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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

it's crazy that you have to travel that much just to take a test
@Daminark dude it's like 30 minutes by car
just get an uber
so for every monoid M, Hom(N,M) = M. And the kernel of every element of Hom(N,M) is a monogenerated submonoid of N. [Here N is the natural numbers]
I thought Purdue was like, an hour or two away
Oh, it's at Purdue?
but not every submonoid of N is monogenerated
@TedShifrin I hope he doesn't get lost
it's purdue calumet
If it's Purdue, that's a good 2 hour drive.
if u smash the acceleration u can get there in under 30 i bet
its the northwest indiana campus
Oh, that's pretty close.
On an early weekend morning, shouldn't be bad.
Like 18 miles.
i think it's actually like
closer than the northside of chi
not closer but
What's this test that you're driving to take?
Ah, awesome.
general or subject?
And not totally awesome lmao, this test is the bane of my existence right now
(I'm not yet a graduate student, but is this is a common test to take, or something more like the Putnam?)
my mom cant pronounce the initials GRE so she calls the test Guriri like the town in southeast brazil
It's the grad school SAT
lol i did horrible on the normal SAT
i did well on the SAT II
Did the normal SAT three times. First time I did good on math, okay on writing, not bad but suboptimal on reading. Second time math got better and the others didn't. Third time I figured out the trick for reading and then it became good
I don't believe I ended up taking the SATs at all.
i got like a 1900/2400 on the SAT and a 35 or 36 on the ACT no prep so i was like, welp i guess i know which test im using
That would have been 10 years ago, for me, though.
Oh on a nicer side note: today in AG we proved that given 5 points in $\mathbb{P}^2$, there is a conic going through them. On this pset we're gonna prove that if no 4 of them are colinear, then this is unique, and if no 3 are colinear, then the conic is non-degenerate
lol I flew from Hong Kong to Singapore to take the subject GRE
Ah, I have exercises like that in my algebra book, Demonark. :P (in the chapter on projective geometry stuff)
@Daminark sick stuff my dude
Also we used the Veronese embedding to show that the complement of a hypersurface in a projective variety is isomorphic to some affine variety
@Daminark isn't this proved using some sort of linear algebra
counting the dimension of the solution space or something
Yes @Leaky. You need the dimension of the vector space of homogeneous quadratics in 3 variables.
@Daminark fun fact - you might ask the same question counting the number of higher degree curves (e.g. degree $d$ rational curves) passing through $3d-1$ points in $\mathbb{P}^2$. Turns out the answer for this was first predicted by string theory and proved later by mathematicians.
boggles eyes
another fun fact is that it turns out that the answer is a recurrence relation with the initial data being the input that there exists a unique line passing through 2 points
Yeah, given the 5 points $p_i = [x_i:y_i:z_i]$, you can consider $v_i = (x_i^2,x_iy_i,x_iz_i,y_i^2,y_iz_i,z_i^2) \in \mathbb{A}^6$, and note that $\mathbb{P}^5$ is the parameter space of conics. Then $p_i$ is in the solution space of a conic $[a:b:c:d:e:f]$ iff $(a,b,c,d,e,f) \in v_i^{\perp}$, then the idea is that intersecting 5 hyperplanes in $\mathbb{A}^6$ will give you something of dimension at least 1
yo @Daminark do u know when i should like request my letters from my letter writers on my apps
So when you projectivize that intersection of hyperplanes you get a point, aka a conic, which solves everything
i think u gotta click a button to send it to them
I'm not sure, probably at least 2-3 weeks in advance is ideal
man it's gotta be annoying if you get like 10 emails from grad school apps at once for like 5 kids your writing for
@loch damn
@Eric: What's annoying is getting requests in by dribs and drabs over periods of weeks. The closest you can get to getting all the letter requests to your profs during one or two days, the better.
@TedShifrin word that makes sense too
And, to be sure, send an email to the profs telling them from which schools to expect notification. Sometimes things go wrong.
The formula is theorem 3 in arxiv.org/pdf/1407.1260.pdf
@TedShifrin ye ive included the list on all my emails to my guys
And yeah I imagine. Probably gonna be a lot of work, especially since the process is apparently different for each place (e.g. one might ask for an email, another might ask to scan/sign/upload, another might ask 5 questions, etc, which was part of why one of my recommenders said not to apply top 6, since it'd be taking time for a likely throwaway app)
Demonark: Plus typically you have to fill in a bunch of questions and check-boxes. I sometimes slightly modified my letters of rec depending on the school.
Most places now have forms to fill in on the web and you can upload a .pdf, but there are occasional schools (like UGA!!!) that require you to paste in text on their web forms, which always annoyed me (as I had to strip out all my LaTeX commands).
Maybe UGA finally got their act together. I dunno.
@Daminark oh wut did someone really say not to
@loch do you have any song recommendation for me
I don't know what to fill my ears with
Yeah, so that's why I've asked a 4th person
Since I think I still want to try for those, and it wouldn't really be a good idea at this point to ask for a rec from him
all of my guys have p much only told me about top places + stony, and ive had to go out of my way to learn about other places
poor baby
that wasnt a complaint !!
Yeah, Peter said to apply top 6 except Princeton ("I wouldn't send my worst enemy there"), have UCLA/Michigan as sorta mid-level, and Cornell as a safety. I think he's probably a bit more confident than me
Marianna said the classic "Take a bunch of rankings and take the intersection of their top 50 schools, that'll give 40-45, and apply away"
yeah princeton w their orange and black colors
Lol, he also said it's a very cold and unfriendly place, and Ted you also seemed to have a similar impression, so I'm hesitant
also the only guy i know who goes there is a huge piece of trash
@LeakyNun uh recently i've been listening to some taiwanese stuff
But yeah Emerton said to apply to Harvard/MIT/Princeton if I want to try but not get hopes up, and gun for larger state schools
@loch tell me
im liking the way upenn is sounding
(if you want to)
there's a band called "eggplantegg"
Penn is up there for me as well, it seems real nice
i was told their cohorts are nice and not competitive which sounds like my kind of thing
Probably some subset of UCLA, Michigan, Penn, Cornell, and maybe Columbia is what I'm really hoping for
@loch li si tai-wan-lang?
i dont know how to read that
but yes some of their songs are in taiwanese lol
are you from tai wan
i dont understand what they're singing
then why would you listen to them
i dunno i still like their songs
lots of people listen to music in languages they dont understand it's not a weird thing to do
most lyricists aren't good anyway so it's not like you're missing out on much most of the time
I didn't say it's a weird thing to do
why would you question why someone would do it if you didnt think it was weird
@EricSilva i... uh...
@LeakyNun what are u a cop?
@TedShifrin: It doesn't follow directly. However, index is invariant under a lot of stuff. I would try to argue by deforming an existing metric to a flat one near the boundary. But this is surely subtle. I expect say Melrose has figured this out.
And I appreciate your reading it. It was a good exercise for me and a couple hours on a plane.
2 hours later…
hello everyone, i used to be a lurker here but credits due to @loc
@loch i have decided to show up
what do people usually talk about here?
like the kitty, @dalbouvet :)
Sometimes, quite rarely, people talk about math.
Math usually
Hi chat
hehh thanks @TedShifrin

well i already have two contradicting answers
people talk about whatever they're working on .... often get into music and unrelated things ... and @Fargle boycotts math :P
Mostly people make bad puns, or talk about linguistics (?).
hi Lucas
why did loch make you appear, @dalbouvet?
Hi @Ted. I'm not boycotting--I just woke up. :L
i know him irl and he told me to appear
are you sleeping on Balarka schedules now, @Fargle?
I figured you knew him irl ... are you at my alma mater too? :)
where did you study?
MIT undergrad
oooh nah, close by though, at boston college
ah, one of my former students is/was a PhD student at BC
@TedShifrin Something like that. Been trying to work through a paper and a few other things.
Hope you're doing ok, @Fargle ;)
afaik the BC math phd program is quite new?
yeah, within the last 10 years or so
my algebra prof took a job there
what are you studying, @dalbouvet?
if your student is still at BC, there's a good chance i know him or her
actually 100% chance, since it's a small department
eh mainly arithmetic geometry, but I know too little of it to call myself an arithmetic geometer
I'll give you a hint: Russian and often obnoxious :)
<---- blunt
@TedShifrin Absolutely, never better as it were. I feel like I get better at plate-spinning every day.
Does that mean you're better at breaking them, @Fargle?
@dalbouvet: Last I heard, he was doing geometric topology.
haha i dont think I know any Russian student here, probably too much of yearly gap
well, American of Russian heritage
that too, i believe
Yet more proof that 100% really only means "almost always".
I just checked the webpage — he's still there.
oh really??
now im ashamed hm
I only know one faculty member, I guess ... Rob Gross — he was a grad student at MIT when I was a postdoc there, and I taught him.
OH you meant faculty!
i thought he was a grad student here
No, I switched subjects while I was on the webpage.
Right, I was talking about a grad student.
who was it then?
Hmm, so I'm guessing he's a 5th year grad student now.
hmm tom i guess...?
um, no ...
omg this will be so embarassing if i got it wrong
haha aite i am not gonna guess
LOL ... I guess I should tell you so you can say hi for me
I'll probably remove the name after I type it, given what I said above :P
i think he left already, as in just graduated
I guess I should try more googling.
He's still on the grad student page.
or maybe BC people should be more diligent at updating things...
there's a directory in the lobby of the math department which is 2-3 years ago now
I think he's still there. He is giving seminar talks various places this fall and lists BC as his home still.
hm it might be that I am mistaken
lemme figure it out some time
LOL, sure. If he's there, say hi for me.
no problem! it's a small world isn't it
I finally bit the bullet and got TeXMaker because I was tired of using a browser.
But now that I have it, I don't really know what I can do with it
Other than what I was already doing, which was "typing TeX stuff"
@dalbouvet: Speaking of small worlds. I got into a Lyft last time I went to the airport. The guy picked up two more people, who were flying to Charleston, SC. I commented that I had lived near there. "Where," she asked. I said, "Athens, GA." "Oh, I went to UGA," she said.
"I was a prof there," I said. ... To make a long story short, one of her closest friends was one of my favorite students (in 3 or 4 classes), and I had not gone to his wedding (to which I was invited), but she had. Small world indeed.
I like Overleaf/Sharelatex
I don't know TeXMaker, @Fargle. I use TeXShop on the Mac. (I used to use Textures, years ago.)
Same, I still use it for homework. I'm mostly moving bigger projects or things that aren't related to class.
So what is TeXMaker for?
i use texshop and overleaf if im feeling like a nerd
Also since I have Chrome OS right now I don't have too many options :P
you're always feeling like a nerd, Eric.
@TedShifrin that's such an coincidence! I wish I have similar stories like these...

does overleaf/sharelatex allow weird packages? I have actually never used those (I for one use texmaker...)
more a jab at Amin then anything else
TeXing things, as far as I can tell. It seems to have a lot of features, but (possibly thanks to the piecemeal way I've learned TeX) I don't really find much use for them.
but yes Ted you are essentially correct
That doesn't take much (jabbing Demonark, I mean).
@Fargle: I learned stuff a lot better by the time I finished my third book :P
overleaf is actually kind of sick if u gotta collab w ppl tho
googles overleaf
@EricSilva That's a feature I've never had occasion to take much advantage of (except for once or twice, working on algebra homework at my old school).
Oh, I'd rather have things resident on my computer, but I get why it could be good for lots of people.
me too, which is why i use texshop 99% of the time
At the risk of sounding self-aggrandizing, I don't really know any other people at my school who I could do math stuff with---they're all either applied math or just not far enough along in the program.
You were doing applied stuff for a year or so, @Fargle.
Well, I still am, but I seem to be one of, like, two or three pure math majors here.
Well, you're dabbling in diff top, alg top, diff geo ... :P
In that regard, you would have been better off at the first school, I guess. But things happen.
I wish I could do aught but dabble, lol
Well, you could :)
Lool @dalbouvet
Oh, loch finally returned.
We entertained @dalbouvet in your absence.
By entertained he means we bullied him ofc
@dalbouvet I know there were some packages Overleaf supports that I was surprised to see that it supports (stuff like alternate fonts, or tikz-cd, or things of that nature) but I don't know if there's any master list of packages it uses anywhere.
(Maybe I shouldn't be surprised that it supports tikz-cd)
@Fargle: Years ago I bought a few font packages that I use with TeXShop (and used with Textures for years too).
@TedShifrin Some of the paid fonts look really nice. I've grown very attached to Palatino though, I may never go back.
I used to use Palatino for letters when I used a word processor. I liked Lucida, typeset my algebra book in it (that's what Hatcher used, too, and people in here bitch about it all the time), but then decided I didn't really like it. So now I use Spivak's Times Roman font package and I love that, actually.
But Palatino doesn't have a math font to go with it, so that sucks for math.
complains about hatcher angrily and impotently, conceding it's still a sick book
ROFL @Eric
@TedShifrin Yeah, that might be my only gripe, but it doesn't look too out of place with (what I assume is) Metafont (?).
@EricSilva gotta get it some Tylenol
I assume you're using the default computer modern math fonts, @Fargle. They don't fit Palatino at all!
u already used that joke
Jokes get better each time
Not in your case, Demonark.
But yeah I don't think I would've noticed Hatcher's font being different if no one said so
i guess repetition is the basis of comedy
"Who's on First?"
@TedShifrin Yes.
One of the best routines ever.
I have my AoPS kidlets trained now when I say, "You might ask yourself ..." :D
"All I wanna know is, what's the guy's name on first base?" "Nonono, What's the guy's name on second base!"
@Fargle: With your good taste, you probably like the Marx Brothers, too :D
what makes the bit imo is the abbott and costello dynamic
genius timing
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
Oh, it's always timing, tone of voice, and gestures, @Eric.
"I shot an elephant in my pajamas. What he was doing in there, I'll never know."
it's all about the delivery
LOL, @dalbouvet was wondering what we talk about ... math, of course! :D
Yeah, delivery and chemistry were huge with the Marx brothers, too. Groucho in particular was a master of quick-and-deadpan.
I knew there was a reason I liked @Fargle. :D
I thought it was because I keep telling people to read your books.
Nah, you don't really do that.
If I had to pick a funniest personality from that same era, though, I might just have to say Buster Keaton.
King of the gag.
Yeah, although WC Fields and Charlie Chaplin were a bit earlier but masters.
I don't think I ever again laughed as much as I did when I first saw that abbott/costello bit.
WC Fields was uncommonly funny.
I like that quote he had about going on a safari and losing the corkscrew. "For days, all we had to live on was food and water."
There was one I Love Lucy show which makes me crack up uncontrollably every time I see it. Not the chocolates episode.
Was it Vitameatavegamin, @Ted?
@Fargle: He also said, "Water. I never touch the stuff. The fish f**k in it."
i cackled at that irl
no ... it was the one where she's driving the cars through the Holland Tunnel, one hooked onto the other ...
Oh I love that bit.
The new Pontiac and the ancient Ford. Her description to Ethel of what happened absolutely makes me sick laughing.
OK, enough levity for one evening. Peeps has math or apps to do.
sometimes both :(
That too.
the math is :) but the apps are :( but rn overall :(
But we entertained you a bit regardless.
I wish the NSF would just give money without having to apply for it
Um, yeah, like, right.
Given the administration in power, you're lucky there's any NSF left at all.
i do not wish that
Truly would be a wonderful time. But such is life
Yesterday I forgot in a test that the zero vector as a subspace has dimension zero. O_o
In what context did you forget that, Symposium?
List all possible subspaces of ... ?
Yeah, something like that. I can't recall the question exactly.
The hard part was reducing it to the zero vector.
oh, like the set of solutions of $Ax=0$ for some matrix $A$?
I just typed "homomomorphisms". I think I need some coffee.
Yeah, basically. It was the first on the test, the easiest as always - got all the other questions right; and sat there all cocky for 20 mins thinking 'man, it's a myth I'm not allowed to leave.'
Oh, throw in a few more "mo"s.
But then I might have to start talking about hommmmmmm-sets.
Did you have proofs on the test, @Symposium?
How can I show that on a triangular grid \binom{n+2}{2}, if we remove i collinear points, we can still find i-1 collinear points.
here i iies between 1 and n
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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