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Wait that French paper I linked above literally has "croissante" in it
Oh it means "growing"?
Good lord
That title
"The note is scattered with exercises; solving them, the reader will
become a master in co/end-fu (端楔術; literally “the art [of handling] terminal
This is a goldmine
What's a sous-algèbre
s n i p e d
Ah that makes sense
I was thinking "under algebra? What?"
I wanna make my titles amusing honestly
in German it is actually "Unteralgebra"
So a suite croissante de sous-algèbres is an increasing sequence of subalgebras
OK so this doesn't actually seem as impossible as it originally sounded
You know what
"Group cohomologists hate him"
Reading a math paper in French is gonna kinda be like reading a page of Talmud in Aramaic
I know neither language, but I know a related language, and with a dictionary it's kinda doable
And they both use a limited vocabulary (usually)
@BalarkaSen Speaking of which
Yes, identity type
@AkivaWeinberger Reading the Talmud in Aramaic is hardcore
I think I'm going to write some thoughts on identity types in the garbo room
Tell me what they are
OK, going there
@SirCumference I mean, that's the language it's in
(though you can find good translations online)
@LeakyNun Idea: Chinese, but replace 人 with 웃
@AkivaWeinberger Yeah but getting a dictionary for an old language like Aramaic instead of using a translation, that's dedication :P
@AkivaWeinberger and 杯 with 보
Though then again I'm not sure just how similar Aramaic is to modern day Hebrew
It's pretty similar
@Mathein sagt man normalerweise untergruppe oder teilgruppe? lol
aber Teilmenge
Aber teilmenge?
ah okey
"Know man normalwise subgroup other tailgroup"
ich glaube, "Teilmenge" ist die einzige Ausnahme, sonst sagt man immer "Unter-": Untergruppe, Untermodul, Unterraum (Teilraum geht aber auch)
Komisch :P
@Mathein Just waiting for the Vorlesungsverzeichnisse now, I'm too excited
আলোচ্য বিষয়টি কি
Wenn du es nicht als mathematischen Fachbegriff verwendest, kannst du auch "Teilgruppe" sagen
@SubhasisBiswas Through Google Translate I know all
Well, I'm going to sleep. O-yasumi nasai, waga tomoyo!
Bis bald :P
Apparently to get a PhD in math, I'm gonna need to be able to read a math paper in either French, German, or Russian and translate it. I'm years away from that but I got worried @SubhasisBiswas
I then decided that, since math papers will generally use a limited vocabulary, I'll probably be alright
especially since I know Spanish which is similar to French
@Akiva depends on the place, and they expect no prior background necessarily
2 hours later…
Q: Transformations of reduced single-string CF grammars can be given groupoid structure? 🌌

BananaCats Category Theory AppThe smallest grammar problem is to find a minimal cost grammar $g$ of an input string $s$ over $\Sigma$. Then $g$ expands back to $s$ in an obvious way. For example: $g = \{S \to AA, A \to abc \}$ expands to the the input string $s=abcabc$ and is in fact a smallest grammar for $s$. Now take a...

I don't know why I just like shouting satire
I like to shriek that in public sometimes
I remember the last time I shouted in public
wound up in the mental hospital
I was on lsd
(or something, not sure, someone dosed me without my knowlege / consent)
If you ever take a psych. stay at camp!
around your fam, don't go into the cold dark like I did
Let's transition smoothly to the next topic!
I took psychology in college
you took lsd too didn't ya
Okay, I'll stop
whadoyou think about my groupoid
possible groupoid structure
for a certain discrete optimization problem
My name is Ultradark Wizzi
@Ultradark Wizzi, okay sure :D
I'll take a look at it
Maybe you'd like that because it has part of your name :|
And alliteration of it in the other words
It's 5:44 PM
@Ultradark no, isn't it always 5:44pm somewhere...
Wait, nvm
If the timezones were minutes, then that would make sense
One time my brother and I wrote a math story. I wish I still had it
Yes, you should save the works you're proud of
I wish my cousin majored in math at massachussets institute of technology
I got the horses in the back..
I wonder if there's a user that's asked over 1000 questions
@BananaCatsCategoryTheoryApp what an ugly song I've just heard.. :P
What kind of music do you like Isa?
I don't know, what of of music is Billie Eilish ?
that kind.
Anyone else glad the J-bro's (Jonas brothers) are back?
1 hour later…
Watching Silverman lecture on elliptic curves, very illuminating

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