It suffices to find an injection $B \sqcup B \to B$.
Let $\mathcal{X} =\{(A,f) \mid A \subset B \sqcup B, f:A \hookrightarrow B\}$ with the partial order $(A,f) \leq (A',f')$ if $A \subset A'$ and $f'|_A=f$. By an easy Zorn argument, we get a maximal element $(X,f)$ with an injection $X \hookrightarrow B \sqcup B$. If $X \subsetneq B \sqcup B$,we can just use the fact that $B$ is Dedekind-infinite, so $B$ admits a non-surjective injection into itself to extend $f$ to $X \cup \{x\}$ for some $x \notin X$