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I will try them all
the problem is some of them have commands that work and others dont so i have to keep changing these
do you have email?
yeah i do
i can send you some templates
ooh that would be amazing.
@PaulSlevin ok please delete
i'm gonna send you some files from my unused email account too
you aren't asking to me, but I prefer the standard book class
with some minor modifications
@leo what are your modifications?
my goal is something like Zhen Lin;s notes zll22.user.srcf.net/notes/CommutativeAlgebra.pdf
I havent seen him around to ask
@PaulSlevin ok check your mail and let me know what you think
@PaulSlevin Seems nice. It looks likes the book class with some customizations as well
got it thanks, i just have to download some packages
i customized it to cut out some of the crap in report style so
@Eugene Thanks, that looks great nice and compact
is it possible to change the font?
@PaulSlevin i think so. i liked the font though so i never bothered
@PaulSlevin check out this
I could do my notes in different fonts to give them each a ccharacter
just a detail, I write in spanish :-)
@PaulSlevin does the link works?
yes, thanks a lot
just installing more pacakages
god the font change looks horrible
i mean
the article which details how to do it
@PaulSlevin you're better off not changing it
would you like somemore templates?
yeah I can see that now:)
yeah as many as you could send me would be very helpful
@leo yours is muy bien
@PaulSlevin Thanks :-)
Is there a way to make it not take up the whole page
@PaulSlevin do you bibtex?
erm im not sure
I think so
I wasnt really worried about the bibliography for this
@PaulSlevin ok i sent you another email. have a look
do you like that one?
i have one more template but that one is for official papers
ie for submitting
yeah its cool
thanks i will experiment with what you guys sent me!
@PaulSlevin i customized my templates quite heavily. feel free to remove whatever you need.
@PaulSlevin you can do something like \usepackage[headheight=14.5pt,text={14cm,21cm},centering]{geometry}
the first argument of text is the width of the text, the second is the height
you can play with that values :-)
centering is to center the text in the page
I prefer this because I used to read my notes in my computer
what is the command that gives you the line at the top of the page
the ------------------------- 3
I mean
below of \fancy
in the preamble
(page number) ...................................... (subject)
ok. What does fancy do? Sounds fancy haaha
oh, does it allow you to use the fancy header
fancy heads and foots
@PaulSlevin me???
or leo?
this command produces the rule on top: \headrulewidth{1pt}
ah not me then
you can set it to 0pt if you dont want the rule
I have mishmashed the two together to have Eugenes paper with Leos name on the bottom of each page haha
this commands and what is bellow control the headres and footers
you can play with that values as well
thanks a lot guys I appreciate it!
I must sleep however, i need to go and buy meat for the maths barbecue
@PaulSlevin :-)
have a good time
@PaulSlevin bye!
1 hour later…
haha, Peter got IWBTG
Personally I think going up from the first screen is easiest for someone just starting
Also, when you create a new save file there's a medium mode though it isn't selected at first. You don't wanna do hard mode on first try.
hi @anon
@anon even dylan said yikes when he saw iyengar's problem
why people here used to say yo?
@leo because we're street and it's legit!
@Eugene What exactly does it mean? "yo" is "I" in spanish
@leo yo is a greeting basically
but a cool greeting
I see
and we're all gangsta at MSE
hoho, Ilya did the Galois schtick again
wow i'm really unhappy with this guy. asks a question and is thankless about it.
it's only been 40 min. maybe the dude's waiting till he finds out whether his answer is right. or maybe he doesn't want to give out votes since nobody voted his question
yeah. i learn something new about MSE each time. it's really interesting.
@anon well he has a 25% accept rate which really doesn't bode well.
@anon wassat?
@robjohn I wanna be the guy!
@Eugene Ah, thanks :-)
a modest computer game of hilarious self-torture
did you beat it Eugene?
@anon hahah. no. i don't like inflicting self torture.
The very last save point before the final boss is actually an enemy that will attack if you get too close. In the hardest mode in the game, that is actually the only save point, and it only works as such for a few frames before it attacks. (IIRC)
you only get one life what's more right?
whenever you die you go back to the last save point you saved at, I don't think there's a number-of-lives system
@anon yeah there's a complete run on youtube.
@anon i'm not really tremendously into videogames anyway
It's kind of a celebration of a lot of older games.
i figured with the 16-bit and zangief and all
I used a glitch to beat zangief, cuz I'm a dirty cheater.
@anon doesn't that nullify the point of the game though?
only momentarily
I think I'm right
with less machinery
machinery is amazing though. why avoid it???
@calccrypto do you have a question for me?
@Eugene Leibnitz?
im just bored
i see. i thought you had an extended question to ask me from your question.
I just started to write the answer without it. Then the other answer appears. But I finish mine
in that way
my answer is valid if we only have Riemann integral available
@anon i think cat mario is 100 times worse personally
what about the abelian grapes?
1 hour later…
Hi folks
is there anyone here?
I've got a quandary about whose answer to accept
on a question I asked
both answers are great
I upvoted both
what do the "tiebreakers"?
the lower number of points?
greater number of upvotes?
advice would be appreciated....
what question?
Q: Partial derivative of trace of an inverse matrix

M.B.M.I have the following vector function $f(\mathbf{x})=\operatorname{Tr}[(\mathbf{A}+\operatorname{diag}(\mathbf{x}))^{-1}]$ where $\operatorname{diag}(\mathbf{x})$ is the diagonal matrix with values from $n\times 1$ vector $\mathbf{x}$ on the diagonal, and $\mathbf{A}$ is an $n\times n$ matrix (ass...

3 hours later…
I am not sure whether this will be useful for you.
But you might have a look...
@MartinSleziak : Sir, I ended up with some problem sir. Prove that (p^m+3)(p^a-1)+4 is not a perfect square. Can you help me with that ?
3 hours later…
@ZhenLin Are you there?
I'm trying to make sense of the comment I linked to in my question.
I don't see why Chris got 3 upvotes for his comment.
Nowhere in my question do I use "module over R".
My confusion arises from using a generating set $S$ for $k$ (in Paul's comment)
Does it mean you're not in the mood or you don't understand Paul's comment either?
$k$ is not a free $k[x]/(x^2)$-module in the usual sense.
I thought I can think of $k$ over $k[x]/(x^2)$ as free with basis $1$ by defining $x\cdot 1 := 1$.
Then for every $f(x) \in k[x]/(x^2)$, $k_0 \in k$, I have $f(x) \cdot k_0$ is in $k$ again.
It's finitely generated, not free.
Okay: how do I see that?
Because there are non-zero elements of $k[x]/(x^2)$ that act as zero on $k$.
Agh, I still get thoughts of "should do more work" even though exams are over...
: )
I don't understand the action of $k[x]/(x^2)$ on $k$. For example what is $x \cdot 1$?
I suppose it has something to do with $x \cdot x \cdot 1 = 0$?
$k = (k[x] / (x^2)) / (x)$
$k[x] / (x^2) = \{a_0, a_0 + a_1 x, a_1 x \}$ where $a_i \in k$ and so if you divide by $(x)$ you get $k$ again?
Didn't see that.
I'll assume no answer = yes.
Describe the binary expression of $4^n$

The answer is: a 1 followed by n zeroes. Why?

I answered $110^n$
:.I'm about to fix the latexes
They just fixed themselves. 0.o
I discovered why. I just counted wrong.
@ZhenLin Right. Not sure why I was confused. In Paul's question we don't want the free module over $k$. If we pick any generating set $S$ of $k$ then the "obvious" map from the free module over $S$ to $k$ is surjective.
Of course, $k$ is itself a generating set of $k$ so we could pick $S=k$.
Thank you, Zhen.
Going to delete my question.
is anybody here?
@user1111261 : Tell me please
1 hour later…
@robjohn: Do you know how to draw an alert box around the final answer in Latex?
@Gigili I am not sure what you mean. Do you have an example?
@robjohn Like this, but I want to use it in my answer on MSE.
I don't know offhand. Since we don't have any picture environments that I know of, it might not be easy.
I really don't know how to make this look better and clearer and neater and whatever-er.
@Gigili Draw it in tikz
@N3buchadnezzar does that work on the main site?
@Gigili $\bbox[5px,border:2px solid red]{\text{you could try this}}$
@robjohn Plain tex works, but for tikz I am quite sure you need to upload the image with imgur.
@N3buchadnezzar That's what I thought
\newenvironment{bluebox}{ %
\adjustbox{innerenv={varwidth}[c]{0.9\linewidth},margin=\fboxsep+.25cm \fboxsep+.2cm,bgcolor=CornflowerBlue!50!White,frame,center}\bgroup
@robjohn Great, thank you.
@Gigili Is that what you were looking for?
$\bbox[5px,border:2px solid #FFC000]{\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-\pi x^2}\,\mathrm{d}x=1}$
@robjohn Yes, that's exactly what I wanted.
Now I have problem with the image. I cannot center it.
@Gigili example? I think you can put $\hspace{2.5cm}$ before the image or a different length
that's what I do
@robjohn iyengar is spamming the message boards. is there anything we can do about this?
@Eugene which boards?
@Eugene flagging the mods is about the only thing I know to do.
@robjohn see here, here, and here
also here
@robjohn The same answer. I think I should draw it myslef instead of using the Wolfram plot.
and i guess here
and several other places as well but i think i made my point.
@Gigili Try putting the hspace on the same line as the image and adjust the width.
anyway i have to head out now.
@Eugene I will look into it
@Gigili See my post here where I center my image this way.
@robjohn Thank you, I'll use hspace.
I can't think of any function plotters right now, I used paint and it looks ridiculous but not clearer than Wolfram's plot.
Anyway, I wasted enough time on that simple question. Thanks for your help @robjohn.
1 hour later…
function ploters?
pgfplots + forloop + gnuplot
Anyone here?
I really need some help with my sums :D
Oh, gnuplot seems pretty handy.
@Gigili Yep
Huh, what are you doing here @AmithKK?
Asking for help @Gigili
I asked in the Ask Ubuntu room now :P
Okay, good luck.
What does "$3$ decimal places" mean? Is it an error of less than $.0005$ or is it an error of $.0001$?
The latter is what I learned in numerical analysis.
hey folks. is anyone in here on a beautiful sunday afternoon?
@Jeff Would a night do?
@robjohn good question. i would guess .0001.
@AmithKK sure! :D
@Jeff Umm.. Can you help me on a Geometry problem?
i can try. but i was about to ask a geometry problem, too. so you have to try to help me afterwards! :D let's hear your Q first.
Mind coming to the Ask Ubuntu General Room?

 Ask Ubuntu General Room

Normally: General discussion around Ask Ubuntu, Ubuntu & offic...
@robjohn Oh you're referring to your recent answer? I guess Ragib is quite right about it even though I plus one'd it.
@Gigili Yes, I was going back to get a link for chat, but then I got into replying to Raymond Manzoni.
hi there
@Gigili here is the answer and comments to which I was referring :-)
can you help me to understand this comment
Anybody who will be able to help with my geometry problem?
:4906124 :-)
@AmithKK which geometry problem?

 Ask Ubuntu General Room

Normally: General discussion around Ask Ubuntu, Ubuntu & offic...
I posted it in that room
@AmithKK why not post it here?
if it is a math question
I must prove using midpoint theorem that EH bisects FG
F,G,H and E are midpoints on their respective line segments
I'm allowed to join sides to construct triangles
ABCD is a quadilateral
@AmithKK can you compute the coordinates of all the points shown given the coordinates of A, B, C, and D?
@leo I don't get what did did there.
@robjohn uhh.....
@AmithKK E=(A+B)/2
@Gigili I just realized that I need a domain of finite measure to conclude what I want
$[1,\infty[$ do not have finite measure so I'm wrong
Now I see what he's referring to.
@robjohn AE=EB
Quick commutative algebra question:
I'm reading my commutative algebra notes and there is a remark that if
$f: M \to M^\prime$ and $g: N \to N^\prime$ are $R$-module homomorphisms then
$$ f \otimes g: M \otimes N \to M^\prime \otimes N^\prime$$
$$ m \otimes n \mapsto f(m) \otimes g(n)$$

is an $R$-module homomorphism. The remark also notes that this map can and should be constructed rigorously.
@AmithKK There are several midpoint theorems. To which are you referring?
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, 22 mins ago, by aking1012
The segment joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and half as long as the third side.

Draw a bigger triangle than the square.
So I tried and now I'm wondering whether the following is what is meant by "rigorous construction of $f \otimes g$":
By the universal property of the tensor product $(T=M \otimes N, b)$ we have that for the bilinear map
$$h: M \times N \to M^\prime \otimes N^\prime$$
$$ (m,n) \mapsto f(m) \otimes g(n)$$

there exists a unique $R$-module homomorphism $l : M \otimes N \to M^\prime \otimes N^\prime$ such that $l \circ b = h$.

We have $h((m,n)) = f(m) \otimes g(n) = l(b(m,n)) = l(m \otimes n)$. Hence we have that $f \otimes g := l$ is an $R$-module homomorphism $m \otimes n \mapsto f(m) \otimes g(n)$.
@AmithKK Ah, that is different than the one I was looking at.
The reason I am asking this question is because applying the universal property doesn't feel very constructive. It merely tells me that there exists such a map. I suppose by taking a concrete $h$ I have turned this existence proof into a construction?
@AmithKK that's true. but if you consider A and B as separate points with coordinates, then the $x$ coorindate of $E$ is (A+B)/2 (using $A$ and $B$'s $x$-coorindate. then do the smae thing for E's y-coordinate.
@Jeff this is using a different theorem, not the coordinate geometry theorem. This one
@AmithKK hang on a sec and I will work something out.
@robjohn but you could probably use that theorem. if you assign coordinates to $A,B,C,D$ then they might cancel out when calculating $E,F,G,H$ and show those two segments bisect each other. maybe, anyway
@Jeff I bet they are not using coordinates.
@MattN Why not saying hello to me first?
@AmithKK consider this diagram i.sstatic.net/zbXMs.png
EG and FH are parallel to and half the length of AD
@Gigili Hello Gigili! I'm just a bit stressed. That's why.
Thus triangles EJG and HJF are equal. (interior and opposing angle rules)
@robjohn So, AJ=JD?
have nice day!
@AmithKK No, so immediately we have that FJ = JG
Ok, so we have one part of the sum done ?
@MattN Exam?
@AmithKK I thought you just wanted to show that EH bisected FG
Not only that
they have to bisect each other
@AmithKK Oh, then we have already shown that EJ=JH
@AmithKK That is what "triangles EJG and HJF are equal" means.
Oh right
@AmithKK paying attention to the order of the vertices :-)
@Robjohn: do you have an access to MathSciNet? I need a bibtex code for 1 book. Maybe you could help me
@robjohn triangle EJG equals triangle HJF: angle EJG equals angle HJF by vertical angles. what next?
@Gigili: hi. Would you advise me to watch something?
@Ilya let me VPN into UCLA
Is he trolling?
@Ilya Hi. Sure, what is it?
@Ilya so what book?
@robjohn this one: General Irreducible Markov Chains and Non-Negative Operators
I just realised this is a tricky sum
@Gigili I thought, you would tell me. I have only an idea to rewatch Ring 2 or smth with E. Norton. But I think I would prefer smth different.
Looks like our teacher is trolling(?) us
@AmithKK no dark sarcasm in the classroom
teacher, leave those kids alone
all in all you're just a-
-nother brick in the wall
@Ilya pink floyd fan!
title = "General irreducible Markov chains and non-negative operators.",
address = "Cambridge",
publisher = "Cambridge Univ.Press",
year = "1984"
@Jeff too young for that. But they're pretty cool
@robjohn merci. Is it from MathSciNet?
@robjohn you doing something now? curious if you saw my Q to you?

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