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In the preliminaries between lemmas 1.2 and 2.1 here, how is it that $[\mathrm{Im}\,\alpha_{i1},\mathrm{Im}\,\alpha_{i2}]=1$?
@Jordan Do not get into differential equations, dude. First, fill in the holes in your previous knowledge.
@PeterTamaroff It is just the order of my calc2 book
@PeterTamaroff i could say the same to you!
hi @PaulSlevin
how goes it?
I am ok
been in a note-writing frenzy haha
ah. i was asking more along the lines of exam wise
finished my exams last friday
get my degree results in... 6 days
how are you ?
6 days huh
@Eugene Really?
yeah they mark 83 exams in a week
@PaulSlevin my thesis passed my advisors standards. i have to submit it to typesetting now though.
@Eugene wooo
@PeterTamaroff hahaha... learn your group, field, ring theory and complex analysis!
@PaulSlevin now the really hard part begins! my friend said it took him 2 months before the grad studies office was satisfied.
ouch well good luck
@PaulSlevin and to you as well!
@Eugene That is not necessary for elementary numer theory!
you need little to no abstract algebra (groups, rings, fields) to do analytic number theory. number theory overall however is a very different story.
hit a bit of a wall with my notes. i need to learn how to draw some pullback squares
it is my bedtime. night night
although I would have to say understanding elementary number theory is a lot easier with some basic abstract algebra
maybe even necessary with modern treatments, dunno
@anon i think it depends on what kind of analytic number theory. modular forms for instance require abstact algebra to some degree.
yes, that is true.
you know any group theory Eugene? :D
@anon so to tackle apostol's second book would require that
my problem is I can't work out how to stick a right angle sign in a pulback square
@anon on a serious note, not really any!
@PaulSlevin let me do some searching and i'll get back to you. enjoy your sleep first.
haha thanks man
I appreciate it again
@PaulSlevin oh wait. this was easy
I can do curvy arrows now which I am proud of
thank you i will read that in the morning
no problem good night!
@anon the extent of my group theoretic knowledge is sylow's theorems
@anon doing original research on group theory would be out of my ability!
on a note of irony, my elementary number theory professor was a finite group theorist who taught it without any group theory and my first abstract algebra professor was a number theorist who taught it also without any group theory!
@Eugene Booyah!
you'd think a course on group theory would have some group theory in it. in the end it was on partitions.
It is 3:15AM. There are drunk mathematicians discussing harmonic analysis in the garden. They are having a coffee break now.
@JonasTeuwen That is awesome.
Yeah, haha.
mathematics is best done when drunk. everything becomes trivially true!!
@JonasTeuwen When I was in high school, I tried to prove a friend of mine I wasn't drunk by solving a quadratic.
Hmm, they are talking about dominating maximal functions by some functional calculus stuff. Haha.
@JonasTeuwen What are they drinking?
Whisky, wine, whatever.
@JonasTeuwen I have the second epistemology midterm on Monday, and I have no clue what I got in the first mid term. I'd like to be doing math now!
@anon I looked at that paper, it looks like they're referencing the first theorem in the precursor to the paper you're reading.
@JacobSchlather I know, but the precursor is the author's thesis and is like an entire book, not available online. It seems like the sort of thing that would exist independent of a single person's thesis though, or at least verifiable with a short proof.
Well, that particular result is referencing Automorphisms of direct products of finite groups
which is 9 pages
oh duh it's just a small paper
not sure what I was confusing it with
however it's still not freely available to me...
I can upload it for you
or email it to you if you'd like
I would appreciate that!
what's your email?
@JacobSchlather Thanks very much.
Is anything getting accomplished in this thread?
i would say not.
but if the problem is seriously his behavior in the chat room what is the issue behind prohibiting him from the chat room and limiting him to the main site?
I don't really know what the options are.
well i've stopped downvoting him. at last look he seemed to be improving
whoa. what's up with skullpatrol?
Probably the least bizarre thing I've seen out of him.
3 hours ago, by anon
400 points?? skullpatrol, you are totally screwy
@anon it is weird.
@DylanMoreland really? i guess i don't know him very well.
Some people take their pedagogy very seriously.
@JacobSchlather apparently
wow, someone tweeted his question.
It does seem like a very bizarre thing to be concerned about
that's skull for you
i'm not concerned about it. i'm surprised that an MSE question is worth a tweet to someone.
maybe it was skull now that i think about it
tweets aren't worth very much
@JacobSchlather haha. got a point there.
does anyone remember their contour integrals particularly well?
oh lawd directional fields is confusing
@Eugene I got tweeted once! What's the problem with tweets?
@PeterTamaroff it's just who tweets a math question??
@Eugene The admins here, I guess!
@PeterTamaroff i guess..
@Eugene Landau is now introducing $\Lambda (a)$ to analyze the multiplicity of $p$ in $n!$. Seems cool.
@PeterTamaroff the mangoldt function?
@Eugene Yeah Yo!
@PeterTamaroff i'm gonna do some work seriously now. bye!
@Eugene Good luck then!
Hello! I was wondering if someone could help with a basic, quick question about algebraic geometry!
In particular, my question is thus: let p_1, p_2, p_3 be polynomials over some field k. If V(p_1,p_2) shares a component with V(p_3), must it be the case that V(p_3) shares a component with either V(p_1,p_2)?
@anon I see from the comment that skullpatrol must have put a 400 point bounty on the negative/minus question.
Yes. It's listed in his profile as an active bounty.
I look for questions, and Mike Hardy had just answered this one
@anon I just saw the bounty on the question.
@robjohn if you know pde this recently got a bounty
We just got a call. My mother-in-law just had a stroke and is in the hospital. BBL
my grandma is in rehab cause she had a stroke two weeks ago!
@anon just had a galois theory exam
That's not really on the same level is it
@DylanMoreland My exam went ok but I think I screwed up the computation for two of the generators of the fixed field
the Galois group in question was D4
oh well got the other 6 anyway so that was fine
Now another 4 days and freedom
got another analysis exam
@DylanMoreland And I'm procrastinating on Math.se by looking at commutative algebra questions
That sounds familiar :)
@anon i've been cleaning up the unanswered elliptic curve questions. if you see any answers that are CWs can you upvote them? They were answered in the comments and I posted those comments as answers in the form of CWs.
why do you care whether or not CW answers that are simply taken from the comments are upvoted?
I upvoted your reference to the ecrypt wiki
@anon they remain unanswered if they don't receive at least one upvote
and thanks =)
oh, didn't know that
yeah. i didn't either! someone told me on meta
you realize you can use blockquotes in answers?
so this
@anon oh you're right!
thanks @anon!
Also what I sometimes do is paraphrase or summarize what's in the comments instead of simply quote.
@anon oh? i didn't know that either. i didn't want to change the comments flavor though. Should i paraphrase next time then?
whatever you feel like, it doesn't matter much at the end of the day
i thought loeffler's earlier remark was irrelevant to the answer but debated removing it
ok that's another 3 down then
i've disposed of 5 so far.
When Peter told me wait, listen, I read it in Navi's voice
yikes. one of them is iyengar's. i think i'll just gloss over it.
@anon LOL!!!
i listened to the 10 hour version of that.
. . . . a 10 hour version of navi nagging?
it was AWESOME
that and "look!", "watch out!"
oh i miss navi
The only Zelda game I got close to completing fully was wind waker.
@anon really? why not ocarina?
I don't know, man. (Well, WW is the easiest of the console LoZ's imo...)
gamecube? you can play ocarina on GC as well.
i played it on gamecube.
my friend and i used to have speedruns
(I meant collecting every item / completing every sidequest when I said fully.)
Do you mean the limited edition collector's disc for GCN? You can also get it on Wii's VC (though I guess it won't have the water temple augmentation..)
@anon i did that for OOT
@anon yes i did.
Hey guys, whatz up?

I see that no one is interested in my 400 rep bounty :(
@skullpatrol it's already so saturated with highly voted answers....
You're goddamn crazy dude.
@DylanMoreland i've been trying to clear out some unanswered EC questions.
i really have no idea about this one though
anyway i don't know what you're expecting to be new @skull
@Eugene You're right, I'm not expecting anything "new."
ok then
Maybe, it will hit the saturation point and something useful will crystalise out :-)
i am curious as to WHY you posed the question
@skullpatrol You're crazy to offer 400 rep!!
Even on my question the bounty was only 100 rep
@skullpatrol if you answered me, i did not see it
@DavidWheeler Answer: Why not?
well, i don't have an answer to THAT question. but i thought, if anyone knew why you asked the question, it would be you.
Well, we all know that "why"? is a question that can be asked forever ;-)
why not?
because of what?
maybe so
if you don't want to say, it's ok to say so. i was genuinely curious, but am losing interest fast.
H ello
@RajeshD whatz up?
nothing much
2 hours later…
Who certified Henning Makolm to be Mr. Grumpy here?
@skullpatrol Is he grumpy? I thought of him more as sneezy or doc...
@robjohn Not according to the last starred remark on the right hand side.
@robjohn I demand you, as the owner of this room, decertify him ;-)
@JonasTeuwen is pierre still in holland?
@skullpatrol downvoting is a feature of the main site. I have no control over that :-p
@robjohn Agreed :D
@robjohn I have posted a duplication of my question on MathOverflow, which is still to be answered. Do you think I can link to your answer?
@Theorem Hi
@skullpatrol : hi
@AméricoTavares : Sir are you busy right now?
@Iyengar hi
@skullpatrol : Are you busy?
@Iyengar not really, whatz up?
@skullpatrol : Can you help me in proving some problem?
@Iyengar Maybe I can try.
@Iyengar Not very.
@EinsteinsGrandson was Albert Einstein really your grand farther?
@mixedmath Hi
@mixedmath Everybody is in an uproar about my 400 rep bounty question.
why did you offer up that bounty?
To attract more answers.
And tell them about your textbook answer afterwards?
I really don't get what you're after.
What I'm after is "As a math educator, do you think it is appropriate to insist that students say "negative 0.8" and not "minus 0.8" to denote −0.8"?
They already told you that.
Then you added your textbook answer and commented on their answers to see the edit.
@robjohn I have posted a link on MathOverflow to your yesterday's answer.
@Gigili Yes, they did.
OK, I give up.
@Gigili Me too.
I gave up on this question long time ago.
I just wanted to see what other people have to say about it.
In comparison to what the "textbook" says.
They say blahblahblah1 but the textbook says blahblahblah2.
Good answer "plus 1." = +1, end of story. Sorry for bothering you.
It is a good question if you don't talk too much about it.
can anyone tell me about this sequence hi @skullpatrol
1, 10, 19, 29, 32, 40, 45, ... ?? this doesn't make any sense to my eyes -_-
it's the indices of certain values of another complicated sequence
how did it come up? or are you looking around the OEIS?
oh somebody asked me question like this 10, 19, ?, 32, 40, ... ? = ??
@AméricoTavares, @skullpatrol : Sir can you help me in proving (p^m+3)(p^a-1)+4 is never a perfect square where p is an odd prime and m=2n+a, and n>0 and p>3.
and i looked into OEIS
you know, those questions have no well-defined answer
@mixedmath : Sir, very happy to see you, can you help me with this, Sir can you help me in proving (p^m+3)(p^a-1)+4 is never a perfect square where p is an odd prime and m=2n+a, and n>0 and p>3.
Any hints are admired
and that OEIS sequence is almost certainly notthe answer your friend had in mind
lol ... what could be the answer??
@mixedmath What do you think of Munkres' book analysis on manifolds?
when i look at numbers ... all number looks same to me :D
@experimentX you could, for example, take the lagrange polynomial cubic that sends 1 to 10, 2 to 19, 4 to 32, and 4 to 40
or you could make it a quartic and send 3 to any number you wanted, and it would fit
just read off the polynomial values at the natural numbers
it must be a high school stuff ...
@BenjaminLim I don't know much about it. I have a friend who's starting to go in that direction, and he told me he's avoiding it, I think. But that might be because he likes Spivak-style stuff more
@mixedmath what is the spivak style?
Is it that spivak's calculus on manifolds is better?
it's also longer no?
almost certainly - it's pretty big
I would like to see some analysis on R^n
and at least some manifolds on R^n
before jumping to arbitrary second countable hausdorff space
@BenjaminLim : sir, can you help me with some problem?
@Iyengar Is it number theory?
@BenjaminLim : Yes sir
@Iyengar Unfortunately my elementary number theory is not good.
@BenjaminLim : But only if you are free
@Iyengar If you want help to prove quadratic reciprocity I can help you using Galois theory:D
@BenjaminLim : Oh ok sir, no problem, thank you for replying.
@mixedmath : What about you sir?
alright - give me a few moments and I'll take a look
but no promises
ok sir,
thanks a lot..
@Iyengar Iyengar, what's the source of the problem? And the context?
@mixedmath : Sir there is no source of the problem, my friend has posed it to me, and his teacher posed it to him. But that is proved...I am looking for proof.
@Benjamin Lim I spent two whole hours today trying to prove a ring is noetherian if and only if every ideal is finitely generated.
@Ragib: It's really quite easy once you know the trick...
@ZhenLin, that's why I'm disappointed I had to spend two hours thinking about it! lol
@ZhenLin What do you think of Munkres' book analysis on manifolds?
@BenjaminLim buy spivak's!
@BenjaminLim there are these ones
@BenjaminLim and this
@Eugene why spivak?
@Eugene The DG book is crazyt
my analysis of several variables is not strong enough to tackle it
Searching for integrals is tough, it is not just as i could search for $$\int_0^\infty \frac{\log\left(x^2+1 \right)}{x^2+1}\,\mathrm{d}x$$ on the site. Sigh.
@N3buchadnezzar My guess is that searching for integral "x^2+1" log site:math.stackexchange.com and integral "x^2+1" ln site:math.stackexchange.com could give you some reasonable candidates.
Or maybe int instead of integral.
Hm... my link does not work :-(
@MartinSleziak can you vote on this CW? one vote will change it from unanswered to answered.
@MartinSleziak thanks!
It seems that someone already did that.
@MartinSleziak oh. i thought it was you
oh well then!
I think I voted =)
oh thanks @N3buchadnezzar!
I got my first A today, after starting at uni :D
oh congratulations. for what subject?
Multivariable calculus
@N3buchadnezzar oh that's really good.
An introductory course, but I still find it somewhat fun.
@Eugene Do you know what to study if one want to learn more? Eg more about stokes, change of variables / coordinate systems etc.
@N3buchadnezzar well one needs to study analysis. but this is a long way off even then.
you need to know convergence, continuity, openness, differentiation, integration, then you need to go to the multivariable case.
unless you meant in a multivariable sense.
but in that case i don't know either.
I am going to take some analysis next year, Linear methods and some complex analysis and lagrange.
@Eugene Does manifolds have anything to do with this, or is that closer related to topology?
@N3buchadnezzar i've never heard of lagrange analysis
@N3buchadnezzar manifolds have to do with both differential geometry and topology.
Seems fun!
There are so many things I want to learn and so little time ^^
that's good then!
anyway i have to go now. take care!
Hi guys!
There are some basic things about convergence of the Zeta function in the critical strip that I don't understand. That is when I expand:
Zeta[1/2 + I*c]

Mathematica gives me the usual expression with mulitple derivatives of the zeta function.

But when I try to calculate the sums in the way they appear here:

I get that the sums in front of powers of "c" don't converge according to Mathematica.
To clarify, this:
Sum[1/n^(1/2)*Log[1/n], {n, 1, Infinity}]
does not converge,

while this:
Sum[1/n^((one)/2)*Log[1/n], {n, 1, Infinity}]
@MatsGranvik did you define "one"?
No I did not define "one". It is just a variable.
But never mind. I might not understand the explanation for this if some one explained this to me.
@MatsGranvik then that explains it. Mma is giving the answer when $\mathrm{Re}(\text{one})>2$ and you are trying to use $\mathrm{Re}(\text{one})=1$
Sorry, I missed that you had $\frac{\text{one}}{2}$ in there
Ok. I don't have MathJax installed so I chat and read slowly.
@MatsGranvik Installing MathJax is surprisingly simple, I just did it right then, took me 10 seconds!
Just go to the link and save the links as bookmarks
Does it work in Internet Explorer, MathJax?
@MatsGranvik Since they changed the Ajax code in chat, we need to run the bookmark periodically to get all the LateX to render.
MathJax works!
@MatsGranvik Nice to hear!
$ \text{ It is so awesome. Thanks robjohn! } $
@RagibZaman The thanks go to many people. I am just the last to touch this bookmark.
@robjohn , @RagibZaman will you help me to do the construction which is here math.stackexchange.com/questions/158305/…
is the zero matrix a nilpotent matrix?
i.e. if $Q = 0$ does $Q^2 = 0$?
Hi! Do you know a comparison theorem for systems of differential equations?
Hi ... can anyone tell how to solve initial value non linear Second order DE on Mathematica??
y'' - y^2 - 2y = 0, y(0)=0, y'(0) = 0.0001
@JaydonZhao Yes.
Ah ... that didn't work at all :)
how to remove ... past comment?? I posted message meant for another room
1 hour later…
@experimentX You can only edit/delete comments for a short period of time.
Oh ... i guess i can't remove my redundant comments
@ZhenLin Someone was trying to make a bizarre edit to your continuity answer yesterday.
I didn't really see how it was essential to your argument, but they were claiming that $f^{-1}fX = X$ was a "false step", which it clearly is not.
is there a way to remove a question i asked?
also i started a big-list here math.stackexchange.com/questions/158291/…
so if anyone could contribute it would be appriciated
ooh collatz, haha
So I find xkcd really annoying. But when this came out and a friend posted it on Jeff's door, that was great.
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