Ok so say that we have $ (C_f)_M := (\overline{k}[x,y]/(f(x,y)))_M $ where $f$ is irreducible, and $M$ is generated by $x$ and $y$. Assuming the maximal ideal of $(C_f)_M$ is generated by one element, $z$, we can eventually write $rx - sy = 0$ in $ (C_f)_M$ because we can write $x = zs, y =zr$.
Since we can assume wlog $s$ a unit in $(C_f)_M$ we can pick polynomials $\tilde{s}, \tilde{r}, g \in \overline{k}[x,y]$ such that:
$f g = \tilde{r} x - \tilde{s} y$
Ultimately I want to show that $f_y (0,0) \neq 0$, but I get to a step where $f_y (0,0) = -\tilde{s}(0,0)/g(0,0)$ and I am not so s…