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re-discovered this in my bookmarks: lkozma.net/inequalities_cheat_sheet/ineq.pdf
my impression of rationals if we have uncountable magnifying glasses
another pretty picture
If we have a magnifying class of magnifying power at least $\omega_1$ it will outpace the density requirement of dense sets and allow us to see the holes made up by the irrationals
since the rationals, being countable, can only be dense countably steps deep
I was reading about fixed points the other day. In a loose sense a fixed point is a point on a function that stays in the same place after a transformation
That's pretty much it
and in dynamical systems, they control a lot of the dynamics
haha lol
so wait, does a function that has the same inverse as itself, have multiple fixed points along the line y=x?
let's say you have a sliding parameter on this function so that it flows along y=x
You mean a fuction f such that for all x $f(f(x))=x$?
$f^2(x)=x$ and $y=x$ means:
so like $ y=s/x $ where $s$ is a sliding parameter
well take for example $f(x) = 1/x$, then it just has one fixed point for positive values, namely $x = 1$.
The function $f(f(x))$ then has fixed points everywhere
so for those (x,y) where y=x is true, if f(x) is a fixed point, then so is f(y), otherwise since f is involutive, all points make 2 cycles under the map f
for f(x) = 1/x, yeah
likewise, if f(x) is not a fixed point, then if y=x is true, then f(y) is also not a fixed point, for any involution f
All points of the function that intersect with y = x are fixed points
oh thats pretty neat
because there the output of the function is equal to the input, so badabing, a fixed point
ah right, I was mistakenly thinking about f(x,y)
so if let's say you traced out a nodes position along the line y=x in finite steps they would all be fixed points?. I'm trying to try to model a real world network with certain physical constraints and try to view each node along y=x as a fixed point
not sure if that's an accurate way to view it
/an application of it
mind you the nodes are equally spaced along the line $y=x$ and there are finitely many of them
you can view them all as "points" i guess
but in my network the nodes are all people and the links are connections. it's a social network sorta application
hmmm, I can't really see a function there that could have fixed points, but networks, graphs and such stuff are things I know absolutly nothing about, so yeah idk
yeah ill probably get a book about network science. well thank you for explaining that concept to me
no problem, I hope my explanation helped you kind of
2 hours later…
The series of videos on alg. geo. that I linked earlier follow these notes exactly btw, if anyone is looking for some nice algebraic geometry notes
Also, hello chat
wtf, $\log$ in desmos is base 10
I really don't like it when people write just log, if they mean base 10, why don't they write lg, and when they mean base e, why don't they write ln?
Oh god, the jokes.
Still trying to find a system which there is topological mixing but no chaos
I wonder if irrational rotations on a circle counts...
Hi @Krijn long time no see! What are you up to those days?
I'm working in consultancy.
I have just seen Peter Scholze write "rigid-anal. geometry" on a blackboard
But also looking into Crypto quite a lot
Cryptography, not the blockchain industry that is
The knowledge-gap is closing so that's nice
What about you, @AlessandroCodenotti
Does anyone know how to calculate lyapunov exponents for a given 2D map with equations for x and y? Like actually calculate. I don't get this on wiki:
$$\displaystyle \Lambda =\lim _{t\rightarrow \infty }{\frac {1}{2t}}\log(Y(t)Y^{T}(t))$$
No idea what that's even supposed to mean or how I calculate it for a certain map...
@Krijn Just finished my Bachelor, I'll start my Master in Bonn in October
You were doing your Bachelor all that time? You seem much more advanced
Kudos to you
Thanks, that might be because I like delving deeper into the topics I encounter in lectures and find interesting
What will your master be on?
What topics, I mean
Logic and set theory probably
Hi @Mathei @Eric
Ever did a course on intuitionistic logic?
I had a prof at my old uni who was pretty good at that stuff, and it's a fun subject in logic
Nope, only classical first order logic so far
Ah well, logic is fun!
I'm off for the night
If @BalarkaSen is around sometime he should drop me a comment
Hi @Alessandro
Abend @MatheinBoulomenos
I pinged you yesterday and earlier but I guess you weren't actually online
@AlessandroCodenotti yeah yesterday I was online very shortly and wrote something in the garbology room and then I went off again
I read what you wrote though
Did you read the measure theory thing I tagged you in? You might find it interesting
sounds interesting about infinite products of measures
didn't look it up in Tao's book though
After reading that I read some more analysis stuff written by Tao, I like his style
does the maximum modulus principle imply that if $f:D \to \Bbb C$ is analytic and non-zero then $\nabla |f| \ne 0$?
@LeakyNun And non-constant, but yes.
MMP is good stuff.
@MatheinBoulomenos did our swedish friend respond?
@mercio hoe ben je
vilken svensk väääänn
@LeakyNun yes
he's doing doing well and he was just busy with personal stuff
I see
@MatheinBoulomenos ANT is dank
he said he'll come back with questions for Ted and me next week
Hey @Mathein :)
and @Leaky
hi @ÍgjøgnumMeg @LeakyNun @MikeMiller
@LeakyNun yeah I really like it
schee dog @ÍgjøgnumMeg
@MatheinBoulomenos A for analytic :P
no comment
got you
r e k t
as isch scho z'spöt zum an schönen tag wünscha
what did you say?
i do not get excited about analytic number theory
it is too soon to wish a good day?
too late
@LeakyNun Top ten anime betrayals
i see
ANT is really popular in Afghanistan
Afghanistan National Television (Pashto: ملی تلویزیون‎ Da Afganistan Milli Telvizoon, Persian: تلویزیون ملی‎ Telvizoon-e Milli Afganistan) is the state-owned television channel in Afghanistan, launched in 1977 and part of the Radio Television Afghanistan (RTA) public broadcaster. == Exclusive 2008 speech == RTA became famous worldwide when Afghan President Hamid Karzai made a live speech to the world minutes after dozens of insurgents attempted to assassinate him at an Afghan military parade. The assassination attempt was thwarted by the Afghan National Army. The scene of the attempt was also...
@MikeMiller but do you get excited about prime number theorem?
@LeakyNun ik ben moe
A little bit
1 hour later…
@Leaky eh the statement of the prime number theorem is fun but its proof is whatever. Learn about the Tate module of an elliptic curve instead
is there a proof of the prime number theorem which is conceptually elegant, or is that impossible?
do you consider the usual proof not conceptually elegant?
if you mean magical elegant formulas that fall from the sky, sure
not sure which part is "magical"
depending on which proof you are alluding to, they all reference some analytic formulas that can be checked when you know them, but not really possible to discover by yourself.
As far as I know there are mostly two proofs (the analytic proof, and the elementary proof). At least the analytic proof, it's magical that you can link primes to L functions via Euler product, but I guess that's also an insight somewhat passed down since Euler. But beyond that, modulo analytic details the proof strategy seems very clear (that you are trying to find a zero free region)
@MatheinBoulomenos Is "pointwise integral" the same as "localizations are domains"?
Too cool for regular vectors?
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