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The $p$-adic sphere should just be $S(a,p^r)=a+p^{-r}\Bbb Z_p^\times$. If you combine this fact with the tree diagram interpretation of the $p$-adics this should help one visualize the boundary of balls. (Spheres are boundaries of balls in general metric spaces, right?)
Though I don't know that this applies to general ultrametric spaces.
@anon Thanks, Anon - I am not planning in going very far with general ultrametric spaces - I mainly want to know about the specific case of the $p$-adics - as I want to get to the understand why they are so useful in number theory. The topology thing is a bit of a side avenue, although it is interesting.
So your hint could be extremely useful - thanks!
@OldJohn Pretty kickass. Bit related to my stuff. Who was your advisor?
I wonder why @anon is anonymous, he(?) is really skilled.
If you're a moron, it is understandable that you want to be anonymous although I do not really care, I am what I am. But,...
@JonasTeuwen This guy at the Open University in the UK: mcs.open.ac.uk/People/p.j.rippon one of my examiners was a guy called Walter Hayman
@OldJohn Oh! You can get a PhD at the Open University? Cool!
@JonasTeuwen Yep - sure can!
@anon Reveal yourself. The power of Peer Review compels you!
Bloody hard work though as a part-time external student :-(
But you are now Dr. Old John, so it was worth it? 8-)).
@JonasTeuwen Yes - but if I had know how hard it was going to be, I don't think I would have started (being called Dr has been no use to me)
@OldJohn So, retrospectively you would not have done it?
but in retrospect I am glad I did it
Ah! Then no problem, dr. John.
I think I would do it anyway, no matter how hard.
@JonasTeuwen Yes - I enjoyed getting the feeling that I had something to say that (a very few) other mathematicians might find worth reading
@OldJohn :-). The pleasure of finding things out...?
and proving to myself that I could do it - even though I was so old by the time that I finished that I could make no real use of it :)
Where I live, Dr. John's refers to the local sex shops.
But you are 59 and retired. You were a maths teacher?
@anon I've been meaning to ask you, are you from Omaha? I thought I read somewhere you are from Nebraska
@JonasTeuwen Yes - I have taught maths (and computing sometimes) all my life - even when I was doing the PhD
And I was about to mention Dr. John's myself
@HenryTHorton Yep.
@OldJohn Cool! So, what do you do now? Just... enjoy?
@HenryTHorton ROFL at Dr John's sex shops! - never heard of them!!
You should walk in, show your business card and demand free goodies, uh...
Yep - enjoy watching my bonsai trees grow - and do some number theory for fun :)
@anon Are you able to disclose where you went to high school?
@OldJohn Though I mainly want to investigate, I think I can't resist teaching maths. I help many of my friends in math and I really enjoy teaching maths.
A Jesuit one ;)
@JonasTeuwen Daren't think what those "goodies" might be
@anon What's a Jesuit school?
@PeterTamaroff Cool! Good lecturers are necessary. My students run away.
So I have to teach linear algebra for engineering.
And I'm like: "But bros, this is like crazy right? Just remember: a matrix is just a linear map".
Two classes after that: no more students.
@anon I see. Then there's about 0% chance I ever met you back in the day
@JonasTeuwen Hahahaha OK.
@HenryTHorton Back in the day? How old are you?
@anon You're a "God's Marine"?
@anon A couple years older than you
@PeterTamaroff Nah, I was one of the infamous atheists of my high school (eventually anyway).
Need to go inside - too dark and cold out here now - back later
Hey guys =)
@anon Hahaha well, I went to a Parish school. Some companions asked me why I was going to a parish school being an atheist.
(They didn't know they are also atheists w.r.t. +2000 other gods.... but welll)
@PeterTamaroff But they are not gods, they are things to stray ones heart away from the one and only god ;)
@OldJohn :-).
@N3buchadnezzar Which is the one and only God?
@HenryTHorton +1
"What are you working on?" A: "Math?"
@PeterTamaroff Whichever you choose to believe in ;)
@JonasTeuwen You know your work is serious business when you can not explain it to others,
@N3buchadnezzar Maybe I can but I don't want to! 8-).
I'm disillusioned.
@JonasTeuwen Its like lambdas and deltas, it is quite complicated.
@N3buchadnezzar "Stuff with Greek letters, bro."
Physicists have a much easier time "explaining" what they are doing.
I still don't know how to write down $\xi$. I just scribble something random for it.
@anon You could write \xi in your work..
much funner to scribble
@anon I can hand-write $\xi$, but have a real hard time with $\Xi$
I don't think I've ever written $\Xi$ down.
@OldJohn I find it utterly impossible to write down $\zeta$ properly.
@anon I tried once - won't ever try again - there are plenty of other letters to choose from :)
@PeterTamaroff Practice.
I can do $\displaystyle\Huge\zeta$ well now.
@anon You don't say.
I do say.
@JonasTeuwen Maybe it's because I'm a lefty.
I once won a bottle of wine in a Greek taverna - for knowing the whole of the Greek alphabet :)
@OldJohn Hahah cool. I know almost all. They are fun letters.
@PeterTamaroff So am I. (Hence: bullshit).
I tend to use more Greek than Norwegian characers so far.
@JonasTeuwen Interesting. Jasper Loy is also left handed. It is quite the coincidence.
Isn't the symbol for the empty set actually a Norwegian letter originally? (maybe Danish)
@PeterTamaroff Well, were you able to write the Latin alphabet immediately?
Anynone heard of Boya's identity?
I had some papers from something I had been working on left on the table. And my niece asked me what it was for. I tried explaining that it was to calculate the between a function and a woobly surface. She looked oddly at me and asked why I ever wanted to figure that out.
@JonasTeuwen I can't really write in cursive. I write in "press" letters.
@JonasTeuwen Here
@PeterTamaroff Pretty. I am sure you can write it.
@JonasTeuwen I'm trying now. I have to start from the bottom up to get it right.,
I find people who use an image of themselves as avatars, somewhat uncomfortable.
@PeterTamaroff Yes, try like half an hour or so.
@N3buchadnezzar LOL why?
@N3buchadnezzar Why?
The internet is for being anonymous, not spread large creepy pictures of yourself.
@N3buchadnezzar Hmm - must change my gravatar quickly ...
@N3buchadnezzar Though I might side with you on this one
@OldJohn Well its small enough not to be a nuisance
@N3buchadnezzar What is that link?
@N3buchadnezzar I don't think the internet is for being anonymous. Certain parts of it, yes. Not all of it.
@N3buchadnezzar I don't like the full anonymity on things like this.
There are very good reasons to want to associate yourself with your presence on some internet sites, this one included.
There is a further distinction: anonymity is to pseudonymity as imageboards/chans are to forums.
@N3buchadnezzar You can always block the avatar!
@JonasTeuwen Bye Jonas!
@N3buchadnezzar Bro.
Where do I learn cool stuff about Weyl algebras?
@JonasTeuwen Hmm. I can hide your posts, and I can ignore you everywhere. But I can not like, remove your face.
@N3buchadnezzar Ad block.
Has my gravatar changed?
@OldJohn Hhaha you're God John now.
@anon Great!
you look like an owl either way though
@N3buchadnezzar I even shared a pic of me with Jasper some time ago.
@anon Thanks
@OldJohn Viele besser!
@N3buchadnezzar Nice bro.
Shall I switch to xmonad or stay with dwm...?
@N3buchadnezzar Danke schon
@JonasTeuwen Go retro with fvwm!
@OldJohn dwm is like very retro already!
@N3buchadnezzar DOes that mean something like "Much better"?
@JonasTeuwen I like minimalist wm's - but quite as far as Blackbox
@PeterTamaroff Ja, sprechen Sie nicht Deutch? Shade.
@N3buchadnezzar Nein.
I however remember some words
I went to a German school up to 1st grade.
^^ Neither do I, although I remember bits and bytes from it though.
(that is 6-7 years old)
@OldJohn You call Blackbox minimal?
@JonasTeuwen erm ... yes
Maple keeps crashing!
@OldJohn Hmm, peculiar.
@JonasTeuwen There is something more minimal?
@OldJohn Yes. The one I use!
@JonasTeuwen Wow!
@JonasTeuwen That actually looks pretty good - must give it a try
"When determining the 5th reference to s causal relationship between x and xy squared, does one attempt clitoral reference or simply discard the model in number theory?"
@PeterTamaroff ???
@PeterTamaroff Good grief
@OldJohn :-).
calling for votes
@anon ALready voted to close, dawg.
I knodat cat
LOL -2 to -6 in 5 seconds
and I didn't even bother voting
@anon BTW that cat is hilarious
@anon Community deleted?
Is it an automatic script?
yup, cuz of the # o' flags
holy crap the edit option is even gone to 20k+ers!
I feel impotent.
must ... resist ... inb4ing...
@anon In taking this to meta.
Fuck him.
Won't he automatically get blocked after a few posts are automatically deleted for spam?
@HenryTHorton No idea.
I believe so.
@anon what option is gone?
the option to edit those posts that are deleted by community
@anon Not deleted, but locked.
@HenryTHorton Where are you now?
@BenjaLim Night.
Me? What kind of question is this!?
@HenryTHorton are you undergrad/postgrad/retired
I just finished my first year of grad school
ah ok
@HenryTHorton Ah can I ask you a small problem in algebraic topology?
I am not sure if it's trivial
Sure, I might not be able to answer it even if it is trivial :)
@BenjaLim Everything is trivial after you prove it. =P
I wanna prove that you can always embed $X$ into the cone over it $CX$
The map $f : X \rightarrow CX$ factorises to $h \circ g$
where $g : X \rightarrow X \times I$
$h : X \times I \rightarrow (CX = X \times I/X \times \{0\})$
@HenryTHorton I forgot to say you first pick a $t \in [0,1)$
and then $g(x) = (x,t)$, $h(x,t) = [x,t]$
$\varphi: X \longrightarrow CX$, $\varphi(x) = [x,1]$? That should be an embedding, right?
not $[x,1]$ but $[x.t]$
@HenryTHorton So I want to say that $X \cong \varphi(X)$
Why don't you allow $t = 1$?
Where your $\varphi = h \circ g$
I don't want $t = 1$
$1$ is the loneliest number...
Otherwise I don't think the map is injective .... @HenryTHorton
By your definition of the cone, you collapse the level $X \times \{0\}$
So the map should be injective for all $t \neq 0$
Oh crap
OMG sorry
I collapsed the wrong thing!!
I should have collapsed $X \times \{1\}$
Sorry man
Then take $t = 0$ in that case?
any $t \in [0,1)$
I think wlog we can take $t = 0$
Now I have proved that $\varphi$ is continuous
(It's the composite of two continuous functions)
Where the cone $CX$ has the quotient topology
But you see I am now having some trouble
in proving that $\varphi$ is open
well not really trouble but some details are bogging me down
for example if $U$ is open in $X$, then under $g$ it is mapped to $U \times \{0\}$
Now because we excluded $t = 1$
each element is in its own equivalence class
so I think I can write $U \times \{0\} = h^{-1}(\bigcup_{x \in U} [x,0])$ @HenryTHorton
$h|_{X \times \{0\}} = \mathrm{Id}_{X \times \{0\}}$
well not exactly
Well maybe that's not completely accurate
because you are still sending an element to the set containing it
But nothing happens to $X \times \{0\}$ when you quotient
in a way yea
So yes $U \times \{0\} = h^{-1}(\{[x,0] : x \in U\})$
@HenryTHorton Now the problem here is that $U \times \{0\}$ is not open in $X \times I$
I am taking that $I = [0,1]$ is given the subspace topology from the usual Euclidean topology on $\Bbb{R}$
@BenjaLim Someone said you sounded more like an owl than a man.
@N3buchadnezzar Why did they say that?
You should have said "Who?"...
@HenryTHorton what do you think should happen now?
Just construct an inverse for $\varphi$
$\psi: \{[x,0] : x \in X\} \longrightarrow X$, $\psi([x,0]) = x$
@HenryTHorton I am not trying to show it is bijective
Show it is continuous
I have done that
you don't understand the problem now is in showing it is an open map
And note that $\{[x,0] : x \in X\}$ has the subspace topology inherited from $CX$
I know
$\{[x,0] : x \in U\}$ is open in $\{[x,0] : x \in X\}$ in the subspace topology
You want to show $\varphi: X \longrightarrow \varphi(X)$ is open
Not $\varphi: X \longrightarrow CX$
An embedding is a homeomorphism onto its image
@HenryTHorton Yes
@BenjaLim So that's what I was suggesting: just construct the continuous inverse to $\varphi$, $\psi: \{[x,0] : x \in X\} \longrightarrow X$
You already know $\varphi$ is injective and continuous
So you just need to show it is a homeomorphism onto its image
@HenryTHorton yes but you see proving continuity of the inverse is equivalent to showing my $\varphi$ is an open map
and that's the problem there
An open map onto its image
One thing I am confused about is
The quotient topology on $CX$ is such that $V$ is open in $CX$ iff $h^{-1}(V)$ is open in $X \times I$
but now when dealing with the subspace....
Because I already know that $U \times \{0\}$ is $h^{-1}(\bigcup_{x \in U}[x,0])$
@JonasTeuwen ?
Think about the image of the set $U \times [0,1] \subset X \times I$ in $CX$
@HenryTHorton wait why $U \times [0,1]$?
and not $U \times \{0\}$?
a priori you fix a $t$ no?
It's an open set in $CX$ such that $(U \times [0,1])/\!\sim \cap \{[x,0] : x \in X\} = \{[x,0] : x \in U\}$
@BenjaLim I'm showing you that $\{[x,0] : x \in U\}$ is open in the subspace topology
I think the guy in the left in the intersection is $U \times [0,1] / \sim$
where $(x,t) \sim (x,t') \iff (t = t' =1)$
$(x,t) \sim (x',t') \iff t = t' = 1$ you mean
ah yes
sorry the x coordinate need not be the same
So do you see why $\varphi(U) = \{[x,0] : x \in U\}$ is open in $\varphi(X) = \{[x,0] : x \in X\}$ in the subspace topology inherited from $CX$ now?
I think i'm stupid....
Benja$\displaystyle\lim_{n \to \infty}$, we're going to make it through this together
@HenryTHorton You should write $\varinjlim M_i$, I don't like analysis that much....
All these years I didn't know there was already a command for $\varinjlim$
@HenryTHorton I hate how I always get bogged down in these details
@BenjaLim It's better than just assuming everything is right and moving on
I spend most of my time worrying about minor details
@BenjaLim Know that feel, bro.
user image
@PeterTamaroff It's tougher when you're a n00b
@HenryTHorton $\varinjlim$ $\varprojlim$ holy crap you're right!
where do you get all these memes
that's from 4chan originally I believe. probs /r9k/
@BenjaLim I more of a n00b than you are, dude.
ah, krautchan
@HenryTHorton aH
$U \times [0,1]$ is open in $X \times I$
and I think it is saturated with respect to the canonical projection onto the quotient
@HenryTHorton I think $U \times [0,1] = h^{-1}\bigg((\cup_{ 0 \leq t \leq 1} \cup_{x \in U} [x,t]) \bigcup( U \times \{1\})\bigg) $
$U \times \{1\}$ doesn't exist in $CX$?
it gets collapsed to a point?
Yeah, the right side of the union should be the cone point, not $U \times \{1\}$
@HenryTHorton I think if I can show that $U \times [0,1]$ is saturated
then that's it
ah ok
so it is true then that $U \times [0,1]$ is saturated
and hence $h(U \times [0,1]) $ is open in $CX$ @HenryTHorton
tb's back! and he commented on my answer. strut
I think that solves my problem
So now you believe that $\varphi: X \longrightarrow \varphi(X)$ is an open map?
wait hold on
@HenryTHorton $\varphi(U) = \varphi(X) \cap h(U \times [0,1])$
I think that does it
@HenryTHorton Because
$h(U \times [0,1]) = \{ [x,t] : x\in U, 0 \leq t < 1 \cup \{\text{cone point} \}\}$
@HenryTHorton Ah so the trick was to look at $U \times [0,1]$
this exercise was important
it shows you can have $f,g$ not open maps but $f \circ g$ is open
$f \circ g$ isn't open...
$U \times \{0\}$ isn't open in $CX$
in the subspace it is
But it's open in $(f \circ g)(X)$ in the subspace topology
it can't be in $CX$ because $U \times \{0\}$ is the preimage of something in $CX$, but $U \times \{0\}$ is not open in $X \times I$
@HenryTHorton Thanks man XOXO
I like you you're funny :D
I've never been more serious in my damn life
If you're in australia you will enjoy taking the piss out of people
by force?
@anon to take the piss out of someone = make fun of someone
@BenjaLim Bear Grylls seems to take it literally.
I don't understand this guy's question: math.stackexchange.com/questions/171338/…
@BenjaLim I'll check the exc he's talking about.
@BenjaLim Why would he even mention Heine Borel?
I don't know really what it is, but I'm reading it's about compact sets and stuff.
Heine-Borel gives a characterization of compact sets in $\Bbb R^n$

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