$a = \frac{16 - xistar}{2} = 8 - \frac{xistar}{2}$
why is there no explanation of any of this? Is it so easy only an idiot would not be able to see what is happening? I hae gone over this a dozen times and I don't get it
The ith horizontal streip of the dam is approximated by a rectangle with height delta x and width wi where from similar traingles in Figure 3b
what the heck does that mean?
and so $w_i = 2(15+a) = 2(15 + 8 - \frac{1}{2} xstari) = 46 - xistar$
why is the width 46 - x star i
It doesn't make sense, there must eihter be a mistake or something isn't being explained
I hate paul, I don't think I hate anything more than him
Wait, I hate Stewart more, Stewart is even worse because he became incredibly rich off writing incredibly bad text books
Hopefully Paul is living in his one bedroom apartment alone with his misery
$\frac{3}{4} = \frac{a}{4-xistar}$ is impossible
a constant can't always be equal to a variable like that
this site isn't active enough
this is the first question I have of 50
I am going to write an email to paul telling him why he is an idiot
thuis is increidblyt frustarting
I can't learn this stuff from any of the resources I have but I have a quiz on it tomorrow
I failed the test today so I need to do well on the quiz to have a chance at passing
this is why I hate math so much
these problems are so useless anyways