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But is infinity a thing?
Probably not
@TobiasKildetoft can you explaiin bit more?
@ninjahatori What @AlessandroCodenotti said
ok I get it thanks
Are we talking about algebra?
@Daminark ...
Is it possible to finish calclus book in one month?
@user451552, certainly. But depends on your meaning of "finish" and which book of course
If you mean "finish" in the way they do in Mortal Combat, then you can finish a calculus book in a few minutes ;)
I mean in such a way that I understand it content
Lol@ yuri S
The book is Thomas calculus@ yuri s
It really depends on you... Everyone's brain works differently. Also depends on how much time can you dedicate to that. If you don't have anything else to do, then you can finish any book in a month, provided you have enough backround to understand the first chapter
Thanks @YuriyS
But if your purpose is not to "finish a book", but rather understand its contents, I would make a study plan with excersises and use several books and online sources instead
Good luck, @user451552, you are welcome
If a finite dimensional operator $T$ is diagonalizable, does this imply that the corresponding pairs of eigenspaces and generalized eigenspaces are equal.
@user193319 yes
Is it the midterm exams? The reason for so many new users with no-context homework-type questions?
That reminds me, I need to grade my students' tests by tomorrow...
@YuriyS it happens in all the times of the year
What should a man do to change the terrible educational system in his country?
I remember hating math at high school so much
They present it so poorly
Get into the government somehow? By which time you'd be too deep in politics to care about education
Problem solved
Sadly the government doesn't care
That's my point
@user451552 where are you from?
Actually, as far as I know, math education in public schools is terrible in every country. There's very little real progress, because most of the people who manage that process on the top level have no idea what is math, how does it work and how to teach it
Neither do I of course
it's becoming more of a cliche now
I see people in my college (physics) hate physics so much in fact one time I asked a couple of them about the definition of work... they where in their third year at the time ...you won't believe it . Many of them didn't know what work is in physics. @ yurt s
From sudan @ yuris
That's pretty sad. I understand, that in some countries the situation is worse than in the others... No idea how to make it better, so maybe you'd think of something
Good thing is I can always make myself better
If $Y and $Z$ are subspaces in $X$ which are homeomorphic, and $Y$ is a retract of $X$, does it follow that $Z$ is a retract of $X$? I can't seem to prove this, so it makes me wonder whether it is true.
rip latex
Hey @Mathein!
Hey @Daminark
Ah, dang it! I messed up the latex. Here's the corrected version: If $Y$ and $Z$ are subspaces in $X$ which are homeomorphic, and $Y$ is a retract of $X$, does it follow that $Z$ is a retract of $X$? I can't seem to prove this, so it makes me wonder whether it is true.
How's everything going?
Pretty well, thanks! I'm doing a reading group on infinity categories
Hey everyone
@Daminark and for yourself?
Hey @Perturbative
Hey @Daminark @MatheinBoulomenos
Yo @Perturbative!
How goes it? @Dami
@AkivaWeinberger yeah, it's handy
for that reason, there's a tendency among some people to work with rapidity $r$ rather than velocity $v$, where they're related as $v=c \tanh r$
since then the rapidities just add linearly
Not too much going on at the moment. Missed some classes since I was sick so I'm trying to catch up on multiple fronts
That sounds like too much going on to me tbh
I missed no classes but I'm catching up on everything nonetheless...
Yeah, not quite sure what I missed in rep theory, I know AT covered cellular homology so I'll have to learn that, and AG did dimension theory
@user193319 Let $X$ be a big enough annulus, $Y$ be a circle that goes around the hole, and $Z$ be a circle that doesn't
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