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@BenjaLim Here
We were discussing with rob that there is an error flying about there, so I need to be sharper in the estimation.
@DylanMoreland i found out where in the book it is.
That book is out of print, sadly.
@DylanMoreland really? it seems to still be on sale at amazon
Oh wow.
The price is even reasonable. Is this real life?
@DylanMoreland lol.
@Eugene Ah, I wasn't crazy. See here.
What's three dots in $\LaTeX$?
Which is used to express so?
@DylanMoreland huh. i wonder why it's not like $1000 on amazon yet then.
three dots, arranged like a triangle.
@FrankScience \therefore if you have amssymb included, I think.
Seems to work here too: $\therefore$
@DylanMoreland Is this notation conventional?
ugh class field theory is obscenely expensive...
@Eugene Which book?
@DylanMoreland neukirch. it's 111 for about 100+ pages.
@DylanMoreland you're right. it's out of print in canada. how weird!
@Eugene Ah. I think Lemmermeyer mentioned on MO at some point that they were coming out with a new edition.
@DylanMoreland neukirch or silverman?
@DylanMoreland that's good. i'm using the big book by gras now. very terse on proof, though i can't imagine how neukirch would be more expansive.
@PeterTamaroff physics?
@PeterTamaroff didn't take long for your paranoia to wear off :P
@Eugene You seem to be poorly versed in the gags of the interwebs.
@PeterTamaroff markdown please.
@PeterTamaroff i am. i don't spend any time on 9gag
@anon Yeah, I don't know.
@FrankScience Markdown?
@PeterTamaroff [title](URI).
@PeterTamaroff he wants you to replace the img with a link to it
@FrankScience Why? Do it for the LULZ.
lang sure wrote a lot of books... where did he find the time to do any research?
I think he wrote pretty quickly. He'd go on a cruise during the summer and write a book by the time it was over. No family to get in the way, too.
@DylanMoreland no wonder his books aren't all that popular. i personally don't really like any of his textbooks.
@PeterTamaroff On my userpage is a quote by my supervisor: Exams are for idiots
There's also a decent amount of copy-paste.
I sort of like his books. I like Algebra a lot.
@BenjaLim Yeah. But for the time being, we have to deal with them.
"By the idiots, for the idiots, in the name of all that is stupid."
@DylanMoreland what work is he known for actually? it looks like he published texts very different fields.
@PeterTamaroff I will give you a trade secret:
@PeterTamaroff When you've done approx 7 finals like I have
then the fear gradually goes away
@DylanMoreland i haven't read that one. maybe that's why. hungerford and dummit are my two favorite books on the subject
@BenjaLim yes?
@BenjaLim wOOt?
We are trying to negotiate a deal with your country concerning the refugee situation
that came out of left field.
no i do not.
@Eugene Your country is not a signatory of the UN convention of human rights
and our government is pretty incompetent so i'm not surprised.
that's why the high court blocked the bill passed in parliament
the "malaysia solution"
@DylanMoreland Algebra?
@BenjaLim oh yes. we like abusing human rights so why would we sign it?
@Eugene I heard in Malaysia money will allow you to bypass any law
@BenjaLim not really. being in government will though.
@Eugene Our Government claimed some days ago they'd build 400,000 houses in 4 years. Make the maths, and think how stupid and incompetent they are.
@Eugene What's this with a mongolian lady and C4?
Then they reduced it to 100,000. Which is still stupid.
Apparently some government official blew her up with C4?
@PeterTamaroff dude your country has nothing on us. we were voted 4th most corrupt country in the world. behind russia, mexico, and china.
@PeterTamaroff we lost $330 billion due to corruption
wow malaysia is messed up
@Eugene We can't be that far away. Our govt made 750 million pesos (little more than 150 U$S) dissapear.
@Eugene Is this really the parliament there? youtube.com/watch?v=fm6Yoe9tDMY
@Eugene youtube.com/watch?v=xqnw-q93wyc WHat is htis?
@BenjaLim haha. yup. one of our parliamentary representatives said that if he sees a snake and an indian, he'll beat the indian first.
@Eugene this guy is funny: youtube.com/watch?v=F_dcV9ZjmTc
yup. that's my country
El Gobierno le dio $ 750 millones a la Fundación entre el 2005 y el 2011 y Oyarbide investiga el desvío de más de 40 millones.
@BenjaLim this was one of our recent protests
"The Government gave the Foundation $ARG 750 between 2005 and 2011 and Oyrabide (a judge) is investigating the movement of more than 40 million $
@Eugene I know in Australia they had in everywhere
I know
malaysia is such a funny country
oh well.
julia gillard must be really stupid to make a deal with a country like that
@Eugene Who is samy vellu he is so funny : youtube.com/watch?v=F_dcV9ZjmTc
the way he speaks
@BenjaLim he lost the last election. he's no longer in power.
What about Syria?
anyway let's stop talking about this. transcripts show up on google.
@BenjaLim Yeah! Why did you think I wanted to change my username?
@BenjaLim yup/
@FrankScience By the way, convergence of those recurrence relations.
@BenjaLim Just google "BenjaLim"
"BenjaLim Mathematics" maybe
@PeterTamaroff Well, rational approximation.
@BenjaLim LOL
@BenjaLim lol
@FrankScience Sure. But both our iterations are those of holographic functions.
****** hell
In fact, we make us of their fixed points.
@BenjaLim Hahahahahahahahaha
@PeterTamaroff I can't get it.
@FrankScience I'll just try them in EXCEL, lol.
@PeterTamaroff You can write a program instead.
I am not coming on chat anymore
and so it begins
@PeterTamaroff One more question is about $|\alpha-p/q|<1/q^2$, and more $|\alpha-f(p,q)/g(p,q)|<h(q)$.
@BenjaLim Know that feeling, bro.
@PeterTamaroff I have been on math.se for a while now and how come YOU OVERTOOK ME IN TERMS OF REP SO QUICKLY FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
@BenjaLim I have a condition. @Eugene pointed it out.
what isit
@BenjaLim visited 153 days, 151 consecutive
no wonder
this site is bloody addictive
@FrankScience Your sequence seems to converge faster.
Fourth iteration gives an error of 0.000000002445850189047860000000
While mine gives an error of
@PeterTamaroff It's Newton's iteration.
@FrankScience Should've known the lion by its claws.
I'll go to sleep now!
@PeterTamaroff You can try to calculate $(r_n-\sqrt3)/(r_n+\sqrt3)$
@PeterTamaroff One is $\Theta(\alpha^n)$
@PeterTamaroff The other is about $\Theta(\beta^{2^n})$.
@PeterTamaroff Elementary.
@PeterTamaroff Google Translate is of little use of course.
@FrankScience: I cleaned up the answer and added a comment to Generic Human, if you're interested.
@FrankScience Don't know about theory of approximations, sorry.
@robjohn my predicament is that i need to learn french. ugh.
@robjohn Seems good.
$\{n\alpha\}$ is uniformly ditributed where $\alpha$ is an irrational number.
What's difference between compute calculate and determine in math?
@Eugene how fast do you need to learn French?
@FrankScience different letters? :-)
@FrankScience I think they are pretty much the same unless a distinction is made in a particular paper/book
So they're interchangable when I want to ask in MSE?
there's a tendency (imo) for "calculations" to be about specific numbers, computations for more general symbolic things, and "determine" more general still to abstract objects and features rather than just expressions
@FrankScience You have to be careful about how you define uniformly distributed. Depending on the continued fraction, an irrational number can have clumps at some levels.
@FrankScience without further context, I would say yes.
Now it's studying discrepancy.
@FrankScience consider what anon says. I am sure many share his opinion.
What's imo? I can't get it in Google.
I have seen such word many times, but I can't get it.
where $s(\alpha,n,\nu)=\sum_{0\le k<n}([\{k\alpha\}-\nu]-\nu)$.
$[P]$ is Iverson bracket.
@FrankScience In My Opinion
I use IMO to refer to the International Mathematical Olympiad.
@FrankScience Often it is IMHO
@robjohn Now I know.
The property of irrationals and continuants confuses me.
@FrankScience have you looked into continued fractions further than definitions?
and $D(\alpha,n)$ is not $O(n^{1-\epsilon})$ for some $\alpha$.
@robjohn I get it from CMath.
@robjohn soon enough. i need to read papers so not that much french
$D(\alpha,n)=o(n)$ implies that $\{n\alpha\}$ is uniformly distrubuted.
@FrankScience what is an Iverson Bracket when applied to a real number? Usually they are applied to a truth value.
@robjohn Sorry, it should have been $[\{k\alpha\}<\nu]$.
So often I want to answer a question only to find that one has been posted before I can submit mine.
--> So often do I want to ...
@FrankScience Wait, are you trying to correct my English?
@JasperLoy Am I right?
makes more sense to me the way jasp wrote it
@FrankScience This warrants some thinking.
English is not as straightforward as many think, so it's just like math.
So stop using English, use the formal language instead, say, first-order logic.
By the way I saw the meta post about someone trying to remove the essential parts from his question. I looked at the edit history and I don't think it's vandalism. meta.math.stackexchange.com/questions/4520/…
@FrankScience Wait, so you just started studying calculus and you know about first order logic? Hmm, you must be the next Fields medallist.
@JasperLoy Maybe impossible.
@FrankScience OK, a few more years then.
what is .... .....?
One of the edits above could be an accident, not vandalism. The rest are just OP's way of expressing himself.
@JasperLoy IMO he deserves the suspension, sir
@JasperLoy Only know about, not know first order logic. It's somewhat popular science, not scientific, say, the proof for Godel's incompleteness theorem.
@Eugene But like I said, there is a high chance it is not vandalism. In fact I would not think it is if not for the meta post.
@JasperLoy ok, sir
@FrankScience That's why I never read these popular books. They teach you nothing and just waste your time and money.
Half of them are written by silly authors who know nothing about the topic itself.
Then people read them and then think they know everything about it already.
@JasperLoy and the other half are written by genius awesome authors?
@JasperLoy Some are good.
@Eugene Yes, but still I am not the type to read such books.
@FrankScience Yes, books are just like food. Some are good, some are bad.
@JasperLoy and both are edible.
@Eugene Yes literally and metaphorically.
@JasperLoy Incidentally, where's your high school? (nationality)
@FrankScience Singapore.
@JasperLoy Cool.
@JasperLoy Did you take part in mathematical competitions?
@FrankScience I have many secrets I don't share here, but country is OK to share.
@JasperLoy Sorry.
@FrankScience Why are you saying sorry? :-)
@JasperLoy I asked about your secret. It's somewhat impolite.
@FrankScience Erm, not really. I am not really good in math.
@FrankScience That's not a secret. You can ask me anything you want, I may or may not answer but I will never lie.
@JasperLoy Thanks.
What about you @frank? Do you take part in math competitions?
@JasperLoy Yes.
@FrankScience IMO?
@JasperLoy i thought you were a grad student no?
@Eugene I'm not a grad student, but I might be in future.
@JasperLoy There are only 6 students in China who is able to take part in IMO.
@JasperLoy are you in the NUS?
@Eugene I'm not a student now. Finished undergrad long time ago.
@JasperLoy I find that most students are clever than I.
@JasperLoy Those who took part in MO.
@FrankScience in your opinion only 6 students in china are able to take part in math competitions? =P
@Eugene No, I meant IMO.
@FrankScience yes, in your opinion.
Among the people on MSE, so far I only shared my secret with Ben.
that's what i said
@Eugene No, IMO is abbreviation for International Mathematical Olympaid.
@JasperLoy that you are in fact batman?
@Eugene No, Jonas is Batman.
@FrankScience yes i know. i was just trolling
@JasperLoy ah. then you are the joker.
Maybe I'll share my secret with others in future too if I feel like it.
@Eugene You must be Catwoman.
@JasperLoy In MO the problems are elementary but a bit tricky.
@FrankScience What do you mean by elementary?
@JasperLoy It's exactly high-school mathematics.
@FrankScience Ah yes I know. I just wanted to know what you were thinking.
@JasperLoy well only the joker knows batman's identity. so the logical conclusion is that you are the joker
How did the triangle question get three answers in a minute or so?
@JasperLoy So it's very impossible for me to get a good idea of mathematics.
@FrankScience Well, you may get a good overview by browsing The Princeton Companion to Mathematics edited by none other than Timothy Gowers.
But I'm not asking you to buy the book. Don't waste your money on such things while you are a student.
I know.
And buying is impossible.
Only a few English books are available.
@Eugene I just remembered a question I had before you were around in chat.
Is there a name for an $x\in\Bbb Z_p$ such that its truncation to $\Bbb Z/p^r\Bbb Z$ results in a primitive root, for every $r$? What's interesting is that every p-adic integer can be approximated arbitrarily well by powers of any partciular such p-adic.
@FrankScience If you have all the money in the world, you can ship them from amazon.com. Note the if part.
I guess the same idea applies to $\Bbb F_q[[T]]$, mod various $T^{\large q^r}-T$...
@anon i've never heard of a name being given to such an object but i imagine it'd be somewhere along the lines of "ultra-mega primitive root"
heh heh
I wonder if they could have uses in approximation of p-adic integrals...
3 hours later…
Why notation $\partial z/\partial x$ is mostly used?
as opposed to..?
$\partial/\partial x=D_x$, but the second one seems easier to write again and again.
Many people write $f_x$ instead of $\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}$.
And $f_{xx}$, $f_{xy}$ etc.
Here's one exercise, where writing $\partial/\partial x$ is horrible:
$$x^2\frac{\partial^2w}{\partial x^2}+y^2\frac{\partial^2w}{\partial y^2}+z^2\frac{\partial^2w}{\partial z^2}+yz\frac{\partial^2w}{\partial y\partial z}+zx\frac{\partial^2w}{\partial z\partial x}+xy\frac{\partial^2w}{\partial x\partial y}=0$$
Substitute $(x,y,z)$ with $(t,u,v)$.
Write the transformed equation.
It's very horrible to write $\partial/\partial x$, etc, again and again. You can try it.
@MartinSleziak I write $\partial_x f$.
Never $f_x$. Seems like a component to me! 8-).
I was writing $\partial/\partial x$, etc, again and again, until I decided to stop.
Me too. I was like bloody monkey, what is the difference if I just write $\partial_x^2$ or whatever? Nothing!
Then I took a Sobolev space course, and there they did the same. Good.
Try the preceding exercise with your notation.
you know what i hate? i hate it when i google some math topic, and it links to a forum post that looks promising. i go to the the forum, and then discover i wrote the post, and don't remember it at all.
@FrankScience There is not really a problem? Then how do you write it?
@JonasTeuwen eh?
$D_\alpha$ is more like for multiindexed differential operators.
Anyway: lunch! Be back soon.
in some book i read, the partial wrt the first variable was written $D_1f$
i think that is even better than $D_xf$
i think that writing $\partial f/\partial x$ encourages the confusion of a function with its value...not a terrific idea.
I think the computation is somewhat large.
Is it conventional that $\vartheta_z=z\dfrac\partial{\partial z}$?
how can you have a function $f$ that is monotone decreasing in an interval and in this same interval, $f'' > 0$?
1/x on (0,inf)
damn, thanks
geometrically, f''>0 in a nutshell means the tangent lines to f are turning counterclockwise as x increases
which is still possible, obviously, when f'<0, ie f is decreasing
@DavidWheeler Yes, then you can use multiindices.
@anon nice, that does help me understand it! thanks!
@DavidWheeler Aaaaaaaa, David!
@anon I assume f'' < 0 means the opposite, the tangent lines are turning clockwise as x increases?
Uh-oh, gotta run.
@Clash yes
cool, thanks!
f' is the slope of the tangent lines, so f''>0 means the slopes are increasing, which amounts to counterclockwise turning
@anon Scary things you are talking about... these stacked primes and stuff. Just like pointer-pointers.
@anon nice, I was trying to write exactly that here, but you summed it up much better than me
1 hour later…
@anon I am worried
that because of all of the algebra overload
I often worry.
when doing all this algebraic topology stuff
My visual thinking is completely out
I am thinking in terms of everything algebraically
should I be worried? @anon
dunno :<
@Eugene should I be worried?
@BenjaLim why?
@Eugene look what I wrote above
@BenjaLim i know i saw. do you need visual thinking for AT?
maybe yes
@BenjaLim well like i said i've never done AT so i'm not an authority to ask on this
Hi folks
Good morning. Does anyone here know enough about formal semantics to be able to tell me if the raven paradox is resolved by Angelika Kratzer's theory of "if" as a modal modifier instead of as a two-place operator?
I see that se.philosophy does not have a "semantics" tag, which is worrisome.
@MarkDominus Sorry Mark - formal semantics is not my area :-(
Well, I threw it onto se.phil anyway, although I don't expect much.
@anon: would you consider voting to undelete this question so we can close this repost without work shown as a duplicate?
Hi all.
$$ \huge \text{IS ANYBODY OUT THERE?} $$
Bon jour.
Anything interesting happening?
I was asked what is a geometric intuition of a curve with negative arithmetic genus. Can anyone help me?
Certainly not me unfortunately.
The "T"s that MathJaX renders are slightly too short.
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
yes, hello
Does anyone know why the pullback of a short exact sequence of locally free sheaves on a curve to a smooth one is still exact?
I think, it because of vanishing of Tor on a smooth curve but I dont see how to connect Tor with pullback. Perhaps that's the question.
ok, its not so hard to see
Hi guys!
Could someone help me to study a function?
@RagibZaman Listening to Pink Floyd?
@robjohn Its awesome!
@N3buchadnezzar When I saw Ragib's large message, I heard Pink Floyd :-)
@robjohn Comfortably numb =)
@N3buchadnezzar Isn't that "Is there anybody in there"?
It is, therefore I did not asking him whether it was from that song or not. But Ragib`s message reminded me of that song-
"All in all you're just a...nother brick in the wall!!"
@robjohn It's both.
@unNaturhal What function?
I only know the zero function well.
Zero functions are closed under addition, multiplication, and composition.
They also form a vector space over the reals.
It's also a linear map.
And it the unique function that is both even and odd.
@JasperLoy $$y = e^{x-|x^2-x|}$$
You know everyone is bored when chat degenerates to this.
To this.. what?
@unNaturhal To talking crap.
@JasperLoy ...
@JasperLoy I have trouble fully factorizing it.
I have obviously seriously misjudged this question :-D
@BenjaLim There are many things I can't visualize too. Don't worry. Not everything is meant to have a geometric interpretation.
@robjohn Hmm, of all the people in this room, I like your humour the best. :-)
@robjohn Animations are always popular.
@DylanMoreland The other answer had outdone mine by 6:1. two more votes have been cast now, so it is not so one-sided. It seems that the descriptive answer beats the mathematical answer there.
@robjohn I felt so distant when a college teacher said that parametric equations was far to abstract for his class..
@N3buchadnezzar That is really strange. Even in High School we did parametric equations.
I guess I need to turn the "Fate in the human race lever" another notch down.
@DylanMoreland Hi Dylan, are you there?
I'm asking because I just posted an answer about something I recently learned (today, so I'm still a bit shaky) and I was hoping you might have a look.
@robjohn The question was about the human perception, which your answer addresses only obliquely, if at all. You needed to have a section explaining how the mathematics can be interpreted to give an answer about what the noise sounds like.
Haha! Mark Dominus' pinned message made me lol just now.
Also, you treated the specific phenomenon of beating, but the question wasn't asking specifically about beating.
I think what you wrote is a really nice answer to a different (and probably better) question than the one that was actually asked.
@MarkDominus I think that question is not really math related.
It has 87 views and no votes to close.
My own view is that Matthew Conroy hit the nail on the head: "we hear both frequencies, not some sort of average of the two."
@MarkDominus We hear both, but "mixed". Haven't you ever un tuned a guitar? Or played some dissonant notes? The sound is really interesting.
I just said that.
I also said it in this comment.
@MattN Ah. I'm pretty crummy at primary decomposition. I'll try to take a look.
I think I answered your other question in the comments, contra site policy.
Doron Zeilberger is quite some peculiar man.
That is unusual for a mathematician.
@DylanMoreland I think you did : ) Thank you!

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