Definition of $R(A)$ when $R$ is a relation and $A$ a set is $R(A)=\{y: xRy \space \text{for some} \space x \space \text{in} A\}$.
I have seen a theorem that $R(A \cap B) \subseteq R(A) \cap R(B)$, but the union "behaves nice" because of $R(A \cup B) = R(A) \cup R(B)$.
I would like to know why equality is not attained when also intersections are considered?
First, if $R$ is any (or almost any) relation, what are the conditions on the sets $A$ and $B$ so that equality is attained?
And second, if $A$ and $B$ are any (or almost any) sets, what are the minimal conditions on relations so tha…