A simpler example would be, why are $(\cos(0),\cos(72^\circ),\cos(144^\circ), \cos(216^\circ),\cos(288^\circ))$ and $(\sin(0),\sin(72^\circ),\sin(144^\circ), \sin(216^\circ),\sin(288^\circ))$ perpendicular
in $\Bbb R^5$
and I'm 99% sure their lengths are $\sqrt5/2$ each
Also: why does the linear map $(x_0,x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)\mapsto (x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4,x_0)$ rotate the plane spanned by them by $72^\circ$
The only symmetries allowed for periodic tilings are 2, 3, 4, and 6
So if you ignore that and try to make a 5-fold symmetric pattern anyway you're guaranteed to either accidentally end up with the wrong symmetry, or make a quasicrystal
I have array of characters. I want to balance them in a manner that ever character appears equal number of times. I am allowed to replace any character in the array by any other character. I need to find out minimum number of such replacements required to create such an array.
> Rao said he felt disappointed not to have discovered any additional families, but tiling experts say that proving a complete list of 15 is more significant than simply finding a new working example.
Hi, in a direct product $A \times B$ or a semidirect product $A \rtimes B$, is there a particular name by which we can identify A and B? Can we call them the factors of the product?
@athos $(\Bbb Z/p^n\Bbb Z)^\times$ cyclic (for $p>2$) of order $(p-1)p^{n-1}$ [1] with $(\varphi(p-1)) (p-1) p^{n-2}$ possible generators. Let $q = \lim_{m \to \infty} i^{p^m}$ where $i$ is a primitive root of $p$. Then $q^p=q$. Then, $(q+pr)^{ap+b} = q^{a+b} + bq^{a+b-1} rp + O(p^2)$, so it should work as long as $r \in (\Bbb Z/p^{n-1}\Bbb Z)^\times$ (if it works then it has to be those).
[1]: combinatorial interpretation: p-1 choice of the ones digit.
what that means for $p=5$ and $n=3$ is that you can compute the primitive roots of $5$, that being $2$ and $3$, and then what you want will be numbers of the form $a \times 5^2 + b \times 5 + \omega^{125}$ where $a \in \{0,1,2,3,4\}$, $b \in \{1,2,3,4\}$, and $\omega \in \{2,3\}$
tm = pow(2,125,125)
print(*((tm + 5*b + 25*c)%125 for b in range(1,5) for c in range(5)))
tm = pow(3,125,125)
print(*((tm + 5*b + 25*c)%125 for b in range(1,5) for c in range(5)))
@AkivaWeinberger some were addressed to athos and some were addressed to you
so $(\Bbb Z/p^n\Bbb Z)^\times$ has order $(p-1) p^{n-1}$ right
those two numbers are coprime
so to prove that it's cyclic we only need to find something with order $p-1$ and something with order $p^{n-1}$
better, the generators correspond (hey this is the proof for the multiplicativity of totient!)
we have this Teichmuller lifting map $\Bbb F_p \to \Bbb Z_p : [i] \mapsto \lim_{m \to \infty} i^{p^k} =: t_i$ which is a monoid homomorphism (respects multiplication) that sends 0 to 0 and 1 to 1
so that's how you lift the roots of $X^p-X$ from $\Bbb F_p$ to $\Bbb Z_p$
restrict back to $\Bbb Z/p^n\Bbb Z$
and you'll have found a subgroup of order $p-1$ by removing $0$
i.e. $\Bbb F_p^\times \to \Bbb Z_p^\times \to (\Bbb Z/p^n\Bbb Z)^\times$
Thoughts: When we prove the intermediate value theorem, we aren't learning about continuous functions or the real line; we're learning about the definitions and tools we use to study them
We already know that the intermediate value theorem is true. What we don't know is that our definition of "continuous" is the "right" definition (the right way to mathematically model the phenomenon).
So when we show that these tools can prove the intermediate value theorem, we get more confidence that these are the "right" tools.
If we couldn't prove the intermediate value theorem, we would ditch our definitions and get new ones.
...I need to remind myself again the proof strategy of the intermediate theorem. It has been a long while since I last used ut
hmm ok, so...
we first start with the epsilon delta notion of continuity, and from that using completeness, we can establish the intermediate value theorem, hence our notion of continuity gain confidence as the correct definition
Now to figure out how intermediate value theorem can help to show there exists no continuous functions that increases rapidly to some r whereas such function does exists when the limiting behaviour is $\pm \infty$...
Let $f$ be a continuous function in the reals with asymptote $r$
Fix any point $x < r$. Consider the interval $[x,r]$. Then since $f$ is continuous, by intermediate value theorem, there is some $c \in [x,r]$ such that $\min (f(x),f(r))<f(c)< \max (f(x),f(r))$
Now as $x$ tends to $r$, the bounds of this inequality shrinks closer to $\max (f(x),f(r))$
and hence for $f$ whose "asymptotes" are at infinity, the function can rise indefinitely rapidly
hmm.. this give me another way to think about infinity: Infinity can be defined as a mathematical object that is roughly invariant when subjected to a relation that is tied to a mathematical notion of size
Or in laymen terms, infinity resists the change in size
That might be a way to unify the different notions of infinity in set theories. For example:
$\omega$ does not change size for any finite element added from the left
Aleph cardinals does not change size when multiplied, added to a cardinal that is smaller than them
Dedekind cardinals, Amorphous cardinals, Russel cardinals can be reduced forever, but will never become finite
Inaccessibles are (... ok I think I get lost...)
ok.... Inaccessibles remains the same no matter how many times they are "subscripted", as long those are not inaccessibly large
And finally, for $x >> y$, |x-y| > M for given $x,y$ (i.e. $\infty$ does not become less infinite)
So that means...
💥(Infinity) =
> Let $S$ be a size relation, let $x$ be a mathematical object of type $\text{Inf}$ and let $y$ be the relation $(S,S)$. Then $x$ is infinite if: $$y(S(x),S(x))$$ has type $\text{Inf}$
So in general, infinity is an object which is preserved under some size relation
Thus for example, given a vector space, a vector $v$ is infinite if there exists at least one linear map $A$ where $\det (A) > 1, \text{Tr}(A)>0$ such that $$Av=v$$
Messing around with a subgroup of $S_8$ and I'm finding my mind blown. Specifically $\langle (1234),(1537)(2648)\rangle $. I've not previously encountered a group where commutativity comes and goes so freely.
Yeah, but this is more on individual elements commuting with each other or not. Like, call the first one n and the second one m. $nm\neq mn $, of course, but $m^2n=nm^2$ while $n^2m\neq mn^2$
In mathematics, more specifically in abstract algebra, the commutator subgroup or derived subgroup of a group is the subgroup generated by all the commutators of the group.The commutator subgroup is important because it is the smallest normal subgroup such that the quotient group of the original group by this subgroup is abelian. In other words, G/N is abelian if and only if N contains the commutator subgroup. So in some sense it provides a measure of how far the group is from being abelian; the larger the commutator subgroup is, the "less abelian" the group is.
== Commutators ==
For elements...
You make me curious about the derived series of this group
But trying to calculate that by hand will be a pain
Alright, homework question: "If $N$ is a normal subgroup of $G$, show that $G/N$ is abelian if and only if $N$ contains the commutator subgroup of $G$." I'm having some difficulty coming up with a good approach to this. (I think I need to have that if $n\in gN$ then $n^{-1}\in gN$ as well, but I can't figure out how to show that either.)
yeah, the commutator subgroup and derived series in a sense, measures how nonabelian a group is
I think it might be possible to teach 1st year undergraduates about commutator subgroups using the rubik cube rotational group as an intuition
this is because many moves of solving a rubiks cube are actually commutators that do not vanish
Thus a group where its derived series is of length 2 will be like an alien rubiks cube where say the move LRRL (each of these being commutators) is not the same as the identity
How can I show that a countable union of sigma algebra is an algebra? let A,B in the union then both A and B are in some sigma algebra A_k and A_n , how can I make sure their union is in some sigma algebra?
I want to find the LU decomposition of the following matrix $A$ using Gauss algorithm and column pivoting. $$A=\begin{pmatrix}6 & 4 & 3 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 0 & 2 \\ 2 & 3 & 1 & 6 \\ 1 & 3 & 7 & 3\end{pmatrix}$$
$6$ is the largest element of the first column, so we don't have to change something and th...
This one (preshing.com/images/penrose.jpg) is called the Penrose tiling, and it was discovered from messing around with pentagons. People later discovered you could get it from higher-dimensional lattices
@Ted: I did the proof myself and I understood it. I just don't get motivation, i.e, how did you see the relation between the constraint equations and $\mathbf{C}(A) \subseteq \mathbf{N}(A^T)^\perp$
@AkivaWeinberger: Did you have a look at the paper?
@AkivaWeinberger I would die for it if anyone could explain to me how to get the Fourier-transform of the dots in on the black line ....
The thing is the FT of the 2D lattice is simple. Also in principle its not too difficult to get a strip of finite thickness and arbitrary angle in the FT. But I somehow always failed to do it properly.
And its not clear to me how substantial it is to have the projections, or if it a finitely thick stripe does also the trick (of quasiperiodicity).
@AkivaWeinberger I mean the idea is that taking a strip of the 2D lattice corresponds to a multiplication with a kind of step-function (one direction step the other just a constant). And then multiplication Fourier-tranforms to a convolution operation.
@LucasHenrique The intuition is that to be in the liminf you need to be in all but finitely many $A_n$ while to be in the limsup you need to be in infinitely many $A_n$
@Lucas: Remember that $N(A)$ tells you what linear combinations of the columns give you the zero vector. Thus, $N(A^\top)$ tells you what linear combinations of the row vectors give you the zero vector. That's what is encoded in the constraint equations: Think about how they arrive algorithmically.
For one of them it was more than a fail though, as it was the third attempt, which means the last unless you can get a dispensation from higher up (which requires a good reason)
Meanwhile, none of my high school kidlets in my AoPS calculus class has done his/her homework. None. I'm sorta tired of teaching.
Well, @Tobias, I stopped several people from graduating during my career.
Ultimately, most of them should probably never have gotten out of first or second year, but too many faculty gave them "generous" grades in calculus and linear algebra, etc., that they definitely did not deserve.
Yeah, I feel fine about this one. They had enrolled in the class again, but did not do any homework this time (the homework is mandatory in order to take the exam, but only first time you do the course)
The resulting exam was not even close to a passing grade