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perks up moving frames? A @Balarka
Hello Ted
are you worried about the virus?
Q: How should the neural network deal with unexpected inputs?

JeffI recently wrote an application using a deep learning model designed to classify inputs. There are plenty of examples of this using images of irises, cats, and other objects. If I trained a data model to identify and classify different types of irises and I show it a picture of a cat, is there ...

Q: Elementary modular arithmetic probabilities and a question about expected value...

EnjoysMathSee this background post for more info: probability and modular arithmetic. So we have the basic fact that $\text{Pr}(\text{a randomly selected } 1 \leq k \leq x \text{ is such that } x \mid k) \equiv p_n(x) = \dfrac{n - n[x]}{xn}$ where we've redefined $n[x] \equiv n_{(x)} \equiv n \pmod x$ or ...

There are 3 types of people in the world. Those who can add and those who can't.
Add $123402342341$ to $1341341341234123$
There are $\sigma$ types of people in the world: Those who define symbols to mean whatever they want, and $\nabla\nabla\nabla$
1 hour later…
@Semiclassical I hope you will receive my ping.
@Semiclassical I’m working very hard but unable to find a proof of “magnetic field line runs parallel to the axis of solenoid inside it and is uniform”. I have searched Greiner’s, Feynman’s , Slater and Frank but all of them just assumes it to be true
Only Griffiths do that (here is his proof 1 2 3 4
Is there any other proof? Please I’m in urgent need of it.
1 hour later…
@Bob Turns out I saw a doctor 11 days ago who has tested positive. But I have no symptoms, thank goodness. I'm infuriated by the number of people acting like nothing's different. I've been essentially inside for over a wek.
@GWarner an oldie :)
@TedShifrin Do you know Differential Equation?
That's a vast topic.
How much vast?
You can post your question. If I can help, I will. If not perhaps someone else will at some point.
Hey Ted, you're up pretty late
Unless of course you're in a different time zone
Okay, yeah, 1:30am for me
Actually not at home because of the virus .... so life is on my iPad now.
Yeah, I remember you mentioning that you'd be off the grid for a while
@TedShifrin and (the t word) is blaming (the c word)
I left GA almost 5 yrs ago.
Well, Xi and Trump are both responsible for tens of thousands of deaths.
Or will be.
If I die, I blame our leadership entirely.
Still no testing unless dire symptoms.
how much is the test?
No charge. Congress forced that.
Just months behind on having enough tests or medical equipment.
but they wont test you?
There aren't nearly enough tests. You need serious symptoms, and I haven't.
Yet, anyhow.
Where's @Abhas’s question?
i guess im proud of hong kong
we did a lot of preventive measures
so we have literally <200 cases
Yes. Well done.
those are confirmed cases, of those who were tested, the true numbers are i think much higher everywhere
I dont think you know Hong Kong
A doctor friend told me today that some testing positive may not be symptomatic.
that is true, symptoms show only under certain circumstances, sometimes the persons even almost do not know they are infected
the fever can be present at some times and at some times not, it can vary
also, everyone in hk wears masks
@LeakyNun a lot of overseas students coming back so
the western countries seem to be very skeptical of masks
@loch yeah
maybe the fact that we dont need to go into lockdown might suggest that masks actually work
There aren't any even for the doctors, let alone common citizens. More idiocy.
have you heard of usa people attacking people with masks? ridiculous
So where are you now, Leaky and loch?
Aha. Hope you're safe!
much safer than in usa
Yup, sure.
Or most of Europe.
lets say there can be enough masks if goverments would do something
Apparently lots are produced....... in China.
i actually didnt feel too unsafe in cambridge -- maybe because i live off campus and i dont really interact with people other than the occasional grocery shopping..
Probably better stop saying stuff.
I mean, the social acceptance of masks seems to be low in western countries
I always preferred self-isolation, so things aren't much different for me.
I need to do my neck exercises .... so g’night.
G'night Ted
Night, Rithaniel.
Cya @TedShifrin
So there's expected value
$\sum_{x} x p(x)$
The probability that a randomly selected $m \in (n-k, n+k]$ is divisible by $x$ is $\dfrac{[\dfrac{n+k}{x}] - [\dfrac{n-k}{x}]}{2k}$
thats a bit unexpected
Working with variables in $\Bbb{Z}$
and $\gt 0$ where needed
So I came up with $\sum\limits_{x = 2}^{\lfloor \sqrt{n}\rfloor} x p_{n-k, n+k}(x)$ should be the expected value of divisors for numbers around $n$ up to $k$ units out
*of some divisor
However, the formula is coming up with weird numbers that are not related
where $[\cdot]$ is floor
from math import gcd, log10, sqrt
from sympy import isprime

def expected_value(n, k):
S = 0

for x in range(2, int(sqrt(n)) + 1):
S += (n - k) % x
S -= (n + k) % x

return 1 + S/(2*k)

while True:
n = int(input("n="))
k = int(input("k="))
E = expected_value(n, k)
print("EV=", E)
Found it
@LeakyNun India also had < 200 cases 3 days back, till some privileged Bollywood Singer got VIP Pass from the Airport and attended Party with 200 people.
Spoiled Brats, it's not the illiterate people. its the literate people who think that they are above all
Did you see who came into our room pal @AbhasKumarSinha?
@skullpatrol Yep Pal, the room got invaded with mods,...
Yeah, time to let it freeze.
meta is crawling with mods @AbhasKumarSinha
@skullpatrol okay...
How to freeze that?
just don't post anything in it for 14 days
1 hour ago, by Ted Shifrin
Where's @Abhas’s question?
@LeakyNun Hong Kong, North Korea, South Korea and India doing good till now... (For some reason, India will soon see a very high surge in number of infected people)
@TedShifrin How to use Laplace Transform to solve DE.
The reason is the two week incubation period.
Can Laplace Transform solve 'any kind of DE'?
@skullpatrol for what?
sad, he's offline
yep, you gotta be fast to catch him, pal :-)
@skullpatrol The 2 week thing isn't true, in asymptotic cases there are cases of more than 3 weeks too.
I meant on "average"...
we need a lot more data
yep... Also Chinese datasets are highly tempered.
even giving it an official name took 2 months :-/
Q: Can you come up with a shortcut to summation over modulus of the integers?

EnjoysMath$$ \sum_{x = 2}^a n \pmod x $$ Doesn't seem very interesting until you connect it with expected value of divisors. Since the probability that $x \mid k $ randomly selected from $k \in (m,n]$ is readily seen to be $\dfrac{\lfloor \dfrac{n}{x}\rfloor - \lfloor \dfrac{m}{x}\rfloor}{n-m}$ and sinc...

Thx for the upvote
Today's Janta Curfew and Clap Tribute day...
Martial is coming into effect everywhere soon.
What's that?
Is there curfew in Germany?
No gatherings of >10 people
not yet
here no gatherings for people more than 3
I hope no one else gets the virii
@AbhasKumarSinha In a county with a population > 1 billion people, how is that possible?
@skullpatrol trillion? world population is 8 billion!
I think you mean 1 billion
Oops :P
Although no official Government Curfew is there, just people's movement through social media, they started it and are doing same
I'll also stay at home till 9 PM
I was thinking of the $1 trillion tump is giving the banks
Except Street workers, not a single person out of home : twitter.com/manishmedia/status/1241575381024440321?s=20
A usual sight is 200 people on the same road
They have "seniors only" hours at the stores.
Insane, not a single road with a man on it!
@skullpatrol means? senior citizens?
The aliens like curfews
Didn't you see "colony" on nf
Except my own footsteps, I've not heard anything since morning
It's creepy, eerie, and very strange, never though citizens to be so disciplined... Perhaps aliens took everyone except me :-X
@EnjoysMath Netflix?
^_^ also watch "the recall"
I just brought a new Bravia TV 8k TV. Cool, I watch NF rarely, the only series I liked was Spy and Sacred Games.
@EnjoysMath Trailer seems good.
have you seen the Irishman? @EnjoysMath
Yeah, not my bag though
why not?
Robert De'Niro?
He started out in meat delivery?
Yeah, it was okay.
@EnjoysMath Sacred Games has higher IMDB rating than recall
It was a biopic about Jimmy Hoffa, right?
@AbhasKumarSinha Damn. Sounds like what happened in Vietnam. I heard a rich student travelled through London, Milan, then went to multiple parties in Vietnam before testing positive.
The Hurricane is more of my type of biopic
Watched "The Haunted" dramatizations of true-life hantings. I'm creeped out for life now
Dare you to watch it at night
@NoName Actually, for visas from Europe is suspended, only Indian Nations can enter. Quarantine for 14 days and checking at all 14 days were compulsory for everyone checking through airport. She played her VVIP card and then boom!
@EnjoysMath Conjuring 2 too!
I'll have to see if it's on nf
It's on Hotstar
Just search, you'll find it.
You will find the prime numbers, my friend
prime numbers?
didn't get it.
Just stupid, I'm in prime number hell right now
@AbhasKumarSinha I believe Vietnam had similar measures in place at the time for anyone that's been in Italy/Milan, but as the daughter of a steel tycoon she got an exception.
That's what I say every time I'm trying to factor integers as well
@NoName Oh I thought Spoiled Brats exist in India too :O
whatabout the daughter of a real raccoon
Probably rabid, so they get a pass
They are vultures.
Raccoons are like cats, the chinese ate them, then corona virus. That's the story theyre selling
Also WHO is continuously supporting the chinese made lies...
@EnjoysMath God knows where they came, but It's the last time in history of humanity.
Probably an extraterrestrially engineered bio weapon to stress the economy and bring about some newer tech
Next time no Pandemic
I been reading about the Bollywood singer. [Apparently no relation to the famous actresses (Kareena/Karisma, I'm ignorant don't judge me lol)].
@NoName I was talking about same person, Kanika Kapoor, aka Baby Doll
She's probably Kareena's sister.... God knows...
@NoName Yes I guess you are right and I'm ignorant :P She's isn't related to Kareena.
@AbhasKumarSinha Haha, I searched to find out earlier.
November 16, 1968. "In the opinion of the eight virologists these viruses are members of a previously unrecognized group which they suggest should be called the coronaviruses"
@skullpatrol Coronavirus existed much before 2020...
It's just a class of virus.
SARS is also caused due to Coronavirus.
To be specific we are talking about CONVID-19
1 hour ago, by skullpatrol
even giving it an official name took 2 months :-/
NOTE: The word was introduced by a group of virologists as a short article "Coronaviruses" in the "News and Views" section of Nature (vol. 220, no. 5168, November 16, 1968, p. 650): "…avian infectious bronchitis virus has a characteristic electron microscopic appearance resembling, but distinct from, that of myxoviruses. Particles are more or less rounded in profile…there is also a characteristic 'fringe' of projections 200 Å long, which are rounded or petal shaped, rather than sharp or pointed, as in the myxoviruses. This appearance, recalling the solar corona, is shared by mouse hepatitis virus….In the opinion of the eight virologists these viruses are members of a previously unrecognized group which they suggest should be called the coronaviruses, to recall the characteristic appearance by which these viruses are identified in the electron microscope."
1 hour later…
@AbhasKumarSinha Actually Covid-19 is the disease, the virus is called SARS-CoV-2
(Covid stands for Corona Virus Disease)
and 19 stands for 2019
not so sure about the 2 in SARS-CoV-2?
SARS-CoV-1 was the first SARS epidemic I think
Well, except we didn't know there would be another one, so we just called it SARS-CoV
yeah, I think they call it "classic" now
so the 2 is the second epidemic?
I think so. Or the second version of the virus to affect humans, but in this case it's pretty much equivalent
2nd version sounds plausible
According to wikipedia there are intermediate versions of the virus called "SARSr-CoV something" that affected bats
Yeah, I saw that :-/
A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is any recently discovered coronavirus of medical significance not yet permanently named. Although coronaviruses are endemic in humans and infections are normally mild (such as the common cold, which is caused by human coronaviruses in about 15% of cases), cross-species transmission has produced some unusually virulent strains which can cause viral pneumonia and in serious cases even acute respiratory distress syndrome. == Species == The following viruses could initially be referred to as "novel coronavirus", often with retroactive addition of the year of discov...
Oh, so it is because it's a second pandemic
Listening to André Rieu - The Second Waltz (Shostakovich).
And now André Rieu - And The Waltz Goes On (composed by: Anthony Hopkins).
Any good? @MatsGranvik
> From a taxonomic perspective, SARS-CoV-2 is classified as a strain of the species severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (SARSr-CoV).[2]
The red plot is the partial sums of the Möbius inverse of the Harmonic numbers minus n.
The blue curve (which I am trying to write a better program for) is a sequence that is provably bounded by Floor(Sqrt(n)).
*red curve (not plot)
The lower plot with only the blue curve is the blue curve/graph divided by a square root, which seems to converge to a constant.
*provably bounded by a constant times Floor(Sqrt(n))
> Based on phylogeny, taxonomy and established practice, the CSG recognizes this virus as forming a sister clade to the prototype human and bat severe acute respiratory syndrome coronaviruses (SARS-CoVs) of the species Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus, and designates it as SARS-CoV-2.
Oh I can hear you now.
This program is still incomplete but produces the plots above: pastebin.com/Qcq4FrHv
Wasn't Anthony Hopkins in the silence of the lambs?
Yes it is the same Anthony Hopkins.
Creepy movie
So they say, I have not watched them.
I never got the nerve up to watch the second one.
@anakhro I want to learn the Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem. I thought you might be more of a forms guy than I
@TedShifrin Yup :)
Is your area under article 144?
Worse. They issued a 7 day lockdown on my state
5 hours ago, by Leaky Nun
have you heard of usa people attacking people with masks? ridiculous
Asians wearing masks.
Asians are retaliating buy purchasing guns.
mean while
in Coronavirus Chat Zone, yesterday, by nitsua60
Don't know if it'll come to pass, but NYC did tack on 3K cases in just one day. (5K-->8K over the course of March 20.)
2 hours later…
why when I have an equation of two variables like: $x^2 + 10y^2 = 3 $ it has no integer solution. But If I solve it for mod 3, then we have $x^2 + y^2 = 0$ Now, we have x = -y. y=1 and x=2 makes the equation equal 0. then why there no solution?
@AbhasKumarSinha Or a mod can freeze it for you.
because solving an equation over the integers and solving an equation over the integers mod 3 are different things
because p implies q doesn't mean q implies p
Say $f : M \to N$ is a smooth map of closed manifolds. Any smooth map $f : M \to N$ factors through an embedding $M \to N \times \Bbb R^\infty$. Fiber $F_f$ of the map $\text{Emb}(M, N \times \Bbb R^\infty) \to C^\infty(M, N)$ over $f$, given by projecting to the $N$ factor, is the space of such factorizations of $f$.
is $\Bbb R^\infty$ the direct limit of $\Bbb R^n$?
is it trivial?
What is?
that it factors through an embedding
It factors like $M \to M \times N \to N$, embed $M$ in $\Bbb R^\infty$ by Whitney
oh lol
$F_f$ I think is weakly contractible
$F_f$ is just $C(M, \text{Emb}(N, \Bbb R^\infty))$, and $\text{Emb}(N, \Bbb R^\infty)$ is certainly weakly contractible, right? Given a sphere's worth of embeddings $S^n \times N \to \Bbb R^\infty$ of $N$, we should be able to fill it by a disk $D^{n+1} \times N \to \Bbb R^\infty$.
@BalarkaSen chess?
Thinking about something rn, maybe later tho
@Thorgott Thank you! but, I have a book that says: let f: Z --> Z_n, then $f(a) = \bar{a}$ is a natural homomorphism from Z onto Z_n. If a polynomial equation p=0 is satisfied in Z, necessarily f(p) = f(0) is true in Z_n. So, it should be the same thing isn't?
If $S^n \times N \to \Bbb R^\infty$ is a sphere of embeddings, approximate it by an immersion $S^n \times N \to \Bbb R^\infty$. This is isotopic to an embedding because you're in high enough dimension. Any two embeddings are isotopic in high enough dimensions to isotope it to $S^n \times N \to \Bbb R^\infty$ given by (standard embedding, some embedding). Cap off by disk.
@user777 No, that is the opposite direction of what you wanted
(as Leaky started out saying)
It all boils down to proving $\pi_0 \text{Emb}(N, \Bbb R^\infty) = 0$, which is direct because given $f_0, f_1 : N \to \Bbb R^\infty$ two embeddings, consider a map $F : N \times I \to \Bbb R^\infty$ joining $f_0, f_1$ (always possible, $\Bbb R^\infty$ is contractible). Then aproximate this by an immersion and that by an embedding.
Relative to boundary
@TobiasKildetoft I see the point! but when they are the same thing or how do I know when both direction are the same thing
OK, so $C^\infty(M, N)$ is weakly equivalent to $\text{Emb}(M, N \times \Bbb R^\infty)$
@user777 There is no general setting in which they are the same thing
Differential relations are so much easier to state if we use this fact; they are just spaces of subbundles of $T(N \times \Bbb R^\infty)$. For example, the differential relation of immersions $M^m \to N$ is the subset of $\text{Grass}(m, N \times \Bbb R^\infty)$ consisting of all non-vertical $m$-planes in $T(N\times \Bbb R^\infty)$
If image of differential of a map $M \to N$ goes inside this subset, then it's image by the weak equivalence $\text{Emb}(M, N \times \Bbb R^\infty) \to C^\infty(M, N)$ will land inside $\text{Imm}(M, N)$
@TobiasKildetoft Okay, Let me briefly summarize what I understood. Suppose I have an equation in Z, then I want to reduce it in Z_n in order to be easier to solve. Now, If I have a solution for x and y, then it must be the case the there is a solution in the first place which is in Z. But if there is no solution in Z_n, then it doesn't mean that in Z it has no solution since the backward direction is not known.
@user777 No, that is the opposite of what your book said
@TobiasKildetoft there is actually the local-global principle
@LeakyNun Would that not be comparing to localizations?
yeah and localization is kinda a glorified version of mod
@LeakyNun lol
nothing i like these strange descriptions of yours
@LeakyNun Well, for triangulated categories, it is essentially the other way around. Quotients are just a kind of localization.
These algebraists. Nutcases.
Back to topology.
@LeakyNun Don't ask those hard questions. It lies way too far back for me now. I think it was a paper by Parshall and Scott I saw this in, where they construct the derived category by doing a quotient of a triangulated category, rather than the usual localization business.
@BalarkaSen Localizations are just open subschemes
I agree
Localizations on principal ideals though
That's a good picture, the Rabinoschwitz trick or whatever it is called
Right, that's a way to prove the Nullstellensatz
Flooshing $X \setminus V(f)$ up to an affine variety by doing inverse of a nonproper projection
Floosh-floom is what I call that proof
Now I see the point. Thank you so much Tobias.
Now, to summary what I understood. Solution in Z implies Solution in Z_n and by logic, we can also say: No Solution in Z_n implies No Solution in Z. So, in my book, it doesn't ask: Find solution of the following equations, but all questions about: Prove that the following equations have no integral solutions
The source of this exercise is H. (1-7) in p.198-199, in Chapter 19: Quotient Rings of book titled: "A Book of Abstract Algebra" By Pinter
Also Thanks to @LeakyNun
I have been wondering about germs of smooth maps $\Bbb R^m \to \Bbb R^n \times \Bbb R^N$. Let's call in $X_{m, n}^{N}$.
There are natural inclusions $X_{m, n}^N \to X_{m, n}^{N+1}$ given by taking product with $\Bbb R$
Take the colimit to get $X_{m, n}$, germs of smooth maps $\Bbb R^m \to \Bbb R^n \times \Bbb R^\infty$
@BalarkaSen yesterday Grischuk spent 50 minutes on one move thinking that white is gonna play g4
but white played h4 and those 50 minutes were for nothing
well he's Grischuk
going into time trouble is his middle name
who won
it was a draw
it was the Berlin endgame
6138 master games played, 21% white wins, 64% draw, 15% black wins
(lichess database)
do people still play the berlin wall
What's the best mathematical tool to represent smoothly varying symmetry?
consider an object that has a symmetry at time $t_0$ but an instant later at $t_1$ the object is slightly different in its symmetry, but there's still a natural map that can stitch together the two slightly different symmetries in a meaningful way
@LeakyNun Help me with epsilon delta proof:
$$\lim_{x\to \infty} \frac{x}{e^x}=0$$
Consider $\varepsilon \gt 0$ , $$ \bigg{| \frac{x}{e^x} |} -0 \lt \varepsilon$$
Consider $\varepsilon \gt 0$ , $$ \bigg|\frac{x}{e^x} -0 \bigg |\lt \varepsilon$$
Now, I’m unable to isolate the $x$. My aim is to prove that for $x$ bigger than certain value the above condition will be true
@geocalc33 Could you give a concrete example? How can symmetries vary smoothly?
@TobiasKildetoft well I did read briefly that "fiber bundles" give a natural language for manipulating and constructing varying symmetry
@geocalc33 Where did you read that?
@tobias I read it on a Quora answer. If you have a space of fibers that is the real unit interval $x$-axis, which map to a set of co-fibers, on the real $y-$axis What do you call the base space $B$, the total space $E$ and what is the map $\pi?$ A fiber bundle is usually written as $\pi:E\to B$
I don't understand what you mean by that setup. But maybe someone else here does. Balarka is more into bundles than I am.
all I know is that I would write it as $f:X \to Y$ but it seems like the $\pi$ map is backwards
oh okay
@TobiasKildetoft It's nonsense to all of us
Don't worry about it
@BalarkaSen Ahh, good.
I'm sorry @BalarkaSen @TobiasKildetoft
all I can do is my best
nothing is ever perfect at the start
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