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Hello, here is the post regarding my question. Can anyone take a look at this? Thank you!
Q: Represent bounded linear functional on $C[0,1]$ by signed measure and a control inequality

MikeHere is the statement I'm trying to prove: If $\Lambda(f)\in C([0,1])$ (space of bounded continuous functions on $[0,1]$) satisfies $\Lambda(f)\leq C\sup_{x\in[0,1]}|f(x)|$, and $\mu=\mu^+-\mu^-$ is a signed measure with $\mu^+([0,1])+\mu^-([0,1])\leq C$, prove that $\Lambda(f)$ has the represen...

@user2103480 I've posted.
1 hour later…
Oh man and I thought it could be tricky to find a counterexample
So there are some extra conditions that you did not include in the problem statement I guess? What is the preceding problem's phrasing?
@Mike your reasoning is quite circular I'm afraid
No, that's all the conditions. See the original one:
Does problem (1) have nothing to do with it?
Where is that question from?
The first problem is just proving that a bounded linear functional on C[0,1] can be decomposed into the difference of two nonnegative linear functionals, which I can handle. The problem is from a problem solving session in real analysis.
Ah wait, I think martin argerami reads the problems statement as saying "for all linear functionals and measures, this works", which of course isn't true
@Mike that would have been a helpful lemma for me to know though
@user2103480 Do you have any ideas or comments, based on the decomposition?
Yes, you are right. He might misinterpret my assumptions.
@Mike But can't you represent those two negative linear functionals by the usual Riesz-Markov theorem and then just obtain the thing you wanted?
I'm not sure. Maybe you are right. I have show that Lambda^+ can be represented uniquely by mu^+, and Lambda^- can be represented uniquely by mu^-, then I can apply decomposition to get the desired the result. The problem is that I cannot represent the negative part with the negative variation of the measure
I'm thinking about zeros of products of analytic functions and their order and I am wondering if the following is true. If $f(z)$ and $g(z)$ are analytic, and $z_0$ is a zero of $f(z)$ but not $g(z)$, can I say $f(z)$ is the only factor which "contributes" to the order of the zero $z_0$ of $f(z)g(z)$? More specifically, if $z_0$ is a zero of order $n$ for $f(z)$, will it also be of order $n$ for $f(z)g(z)$?
6 hours later…
this is wrong. right?
@Unknownx why do you think it's wrong?
drichlet function in between -x, x+1 in the interval [0,1]
g(x)=1, for rational points, and g(x)=0 for irrational points
then you've done the question, congratulations
is there any logical error in my thinking?
Thank you very much
but you could have picked functions simpler than -x and x+1
Drichlet function is standard one.right?
I am not able to find anything simpler than this.
I said -x and x+1
you mean constant functions?
oh thank you. you reduce my efforts to half
@user2103480 oh yeah I remember her name
I also had a prof whose wife died about a year before he did, and he spent that entire year writing poetry and music for his late wife until he himself passed
If $k$is a field, $X(k)=Hom(G_k, \Bbb Q/\Bbb Z)$, and $Br(k)$ is the Brauer group of $k$.
What does "The application $X(k)\times k^* \to Br(k)$ is bilinear" mean ? Does it just mean it's a group morphism ?
**2.37 Theorem:** If $E$ is an infinite subset of a compact set $K$, then $E$ has a limit point in K.

**Proof:** If no point of $K$ were a limit point of $E$, then each $q\in K$ would have a neighborhood $V_q$ which contains at most one point of $E$. It is clear that no finite subcollection of ${V_q}$ can cover $E$; and the same is true of $K$, since $E\subset K$. This contradicts the compactness of $K$.
have some difficulty understanding topology
Why If no point of $K$ were a limit point of $E$, then each $q\in K$ would have a neighborhood $V_q$ which contains at most one point of $E$?
Why at most one point? There is no concrete proof or theorem stating this but it becomes intutive when you draw ball but not every set is ball.
Why is it clear that no finite subcollection of ${V_q}$ can cover $E$?
I mean you can have neighborhood become as big as you want and cover E.
@Astyx it means f(x+y, z) = f(x, z) f(y, z) and f(x, yz) = f(x, y) f(x, z)
i.e. linear in each component
@Stupidquestioninc Because each $V_q$ contains a single point of $E$, and $E$ is infinite
Isn't the terminology weird ? I thought "linear" was reserved for module structures
So may be if this could be understood then pretty sure proof can be understood
@Stupidquestioninc define "limit point"
@Astyx Ab = Z-Mod
Ok I guess
@LeakyNun limit point of a set E is a point which has every neighborhood which contain at least one point of E
@Stupidquestioninc so what does "x is not a limit point of E" say?
@LeakyNun it means not every neighborhood of x contains elements of E
beware that the negation of forall is exists
it is not true that every kid has a candy = there is some kid who doesn't have a candy
the recipe is that the negation of "forall x, P(x)" is "exists x, not P(x)"
yes it is easily understood
let me see where I am wrong 😅
@LeakyNun x has some neighborhood which contain element of E?
let's do this step by step
"x is a limit point of E" says "every (neighbourhood of x) (contains at least one point of E)"
so P(N) = "N contains at least one point of E", where N : neighbourhood of x
and "x is a limit point of E" = "forall N, P(N)"
ok my lord
after negation it becomes exists x, not P(x)
well x is already used, so let's keep using N
what does "not P(N)" say?
saorry wait a sec I am not sure i think I have forgotten some logic from foundational course
well P(N) says N contains at least one point of E
what's the opposite of at least one?
well, close, but you shouldn't include 1
are you sure you quoted the definition of limit point correctly?
which book is this from?
which page?
@LeakyNun oh I was wrong sorry 😞
what's the correct definition?
a point p is a limit point of the set E if every neighborhood of p contains a point p=/q such that q is element of E
my brain mistakely interpreted disc as circle lol
thought neighborhood is not necessarily a disk
@EdwardEvans definitely more worthwhile than math
so let's write it as: for every neighbourhood N, there exists point q =/= p, such that q in E
ok sorry for wrong definition
so let's negate this
remember that forall becomes exists and exists becomes forall
there exist at least one neighborhood N such that q=p for all q in E
sorry my mind is not clear might need to think about this bit more and review negation
@LeakyNun thanks I forgot the whole logic stuff
need to review logic before doing rudin 😭
What's an example of a functor FinVec->FinVec that isn't smooth?
I'm thinking about zeros of products of analytic functions and their order and I am wondering if the following is true. If $f(z)$ and $g(z)$ are analytic, and $z_0$ is a zero of $f(z)$ but not $g(z)$, can I say $f(z)$ is the only factor which "contributes" to the order of the zero $z_0$ of $f(z)g(z)$? More specifically, if $z_0$ is a zero of order $n$ for $f(z)$, will it also be of order $n$ for $f(z)g(z)$?
is there anyone here familiar with probabilistic graphical model?
@user193319 yes, more generally $\operatorname{ord}(fg,a)=\operatorname{ord}(f,a)+\operatorname{ord}(g,a)$ for non-essential isolated singularities $a$
@Stupidquestioninc you should try "How To Prove It" by velleman
right now, it doesn't seem as if you're properly braced for a text like rudin
hahaha perfect
sadly I forgot after learning it lmao
did you also do many of the exercises?
since logic doesn't occur mostly
@user2103480 I did few exercises. It was mostly reading and verifying
I was learning this when I was middle school so I don't remember much of it
Try the exercises. That's the best way to make the knowledge stick. The exercises are really designed well
I tend to forget a lot of definitions and proof techniques when I don't do the exercises
@user2103480 well after doing exercise I forget even more
well then, you're going to have to sit down and memorize...at least in the beginning
yes really need review but for now I till try to study what leaky nun provided
yup, those are good
Could you please provide me with online reference for Cayle's formula for orthonormal matrices
@Thorgott what does smooth mean
enriched over Diff, i.e. the action on Hom-sets $\operatorname{Hom}(V,W)\rightarrow\operatorname{Hom}(FV,FW)$ is smooth (where the Hom-sets carry their unique differentiable structure induced by the vector space structure)
Such a thing should exist, but I have a feeling it must be ugly. The action restricts to a group morphism on GL when V=W so I believe that has to be non-measurable to not be continuous or something?
oh wait, I asked for not smooth, not discontinuous
would be happy with an example of either, tho
Ok I think the way to come up with a counterexample should be a functor that when applied fiber by fiber to a bundle messes it up
Yeah, enriched over Top/Diff is the natural condition for the functor to lift fiberwise to a functor on Top/DiffBun
So that excludes all the standard constructions of algebras over V
@Alessandro did ya see that Lukas returned to us?
so what i found is that logic is really important
one american dies of cancer almost every hour
@EdwardEvans wait when? @LukasHeger I summon thee
@Alessandro yeah man, just jumped on for a little while last night lol
Ah I see
I just landed back in Germany, the corona test is rather unpleasant, 2/10 would not recommend
stick something up your nose?
Tonsils first and nose afterward, but more like straight to your brain rather than just nose lol
It wasn't even mandatory because north Italy will be a Risikogebiet from tomorrow according to the RKI, but just in case I wanted to do it
yeah fair enough
Alright potentially dumb question: given a complex rep $V$ of $G$, and $\varphi \in \operatorname{End}_G(V)$ (endomorphisms of V commuting with the G-action) such that $\varphi \notin \Bbb C$, we have $\Bbb C(\varphi)$ is a transcendental extension contained in $\operatorname{End}_G(V)$. Whhhhy is $\lbrace (\varphi - a)^{-1} : a \in \Bbb C\rbrace$ a linearly independent subset of $\Bbb C(\varphi)$?
So what kind of p-adic nonsense are you doing now?
Schur's lemma for smooth representations lol
I'm just doing rep theory atm
Ah ok that's cool
I was reading some stuff where a bit of rep theory was needed earlier
the first chapter of this book is just rep theory for locally profinite groups and then it specialises to p-adic garbage later
Reps into (operators over) Hilbert spaces though which you might not be a big fan of :P
ehh it's probably relevant to me here but I don't know anything more than the definition of a Hilbert space hahaha
@AlessandroCodenotti the nose is way worse than the throat according to my friend
I have some more concentration stuff to talk about btw if you're interested @Balarka but not right now, I'm still travelling
Which topological spaces have the property that every continuous map from a connected space into them is constant?
Do you have an example which is not totally disconnected?
Yup, that'd be excellent. Yesterday my friend (the aforementioned noise <<< throat friend lol) gave a talk explaining the Gaussian isoperimetric inequality
Which is a concentration result in probability
No actually your property is equivalent to totally disconnected isn't it?
I just realized that I think so too
Because if you have a nontrivial connected component the inclusion is a nonconstant map from a connected space
Is Thorgott discovering the universal property of totally disconnected sets
color me surprised
@BalarkaSen uh I have no idea what that is but I hope it was interesting haha
do you know the normal distribution
hmm, but does every totally disconnected space have this property?
oh duh, ofc
If vague recollections from a probability course I took 4 years ago are enough, then yes
continuous image of connected is connected
Yeah exactly
the categorical formulation of the intermediate value property eh?
Nice, Thorgott, Nice
Is there a single connected topological space $X$ such that maps $X\to Y$ are enough to test whether $Y$ is totally disconnected for some large classes of $Y$?
@Alessandro Just to recall, the "Gaussian measure on $\Bbb R^d$ centered at $0$" is the measure $\gamma_d$ such that the Radon-Nikodym derivative is $d\gamma_d/d\lambda_d = e^{-\|x\|^2/2}/(2\pi)^{d/2}$ where $\lambda_d$ is the Lebesgue measure
Nah obviously not (take $X$ disjoint union whatever)
@BalarkaSen ok
the contravariant Hom-functor of a totally disconnected space is constant up to isomorphism on the subcategory of connected spaces :))
The Gaussian isoperimetric inequality states that amongst all Borel sets of the same Gaussian measure, the one which minimizes boundary measure is a "half plane", i.e., one side of a hyperplane in $\Bbb R^d$
That kind of makes sense
@Alessandro still only 5 people signed up to the seminar :(
Wasn't it 6 last time you complained it was too few?
There's like
5 signed up for talks and 6 in the group
but not signed up for talks
so like 11 people in total but only 5 talks actually registered
@AlessandroCodenotti I think you mean Because each $V_q$ contains only a single point of $E$ I don't know if this is true but if this is true then yes it clearly can't cover $E$. May be reasoning will be clear after I review logic 😩
I see, has the professor said anything about the lack of people signed up?
no, we've just had a couple of emails since trying to get us to advertise the seminar to people
@Stupidquestioninc That's how the $V_q$s were defined
@EdwardEvans So are you trying to converting people to p-adic hodge nonsense door to door like a Jehova witness now?
rofl well that's a Vorlesung that has like 20 people signed up
this is for Langlands nonsense
but I tried to get a couple of people signed up to the seminar and nobody wants it hahaha
The Langlands program is clearly the way to salvation, repent now and join the seminar
but then, I only know undergrads
If all undergrads in Heidelberg are like Lukas I see no problem there
Alas, 'tis not the case
plus I wasn't really in uni for much of first semester and then the Corona nation came so
Actually did he manage to officially graduate?
I haven't had the chance to meet anyone
Nah he still has to take smth like Numerik or Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie 1
Yeah understandable. I guess this semester the classes will also be online?
@EdwardEvans lol he will have to when there won't be any more masters courses to take
Yeah they'll be online too, except I think for modular forms or smth, but I'm not taking that anymore
also ye hahaha
@AlessandroCodenotti wann du das PhD bewarbst, fragten sie dich, was du studieren wolltest?
Yes, I wrote a fairly detailed summary of the math I like and what's my background in it
@Leaky als du dich für deinen PhD beworben hast
meinst du
German is weird and mainly uses the perfect past tense
@AlessandroCodenotti ich habe keine Ahnung, was ich schrieben kann
@Leaky Bewirbst du dich direkt für den PhD nach deinem Bachelor? Oder hast du MMath gemacht?
I can send you my cover letter if you give me an email address, I don't mind sharing it, it's mostly "standard fluff nobody cares about - actual matter of fact description of the math I like - some more fluff but more specific for the place I'm applying to"
@EdwardEvans ich werde MMath gemacht haben
Ah okey nice :) Und was willst du im PhD machen? Also was für ein Thema?
bzw. Forschungsbereich
@LeakyNun sent
The position I was applying to was somewhat particular though, my advisor was promoted from postdoc to junior professor, so there was a position attached to her position as junior professor guaranteed for someone to work with her
@EdwardEvans vielleicht Nummertheorie, ich weiss nicht
Ahh Zahlentheorie
Also note that the application asked for a summary and an excerpt of the thesis separately from the cover letter, so I barely mention my thesis in the cover letter, but I talked about it a lot in the application in other places
Can anyone help me with this $\big(e^{-a},e^{-1/a}\big) \oplus \big(e^{-b},e^{-1/b}\big)=\big(e^{-ab},e^{-1/ab}\big)$
It's supposed to be a way to use a group law by adding points
The square full number estimate is given by $S(x)=K\sqrt{x}+O(x^{1/3})$. When does this hold? Is it $x \geq 1$ or $x \geq 2$?
What are epis in the category of topological/smooth manifolds?
Clearly, continuous/smooth maps with dense image are epic, but does the converse hold
Who cares man
The answer is yes though
Just thought about it, you can cook up a proof
@Mike I like that like 75% of the stuff you say here is "who tf cares"
That's fine
Oh I thought you meant about the math I posted, you mean that's my usual conversation
That's also fine
Karl Mask and Friedrick Morty debunked mathematics years ago
@AlessandroCodenotti yeh that was horrible
hmm, how do I cook
And it was both nostrils so while I was still perplexed it got right into the next one
@Thorgott ask ur mum
i should learn how to cook
so far i can only boil water
cooking's all about confidence
slice up some meat, dump it in a pan, handful of salt, fistful of pepper, a bucketload of pasta, 512 eggs, stir it all up, eat in one go
Hi all, brief question, provided I have an analytical expression for some function $g(t)$, can I obtain an expression for $f(t)$ if I know that $g(t) = \int^T_0 f(t) dt$?
I cannot cook
512 eggs nice
there's something for everyone
@user2103480 damn the nurse must have hated you for some reason, one was enough here
@CharlieShuffler Do you mean $g(T)$? Because $g(t)$ makes no sense in this respect (it is integrated out).
ah you're right, my mistake
$g(T)$ indeed
@CharlieShuffler If $F$ is an antiderivative of $f$, write $\int_{0}^{T}f(t)\text{ d}t = F(T) - F(0)$. Then take derivatives and use the fact that $F^{\prime} = f$.
Given a complex vector space $V$, does the "evaluation pairing" $V^* \times V \to \Bbb C$ literally mean.. like.. evaluate a linear form at an element of $V$
aight ty
@Clarinetist make sense, thanks alot
defining dual and induced reps for weird groups now
ye v doobaloo ex
w = vindaloo
Balarka is regressing
"We now give a quick, but essentially complete, account of some invariant mea- sures on a locally profinite group and associated homogeneous spaces. Locally profinite groups are such that their measure theory is effectively algebraic in nature, and can be treated as an episode in their representation theory."
Looooord I thank thee
I sometimes wonder how far I could actually get without ever doing any analysis
analysis is just algebra
if I have sth totally disconnected and make the topology finer, it stays totally disconnected, right
cause more open sets just means more possible ways of disconnecting
can you decompose a Lie group into some infinite groups?
@EdwardEvans nice
Le chad pontryagin duality
Can someone explain the last part of Wikipedia's argument that nimber addition of finite ordinals is equivalent to their XOR addition?
I don't understand what this means: "thus γ is included as (β ⊕ γ) ⊕ β or as α ⊕ (α ⊕ γ), and hence α ⊕ β is the minimum excluded ordinal"
what is a continuous ring?
@AlessandroCodenotti she was pretty respectful but apparently thorough
hi chat
@user2103480 yeyuh
hi @Astyx
wassa magwarnigan boieeee
(hope this isn't plagiarism)
Are you having a stroke ?
nah I'm just
typing like I'm having a stroke
Putting Shannon's theory of information to the test
I am trying to determine the zeros and their order of the function $\frac{\cos z - 1}{z^2}$. So far I determined that it has zeros $2 \pi k$ for $k \in \Bbb{Z} \setminus \{0\}$, and they are of order $2$. Does that sound right?
sounds about right to me
Now I am wondering whether it has a zero at infinity. Call the function $h(z)$. Then $h(z)$ has a zero at infinity provided $h(\frac{1}{w})$ has a zero at $w=0$. Well, $h(1/w) = 0$ if and only if $w = 0$ or $w = \frac{1}{2 \pi k}$. The second types of zeros don't count because they aren't zero themselves. But $w=0$ doesn't count either, because the whole function isn't defined at $w = 0$?
So $h$ doesn't have a zero at infinity, right?
aren't the zeros of order 1 or am I stupid
The $\sin$ that comes form the derivation of $\cos - 1$ cancels the term from $x^{-2}$
If $M$ is a manifold and $p\in M$ and we want to construct category where objects are $C_{p}^{\infty}(U)$ for $U\subseteq M$, what should the morphisms be?
U open
Restriction morphisms ?
well, if you just want any category, there's lots of choices
the natural choices are restrictions
yeah that's what I thought, cool
tis what they call a presheaf
the category
is called presheaf?
the contravariant functor sending $U$ to $C_p^{\infty}(U)$ is
this specific example is not just a presheaf, but a genuine sheaf, of course
ah the functor, okay
So is what I said about the root at $\infty$ correct?
Yes. However your function converges at $z=0$
(not to 0 though)
Oh, yeah. To $\frac{1}{2}$, right?
Convergens in the sense that the limit exsts as $z \to 0$?
I believe $\infty$ is an essential singularity. Far from a zero!
(I don't know the terminology, don't lynch me)
hi chat! in the frechet metric in $(\mathbb{R}^\omega,d)$ if we change the $2^{-n}$ coefficient with any other convergent sequence will we get the induced product topology?
Care to be more specific, @StupidQuestionsInc?
@TedShifrin sure, give me 1min
I am asking you if you mean something more careful in your question.
So with the Frechet metric a sequence $(x^{(n)})_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ converges to $x^{(0)}$ iff $x_j^{(0)}=\lim_{n\to\infty}x_j^{(n)}$, hence the frechet metric induces the product topology
I don't want all this.
i encountered some expressions like Frechet's metric $\sum_{n=1}^\infty 2^{-n}\frac{|x_n-y_n|}{1+|x_n-y_n|}$ where the only difference is that there another term $\mu(n)$ instead of $2^{-n}$ so i'm wondering if with them we still get the induced product topology
So what do you need for this to make sense?
I believe any convergent sequence and any choice of uniformly bounded metrics on the factors will do
you just want to ensure convergence
You're using a wrong word.
Convergent what?
As a mathematics student (present or former) what hobbies you people had ?
or have
Gardening, games, reading philosophy and nonfiction, binging Survivor
Food, cooking, tennis, classical music are my answers .
while being a student or before as well ?
Heya @MikeM
was that towards me, Ted?
you can add before also @Astyx
Oh wait, Mike isn't Mike
Ohhh if I can add previous hobbies then I have a lot more
@Thorgott yes i've seen here that as long as $\sum_{n=1}^\infty \mu(n)$ converges then it's a metric, bbut will it induce the product topology?
How's the geometry kid doing?
Music, video games, running, learning Chinese
I dunno we meet on Tuesday to find out
You need a convergent SERIES, @StupidQuestionsInc, consisting of positive terms.
Topology take-home this weekend
Grading is gonna take time
Oh oh ... how many students?
Mine is chess , puzzle solving . Any one else watch movies as a hobby ? I did not used to but recently i watched few movies and i thought my minds grasping power reduced
I used to watch movies but not for some time
I've lost the patience of watching movies
could you tell the reason Mike Miller ?
Astyx , I think they bring us away from reality
Unless it's in a cinema or something, I get distracted way too easily
My partner isn't into the kind of movies I am
@TedShifrin that's what i said, $\sum_{n=1}^\infty\mu(n)$ should converge, but is that enough for the "inducing product topology" part?
Mike Miller and other people too , which genre of movies you like
Good ones
Yes. But you are continuing to miss my point. You said sequence, not series, and I'm emphasizing positive. Now work out why the topology is ok.
Music, tennis, basketball, hanging out with friends, coffee, reading math articles, walking, sitting outside on a nice day drinking coffee listening to music on my computer, chatting in the math chat, talking
Astyx Ok , you like every genre if it's good enough
I particularily enjoy mind bending ones, such as The Prestige or Gone Girl. Any good movie would do though
Music seems the most popular hobby
@TedShifrin ok, i think you provided me enough info that i can figure it out by myself, thanks :)
@MikeMiller so, how did you cook up a proof for the thing about epis?
@Astyx: I still love Jacques Tati. :)
Astyx , that;s cool
@TedShifrin The cinema in my city is named after him !
One of my visits to Paris years (40-odd years) ago, I went to a theater in the 15th and sat there for a day through all the Tati movies.
Oh dear
But I had seen them all previously, and continue to watch a few of them once in a while.
James Cameron's Avatar and Titanic are my favs
@Thorgott If p is not in the closure of f(M), pick a chart around p contained in the complement of f(M). On that chart (assume it's a 1-ball, with phi(p) = 0) construct the map to the sphere sending the 1/2 ball to the bottom hemisphere and the outer annulus to the upper OR LOWER hemisphere, complement of the chart getting sent to the north or south pole.
These two maps show f is not an epi.
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