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Can we talk about the C virus for a bit?
@Bob sure, what do you want to know?
I do not see any signs that the number of cases in the US is peaking
I have not seen any estimates, backed by numbers, what the peak number will be
I am very concerened
what point do you define as the highest number (peak)? do you think that all the population can be infected?
The peak is when the number of open cases is at a maximum
here in the US, every day, the number of open cases goes up by over 10K
and maximum is the whole population
and the amount of the increase is increasing
I am hoping that at some point soon, people will be recovering faster than the number of new cases
it seems like that point in months away
yes, so two extremes can occur, that the whole population is infected, and that noone is anymore infected, and you are worried that the peak could be at the, for example, 10 percent (or 20) of the whole population?
are you saying that you believe we are going to have 30 million people infected?
that would be terrible
i did not say that, but that percent seems possible globally, not only in the US
I am in the US
I am US focused
At what point do you think it will peak in the US?
i do not know, the situation can be much worse, that is for sure, but it can also be much better
Are you in the US?
nope, but i do not need to be to know about some general reasons of occurrences of diseases
I am going to sign off now
nice chtting
Anyone who claims to know how bad this is going to get is talking out of their arse.
so, are there some nice characterizations of connected sets $S \subseteq \mathbb R^n$?
(there are some reasonable conjectures/speculations to be had, of course, but no one really knows)
@NoName Please outline the proof in formal way, I have never been into it.
Q: Is a polar geosynchronous orbit described by Viviani's curve?

uhohThis answer to Is there a name for the great circle where latitude and longitude are equal? says (in part): More generally, a clélie is the name given to any spherical curve where the longitude $\varphi$ and colatitude $\theta$ have the relationship $\varphi=c\theta,\quad c>0$, and the curve ...

Hello Semiclassical
I would like your best guess on how many people in the US are going to die from the virus
damnit man, i'm a physicist, not a doctor/immunologist/expert on us population
but, right now, they're forecasting a few % mortality rate
the questions, i guess, are what percent of the population ends up getting infected long-term
my estimate is around 100K
for the number of deaths
and whether that mortality rate goes up due to hospitals being under stress
I hope / believe that the mortality rate will not go up significantly due to hospitals being under stress
i hope it as well. i don't have any idea what to believe yet
I do wonder how different it will look state-to-state
I live in NJ
and I am wondering if I should leave
take a vacation
there will presumably be differences due to the varying state responses, but the interconnected nature of the states means that one state's poor response will affect others
I'm in MN
so in a pretty good spot so far
MN has been good so far
relatively speaking, anyways
but I believe that warm weather will help
and the state response so far has been impressive
and MN does not have much warm weather as I understand it
we need hot humid days
summers are hot here too
as I understand it, when the temperature gets around 40 C
you cannot transmit the virus to somebody else
at least I read that in a paper
from wikipedia: "Summer high temperatures in Minnesota average in the mid-80s F (30 °C) in the south to the upper-70s F (25 °C) in the north, with temperatures as hot as 114 °F (46 °C) possible."
what does hrm mean?
it's a more disgruntled "hmmmm"
30C is not 40C
not sure how often we get 100F weather
parts of Texas gets it
right, i meant MN
I understand
and to be safe
you need 40C for the low, not the high
the other unfortunate part of this is that summer doesn't last forever
so even if covid abates during the summer months, does that just mean we get a fall/winter resurgence?
quite possible it is that also very low temperatures are good for non-resurgence
I have not heard that Ante
i think virus cannot stand, for example, -10C and lower
that leaves a pretty big window, unfortunately, and that just happens to the window in which human civilization typically operates
-10C is very cold
yes, but for example would Alaska be a good safe-point?
I have no idea
A friend of mine suggests that we should do very little
keep the economy strong
do what?
and if several million people die from the virus, that is okay
hard to keep the economy strong when there's a lot of people in the hospital
people in the hospital adds to GDP
and it keeps medical people employed
I really have no idea what we should do
activity is good for every kind of disease/illness, if we keep being stuck in our houses/apartments by not doing much then we are more likely to be infected
I hope that the people running the US government know what they are doing
I hope Trump has good advisors
who will tell me objective facts
Here is something I do know
The economy is doing badly
we are headed for a recession and quite possible a depression
The stock market is way down
and I do not believe that it is going to come roaring back any time soon
The national Debt is very high
with that
thanks for the chat
wishing you the best of health
good night
One of our own has gotten sick
won't say who
Don't go anywhere and if you do, bring a mask
And wear it
My beloveds.
did someone study in detail connected sets, subsets of $\mathbb R^n$
What about them, @Ante
For n=1, it's very easy to classify them.
@anakhro exactly that, it is about classification, i would like (?) to classify them all for n>1
Classify them according to what?
types of disconnectednesses which can occur
What types of disconnectedness?
possible ones
not sure exactly, seems this is not much developed area at the present (of topology)
The problem is you are asking a very vague question, and you are not being descriptive at all.
So it's unsurprising you'd come to the conclusion, since it will probably be only as developed as your question is, at least.
i am making notes on a paper and developing a theory slowly, it is tedious that i write all of that here
Not asking for all of it, just something that resembles mathematics.
So far, nothing.
Hi! Can anybody help with a question about Gauss curvature?
I have calculated the Gauss curvature, K=-\frac{1}{2}\frac{\frac{\partial^{2}G}{\partial t^{2}}}{tG}+\frac{1}{4}\left(\frac{\frac{\partial G}{\partial t}}{t^{2}G}+\frac{(\frac{\partial G}{\partial t})^{2}}{tG^{2}}\right)=-\frac{2Gt\cdot\frac{\partial^{2}G}{\partial t^{2}}-\frac{\partial G}{\partial t}(\frac{\partial G}{\partial t}\cdot t+G)}{4G^{2}t^{2}}, and apparently it diverges for G^{2}t^{2}=0. I am trying to figure out how G:=G(t,x) (which is defined for all t,x\in\mathbb{R}) has to look like in order to avoid a curvature
1 hour later…
It's actually very easy to classify connected sets by their types of disconnectedness: they all don't have any
To say something slightly more productive, open, connected subsets of the plane can be classified completely. This probably does not generalize to higher dimensions. Connected, closed 2-manifolds are also classified. I don't know what can be said about closed, connected sets generally and this also gets vastly more complicated higher dimensions.
Generally, a classification of open subsets or manifolds in a reasonable sense is not possible in higher dimensions since that has something to do with the word problem via algebraic topology, so I wouldn't be surprised if the same holds for connect
@Thorgott classified up to?
by their fundamental group?
hi @LeakyNun are you familiar with C* algebra?
banach space ?
it is a simple question actually
then just ask it
don't tie me (or anyone) to the question
@Thorgott @LeakyNun Take any finite presentation $\langle S | R \rangle$, and consider $M = (S^1 \times S^3) \# \cdots \# (S^1 \times S^3)$ where connected sum has happened $|S|$ many times.
Observe $\pi_1 M$ is the free group $F_S$. For each relator $r$ in $R$, choose a smooth representative loop $\gamma_r$ in $M$ whose homotopy class is $r$. You can make this choice such that $\gamma_r$ are all disjoint by transversality. Take tubular neighborhood of $\gamma_r$ in $M$, homeomorphic to $S^1 \times D^3$ with boundary $S^1 \times S^2$ and replace the interior with $D^2 \times S^2$ (this is p
You can explicit build a $4$-manifold with a given unimodular symmetric billinear form, by taking connected sums of $\Bbb{CP}^2$, $\overline{\Bbb{CP}^2}$, $S^2 \times S^2$s and $\Bbb{CP}^2 \# \overline{\Bbb{CP}^2}$'s. Alternatively, take $N' = N \# (\Bbb{CP}^2 \# \overline{\Bbb{CP}^2})$ which has intersection form indefinite and of odd type. Then $p \Bbb{CP}^2 \# q \overline{\Bbb{CP}^2}$ for some appropriate choice of $p, q$ has the same intersection form as $N'$
As everything is smooth here, Freedman's theorem applies: Smoothable simply connected $4$-manifolds are homeomorphic iff they have the same intersection forms. This implies $N' \cong p\Bbb{CP}^2 \# q\overline{\Bbb{CP}^2}$ if $P$ is the trivial presentation. If $P$ is not the trivial presentation, these two manifolds are not homeomorphic because one is simply connected the other isn't
So if you had an algorithm to determine if two 4-manifolds are homeomorphic, you would have an algorithm to determine if a given presentation of a fp group is trivial or not.
is there a f.g. non f.p. group?
If you had an algorithm to determine if two connected subsets of $\Bbb R^n$ are homeomorphic, you would have an algorithm to determine if two connected $4$-manifolds are homeomorphic, so there isn't anything like that either
$4$-manifolds embed in eg $\Bbb R^{8}$
why aren't CP^2 and bar{CP^2} diffeomorphic?
oh and we still have TOP = DIFF?
oh you used a theorem
@LeakyNun A simple example is as follows; consider $F_2 \times F_2 \to \Bbb Z$, sending all $4$ generators to $1$. The kernel is finitely generated, not finitely presented.
@LeakyNun They are. When you connect sum with other stuff, usually they're not diffeomorphic. Eg, CP^2 # CP^2 and CP^2 # bar CP^2 are not diffeomorphic
Not even homotopy equivalent; completely different intersection forms
@LeakyNun No, open in dimension 4
Well, not open in dimension 4. There are non-smoothable 4-manifolds and homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic 4-manifolds
Not true in dimension 4 is what I meant
Not that I know any examples other than R^4 bullshit
who are the candidates for exotic S^4 and R^4?
I don't know anything.
Why don't you ask me something simpler, like a proof of why the group I mentioned is fg not fp? :P
sure go ahead
> Some candidates proposed for exotic 4-spheres are the Cappell–Shaneson spheres (Sylvain Cappell and Julius Shaneson (1976)) and those derived by Gluck twists (Gluck 1962). Gluck twist spheres are constructed by cutting out a tubular neighborhood of a 2-sphere S in S4 and gluing it back in using a diffeomorphism of its boundary S2×S1. The result is always homeomorphic to S4. Many cases over the years were ruled out as possible counterexamples to the smooth 4 dimensional Poincaré conjecture. For example, Cameron Gordon (1976), José Montesinos (1983), Steven P. Plotnick (1984), Gompf (1991),
come on don't cut out a part of me -- S^4, probably
Let $N$ be the kernel of $f : F_2 \times F_2 \to \Bbb Z$. Then we have a function $f : K(F_2 \times F_2, 1) \to S^1$ which lifts to a function $\widetilde{f} : K(N, 1) \to \Bbb R$. $\widetilde{f}$ is what is known as a PL Morse function on $K(N, 1)$, and if you "discrete gradient flow" using $\widetilde{f}$ then topology changes at the vertices with a contribution of the ascending and descending parts of the link of the vertex in $K(N, 1)$.
The ascending and descending links of a vertex in $K(F_2, 1) = 8$ is $S^0$, so the ascending and descending links of a vertex in $K(F_2 \times F_2, 1)$ is $S^0 * S^0 = S^1$, as $\text{Lk}_{(v, w)}(X \times Y) = \text{Lk}_v(X) * \text{Lk}_w(Y)$, where $*$ is join of spaces. $K(N, 1)$ covers $K(F_2 \times F_2, 1)$, so links remain the same.
$K(F_2,1) = 8$?
That means the ascending and descending links of $K(N, 1)$ are both circles, i.e, it has infinitely many $2$-cells, implying $H_2 K(N, 1) = H_2 N$ is infinitely generated aka $N$ is not finitely presented.
But $N$ is clearly finitely generated, if $f : F_2(a, b) \times F_2(x, y) \to \Bbb Z$, $f(a) = f(b) = f(x) = f(y) = 1$, then $ax^{-1}, ay^{-1}, bx^{-1}, by^{-1}$ is a generating set.
Well, not clearly, but yeah
@LeakyNun Wedge of two circles :)
oh lol
I have to run, got the dumbass numerical analysis class online
tell me about it afterwards
2 hours later…
Hi, $r(x)$ is the spectral radius of $x$ where $x$ is some element of a banach algebra $A$ (Not necessarily $C^*$ )
i want to show that $r(x^*x)\le (r(x))^2$ .
can someone help?
@LeakyNun Back from hell
@BalarkaSen what did you learn
Gaussian elimination
With scaled pivoting!
what's scaled pivoting?
> In this approach, the algorithm selects as the pivot element the entry that is largest relative to the entries in its row. This strategy is desirable when entries' large differences in magnitude lead to the propagation of round-off error.
oh i mean its good to keep switching rows when you're doing gaussian elimination cuz you dont want to divide by small things and get error
so its some algorithm which tells you which rows to swap after each step
how to determine which rows to swap?
the usual pivoting rule is to determine, given a pivot entry in say k-th row, which guy below the pivot in its column has highest absolute value
then you swap the row containing that guy and the row containing the pivot
scaled pivoting is your measure of "which guy is the largest below my pivot" is absolute value / absolute row sum
I see
is it true that $||x^*||=||x||$ for every element in a Banach algebra?
2 hours later…
@JackOhara hi :)
@EnjoysMath Hello !
How are you?
@EnjoysMath come our meeting room
@JackOhara I'm doing good. How are you doing?
@infinity No but it's true in $C^\ast$-algebras
(That depends on the definitions to be fair, so you should check yours, some authors require the involution in Banach *-algebras to be an isometry, while in the $C^\ast$ case that's not needed since it follows from the $C^\ast$ condition)
2 hours later…
@AlessandroCodenotti this didn't age well
1 hour later…
Question: The maximum height allowed for the throw of a ball is $D$ and the magnitude of initial velocity should be $\sqrt{ 6gD}$. The motion ought to be projectile. Find the maximum horizontal distance the ball can traverse.
Is it right to change the argument of this integral to $R_0R$ holding the same result since it spans all the rotations?

$\int D_{m_{1}, m_{1^-}}^{(j_1)}(R) D_{m_2, m_{2^-}}^{(j_2)}(R) D_{M M^{-}}^{(J) *}(R) d R$
My attempt: *Let the angle of throw be $\theta$, so we have $$ u_x = \sqrt{6gD} \cos \theta \\ u_y = \sqrt{6gD} \sin \theta$$ Time of flight is $$ t= \frac{2 ~\sqrt{6D}}{\sqrt g} \sin\theta $$ And maximum height can be found by $$ h_{max} = 3D \sin^2\theta \\ h_{Max} \leq D \\ 3D \sin^2\theta \leq D \\ \theta \leq 0.61549163$$
Range of projectile $$ R = u_x t \\ s = \sqrt{6gD} \cos\theta ~2 ~ \frac{\sqrt{6D}}{\sqrt{g}} \sin\theta \\ R = 6D \sin 2\theta $$
Now, we got to maximise $R$ so just differentiate it and set it to zero $$ \frac{d}{d\theta}\left ( 6D \sin 2\theta \right) =0 \\ \cos 2\theta =0 \\ \theta = \frac{\pi}{4}$$
But $\pi/4$ is greater than $0.615491$
But we can see that $$R = 6D \sin 2\theta$$ is an increasing function so for maximum limit of $\theta$ would give us the maximum range. Therefore, $$R_{max} = 6D \sin(2~ 0.615491) \\ R_{Max} = 5.6568 D$$
But the answer given is $\frac{4}{\sqrt 2} D$ Which is about $2.8288 D$
But the answer given is $\frac{4}{\sqrt 2} D$ Which is about $2.8288 D$
What’s the mistake ?
@Knight What the hell you are doing?!!!
Find time period that the ball will be in the air, then, find the distance using $v_o \cos \theta t$
$t = v \sin \theta / |g|$
So, it's $\frac{v_o^2 \cos \theta \sin \theta}{|g|} = \frac{v_o^2 \sin \theta/2}{|g|}$
^not sure, I forgot the formula for it...
@AbhasKumarSinha Yes you have got the formula wrong
I forgot it's $t = 2 v_o \sin \theta/|g|$
My bad....
What’s my mistake ?
@Knight There's a great boring youtube channel that teaches Kinematics (from a very reputed professor), would you like to see if that helps?
@Knight very long. The solution is one liner and no that complicated...
@Knight time of flight...? Why square root?
@AbhasKumarSinha Did you read the question?
Here comes one and only @Semiclassical
@Knight Sorry I'm again sorry.... I misread the question...
I'm amateur and @semiclassical is professonal
let me look at your work
Semiclassical’s entry and John Rennie’s sir entry is no less than the birth of a messiah
I'm amateur and @semiclassical is professonal
Real life avengers' dialogue...
52 secs ago, by Semiclassical
let me look at your work
@Knight you may see this... if you like : askiitians.com/usa/iit-jee-coaching
@AbhasKumarSinha Actually Abhas I have a intrinsic dislikeness for competitive exams, and IIT is one of them. I have seen many questions of IIT they all involve some very weird tricks which I think a man doesn’t need.
@CaptainAmerica16 Hola!
Please help!
@knight not seeing an error yet, hmmmm
@Student404Mus wutt?
will have to recheck again later, i'm back to being busy
$\int D_{m_{1}, m_{1^-}}^{(j_1)}(R) D_{m_2, m_{2^-}}^{(j_2)}(R) D_{M M^{-}}^{(J) *}(R) d R$
@AbhasKumarSinha Is it right to change the argument of this integral to $R_0R$ holding the same result since it spans all the rotations?
@Student404Mus Sorry, what's R? tensor?
ok, it's a rotation matrix
@Semiclassical Okay sir!
and D are the transformations induce by R
The author says, sine the integral involves all the rotations we can change the argument from R to $R_0R$
leaving the overall result invariant
@Knight De nada!
and this is ambiguous
@Student404Mus Sorry. I dun have any knowledge of Rotation Matrices and it's integration. I want to sincerely express my helplessness to you. The best I can do is to star your messages so that the correct expert would help you with the problem...
because the way we change the variables involving integrals we use substitution.
and the latter doesn't appear in the treatment of the author
@AbhasKumarSinha Ok
i.e., $R -> R_0R $ leads to the appearance of $R_0$ in front of the integral which is not the case in his book.
Thank you.
I want only to express it more formally
Can we agree if we took the same problem in one dimension
i.e., $ \int f(x) dx$ becomes $a \int f(ax) dx$
I don't know :-(
@Knight I think there's a mistake in the book. Your answer, in the exact form, is $4D\sqrt{2}$, so a typo may have occurred.
It doesn't matter.
:) I may post it as a question
@Mr.Xcoder agree. I thought exactly same, but I'm not skilled enough to blame book directly. Thanks for giving me confidence! :-) XD
@Mr.Xcoder My answer is 5.656 D and the book’s answer is $\frac{4D}{\sqrt 2}$
Who is right? Me? :-)
I think your answer is correct. Note that your approximate answer $5.656$ is actually $4\sqrt{2}$.
@Mr.Xcoder Thank you!
@Mr.Xcoder Thank you for helping my brother :-)
No problem :)
@Mr.Xcoder We thank you to enable us to be privileged enough to get some selfless and humanworthy thanks from you :-)
@Mr.Xcoder You seem to me a Computer Scientist, Are ya?
Another question of mine is about the invariance of infinitesimal rotations. How can we argue about this, $\delta f(x) = \delta f(ax)$
Not at all actually, I'm just into recreational programming. Physics is my main passion
I'm still in high school so I don't have a job yet, lol
@Mr.Xcoder High School? Which Languages do you know? And how you learned them?
Of course I meant Computer Languages
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Mastered Physics and Computer,
just from Highschool!
@Knight I started programming when I was 11 or 12 because back then I wanted to become a software engineer and I was used to be fascinated by building apps and stuff... So I started with Swift. But then I discovered Stack Overflow and Code Golf and that made me want to learn Python and web languages... So now I know Swift, Python, bits and pieces of HTML & JS and a lot of esolangs (and of course C++ bc we study it in HS)
@AbhasKumarSinha Well, I wouldn't say I "master" either, but thank you :)
3 of 6 messages on starboards > is mine!
This room is soo cooool!! I love Mathematicians... They are better than Physicist!
correction: some mathematicians are better than some physicists
1 hour later…
$x$ is an element of a Banach algebra. assuming $x$ is unitary i want to show that $r(x) =1$
i showed that if $y$ is normal than $r(yy^*) \le r(y)^2$
so this gives that $r(x)\ge 1$
but how can i get $r(x) \le 1$ ?
well this is ominous
US unemployment benefits claims
@Semiclassical Yeah. Tough times ahead
I am really concerned about this virus
The economy is not so good and getting worse
3.3 million initial claims for unemployment benefits, up from 282k? fffffff
i mean, that may be temporary
The picture here is not quite as bad so far. But part of that is due to a huge boost from the government, paying 75% of the wages of people who need to be sent home, under the condition that the employer still pays the remaining 25%, promises not to fire the person, and that the person uses at least 5 vacation days as part of this
if the virus continues to spread, and I think it is
Even so, many companies have had to have massive layoffs
more and more companies will have to close
it's a bit mind-boggling to see a graph go from a historical maximum of 700k up to 3.3m -in one week-
as someone else has said, it looks like a freaking data entry error.
like someone put an extra 0 on the end
I am just happy to work for a company that is only mildly affected, and on a project that is not affected at all.
(other than having to do everything from home)
that sounds good for you Tobias
Yeah, I feel quite privileged to be able to be so relatively unaffected.
I had hopes that somebody here would have a good model
to predict what the number of cases of the virus will be in 2 weeks
A proper model for that requires a good idea of the movement patterns of people
Same. If anything, it has been positive for my situation not having a commute. Really feel for all the people who have suddenly been out of work. I don't know what I would do if that happened to me.
Which makes it something that needs to be adapted locally
people should have an emergency fund
Probably a starting point for the model will need to assume that each person gets into contact with some fixed number $n$ other people, randomly and uniformly chosen, in any given time interval
I also wonder how many people are affected but have not officially reported it.
@ChantryCargill You mean infected?
Probably a quite large number
@TobiasKildetoft If we use your model, then the number of infections will never go down
@Bob why not? I never stated what the model would be with those assumptions
@TobiasKildetoft I assume that $n$ would be over 2
@ChantryCargill For example, I probably had the virus last week (sick for 4 days with shortness of breath and flu symptoms), but not bad enough to get tested, so never confirmed
@Bob Well, we also need the infection rate among people encountered
plus, the rate of recovery/death
I had noro when corona first started going around. Was scared I would get infected at the wrong time.
It may be simpler to ignore that last and make a model for the total number of people who are or have been infected, in which case you end up with a logistic model
from where I sit
if warmer weather does not help stop the spread of the virus
we are going to have 100K or more people dead in this country from the virus.
yes, the USA
I am in the usA
I assume you are too
Obesity is definitely going to be a variable.
Originally from Canada, but live in the UK.
I see
Happy I can still leave the house to go for a run every day.
I have been walking or riding my bike most days
but I do feel stuck inside
I do not feel it is safe for me to go too far away from home
Don't worry, I've been a hermit for years. You'll survive it
I mean, on the bright side, it got me interested in math again
I see
with that
I am going to sign off
nice chatting
See ya
2 hours later…
s=Def. A ring R is a ring.
[Def. A **ring** is a]
Output to my console app
Outputs vocab in bolded or italicized depending on setting.
I'm not storing the original version of the source English, but standardizing the output when I convert it to string
I'm using TextBlob for parsing out parts of speech
I want to do string-based "type theory". For instance if string "a" is known to be an element of a ring, then you can concatenate it with other elements in certain ways, etc.
This treats all of existing type theory implementations as a sort of black-box area. If I can input the same strings or equivalent and output what is necessary, then the goal is met
@topologicalorientablesurface hi
Can't believe they had Mardi-Gras in Louisiana
under these viral conditions
Hi @Semiclassic, demonic @Alessandro
Hello again! Can anyone help with a question regarding Gauss curvature? My co-advisor doesn't have a phone or a computer (=no home office) ... :-( ... I am isolated without anyone to talk about math.
What's your question?
I have calculated the Gauss curvature, K=-\frac{1}{2}\frac{\frac{\partial^{2}G}{\partial t^{2}}}{tG}+\frac{1}{4}\left(\frac{\frac{\partial G}{\partial t}}{t^{2}G}+\frac{(\frac{\partial G}{\partial t})^{2}}{tG^{2}}\right)=-\frac{2Gt\cdot\frac{\partial^{2}G}{\partial t^{2}}-\frac{\partial G}{\partial t}(\frac{\partial G}{\partial t}\cdot t+G)}{4G^{2}t^{2}}, and apparently it diverges for G^{2}t^{2}=0. I am trying to figure out how G:=G(t,x) (which is defined for all t,x\in\mathbb{R}) has to look like in order to avoid a curvature singularity at t=0.
Guess who had the caps lock on without noticing. Too lazy to edit though
So glad to see you, Alessandro!
It's not unusual to find me here :P
I wish you woukd use dollar signs so I can read all that, eigenvalue. As it stands, it's impossible.
@TedShifrin my co-advisor suggested to communicate via international postal mail.LOL... how could I end up like this?
Especially in this time of quarantine, I'm either writing my thesis or watching netflix, either way I'm on my laptop :P
Just want to make sure everyone's ok, Akessandro.
Fair enough
I'm afraid you should be more worried about people in the US with how the situation is evolving now thogh
@AlessandroCodenotti Doesn't your advisor expect results despite the lockdown? You should cut the Netflix... LOL
Nah, I work during the day and watch series during the night
Eigenvalue, you have to use syntax that's legible in here. Are you doing a general normal coordinates computation? What is the context?
@TedShifrin... oops. let me type it again....
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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