Could someone please give me advice?
I'm already familiar with the notion of rings, fields, etc and they are indeed relevant in the way I see math. I'm gonna take linear algebra - actually, I'm using @Ted's book on linear algebra. Should I read, simultaneously, another book with focus on linear algebra applied to abstract algebra? There's this specific theorem that states that any field $F$ of characteristic $p$ has order $p^n$, and this relies on linear algebra. Considering real linear algebra, I don't think I'll ever understand how (based on the formal definitions of vector space, etc, si…
I'm already familiar with the notion of rings, fields, etc and they are indeed relevant in the way I see math. I'm gonna take linear algebra - actually, I'm using @Ted's book on linear algebra. Should I read, simultaneously, another book with focus on linear algebra applied to abstract algebra? There's this specific theorem that states that any field $F$ of characteristic $p$ has order $p^n$, and this relies on linear algebra. Considering real linear algebra, I don't think I'll ever understand how (based on the formal definitions of vector space, etc, si…