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@Leaky what's wrong with having different norms? :o
@ÍgjøgnumMeg nothing it's just confusing
Fair :) We're actually looking at $K \otimes_{\Bbb Q} \Bbb R$ in ANT now
deja vu
it's very cool lol
3 hours later…
@ShineOnYouCrazyDiamond. Of course, I can apply the formula but my question is if the software has a tool already. Doesn't make sense to rewrite code when you can just use the tools that have already been built out.
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Is lim_{x->c} f(x)^{g(x)} = lim_{x->c} f(x)^{lim_{x->c} g(x)} ?
2 hours later…
@eurocoder yeah that is so
The basic thing about limits in general, is that if the argument (i.e. x) tends to a certain value, it does so in every part of the function
Even if there is a composition of functions whose limit is required, you could break it into sub-functions whose arguments all tend to the same value and find their individual limits and arrive at a conclusion
2 hours later…
Hello the math
I have questions on cut locus
Paper I'm reading (homepage.univie.ac.at/james.grant/papers/NullInj/…) claims that there's only two ways a geodesic can be non-minimizing
1) another geodesic of the same length exists
2) the two points are conjugate points
But isn't it possible to have such a thing due to topology, ie on the circles $[0,1]$, the curve $p = 0$ to $q = 3/4$ isn't minimizing
Or are such points always conjugate points?
Wrongapedia claims that on $S^2$ only antipodal points are conjugate so it wouldn't seem so
The circle is $S^1$
$S^2$ is the sphere
I know, but the same argument applies there as well
What does conjugate mean ?
Any curve going 'round more than $\pi$ in the azimuthal angle isn't gonna be minimizing
@Astyx There's a non-zero Jacobi field $J$ such that $J(\gamma(0)) = J(\gamma(1)) = 0$
The curve from $p = 0$ to $q = 3/4$ given by $\gamma(t) = 3/4t$ goes through $\gamma(t_0) = 1/2$ when $t_0 = {2\over 3}$
And 0 and $1/2$ are antipodal
In $S^1$
I think you misread the paper
they mention $\gamma(0)$ and $\gamma(t_0)$, not $\gamma(1)$
Let's see
ah yes you're right
The antipodal point is the limit beyond which minimizing is lost
Now to find the actual proof of this
Apparently it's from Whitehead
Written in 1933
Gonna have to translate it a bit in modern notation
It's old enough that he uses coördinates
afternoon y'all
Wassup :)
not much
looking at some cut locus business
Can't be $\mathbb{R}^n$ all the time
If the universe was zero dimensional things would be a lot easier
God I hate the universe
yeah it's pretty lame
the universe is idiot
it's very low quality
extremely stupid
and just stupid
Q: What is the growth rate of $h(n)?$

Ultradark$$h(n) = \#\{ \pi(x)\pi(n-x),x\le n\}$$ What is the growth rate of $h(n)?$ Prime counting function is in light green for reference Updated plot: It seems to grow about the same as $\pi(x)$ for this sample set of points, which makes sense because $f(x)$ is defined using the multiplication ...

One of the best questions ever
@tigre you really need to work on your mathematical precision
@ultradark https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/74347/construct-a-function-which-is-continuous-in-1-5-but-not-differentiable-at-2/74383#74383

is the best answer on the site
okay that answer is pretty good
Yet another attempt at defining finite numbers starting from the absolute infinite:
(because the Zohar does that, so why don't set theory)
Don't mess with the Zohar
aw come on, Ayin is really really cool stuff
it's not peer reviewed
This linguistic professor translates the whole thing into english
way too heavy for my ailing mind
hey I got 72% of the points on my last pset
alright, will do that elsewhere
cannot think of any earth level maths atm
is one
ebooks are paywalled though, but it seems addition is still a major topic in mathematics education
One thing I have never actually done is number theory on decimal numbers
I don't know why the various tricks for multiplication and division work in decimal representation
Why are multiples of 3 such that $\sum_i d_i$ is a multiple of 3???
A mystery
I recall a long time ago, Akiva shared a paper which basically gives the algebra behind carryovers and stuff under a given base b, which sort on touched upon that topic
@Slereah because $10 \equiv 1 \bmod 3$
@ÍgjøgnumMeg Sounds reasonable enough!
I'm guessing they're not terribly hard to prove, but I just never looked into it
I mean the point is that in base 10 you can write $k = k_0 + k_1\times 10 + \dots + k_n\times 10^n$
Random elliptic integral stuff found by google scholar "addition" + year 2019
so modulo 3 you get $0 \equiv k_0 + k_1 + \dots + k_n \bmod 3$
Indeed true
You could do the same with 9, right, since $10 \equiv 1 \mod 9$?
One thing I remember back in primary school is that the unusual property of 9 in base 10 allows you to make a lot of weird number results
like 1111^2 11111^2 etc. patterns
yeah those are cool
there are lots of videos about such results on numberphile :P
2 hours later…
Actually, I'm pretty sure $1111^2=1234321$ in all bases 5 or higher, provided we're starting and ending in the same base
Yes, @Rithaniel, of course. I think Secret is thinking of the binomial theorem for $(10+1)^n$ or something.
Heya @Ted and @Rithaniel
hi @ÍgjøgnumMeg
I thought by now you'd have a German name :P
Not yet hehe
I like the faroese name
Well, yours is the only name I can't type (or abbreviate).
I take pleasure in this minor inconvenience
I figured you would.
See if I help you again!
Typing @ alone has @ÍgjøgnumMeg as first suggestion though
(and Érico Silva as second, I guess the chat software doesn't understand accents)
Hi @Alessandro
@ÍgjøgnumMeg servus
@Leaky meinst du servus? :D
okey hahaha
@ÍgjøgnumMeg hast du Dirichletscher Einheitensatz gelernt?
Werden wir in der nächsten Vorlesung sehen glaub ich :)
Heute haben wir die Endlichkeit der Klassenzahl bewiesen
mit einer guten Schranke (wo ich das das erste Mal gesehen hab hab ich voll die schlechte Schranke benutzt :D)
1 hour later…
@Ultradark This is a very low quality post. Delete everything and just type "for each 𝑛, let ℎ(𝑛)=#{𝜋(𝑥)𝜋(𝑛−𝑥),𝑥≤𝑛}, what is ℎ(𝑛)'s growth rate ?". I literally said this to you days ago
@Ultradark Why repeat this back to me
Just a soft question, are conic sections (, complex numbers, quarternions considered "elementary" algebra? I'm looking for a book recommendation question
Sorry, clicked enter on iPad prematurely.
Sorry, I can't send a new message on the iPad and can't delete either. On computer now.

Are conics sections + loci, complex number and quaternions, techniques for solving higher order roots considered "elementary" algebra? I'm looking to polish my HS algebra + calculus before doing physics in uni. I've checked elementary algebra lists, but they are too basic. Is there a specific question/term I should be looking for which covers those topics?
No, @WeavingBird1917, definitely not elementary algebra. Quaternions barely appear in the undergraduate college curriculum, and theory of equations went out of the curriculum over half a century ago. Some precalculus courses cover conics, but the best way to learn a lot of that material is with linear algebra.
Hi chat
Thank you. Conics, loci and complex numbers are scattered throughout my textbook (a general textbook for the maths course at my HS), but the problem is that it wasn't quite in depth, and I'm not sure what textbooks to use now for self study. There were higher order root solving, but these were quite "rigged" (we're usually given a solution, told to find the others). Is there an all encompassing area of maths to describe these topics?
I have a linear algebra textbook I tried for a while, but it covers equation solving mostly, and other linear algebra "stuff" (maps, determinants, similarity, vector spaces). I'm mainly trying to learn calculus now (based on an SE textbook recommendation) and polish the areas above.
@TedShifrin might have it in his LA book?
it's called "a geometric approach"
so I'd assume so
I think I'll just plough through Spivak's Calculus and it might polish those areas along the way :P
@WeavingBird1917 Calculus on Manifolds?
Just "Calculus" @psa
@WeavingBird1917 I love that book.
@Ultradark Also, somehow it seems like trying to study the distribution of primes by multiplying prime counting functions is insane... An easier way to understand them would be the product $1\times \pi(n)$ right? It's quite circular
Quick/random question, if I wanted to reflect a set of 3D coordinates (as if they were seen through a mirror), and if the origin was the center of the image, I'd just flip the sign of the X value for each coordinate. If the origin is somewhere else, like say a corner of the bounding box these coordinates are in (for context I believe all my data is within a 1 meter cube), how would I go about doing the same reflection? (sorry if this is a trivial/silly question)
@ROODAY It depends what axis you want to flip the coordinates over, doesn't it? But you would translate all the points, such that the corner becomes (0, 0), perform the reflection, then translate everything back.
@tigre I'm simply trying to understand the pattern of this sequence, it's really interesting
and it's one of the least understood sequences in all of mathematics
@Ultradark I'm starting to think you're just trolling
Does someone here know by any chance, whats the dimensionality of the positive semidefinite cone of nxn matrices?
@WeavingBird1917 Ok, thanks!
If anyone modular formy is about: let $M_k(\Gamma)$ be the space of meromorphic modular forms of weight $k$ wrt. $\Gamma \subseteq \operatorname{SL}_2(\Bbb Z)$. Does it seem reasonable for $f \in M_k(\Gamma)$ that $f \in M_k(A\Gamma A^{-1})$ for all $A \in \operatorname{GL}_2(\Bbb Q)^+$?
I'm hoping so.. hahaha
I guess I need to show $(f|_k A\gamma A^{-1})(z) = f(z)$ for all $A\gamma A^{-1} \in A\Gamma A^{-1}$ but it seems too unwieldy and I'm wondering if I need some other argument
Actually that's wrong: $M_k$ is the space of entire modular forms*
and I want all $A \in \operatorname{GL}_2(\Bbb Q)^+$ s.t. $A\Gamma A^{-1} \subseteq \operatorname{SL}_2(\Bbb Z)$
@FelixCrazzolara Assuming you mean symmetric when you say semidefinite, the vector space of symmetric $n\times n$ matrices has dimensions $n(n+1)/2$. The positive semidefinite cone is the closure of an open subset of this.
I have a question: What is the significance of defining the class of Boolean rings?
I am reading through A&M but I haven’t been able to appreciate the significance in commutative algebra/algebraic geometry.
And I am able to prove the Stone’s representation thm for Boolean lattices as the lattice of Clopen subsets in a topological space.
But how can we utilize this representation? Does it have any nontrivial applications?
In mathematics and mathematical logic, Boolean algebra is the branch of algebra in which the values of the variables are the truth values true and false, usually denoted 1 and 0 respectively. Instead of elementary algebra where the values of the variables are numbers, and the prime operations are addition and multiplication, the main operations of Boolean algebra are the conjunction and denoted as ∧, the disjunction or denoted as ∨, and the negation not denoted as ¬. It is thus a formalism for describing logical operations in the same way that elementary algebra describes numerical operations....
Yes and I have read through this wiki article.
But I don’t think it mentioned anything about the significance to study Boolean rings.
Actually I am looking for an “application” from studying the Boolean rings and its ring-theoretic properties, spectrum, localizations, etc.
@WilliamSun did you look at the "application" section?
Yes but mainly I am looking for the applications in math.
They come up all the time in set theory and similar
The only thing I know is that the spectrum of a Boolean ring is the example of a non-discrete spectrum that is “very separated”.
Recall that the spectrum is Hausdorff iff the ring is 0-dimensional, that is, every prime ideal is maximal. And such spectrum is also totally disconnected.
So I mean for me it is just an example of a “extreme” class of rings(very separated) and nothing else.
then that's what it is
Can you have two different planes in the $\mathbb{R}^2$ ?
For somereason I can't construct a simple example. It seems to my brain that if you have any kind of plane in the second dimension, then it just covers the whole place. Am I too tired or am I right?
wtf obviously I am right its called the PLANE LOL! ah jeeze!
@MadSpaceMemer: $\Bbb R^2$ has precisely one $2$-dimensional subspace, i.e., the whole space.
But $\mathbb R^2$ has infinitely many hyperplanes. ;)

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