = A + B.$

We are given that the series of $a_n$ and $b_n$ converge, so $\forall \varepsilon > 0, \exists N_1 \in \mathbb{N}, \forall n \in \mathbb{N}, n > N_1 \Rightarrow \left| \sum_{i=1}^n a_i - A \right| < \varepsilon/2$ and $\forall \varepsilon > 0, \exists N_2 \in \mathbb{N}, \forall n \in \mathbb{N}, n > N_2 \Rightarrow \left| \sum_{i=1}^n b_i - B \right|
wasn't Hausdorff equivalent to 0-dim
Could someone see if my proof works?
@politeproofs The sentence "so we know that for n>N, both the series for ai and bi converge" doesn't make sense. But the proof is correct.
atiyah macdonald ch.3 exercise 11
@politeproofs why introduce $c_i$ when you already have $d_i$?
right, of course it's an exercise in A-M
@copper.hat Oh, that's just a typo. I forgot the proof isn't alphabetical, which is odd.
Too many symbols for my taste (words are better), but looks right. Standard limit of sum proof, with max of N instead of min of $\delta$.
@Thorgott of course
@copper.hat Pretend it should be d_i where we have c_i.
equivalence of 2 an 3 is obvious, I'll have to remind myself of why this is equivalent to 4
Doing chapter 2 exercises...
I mean, if I is prime not maximal, then it's in a maximal ideal J, and any open containing I contains J
And every maximal ideal is a closed point
Où sont mes crêpes d'antin?
SUggestions for a simple program to do quick math sketches on the computer........Windows Paint is becoming a pain in the ass.
Is there for each $n\in \mathbb{N}$ a number $m$ such that $2^m\leq n<2^{m+1}$ ?
Can't you answer that question yourself, @MaryStar?
or, in other words, what have you tried? :-)
the answer depends on whether 0 is a natural number
you hate to see it
Of course it is NOT a natural number. Ugh.
Only in France .... or something.
Is it a whole number?
well, guess I'm French then
@TedShifrin To check that do we take the logarithm?
no need
draw a number line, mark off a few powers of 2
Guys, does anyone know how they arrived at the underscored iso? I would think that we have
\left(\oplus_{k\neq i}A_i dx_{ik}\oplus A_i dx^{-1}_{ij}\right)/(x_{ij}dx^{-1}_{ij}+x_{ij}^{-1}dx_{ij})
The reason for this is that $\mathcal O_{\mathbb P^n}(U_i\cap U_j)\cong k[x_{i0},\dots,\hat{x_{ii}},\dots,x_{in},x_{ij}^{-1}]/(x_{ij}x_{ij}^{-1}-1)$
Hetre $x_{ij}^{-1}$ is meant as an indeterminate
Oh wait
I seeee it now.
@Thorgott do you also consider 0 to be both positive and negative?
What they write is correct, and I see why now
no, it's neither
I guess that's old school France
calling 0 positive would be absurd
0 is absurd in some ways
@TedShifrin I like my natural numbers to be a monoid.
Although, I'm sure there are compelling reasons not to want 0 as a natural number. I don't know any of them, and if I heard them I would reject them without even giving them due consideration, but hey, "intellectual honesty" is just a twelve-letter word with a seven-letter word.
do you know what "intellectual honesty" spelled backwards is
ytsenoh lautcelletni
if this diagram commutes imgur.com/a/LwCLSXu, and the top horizontal and vertical maps are isos, does it necessarily imply the bottom one is an iso?
yes, tell me why
Looking forward to see the faces of the TA hiring committee when I start bashing the way propositional logic is taught in starter's courses
how much do I have to pay you to teach them categorical foundations instead
I have to do a 10 minute lecture about a topic of choice and I chose material implication
do eet
topos $\neq$ TOPOS
@Thorgott carn ngubu
oh nvm, of course it is
my son
underpaid PHDs to 200 clueless students: so uhh if p if false and q is true then p => q is true and uhh I guess thats the way it is, and you just act as if that's obvious when anybody asks
if someone asks to specify, try intimidating them by yelling "topos" repeatedly and throwing some chalk on the ground
but if I yell topos
isn that TOPOS
(this tactic hasn't been tested by the author, but heuristics suggest plausible effectivity)
lol, I get it is a meme, but if it were true then implication would have the same truth table as equivalence.
just not a lot of options
but uh, yeah, memes
@BigSocks uh no
in any abelian category, if p=>q, then q=>p
@Thorgott cursed
@user2103480 i dont make the rules, sweaty
@TedShifrin In my tummy
@BigSocks lmao but ackchually I dont have a clue what you mean
if p is false and q is true then p => q is a true statement in propositional logic
1 hour later…
@TedShifrin logicians screeching
Best group theory book to have on bookshelf as reference?
How would one verify that a curve is symmetric from a parametrization of the curve?
@user2103480 meant to write weren't lol bc of course it is true
if it weren't the truth table would be the same as equivalence
went for a long walk
imo it is one of the least offensive random seeming conventions
but I could be biased
@dc3rd probably checking something like $f(t) = f(-t)$, but this is really a guess
@BigSocks, that seems like it may be it. I'm not looking for a complicated form.
Hey quick diff geo question - is there a name for the class of manifolds such that you could define the surface in terms of a parametrization S where all the partial derivatives of S with respect to each parameter at any point produces a set of orthogonal vectors? Is this just all differentiable manifolds?
Ted could probably answer that
@TedShifrin ?
It certainly might, i'm just trying teach myself rn
in dimensions <=2, these are all differentiable manifolds, in dimensions >=4 these are the conformally flat manifolds, forgot what happens in dimension 3
I asked Balarka about this a while ago
I was doing differential topology for some reason
I should learn to read
So say you got 2 local PIDs, $R$ and $S$, with $R \subset S$. Apparently $R = S$. On the way there it is apparently provable that $S = T^{-1} R$ where $T$ is a multiplicative subset of $R$. Any hints?
Depends on $R$ being a PID
@Astyx same
A local PID is just a DVR right?
I was about to ask the same question lol
it only has one non-trivial prime ideal
so put the valuation wrt to that prime on it, I guess?
I haven't gotten to regular TV in this book, much less recording it
(idk what a DVR is)
Discrete valuation ring
Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat
yeah valuations are still above my pay grade. gunna make it there though
Or that
lmao "German road safety council"
but uh, yeah, how can you tell it has just the one non-trivial prime ideal? thought we could only say that it had one maximal ideal
non-zero primes are maximal in PIDs
right bc any other ideal would be maximal bc you can't have one generated by more than one element. there would be two of 1 generator. they would both be maximal
any other nontrivial ideal
though, it could also be a field, of course
right the whole thing could be trivial yeah
Which makes me doubt your statement
0-dimensional domain <=> 0-dimensional UFD <=> field
1-dimensional UFD <=> PID
the problem says they have the same field of fractions
p adic integers is a local PID that is a subring of the p adic field, which is a local PID
are p-adic integers local?
And they're not the same ring
$K$. not out of the realm of possibility that $S = K$, but I guess it doesn't have to be that way
The only ideal is $p Z_p$
Or I'm going crazy
@Thorgott are they $\Bbb Z_{(p)}$?
which wouldn't be surprising tbh
no, p-adic integers are the limit of the system of $\mathbb{Z}/p^k\mathbb{Z}$s and projections, I think
yeah I was thinking it was gunna be that
in any case, it still is true that one is a localization of the other
that should be true in general, I feel
wait so going back, ok they only have one prime ideal which is their maximal ideal.
each of $S$ and $R$
nvm, this shouldn't be true
there has to be some additional information missing
it fails completely for fields
well here is the whole thing
maybe it's only true for PIDs that aren't fields?
I mean, you won't get anything new by localizing a field
but you still can have a field contained in some different field, of course
otherwise field theory would be broken lol
They have the same field of fractions
There is only one field
Let $R$ and $S$ be two local PIDs with the same field of fractions. $R \subset S \Rightarrow R = S$
ok I guess we did have all the info
@Astyx F_un
Huh, the rings having the same field of fraction is kind of a big deal
is local PID even necessary
So, if R is a field, they're both fields, and both equal
@Astyx what I was thinking
any subring of a localization comes from some other localization, no?
there is this one lemma where if they have $M_R \subset M_S$ they're equal
If R isn't a field, you can find a uniformizing parameter, and the question is if it is invertible in S
those are the maximal ideals of each, not some localization, that wouldn't make sense of course
If it is, then S is the field of fractions of R, otherwise they're equal
@Astyx what I was thinking too
The point is that there is a discrete valuation (ie a multiplicative function $K^*\to \Bbb Z$) such that R is exactly the elements with positive valuation
Same goes for S
I mean, if $R$ is a domain, $K$ its field of fractions and $R\subset S\subset K$ a subring, then let $T$ be the elements in $R$ that appears as denominators in $S$. THis gives a multiplicative subset of $R$, localizing at which yields back $S$. So $S=T^{-1}R$. If $R$ is a local PID, there is only the zero ideal, in which case $S=K$, or the maximal ideal, in which case $R=S$. $S$ being a local PID seems unnecessary,
I mean that's cool and all but I really don't know what having a discrete valuation map $R \rightarrow \Bbb Z_{>0}$ does for me
Let $x\in \mathfrak m\setminus \mathfrak m^2 \subset R$
Suppose that $X$ is locally compact and $f$ is an homeomorphism $X\to X$. Is it obvious that the set of points fixed by $f$ must be locally compact in the subspace topology?
@Astyx should it be $\mathfrak{m}/ \mathfrak{m^2}$? idk maybe you actually mean set difference
I do mean set difference
oh ok cool
the fixed point set is closed, no?
Such an element generates the maximal ideal
closed subset of locally compact should be locally compact
maybe I need Hausdorff for this assertion
nah, I'm good
I assume Hausdorff anyway
intersection of compact neighborhood with closed subspace is a compact neighborhood in that closed subspace
@Thorgott How do you know you can get all the denominators of $S$ from $R$?
probably bc they have the same field of fractions
I think you need Hausdorff to say that a subspace is locally compact iff it is the difference of two closed sets
because $S\subset K$
you need Hausdorff for "every point has a compact neighborhood" iff "every neighborhood contains a compact neighborhood"
but regardless of which of these two you mean when saying "local compactness", either is inherited by closed subspaces
You can prove that $K = R[x^{-1}]$
Astyx, do you buy what I said above?
Then it's just showing that if $a\in S\setminus R$, then S is K
@Thorgott this is true
@NicoA @Thor Actually, I did not know the answer to this. I don't think Thor is quite right here. We're talking about diagonalizing the metric in charts, and that's not conformal flatness. (Of course, orthonormal parametrization results in flatness, but that's much more strict.) Anyhow, here is the answer.
Hmmm, I think I gave this some thought earlier this year and the assumption that S is a DVR is necessary
Deane Yang, one of the authors mentioned in Moishe Kohan's answer, is now around MSE a lot, so you could ask him. :)
Balarka told me it's equivalent to conformal flatness in dimensions >=4
I don't think that's right.
something about the Weyl tensor vanishing in 4 particular orthogonal directions already implying it vanishes in all 4 orthogonal directions
@Astyx I'm here- how to see? you can factor out the generator of $\mathfrak{m}$ from any element (represented as a sum of products) and... something more...
$R\setminus\mathfrak m$ is the set of invertible elements
@Astyx ye
@Astyx given the previous statement is true I buy this
@Thor: The issue is what happens if some of the directions repeat.
Does polarization tell you that if $T_{ijkl}=0$ for all distinct $i,j,k,l$, then $T_{ijij}=0$?
I certainly do not think so.
This is just a multilinear algebra question, but I would bet some money that this is very false.
@Thorgott Ok I found my notes and yeah, you don't need S to be a DVR
@Astyx I mean... is that equivalent to being a local PID or implied by it or
Yes, @Thor, I certainly have a counterexample.
Well, to the multilinear algebra. I don't have a manifold yet.
@BigSocks a DVR is a local PID (that is not a field) - where the part in parenthesis depends on the litterature
is your counter-example traceless?
I believe Balarka's argument had something to do with being traceless, but I didn't check his computations
@Astyx hmm ok then yeah I am confused... author seems to put in an unnecessary condition
I can make a traceless example. $S^2\times\Bbb H^2$.
Ok, so $\mathfrak m = (a)$, then x=ar for some r, but that r isn't in $\mathfrak m$, so r is invertible
thus $\mathfrak m = (x)$
It's weird because the exercise I did also had that unecessary condition
Oh, the DeTurck-Yang paper seems to only do dimension 3. But I don't have access to the paper.
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