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I will tell you some things too
@BenjaLim Yeah if you come here to visit you can drop me a mail too!
I will :d
I did not do too well for my undergrad because of you know what, but I think most of the courses were pretty disorganised so I lost interest.
I thought NUS was a good uni?
@BenjaLim What makes you think so?
I dunno....
people are always like oh NUS is a good uni bla bla bla
@BenjaLim You should know by now how deceptive things are in the world.
This ranking, that ranking.
Doesn't mean anything to me.
@BenjaLim What is NUS?
@PeterTamaroff National University of Singapore
@JasperLoy @PeterTamaroff At the end of the day, it is how much you learn
Grades are like artificial and empty, trivial
You get happy for like 5 seconds and then it goes away
everything goes back to normal
@BenjaLim You live in Singapore? I didn't know!
@BenjaLim Your sup said exams are for idiots.
My prof said 90 per cent of research is trivial.
@JasperLoy Tell him to go away.
No such thing as trivial research
@BenjaLim I thought you were in Australia.
@PeterTamaroff Yes I am.
@PeterTamaroff I meant his prof was talking nonsense
@PeterTamaroff Sigh, results results results
@JasperLoy do you have facebook
@BenjaLim What one earth are Markov Chains?
I don't do probability, don't know
@BenjaLim Nope, I am on no sites on the internet except SE.
shit it's so cold I can't even type properly
@PeterTamaroff they are bike chains made in russia by the markov company
@JasperLoy oh ok.
@Eugene hey
@Eugene Amazing!
How come malaysians are always like "oh NUS is good bla bla bla"
@BenjaLim it's ranked very highly
@BenjaLim Because their unis are supposedly worse?
@Eugene But @JasperLoy said the rankings are nothing
@Eugene I have a lot of Malaysian friends in uni, one of them was Kay Jin whom I asked if you knew.
look at ENS or École Normale Supérieure
I kinda agree
their rankings are nowhere close to princeton or havard
@BenjaLim i dunno. NUS is ranked very highly in reality
Unis are ranked according to many criteria.
Some criteria may not be relevant to individuals.
or even ANU
Also, the people doing the ranking may not know what they are doing.
@Eugene For me ENS is top 5 in the world
@JasperLoy EXACTLY.
feel free to see this ranking
@BenjaLim ? why?
Doesn't the archimedean property follow by the fact $\Bbb N$ has no upper bound?
@PeterTamaroff Well yes
@ben Sometimes I feel that if there is a next life I would go to Cambridge and take the three year course there.
@JasperLoy That is escapism.
concentrate on the now.
@BenjaLim I'm just telling you what I really wanted to do in this life.
@BenjaLim I usually prove it that way, but Rudin is proving it differently.
@PeterTamaroff Suppose there is $\epsilon > 0$ such that for all $n$, $1/n \geq \epsilon$
@PeterTamaroff waa, waa, rudin is doing it differently
then this means for all $n$ that $1/\epsilon \geq n$
@Eugene I thought his proofs were supposed to be slick and inspiring!
meaning that $\Bbb{N}$ is bounded, contradiction
@PeterTamaroff his proof are slick. the intuition is never there though
@BenjaLim Yeah, that's how I roll!
It would be nice to take all the courses in 1A, 1B and pure math 2D courses there @ben. Look at the list of courses in Cam and you know it's superb.
@Eugene I disagree.
@BenjaLim and i disagree with you
@PeterTamaroff I would tell you it is probably not a good idea to look at rudin first.
@JasperLoy Not necessarily.
@BenjaLim I have looked in many places already. What do you mean?
@JasperLoy One always has the tendency to think that the grass is always greener on the other side.
@PeterTamaroff Rudin doesn't offer a lot of intuition
It's like here's all this stuff I dump on you and then go do the rest.
@BenjaLim I mean Cam.
@PeterTamaroff I was only able to do chapter 2 of Rudin after looking at Munkres' chapter 2
@BenjaLim That is also true.
Everything was so clear for me after that
@JasperLoy Yes I know you're talking about cambridge university
@JasperLoy Like now I am in ANU
a lot of things here like grades and stuff are artificially pumped up
@BenjaLim Rudin deals mostly with metric spaces. He is not writing a book about point set topology itself you must know.
@JasperLoy That's why I talked about chapter 2 of Rudin.
@PeterTamaroff rudin is usually a book that makes more sense after you know the stuff than during
@ben If you go to where I studied you will find that many people come in and give wrong theorems and wrong proofs. I got really sick and tired.
@JasperLoy Are you for real??????????????????????????????????????????
@Eugene I will give it a shot. I think there are many things I know, but not formally.
@BenjaLim I mean everyone makes the occasional mistake, but I feel many of them don't even give a damn about what they utter.
@JasperLoy Kinda feels like that for my analysis course.
The lecturer for several calculus wrote f'(x)
I'm like what is f'(x)??
@BenjaLim Of course there are some very good teachers there too.
@PeterTamaroff sometimes he'll use a function to prove a theorem and you won't know why he chose the function. then you'll see that he chose it because it proves the theorem.
And he actually meant the partial derivative of a function with respect to some other variable
and after that I didn't go to a single lecture
I think for analysis I only went to 5 lectures the whole sem
And hey you know why they can give wrong proofs there? Cos most of the students are too weak to even know what the hell is going on.
@PeterTamaroff Exactly look at what @Eugene wrote above.
That's why I said it's prob not a good idea to look at it first time.
Look at Abbott's understanding analysis
there is an exercise in there on how to prove Arzelà - Ascoli for $C[0,1]$ @PeterTamaroff
Great thing is
The students who do math here are those who cannot get into medicine or engineering. So we get the worst instead of the best.
The proof generalises very easily for an arbitrary compact space $X$ because when $X$ is compact you have a countable basis/ is separable. @PeterTamaroff @Eugene
@Eugene I see. And what ohter book do you reccommend? Apostol?
@PeterTamaroff man up and read rudin! that's what i did. if you can finish all the exercises you'll cream real analysis
@PeterTamaroff because of that i've read no other book than rudin
@PeterTamaroff I actually prefer rudin to apostol. Apostol does not treat stokes theorem in the new edition I think.
@Eugene Hahaha but I'm not wimping out, it is you guys that are being a little "bitchy" about is proofs!
@PeterTamaroff For advanced calculus, other than Rudin, also try Folland, Fitzpatrick, pugh, browder or protter with varying titles.
@PeterTamaroff i'm not. i'm being straight. this is what rudin is like.
just suck it up and read it
@Eugene I will!!!
@Eugene You know rudin's proof on l'hospital is the shortest ever
And I will give alternate proofs to his, if I can!
@JasperLoy i wouldn't know that since i've never read every single proof of l'hospital ever...
@Eugene You are being very naughty today sir.
@Eugene It is not l'hospital
It's l'hôpital
@BenjaLim i'm spelling it exactly like how jasper spelt it
@JasperLoy i'm rather sleep deprived and all this ping-ing keeps on getting me up!
@BenjaLim I thought the same when I was an ignorant.
@PeterTamaroff don't go to apostol
The "s" is mute in French.
go to stephen abbott's understanding analysis
@BenjaLim That looks terrible to me.
@BenjaLim also read this it is spelt l'hospital as well
L'Hôpital and L'Hospital are the same.
@JasperLoy I learned analysis from there.
no that's not right
@BenjaLim Then there is strichartz way of analysis also terrible to me
The guy's name is Gee-yom de low-pee-tal
that's how you pronounce it
well i'm hitting the hay now. i've got 4 piles of freaking calc papers to grade and i hate the world right now. bye all
and btw there is no l'hospital
it's for stupid people that speak english
@BenjaLim read the wiki page sir
@Eugene bye
@Eugene night
@Eugene it's retarded
i think i will type like this as it is much faster
without capitals and punctuation
@BenjaLim Hahahahaha
star that
@BenjaLim yeah like us
C'est pour ceux qui peuvent seulement parler l'anglais.
@BenjaLim i will make you see stars dude
i think i have pissed off many people in various chat rooms
@ben Do you wear glasses?
@JasperLoy how come?
@BenjaLim Just curious what you look like, nothing important.
My glasses are completely black and super thick.
Hey I wear those Peter Parker specs too, Spiderman in case you dunno.
@JasperLoy That's a picture of me
@JacobSchlather hey
@BenjaLim Done.
what da ya think, my glasses thick enough?
Now you show a picture (or at least by email) @JasperLoy
@BenjaLim Not that I don't want to, but I currently have none, and I am not lying. I will when I take one. I took one a while ago but it is deleted.
@BenjaLim I think your glasses look like mine!
@BenjaLim What?
sawv the pic>
@BenjaLim Nah. Missed it. I was reading RudiN!
@BenjaLim I have come up with a unifying theory for atheism, Buddhism and Christianity. Essentially all the faiths in the world.
I gotta go guys
bye all
@JM I mix with a lot of cebuanos :D
@BenjaLim See ya.

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