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12:00 PM
@MathStudent You substitute the random variables. This is not the same as substitution in Riemann integrals, it's about changing the measure that you integrate against
well, it is arguably analogous to the case for riemann integrals, but doesn't work the same way
it's a bit tricky to explain all in one go, but you end up with, as I mentioned above, the "integral over R^n of M(x_1,...,x_n)*f(x_1)*...*f(x_n) dx_1, ..., dx_n"
@MathStudent the joint distribution of the random vector (X_1,...,X_n) is given by f(x_1)*...*f(x_n), for real numbers x_1,...,x_n
@geocalc33 No, it is missing a multiplication by $\frac{1}{1+e^{x^T\beta}}$ in the integral
@user2103480 So, if that's what I end up with then that is almost the same issue that I had before, taking an integral over a maximum
Hi there
@MathStudent also, there is still the issue of it not being well-defined if X_k is a random variable and not just a real number
If $V$ is a vector space of cardinality equal to $\mathbb{R}$ is $Hom(V,V)$ of cardinality equal to the cardinality of the powerset of $\mathbb{R}$?
@user2103480 Well. As you said my function $M$ is a random variable dependant on $X_k$. But also as you basically said with the substitution rule of stochastics it becomes just a "regular" variable as what you would normally use in an integral
12:12 PM
@asdhfbaskldfn There are only continuum many continuous functions from R to R
@TedShifrin What does it mean when someone sais $\textbf{identify}$ $A$ with $B$? Do they mean $\textbf{relable}$ $A$ by $B$.
@ Hmm didn't know this. Thanks!
Mhhm ah wait
could you use the fact that maximum order statistics obey $[F_{X}(x)]^p$
Ah yes so since linear maps from R to R are continuous (f(x) = x*f(1)), Hom(R,R) has cardinality of the continuum
12:16 PM
@geocalc33 That's basically what I'm trying to figure out. Using that you can calculate the density function to be $p*f(x)*F(x)^{p-1}$. But since I'm not just taking the expected value of the maximum of the random variables that are distributed with a density function f(x) but I am taking the expected value with respect to $p_{\beta}$ I am not sure
The number $p$ is said to approximate $p*$ to $t$ significant digits if $t$ is the largest nonnegative integer for which $\frac{|p-p*|}{|p|}\le 5×10^{-t}$. Returning to the machine representation $fl(y)$ for the number $y$ has the relative error $|\frac{y-fl(y)}{y}|$.

If $k$ decimal digits and chopping are used for the machine representation of $y=0.d_1d_2...d_kd_{k+1}...×10^n$,



Since $d\neq0$, the minimal value of denominator is $0.1$. The numerator is bounded above by $1$. As a consequence $|\frac{y-fl(y)}{y
@asdhfbaskldfn A vector space over what field
@user2103480 The substitution rule you were talking about is something I actually tried to look up earlier today because I wasn't sure how it is stated exactly anymore. I just tried to look it up again but somehow I can only find the one for conditional expectation. It was something like.. Let $X$ be distributed according to a distribution with an absolutely continuous density function $f$. Let $h$ be a measurable function. Then $\mathbb{E}[h(X)] = \int h(x) f(x) dx$, right?
@MathStudent have you done maximum likelihood estimators in class?
@user2103480 I see why you are saying that I need to integrate according to the joint distribution of $X_1,...,X_n$ because of that rule. So, I guess I'm at least one step further now. Thank you!
@geocalc33 Yeah
12:25 PM
I enjoyed that topic
what did the statistician name his daughter?
Emilie (because MLE, Maximum Likelihood Estimator)
Lol. That is actually very close to what I think I'd like to name my future daughter if I'll have one. Emilia.
@MikeMiller. Well my intention was to show that there is a vector space over some field $F$ such that $Hom(V, F) \times Hom (V,V)$ has cardinality less than $Hom(V', V')$.
where V' is the dual space of V
@asdhfbaskldfn Hom(V,F)xHom(V,V) has cardinality the same as Hom(V,V) (assuming Hom(V,V) is infinite)
@AlessandroCodenotti Yes, this is what I was thinking too. How about $Hom(V', V')$?
I guess any $V$ with $V'$ strictly larger should work?
It only makes sense for me to integrate according to the joint distribution of $X_1,...,X_n$ if the substitution rule is given to be for an expected value w.r.t. $f$ where $f$ is the density of the distrubtion of $X_1$ tho. I guess I should give a bit more effort to trying to find that substitution rule and it's proof.
12:36 PM
So the usual polynomial vector space might work...
( or any other infinite dimensional vector space)
I suspect that even if I find it, it would unfortunately be a proof of half "this is measure theory" and half "this somehow works" as @user2103480 said it often is
$|\mathrm{Hom}(V',V')|\geq|V''|>|V'|>|V|$ for any infinite dimensional space
@AlessandroCodenotti So if I can find a infinite dimensional vector space $V$ such that $V$ is of the same size as $Hom(V,V)$ I am done.
There is none, because Hom(V,V) is at least as big as Hom(V,F) which is V'
:D oh yeah
guess what you wrote is enough then!
12:41 PM
And unfortunately, I also don't think it would really bring me much further in showing the expected value is finite. So, I think for now I will just assume that it works like I was hoping it works and hope I can show it with that.
Nvm what you wrote works.
@MathStudent exactly
and then you consider (X_1,...,X_n) as one random variable
as the joint vector
this random variable is one with values in R^n
and this random variable also has a density in R^n
since the variables are independent, the density g(x_1,...,x_n) can be written as g(x_1,...,x_n) = f(x_1) * ... * f(x_n) where f is the density of the distribution of the X_i
so then, by fubini, you can arrive at an n-dimensional integral where you can hopefully integrate out the maximum
because max(x_1,...,x_n) with e.g. x_1,...,x_n fixed, is just: case 1: if x_n < max(x_1,...,x_(n-1)), then max(x_1,...,x_n) = max(x_1,...,x_(n-1)). Else max(x_1,...,x_(n)) = x_n
This could still get very ugly, maybe another trick is necessary, depending on the densities actual form
@AlessandroCodenotti is V' the algebraic dual or the continuous dual?
1:14 PM
@TedShifrin , so $km$ doesn't change nothing at all, it does the same thing as $k$. Is m mod n for relatively prime just one.
@user2103480 I'm not sure if you could really view x_1,...,x_n as fixed. I would think you can't as that is not something you can usually do in an integral where you integrate with dx_1 dx_2 ... dx_n. Your approach seems to be to do it similarly to what I've seen done when calculating the expected value of the maximum of discrete random variables. I can somewhat see how that could make sense but I can't really see how it could be done here.
Also, I wonder how it makes sense with the usual approach being to use the density of the random variable $Z = max_{k=1,...,n} X_k$ if it wasn't an expected value w.r.t. $\beta$ and how this approach could make more sense for that case.
@MathStudent if the iterated integral converges, it is equal to the integral with respect to (x_1,...,x_n) by fubini-tonelli
which actually applies to discrete random variables as well so that sums and integrals are put under one umbrella
1:30 PM
@user2103480 I got that part. But I wouldn't know how you would integrate for instance $\int \max_{k=1,...,n} f(x) d_{x_1}$ using your cases approach
where does x come from?
maximum of what?
maximum of $M(x)$ sorry. or to simplify the problem, just the maximum of $x_k$. and $x=(x_1,...,x_n) \in \mathbb{R}^n$
@user2103480 algebraic
I think the substitution rule might actually be what makes that "usual approach" make sense. The right side $\int h(x) f(x) dx$ is what you would usually think of but then the substitution rule gives us that it is the same as the left side which is defined as $\int h(x) g(x) dx$ where $g(x)$ is the density function of the distribution of the random variable $h(X)$
this would split into two integrals, one of x_1*f(x_1) and one of m(x_2,...,x_n)*f(x_1) where only x_1 is variable
the boundary would be given by m(x_2,...,x_n), and the first integral would go from there to inf, and the other would go from -inf to m(x_2,...,x_n)
Like I said, there might be a smarter way to proceed once you have the integral
1:38 PM
If $M(x_1,...,x_n) = max_{i=1,...,n} x_i$, so a function from $\mathbb{R}^n$ to $\mathbb{R}$, then what is $m(x_2,...,x_n)$? The only way that you could split the integral into two integrals with one being x_1*f_(x_1) and the other what you said is if it would hold that $M(X_1,...,X_n) = x_1*m(x_2,...,x_n)$
max(a,b) = a if a >= b, else b
max(x_1,max(x_2,...,x_n)) = max(x_1,...,x_n)
or, more probabilistically, max(x_1,...,x_n) = x_1*1_{x_1 \geq x_2,...,x_n} + x_2*1_{x_2 \geq x_1,...,x_n} + ... + x_n*1_{x_n \geq x_1,..,x_(n-1)}
whatever suits you
m(x_2,...,x_n) is just the maximum of those remaining variables
and no that it is not the way that this would work, in that case the integrals would both have the same factors in front of the density
1:56 PM
@user2103480 This is not splitting the function into a form of $x_1 * m(x_2,...,x_n)$ with a function $m(x_2,...,x_n)$ that is not dependant on $x_1$ tho. I was thinking about going further and saying it's equal to $x_1 * (1_{x_1 \geq x_2,...,x_n} + x_2/x_1*1_{x_2 \geq x_1,...,x_n} + ... + x_n/x_1*1_{x_n \geq x_1,..,x_(n-1)})$ but then the right factor would be dependant on $x_1$ too.
@user2103480 So, you mean $m(x_2,...,x_n) = max(x_2,...,x_n)$? That would mean that $max(x_1,...,x_n) = x_1*max(x_2,...,x_n)$ which would only make sense to me if $x_1 = 1$ and $x_k > 1$ for all $k >1$.
@user2103480 What are you referring to with "that" here? And which same factors?
It's remarkable how close your avatars are @TobiasKildetoft @user2103480
2:18 PM
Agreed. It's also remarkable how both and also you, Mike, have tried to help me with something before. You all are awesome.
I just got an idea on how to use the substitution rule in another way for my problem.
2:41 PM
So, the substitution rule says that for a random real-valued variable $X$ that is distributed according to a distribution with an absolutely contintuous density function $f$ and a measurable function $h$, it holds that $\mathbb{E}[h(X)] = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} h(x) f(x) dx$.
As we've discussed, I guess the same is true if we are looking at $X_1,...,X_n$ that are i.i.d. with density $f(x)$ and $h(X_1,...,X_n)$ except for now with $f(x_1,...,x_n) = f(x_1) * ... * f(x_n)$ (although I am not 100 % sure that this is really analoguesly true like that?).
Now, if $Z = h(X)$ is a real-valued random variable that is distributed accoording to a distribution with absolutely-continous function $g(z)$, then the left side is defined by $\mathbb{E}[h(X)] = \mathbb{E}[Z] = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} z g(z) dz$.
I want to determine $\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} h(x) p(x) dx$ with $p(x) = f(x)/(1 + e^{X^T \beta}) dx$ for a $\beta \in \mathbb{R}^n$. Now, I think somehow need to use that $p(x) = \frac{f(x_1,...,x_n)}{f(x_2) ... f(x_p) * (1 + e^{X^T \beta})}$ to express $\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} h(x) p(x) dx$ as an integral including $g(z)$ in such a way that it will not be expressed with $h(x)$ anymore (since that is a function of a maximum) but I am not sure how yet
I am trying to look up if the substitution rule really works that way and I just remembered that I think it also said something about $\mathbb{E}[h(X)]$ being finite if $h$ is measurable, didn't it? Maybe that is even basically all I would need
2:58 PM
@MikeMiller are the avatars unique?
Regarding my last statement/question: not really, it basically only says that the left side of the equation is finite if the right side is, so same thing.
Unfortunately, I just realized that even if I do make it work like that I would need to find the density function g(z) of $max_{k=1,...,n} x_k^2 e^{x^T \beta}/(1+ e^{x^T \beta})$ with $x=(x_1,...,x_n) \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and $\beta \in \mathbb{R}^n$.
The first step is the same as when determining the density function for $max_{k=1,...,n} x_k$, so determining the pdf $\mathbb{P}(Z \leq s) = \mathbb{P}(x_1^2 e^{x^T\beta}) \cdot ... \cdot \mathbb{P}(x_p^2 e^{x^T\beta})$ but after that I've got no idea
* I forgot the $\leq s$ on the right side
There was more wrong about that than just that sorry. It's the pdf $\mathbb{P}(Z \leq s) = \mathbb{P}(x_1^2 e^{x^T\beta}/(1 + e^{x^T \beta})^2 \leq s) \cdot ... \cdot \mathbb{P}(x_p^2 e^{x^T\beta}/(1 + e^{x^T \beta})^2 \leq s) $
3:18 PM
consider a cube prescribed with a family of analytic functions on each face s.t. the shadow of the object inside the cube is cast precisely onto each face (light is shown from opposite faces) and maps directly onto the analytic functions. In some sense the functions encode the shape of the object (3-manifold) inside the cube. Is the 3-manifold necessarily unique?
assuming you explicitly make a choice for the functions on the boundary
I've got one idea actually but I think it's probably wrong. It would be $\mathbb{P}(x_1 \leq \sqrt{s (1 + e^{x^T \beta})/e^{x^T\beta}}) = F( \sqrt{s (1 + e^{x^T \beta})/e^{x^T\beta}})$ with F being the pdf of $X_1$. I think I probably can't evaluate it at sth depending on $x$
you're really working at this :)
I admire your stick-to-it-ivness
Thanks. My stick-to-it-ivness is part of how I got to the end of my math bachelor's despite apparently not being very good at it. That, the help of other people and a lot of luck/blessing. Hopefully, it will be enough for this last part too.
I guess when someone says "I admire your stick-to-it-ivness", I should consider whether I should have stopped sticking to it already and give up already lol
3:37 PM
i just created a separate chat room and have given a new user full access to it. does anyone know what i need to do to invite this specific user to the chat room that i created?
2 hours later…
5:26 PM
Dumb question: Let $N$ be a submodule of $M$. Is it true that $N \otimes M/\{0\} \oplus N \cong M$?
@user193319 Did you mean for both of those to be $\oplus$?
Whoops, yes.
Hint: isomorphism theorem
Anyway, no, just try some small abelian groups
Hmm...I seem to be getting conflicting responses.
5:29 PM
I think Thorgott missed that you are modding out the copy of $N$ inside $M$ (at least I assume that is what you mean)
that's ugly
but yeah, then it's not true
Hmmm...I see...That's unfortunate. I was hoping it was true so that I can show that if a short exact sequence is left split, then the middle term is a direct sum of the outer terms.
I tried recreating the proof of the case when the exact sequence is right split.
Well, the sequence corresponding to the above is not left split
No, I was hoping this was true because I want to use in my proof of that theorem.
The proof I had reduced to that above question being affirmatively answer :(
if what you asked were true, then every SES would be split
5:37 PM
Oh, that's neat: another reason why it is false.
I just can't figure out the proof to the left split theorem. I have the entire right split proof, but it does not translate nicely because it isn't clear that there is an injective map from right term to the middle term.
I definitely have an injective map from the first term to the middle term (this follows from the fact that the sequence is exact).
You can write down the obvious map $C\rightarrow A\oplus B$. All you need is to verify it's an iso. This will come down to doing a bit of diagram chasing (or to quoting the 5 lemma).
(in the right split case, the obvious map one can write down goes in the other direction, but the proof technique can be translated)
So you have the map going back to the kernel (from being left split)
If you then extend that to a short exact sequence by adding the kernel of that map, you get a right split sequence, don't you?
yeah, but then it remains to show that the kernel of that map is isomorphic to the right term in the sequence
@Thorgott If you already know that right split sequences correspond to direct sum decompositions, then it follows from uniqueness of complements up to isomorphism
5:57 PM
Hmm. Say the sequence is $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow C\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$ and the left splitting is $k\colon C\rightarrow A$. We have a right split SES $0\rightarrow\ker k\rightarrow C\rightarrow A\rightarrow 0$ is what you're saying, and this gives $C\cong \ker k\oplus A$. But we want $C\cong A\oplus B$, so we need $\ker k\cong B$ a priori, no?
Ohh, right
Ahh, it does work
because they are both the quotient by $A$, with the same inclusion of $A$
Wait, so it's possible to argue that $\ker k \cong B$?
Oh well, we actually have an internal direct sum $C=\ker k\oplus\im f$ by the right split sequence and $\im f=\ker g$ by exactness, so $C=\ker k\oplus\ker g$, hence $g$ restricts to an iso $\ker k\cong B$.
So it does work out, yeah
but meh, I prefer the direct argument
6:25 PM
@Thorgott I don't quite see why $g$ restricts to an isomorphism from $\ker k$ to $B$. I see why the exact sequence is right split, but I don't see this.
cause $C=\ker k\oplus\ker g$
6:38 PM
@Thorgott I can see that the intersection is trivial, but I don't see why $C = \ker k + \ker g$.
Wait, $c = c - f(c) + f(c), right?
and use the fact that $\ker g = Im(f)$...
and that $kf = id_{A}$.
No, $f(c)$ doesn't make sense if $c \in C$.
7:00 PM
Is there a definition for an inverse triangle wave or inverse modulo operation?
Today me in maths: Trying to solve a nonassociative equation xa=b for some x
7:57 PM
@EM4 Did you try examples? What if $m=12$ and $n=21$? Or $m=6$ and $n=7$?
Secret: Ugh.
Hi, demonic @Alessandro.
8:21 PM
Pardon my ignorance about chat lore, but why is Alessandro demonic?
When he was learning to drive, he made a point of running over me whenever possible.
Lol I thought it's because he did set theory
Bold of you to assume that I learned how to drive, I merely got a licence
@Sayan: That's merely an ancillary reason.
Silly me, @Alessandro. In the US, as bad as we are, we don't normally grant licenses to those who can't drive.
Welcome to Italy :P
Well it's just that we have different standards concerning what "being able to drive" means
8:24 PM
Well, I have noticed that the drivers in Italy are worse than those in France, etc.
I actually drove a lot in Croatia my last trip to Europe, but I left the driving in Italy to my comrades who'd rented the car.
In Italy they don't grant licenses to those who can't shoot
Salut, @Astyx.
Sounds like the Tromp-supporting second-amendment whores in the US.
8:26 PM
I may get ejected for this.
How are you ?
Doing OK, and you?
(As long as I don't think about what's actually happening in the world.)
Roughly the same
Started Algebra
I hope I get to make it back to Paris sometime before I die :P
Oh, groups, etc.?
8:29 PM
Categories $\ne$ algebra.
He introduced categories to define the tensor product of modules
Yeah, yeah, universal object ... blah blah blah.
At least he didn't go full monoidal categories on you
Which Alessandro will be happy to do at the drop of a hat.
8:30 PM
Bold of you to assume this
The goal is to define homological algebra by the end of the week
No I don't like category theory at all
This corona thing is starting to get repetitive
Well, get used to it.
I wonder how much longer it will last
It's almost been a year now
8:34 PM
I'm happy to go full monoidal category any time :)
Do you think so ?
ignores Thor in his category closet
Why monoidal categories ?
I learned today that a variety defined by a single polynomial is probably non-singular
which I thought was a cool fact
the tensor product makes R-mod a monoidal category
8:41 PM
I.e., the generic one is nonsingular.
a variety is a complex manifold right ?
A nonsingular variety over $\Bbb C$ is.
lol I just read the first 4 pages of Silverman's elliptic curves book
What does singular mean in this context ?
8:42 PM
Fun fact: in french "variétés" are manifolds
Having a singular (non-smooth) point.
And varieties, too. :)
Well, varieties are "variétés complèxes" IIRC
Why wouldn't that be complex manifolds? :D
In my opinion, the "e" in "varietät" should have a diaeresis
but I don't think that's a thing in German because umlauts AND diaereses would be confusing or smth
8:44 PM
"variétés analytiques complèxes" then
In Italian both are called varietà because it's too easy with different names for different objects
Mannigfaltigkeit is a stupid word
You're missing an umlaut.
@TedShifrin what is the generic variety?
if that's a thing
Hey everybody!
Seems we got a party going
8:47 PM
Stupid wörd
Waddup @Amin
A member of a Zariski-open subset in the space of all varieties with certain parameters.
howdy, Demonark.
I see, nice :)
@AlessandroCodenotti I love that justification
In number theory today we joked that the definition of norm is "A vaguely nice function that associates numbers to things"
8:49 PM
I think it's a bit more precise than that.
vaguely nice ha
@Astyx am I weird to find that approach to be the clearest?
@Amin how did you define the norm?
Lol I mean, it's one of those things where you have 3 different ones floating around and at any given time they can all come up
One which didn't come up today in class but which is relevant is, a norm on a field for deciding something's a Euclidean domain
Well, in analysis many may float concurrently.
8:50 PM
@user2103480 Probably not
@AlessandroCodenotti the future is now, old man
You can always define it by describing it, but that's missing the point
Then there's the norm of $x$ which is the determinant of $a\mapsto ax$
And then there's the more functional analysis norm
and then there's Norm Wildberger
@EdwardEvans how can you
8:53 PM
I'd think most german speakers would agree that it's one of the cool terms
definitely better than cantor's attempt to name sets as "mannigfaltigkeiten"
Das Wort "Norm" hat in der Mathematik mannigfaltige Bedeutungen
does it though?
I also like "normiert"
You have weird tastes in words
8:56 PM
and when German speakers translate normiertes Polynom as normed polynomial
@Amin some courses define the norm as the product of the Galois conjugates of an element
which i like more cuz it's easier
Those should correspond no?
Yeah they do in the Galois case
but if you have an inseparable extension then you get an exponent (the inseparable degree)
but I mean.. number fields
Well when you say product of the Galois conjugates in an inseparable case we're counting with some kinda multiplicity?
I think so, I can't remember why the exponent turns up because number fields are perfect so who cares
Literally perfect lol
9:00 PM
I think it's more relevant for the function field analogy
I mean, the multiplicity should literally be the inseparable degree
Yeah that sounds about right
Wait hold up
I have a genius idea
Okay check this
uh oh
That was a lot of words and lines for nothing.
One of them is the norm
The other is the normalized norm
I hope this idea really is great
Cause it made my comuter crash
9:04 PM
I think that was the idea
Yeah that was it
I am actually mind blown by the ingenuity here
rolls $e^{\pi}$ eyes
cough echoes into empty space
Anyway now that I've permanently left my mark on number theory
I should probably talk about Helgason stuff now
Because ahhhhhhh
9:06 PM
Sigurður Helgason (born 1927) is an Icelandic mathematician whose research has been devoted to the geometry and analysis stops reading
@EdwardEvans At least now it's a normalized empty space
Yeah I'm becoming a geometric analyst now this is scary
@EdwardEvans you're just envious of those spicy analytic number theorists
tbf I should be reading about harmonic analysis
In particular I'm trying to verify Fourier inversion on the hyperbolic disk but some of these details are a bit ( 0_0)
9:07 PM
It's god's revenge for all the nasty things you used to say to me, Demonark.
@user2103480 I just about know what a sequence is
Wait but if doing geometric analysis is atoning for sins then maybe I had a point when I bashed the subject so much
What's an analytic number anyway ?
An algebraic number $\pm \varepsilon$
it's a number that satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations
9:10 PM
Okay that made me chuckle irl
It's a number that's been to the psychologist?
Anyway so let's see what the Laplacian looks like in polar coordinates
ugly, just like it does in other coordinates
$\Delta$ but cold
Specifically the hyperbolic Laplacian, so $(1-x^2-y^2)^2 \left(\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2}{\partial y^2}\right)$
9:13 PM
Nah, look quite nifty in polar coords. Of course, I prefer using differential forms to compute rather than second-order chain rule.
Okay I will come back to you with the computation later I've got a meeting with someone to discuss homework
Stay tuned after a message from our sponsors
9:46 PM
@Thorgott Each flow is an endofunction on the manifold, so compose those endofunctions.
For context my question was: Is the composition of flows (of vector fields) always a flow (of a third vector field)?
This says one can approximate the composition of the flows of two vector fields X, Y in terms of the flow of a third vector field Z(X, Y).
This says the composition of two time-1 flows need not be a time-1 flow.
I don't even know what you mean by the composition of flows.
$\psi_t = \phi_t\circ\rho_t$?
Highly unlikely that'll satisfy $\psi_{t+s}=\psi_t\circ\psi_s$ !!
Yes, unless the Lie bracket is zero IIRC.
Yes, so if the vector fields commute, then the flows commute and that might work.
You can write down $\frac d{dt}\phi_t\circ\rho_t$, but it will be a messsssss.
Let $f$ be a time-dependent vector field on $\mathcal{M}$. Then define $\exp f \stackrel{\text{def}}{=} \phi_1 : \mathcal{M} \rightarrow \mathcal{M}$ where $\phi : \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathcal{M} \rightarrow \mathcal{M}, \phi_0 = \mathrm{id}_\mathcal{M}, \dot{\phi}_t = f_t \circ \phi_t$.
a (global, for simplicity) flow is a map $M\times\mathbb{R}\rightarrow M$, so composing two of these won't work
9:59 PM
Time-1 flow I mean.
So $M \rightarrow M$.
So I suppose the question can be phrased as $\forall f, g : \exists h : (\exp f) \circ (\exp g) = \exp h$?
I don't follow, what's a "Time-1 flow"?
As defined above.
So fix your second argument to be 1.
You can picture it as follows: For any point on the manifold, release a particle at that point, start your stopwatch, and record the final position of that particle after 1 second.
and so your question is whether the resulting map is the map you get by flowing along some third vector field for 1 time unit?
I actually have two questions: One for time-dependent and one for time-independent vector fields.
The second answer I linked to seems to answer the second question.
10:38 PM
@TedShifrin, yes I tried examples, if they have common factor it will repeat certain roots and not others, when m = 12 and n = 21 it will repeat the roots of m = 4 and n = 7.
@TedShifrin, what confuses me why its is $\frac{2mk\pi]{n}$ is it modulo of 2$\pi$? , what's big confusing for me is why of m.
You understand it if it's $\frac{2\pi k}{n}$ for any integer $k$.
What I have explained is that if you look at all integers $m\ell$ as you vary $\ell$ you get all possible integers mod $n$.
That is, we get the same result if we look at $\frac{2\pi m\ell}{n}$ as $\ell$ varies, because if we differ by a multiple of $n$, we get a multiple of $2\pi$ and that will disappear because $e^{2\pi i} = 1$.
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