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Well, $I^2\subseteq I$, but they needn't be equal, as your counter-example shows
Also, note that $aI+bI+I^2\subseteq I$
I'm really stuck
(a) + (b) = (gcd(a,b))
in $\Bbb{Z}$ ring
$(a + I) (b + I) := ab + I$ is defined that way so that $R/I$ is indeed a ring, but it doesn't workout elementwise in general
You're allowed to define stuff so that stuff works out
what do you mean by "is defined that way"?
$R/I$ is another ring right?
But only if you define multiplication carefully, it doesn't work out if you do it purely elementwise
and derive a definition from an elementwise expansion
Yeah, I actually started googling things because I wasn't sure, myself. The multiplication is simply defined to be $(a+I)(b+I)=ab+I$, it seems.
As your expansion shows, you can't in general get $aI + bI + I^2 = I$.
also note that $bI$ is not necessarily the same as $Ib$
Non-commutative rings? Terrifying
indeed, but I assume that's the setting as otherwise specifying two-sided ideal would be superfluous
@JackOhara need help with your algorithm still?
I thought that $II^\prime = \{xx^\prime\colon x \in I \land x^\prime \in I^\prime\}$
You'll need to choose whether you're handling formal polynomials or polynomials as functions. There's a huge difference. Usually in research they use formal polynomials
@JackOhara, but I think if formal then there are infinitely many monomials in $K[X,Y]$ even when $K$ is finite, right?
Therefore you can't enumerate them all, but you could return larger and larger monomials by degree, and then your program terminates on some other unrelated criterion
yes, that's how you define the product of two ideals
multiplying subsets of a ring element-wise is generally not the same as multiplying cosets in the quotient ring
how does one conceptualize a lift in geometry
@LucasHenrique that works in $\Bbb{Z}$ but in general you need $IJ = \{ \sum_{i=1}^n r_i s_i : r_i \in I, s_i \in J, n \in \Bbb{N}\}$ i.e. finite sums
So it's defined that way
Which of course restricts to your simpler definition in $\Bbb{Z}$
because it's a PID i think
@geocalc33 what's a lift?
I'm new to alg geom
I suppose there are many different definitions depending on what field ones in
@geocalc33 it's just a refactorization of a morphism
@geocalc33 how goes the geometry?
If you have $f = g_1 \circ \cdots \circ g_k$ then you have "lifting" going on and vise versa.
It's like reducibility for category morphisms
@geocalc33 my trading system failed, that I emailed you about. Trying some different data, then finally giving up on it. Requires game theory and stochastic processes to analyze, which I don't know yet
I think another money maker would be formally verified learning software answers. Like Brilliant.org but using a formal verifier. So learning out of Pierce's programming language book
@geocalc33 what geometry book are you using?
Yeah, that bananacats stuff requires some advanced coding skills in type theory so trying to learn some
Otherwise it's just an error-prone diagram editor with limited math features
Have you ever worked with Coq?
A few tutorials
I was going to support Lean, but learning the language is just as hard as writing my own algorithm
It's great.
for type checking
@anakhro it uses CoC and Thierry Coquand's original thesis algorithm
I thought of doing every statement in lean visually, which of course leads to all arrows being represented by a graphic arrow
The logic of a type system isn't so bad, it's the parsing that's hard, but making my way through Benjamin Pierce's book here:
I want the system defined in the visual language itself
so a user could ideally create their own type system by dragging some shapes around
and entering in LaTeX
I liked Selinger's notes on lambda calculus.
Nice, I bookmarked it
@anakhro ive been doing a lot of GR and looking at convolution metrics and warped products lately. And of course branched manifolds
Did you end up figuring out that one thing about the pushforward metric, @geocalc33 ?
Be careful of branching manifolds, they could lead you to another universe :D
@anakhro almost
I think I'm a few years out from completely figuring it out
@EnjoysMath what?
@EnjoysMath there is also this gem: paultaylor.eu/stable/prot.pdf
@anakhro this is basically what I've been working on math.stackexchange.com/questions/3571855/…
but I'm gonna take a little break now
@EnjoysMath Hi ! yeah sorry was not close to my pc
no worries
Thanks @anakhro
Might need to postpone it for later
might be not what I want to do , let me check what is it really I need to compute and come back to you ^^
@JackOhara what are you using to code in?
SymPy lib / Python has polynomials
I have another question for you
Oh, cool, I could look at it, but I don't usually code in that IDE
Do you know about elliptic curves over finite fields?
I guess, elliptic curve equation but coefficient field is finite?
no worries !
no they are equations of this form : Y^2 = X^3 +AX +B
the name is missleading haha
I have been trying to write a program that calculates the order of these groups
I guess the points on an elliptic curve form a group
that's all I know though
and what possible order are to be achieved
Yes they do !:)
that is the intresting part
Is this an open problem?
there is something called Hasse's bound
Link to article?
not sure but I assume yes
there are tons of unsolved problems on elliptic curves
I don't have any link for the moment but any googling will give you some useful results
I see, so you're trying to compute the exact number of points in the group
Surely there's a mathematica function already for that
Really ?
do you know the name
I would like both addition of elements
and group order
Q: What are some open problems regarding elliptic curves in finite fields?

terettI accept that my question seems so vague and broad, and I already looked into some similar questions in MO. But I would like to learn specifically about some open problems and conjectures regarding elliptic curves in finite fields. Also if there is something about their isogeny in particular it i...

btw this is fun and your kind of questions!
They present an algo
@EnjoysMath Oh thanks!
that is one thing I dont have to worry about then :)
Well you should make sure you're able to run their impl
I would test it
What do you mean by addition of elementse?
You'd like to know the group law table?
Yes the addition law is somewhat involved
( this is why they use it for most new security communication )
RSA and others in comparasion need maybe 2048 bit for the same security provided by Elliptic with 512 i think
or even less
well not so sure about they are the next best thing after symmetric encryptions schemes
in terms of security and practicality
Mathematica should also be able to enumerate the points
if it can count the points
Then you just call the GroupLaw(x,y) function on each two points
which it also should have
let me check if this is feasible
It's $O(|G|^2)$ and is optimal since you have to visit each entry in the table to view it
the file is just a slide
made by someone to show in class i think ^^
I would be looking into role elliptic curves played in FLT (Wiles' proof)
but that's just me
That is way above what I am confortable with
The reason is that would guarantee a steady supply of elegant math to study
that proof is the hardest i think is all history of proofs lol
When did Hume do his best philosophizing?
yes, true
Who is hume?
a german phisolophser
uh, no
He did his best philosophising when he was vac(hume)ing
Well I sorta saw that coming
he was Scottish
my bad
that is hardly the point of what you are trying to do so no worries
Hey guys, can a function map an element in its domain to the same element in the co-domain three times?
any number of times
take the constant function f : x --> 5
It can actually do it a continuum of times
well slow down there
I think I solved 10% of the Novikov conjecture
all it took was a little homotopy!
that's interesting :] so my reasoning for this question "How many functions $f:\{1,2,...,2019\} \to \{0,1\}$ are there that are not surjective" is wrong
The last 10% is the hardest part
90% ^
80% is routine for writing a program the last 20% is hard, by curry-howard isomorphism program = proof
would the answer be $2$ for the question I posted above?
@EnjoysMath you know anything about a fiber?
other than it being part of a healthy diet
it is not commonly used term, preimage is better
not better but more elementary i think
I didn't know that
@Thorgott would it because first if we have $f: \{1\} \to \{0,1\}$, then the function wouldn't be surjective because nothing maps to both elements in co-domain, and secondly, if we have $f: \{1, 2\} \to \{0,1\}$, then it can be the case that we map $1$ to $0$ twice?
in order for it to be not surjective you have to map all elements of the domain to one element of the codomain
in this case that you have only 2 elements in the codomain
The question is about functions $f\colon\{1,...,2019\}\rightarrow\{0,1\}$. I don't see how what you're saying is related.
Sorry, I am not sure I quite understand what this question is asking. I know the definition of a surjective function, but I don't know how the answer is $2$..
@Abwatts you have to send all elements in the domain to either 0 or all of them to 1
Well, what is the definition?
you cannot do anything else , or else it would be surjective, not wht you want
We need it to be the case that the image of $f$ is equal to the co-domain of $f$ for it to be surjective?
and by definition of function, it has to act on every single element of its domain
That's wrong
corrected it, my bad.
@JackOhara I see, so if we send $1, ... , 2019$ to $0$, it would be a different function of if it was the case we sent $1, ... , 2019$ to $0$ to $1$?
@Abwatts yes!
@JackOhara Got it, thank you! :)
no problem
what if a set of fibers is the open unit interval
or equivalently, what if a set of preimages is the open unit interval
Ok, so what can the image of such a function look like if it's not surjective?
Just one of the elements in the co-domain of f
Right, and for each of these two options, there is necessarily only one function that does that.
Hi there!
If the determinat-function (i.e. det(g_ij)) has a non-zero differential, what does it actually mean? What are the consequences/implications of the differential being non-zero/zero?
3 hours later…
@LeakyNun Hello
Hmmm, how to show that $40+11\sqrt{-41}$ is irreducible in $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-41}]$
$\begin{array}{rcl} \Bbb Z[\sqrt{-41}]/(40+11\sqrt{-41}) &=& \Bbb Z[X]/(X^2+41,40+11X) \\&=& (\Bbb Z/3^8\Bbb Z)[X]/(X^2+1112_3,1111_3+102_3X) \\&=& (\Bbb Z/3^8\Bbb Z)[X]/(X^2+1112_3,2110102_3+X) \\&=& (\Bbb Z/3^8\Bbb Z)[X]/(2110102_3+X) \\&=& \Bbb Z/3^8\Bbb Z \end{array}$
@Rithaniel are you sure it is irreducible?
oh or does irreducible not imply prime again
$3^8 = (40+11\sqrt{-41})(40-11\sqrt{-41})$
Yeah, in this ring, irreducible does not imply prime. Though, the class group is isomorphic to the cyclic group of 8 elements, so that actually will help
So, the norm of $40+11\sqrt{-41}$ equals $6561=3^8$ and ideals with norm equal to $3$ are in the class which generates the class group (which I've shown elsewhere). So no power less than $8$ is principal. All I need to show is that $3$ does not divide $40+11\sqrt{-41}$
(Unless I'm mistaken on something)
Why do you need the last step? Disclaimer: I'm not a number theorist
Because if $3$ divides that element, then it can be reduced to a product of $3$ and some other element, thereby making it reducible. See, showing that only 3 divides the norm of the element only gives us that it's corresponding ideal decomposes into primes of norm 3, but not necessarily which primes. There are two possibiliies for which prime ideals can appear. If one of each type shows up, they cancel and we get a factor of 3.
I see thanks.
1 hour later…
What is reality?
I am really starting to think that reality is the part of totality that is self consistent
The fact that regardless of what philosophy we use, and what we observed (and to some lesser extent, what other animals and life have reasoned about their surroundings) and the absence of abrupt discontinuous events, suggests that at least the subjective reality that interacts with us humans (which if the objective reality is really out there, is the interface where humans and it interacts) has a strong bias to be self consistent
This perspective also raised interesting metaphysical questions, such as self consistency does not require a lot of criteria, yet most things in real life can be modelled mathematically, which is a stronger version than mere self consistency. It thus lead to the question on why is our human sense of mathematics evolutionary significant enough to become a cognitive bias in our thinking, and only be interrupted by our disposition to create beliefs
@TedShifrin Sir, I'm getting no answers on that symmetry question of vector fields. What should I do?
6 hours later…
Quick stupid question
In a Steiner triple system, is there a name for the property that when [abx], [cdx], [adx] are blocks then [cbx] is a block? For example, the Fano plane STS(7) has the property but STS(9) doesn't:
^sorry, I meant [abx], [cdx], [ady] are blocks -> [cby] is a block
Huh unbelievable, looks like that extended absence from SE and then return from this have completely removed all weirdness channels
now only the weird respond. All response probabilities of the non weird (not just antiweird) have decayed to zero
That will explain why there are not even joke responses to my comments and questions
Looks like yet another character inversion phenomena. Because it seems my reputation have restored a bit in the physics community, at the cost of the maths one
Last time a character inversion happened in 2014, between chemistry and philosophy
Whatever, that does not really matter anymore, considering 3 new channels for maths have been opened to keep the flows going
I should stay focused, do the final proofread of these 3 articles on hand, and submit the lot to the reviewers so that it will finally be activated...
If you have a branched manifold embedded in $(0,1)^2$ with "intersection" points as $x^s-(1-x)^t$ for some $s,t \in \Bbb R^+ $ can you put a group structure on it? It does not seem likely because, if $s,t$ are in the positive reals then the formula I gave is not a polynomial
Is there a branched manifold notion in algebraic geometry?
I think it would be in the scope of "algebraic manifolds" and algebraic varieties
@geocalc33 Hello!
How well are arbitrary_paths and/or random_walks aproximated in higher dimensional flat space?
better or worse that with few dimensions?
@Lukas I have a somewhat computational question for you when you're around :P
1 hour later…
I have a bounded self adjoint operator (A, D(A)) on a separable Hilbert space H. I have a subspace $V \subset H$ such that $f(A)V\subset V$ for every bounded function f. Set (B, D(B)) the operator on the Hilbert V with the induced scalar product of H, such that Bf = Af on $D(B) = D(A)\cap V$ (assume it's dense in $V$). I want to show that B has values in $V$
What's D(A)?
Well... $D(\cdot)$
The space on which the operator is defined
Oh so it's not even on all of $H$. Okay.
@TedShifrin got any good cast iron recipes?
2 hours later…
How would you compute $\dim_\mathbb{C}(\mathbb{C}[x,y]/(x,y)^n)$ as a function of $n$?
an integer $n>0$
Q: Can one show a relation between two Lagrange multipliers of similar convex optimization problems?

johnny09Suppose we have the following two convex optimization problems: $$\max_{x_i} \; \sum_{i \in I} w_i \cdot f_i(x_i) \\ \text{subject to:} \quad 0 \leq x_i \leq 1, \quad \forall i \in I \\ \sum_{i \in I} x_i \leq c$$ and given that we reserve $x_i$ beforehand: $$\max_{x_{i '}} \; \sum_{i ' \neq i...

any help would be much appreciated!
How do you link to questions?
Suppose $f\in\mathcal{L}^1(\mathbf{R})$, for $t\in\mathbf{R}$, define $f_t:\mathbf{R}\to\mathbf{R}$ by $f_t(x)=f(x-t)$. Prove that
$|f-f_t|_1\leq|f-g|_1+|g-g_t|_1+|g_t-f_t|_1$ where $g$ and $g_t$ are continuous.
I am not sure how to argue as $t$ goes to zero, then $|\cdot|_1=0$
Since the sets $E+t$ and $E$ have equal lebesgue measure, $|f-g|_1=|g_t-f_t|$. $|f-f_t|\leq|f-g|_1+|g-g_t|+|g_t-f_t|=|f-g|_1+|g-g_t|+|g-f|<\epsilon$
What's $E$? What's $\varepsilon$? What's $g$? Be precise.
Hint: approximate with uniformly continuous functions
$g$ is a uniformly continuous function, $E$ is a measurable set.
Hey guys, I was wondering if there is a golden standard for "the best fit" of two arbitrary nonlinear functions
(to each other)
@JackOhara this shows where category theory is heavily used like regular math:
In the understanding of Wiles' approach to FLT
The first few pages are on the profinite completion of a group.
@EnjoysMath Hey ! oh Ill check that
Lots of elliptic curves in FLT problem
Btw are you working on anything at the moment?
It is an intresting subject
I usually write PyQt5 apps, but have no work atm
I would love to learn algebraic geo to study EC better
you dont want to work or you did not find ?
This is more algebraic number theory but the two fields overlap a lot
you prefer to continue study?
I just have no work, getting coding work is more difficult than doing the work
Yes ! I will pick some books on both subjects during this year hopefully ^^
but why is that?
IDK, the econmy, people hogging all the work, more CS majors than there is a demand for
coding is very needed
Have you tried other places than where you live?
@EnjoysMath I'm about a year out from writing a nice paper :)
@geocalc33 nice
For undergrad thesis?
@JackOhara I've tried all places including the three major freelance sites: Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer.com
@EnjoysMath no I'm gonna send it to nature, then physical review letters A, then blah blah blah till it gets accepted
Look at that, it is amazing to study it
that's lit
I want to understand all that math one day
I kind of want to get back into bananacats, continue rewriting in C++, and maybe just develop the visual language first before trying to write an engine that understand the language
@EnjoysMath Nice I plan to read it someday
@geocalc33 it uses category theory that paper
Do you know the methods of discrete logs ?
@EnjoysMath wow :0 I didn't know that
@JackOhara no, it's an open problem
I see, but am talking about the known ones
yo that's lit
like Shanks
and Pollard rho
known one is to just run through each element $\{0,1,\dots, N-1\}$
haha yes
the basic one
But I believe for the F_p they made good algorithms
that can find the DL quite fast
what's so hard about the discrete log problem?
it is not like the usual log
to put it in other words, let G be a group, g in G , find x such that
g^x = h
it seems easy looking at small examples , but once you are working in field with huge prime
there are no polynomial time methods that solves that question
@JackOhara it says on Wikipedia that they're both special cases of Hidden Subgroup Problem.
well to be correct, for some chosen primes, there is no good method
Integer factorization and discrete log
can we do an example?
take g = 2
okay do 2^x = 25
so $g\in Z$
@EnjoysMath link? :)
Means you have to learn what they mean by "oracle".
the behaviour of both of them is quite strange
integer fac and DL
I don't get it still.
You compute 2^x = 25 mod 37
one method is you try x = 0,1,.. 36
and 2 is a generator ( primitive root ) for 37
so you are guranteed to find a power that works
on the RHS you have "25 mod(37)
they are equiv classes anyway
So if I give you something large than 37 you can reduce
@JackOhara is discrete log answer unique?
modulo something
Nvm, see that on wikipedia
@EnjoysMath no you can add the order of g
@JackOhara what if you work in a finite field instead
multiple of order of g
yes all finite fields
in fields of char = 0 such as R och C the log behaves very well
well for C you have to define it differently but still well behaved

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