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@geocalc33 irrelevant but imo i think you might find it helpful to work through some basic textbooks in math (right now the impression you're giving is that you read about stuff from wikipedia and think of something that you think is cool - which if you're having fun with it is great but makes it rather hard for other people to communicate with you) - that way (a) people will more likely be able to understand what you're saying

and more importantly (b) you'll more likely be able to determine whether your questions are meaningful or not
!!answer proof of 1+1
why are there no bots in here?
people are bad enough, Nick
I think there's a lurking Demonark, though
Oh no, gotta watch out
Yes, especially 'cuz it's shark week (or it just was)
hello chat
Yo Eric
Not too much, you?
too much
Rip, bootcamp's heavy?
the teaching has been not too stressful but the soug stuff has been
@Eric !! Haven't seen you in weeks!
@loch working on it
We're supposed to geometrize sometime.
@loch but at the same time i want to explore my own questions. I don't want to 1) learn math and then 2) explore math
yes i am seriously feeling the lack of geometry :(
See, Eric, you miss us :)
honestly havent been into the math ive been made to do
There's a moral in there somewhere, Eric.
But you might acquire a taste for it — you don't know.
that is true
i can hope i might, to make this a bit more bearable anyway
@geocalc33 that's understandable - but is also why not a lot of people respond to your questions lol - the analogy is you can't really do literature without knowing the alphabet well

but whatever floats your boat :)
But, still, I'm willing to talk Bryant.
I'm willing to be mercilessly criticized
The modern trend of having undergraduates do "research" when they barely know calculus is interesting, @loch, but this is a variant of that.
hopefully ill find the time after i finish prepping this lecture im doing tmr
im so behind, i was extremely sick for a bit and it put me in a bad way
I'm sorry, kiddo. Get better, and don't stress so much.
@TedShifrin that's a thing?
i will try not to
@loch: It's been a thing for years now.
Wait as in, trying to do original research? Do they just find some problems that are accessible and that nobody has time to do and just give them?
Demonark, "undergraduate research" is the modern hot button. You guys have your own version of that, but at a higher level. Freshmen advisees of mine used to ask about how they could do "research."
I'm a bit skeptical, but with computers, things are more accessible.
huh TIL
isnt it mostly w combinatorial stuff
i mean im aware of stuff like REU etc.
REU's vary in their levels, but universities have been pushing undergraduate research hard the last decade.
When I was an undergrad and took 10 graduate courses, no one thought about it.
i had a "research" assistantship w Neves, but that was essentially just a hard reading course i got paid for
i see
this is not a thing in the UK - at least where i did my undergrad/masters
What we do here in the REU is usually not research as far as I know, except some superstars + some folk who do stuff about finite spaces
I can see virtues of it, but I can also see it as part of the dumbing down of our undergraduate curriculum.
I think i might buy a textbook, read it and try some of the exercises
But I find that the majority of the projects are just, learn some math and write about it, usually stuff that's already known. In a way I feel like it's meant to be a replacement for places that have a senior thesis
geocalc, when you get to differential geometry, my book is free. :)
Demonark: I don't call that research. I call that a reading project. I've directed plenty of those.
@Daminark tbh i wish he had theses tho :(
I think i actually have the prereqs and my uni to take diff geo
Hello. I have a question. Is it normal to not to remember almost anything from a mathematic course taken 2 and a half years ago?
@geocalc33 there are a lot of free books/resources available on the internet - in case you don't want to spend money (textbooks can be expensive)
it's a challenging course, geocalc, but the prereqs are multivariable calc and linear algebra.
Theses are usually longer term than the REU, yeah?
yeah i took those
@user441848: Yes, if you don't use the stuff.
@Daminark ye bruv
use it or lose it
or would you prefer synaptic pruning of the dendritic spines
Hmm, that could be interesting as well. But oh well :/
@TedShifrin what a relief, I was already worried. I took a discrete mathematic course 2 and a half years ago and at this moment I cannot remember not even 1 definition from the course.
anyhow, @Eric, if I can help in any way, let me know ... you should come cook for a week sometime :P
i havent cooked in so long it's sad
ive meant to prepare feijoada before i was struck ill
Does Soug not even give time for that?
In general, at my prior university, we tried to tell people that if they hadn't taken the prerequisite course within 2 semesters, they needed to retake it, @user441848.
Eric, we can't have that!
oh that applies to me
@Daminark what
i have to retake all my classes
LOL ... or do some very serious reviewing, geocalc.
no i was sick
so i was struggling to get up to cook for myself
@Ted huh, I've never heard of that kinda rule before, though I also don't know of too many scenarios where this situation played out
Demonark, it's hard to enforce, but if you wait more than two semesters after Calc I to take Calc II, as some people do, you're gonna have issues.
@TedShifrin ok that's good to know
OK, off to cook dinner. Good to see you, Eric. And get better. Hugs
See you Ted!
See ya, Demonark.
fare thee well @Ted
bye Ted :-)
see you!
bye, all.
@Daminark what have u been doing for the reu
Working toward a proof that if $F$ is an abelian extension of $\mathbb{Q}(i)$, then $F \subset K_n$ where $K_n$ is given by adjoining torsion points of $y^2 = x^3 - x$
For now I'm mostly just picking up background in ANT. How's SPDE going?
alright i guess
im reading some paper by watanabe on approximating SPDE by PDE
I see
I've noticed that it seems like any convex quadrilateral can be transformed into any other convex quadrilateral in a way which preserves collinear points.
I've looked on Wikipedia and it looks like this is called a homography... or maybe a collineation... or maybe a perspectivity.
Whatever it's called, do such transformations preserve ellipses?
This question is motivated by a drawing exercise.
To do the exercise, start by drawing the vertices of a convex quadrilateral ABCD, then draw the edges of the quadrilateral.
Next, draw the diagonals of the quadrilateral, intersecting at a "center" point E.
Then draw a line segment which passes through E and is parallel or concurrent to edges AB and CD, terminating on edges BC and DA. Call the termination points F and G.
Do the same with the roles of the edges interchanged. Call these termination points H and J.
Finally, draw an "oval" passing through F, G, H and J, tangent to all four edges of the quadrilateral.
The question is: is the resulting "oval" always an ellipse?
I attempted the exercise with this quadrilateral, and the oval certainly doesn't look like an ellipse. But perhaps I just didn't draw it accurately.
What if the quadrilateral is a square?
Well, then you'll end up with a circle.
so are you ruling that out
I'm considering a circle to be an ellipse.
oh okay
didn't know that
So I probably can't stay for long enough to really help out
But what does "concurrent to edges AB and CD" mean? I've never quite heard that term before
Oh I think I get it, so if AB and BC aren't parallel
Then you extend them to a line and then draw a line from that intersection point to E?
If so, I think the answer is that this won't give you an ellipse, try doing it on a trapezoid
Basically, the point of intersection of the diagonals should be a bit "high" (the point E) but centered horizontally. Now, when you draw your F and G, you'll see that FG is a straight line that's closer to AB than to DC, and that would play the role of one axis of the ellipse, and then HJ would play the role of the other axis. But E is closer to H than to J, while I think for an ellipse it should be equidistant
Anyway I gotta go do some work, and also you should ask people who know geometry better than I do, but this is why I think you don't get an ellipse in general. @TannerSwett
@Daminark That is what I mean by concurrent, yes.
@Daminark I'm trying this out in GeoGebra online, and I'm pretty much convinced that it will always give you an ellipse.
You said that FG "would play the role of one axis of the ellipse", but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Oh I noticed this, and so the thing is, it's not clear formally what "the oval" means
It seems like there is, in fact, always exactly one ellipse which is tangent to the quadrilateral at the four given points.
Oh you want it to be tangent. I'm much more willing to buy that now
No idea how a proof would look but now I'm a believer
Honestly, I still find it hard to believe that the intersection of a plane obliquely with a cone is an ellipse. :D
It seems to me like the end of the ellipse closer to the vertex of the cone would be "narrower", and the end more distant from the cone would be "broader".
Just like an egg has a narrow end and a broad end.
Anyway I really should probably go but yeah this is interesting
Of course, the conic section is, in fact, an ellipse. Ellipses seem to be very resilient to various kinds of transformations, including whatever kind of transformation this is.
There's what my exercise above would have looked like if I had drawn it accurately.
oh hey, geogebra
@TannerSwett Hi there, I once upon a time had a similar expectation. Maybe it helps you to consider that the end more distant from the vertex is at the same time "cut at a smaller angle" and thus one should expect it to get "sharper" at the same time. I alwasy was confused by the fact the the ellipse is also an "cylinder-intersetcion" with a plain.
@Rudi_Birnbaum Oh, that makes sense!
And it's not too surprising that the two effects cancel out.
@TannerSwett Still, deforming the cylinder to the cone has some effect on the ellipse, not on the shape but on the map between the points on the ellipse. Maybe it could be interesting to explicate that function ...
@LeakyNun I only had to push back on two: one was a polynomial ring that specified an uncountable field to get a particular property. The other one is that the ring of linear transformations of an infinite dimensional vector space can't be countable. On one hand, if you realize it as a ring of column-finite matrices, its first row has uncountably many vectors. For another thing, it is self-injective on a side, and a countable right self-injective ring is Artinian.
@LeakyNun But even with that said, every suggestion led to +\epsilon improvement!
@TannerSwett: Thinking about it now again, the fact that we get an ellipse from an intersection of a cone with an plane, actually has some aspect of "incidental degeneration(=symmetry, some other example for that is here arxiv.org/pdf/0902.1122.pdf)";. It looks be worthwhile to look at the thing in terms of symmetry.
If z is circle then 7z+5 is ?
1 hour later…
@Fawad is the same circle enlarged 7 times and shifted upward by 5 units
1 hour later…
6 hours ago, by Ted Shifrin
We're supposed to geometrize sometime.
I think the chat is currently in the Age of Ring Theory, as evidenced by the huge instance of ring discussions
Strangely, there is almost no instance of Tobias, who is one of the abstract algebra professor of this chat
We do occassionally have some geometry, but the geometry person Akiva is rarely on recently
So it seems something strange is going on in the recent age transition in math chat
math.stackexchange.com/a/10345/571891 Doesn't the open mapping theorem also require that Range(T) is a Banach space, i.e. closed in this case?
(Sadly, I can't comment there with <50 reputation.)
If T is bijective that is certainly true!
Sure, but the OP stated "T has eigenvalue 0 <=> T is not bijective"
=> is obviously true. <= is not clear to me. It could also be not surjective.
What can be said on the symmetry of an intersection of two geometric objects, given the symmetries of the objects? I thought it might be something like the group generated by the intersection of the group elements "of" the objects. But something seems to miss here, thinking e.g. on a cylinder and a plane in $\Bbb R^3$.
@Rudi_Birnbaum Right, the intersection could have many more symmetries than the original objects
Or many fewer for that matter
@TobiasKildetoft How can fewer happen?
Ohh, actually that depends on what counts as a symmetry
I was thinking of the object on its own (so if the two objects intersect in a single point, that would give just one symmetry)
A point in $\Bbb R^3$ has at least SO(3), no?
@Rudi_Birnbaum Yeah, I realized that we meant different things with symmetries here
@TobiasKildetoft What do you mean by symmetry?
The point itself has just one symmetry, but when seen inside $\mathbb{R}^3$ it has more
So really we are looking at symmetries of $\mathbb{R}^3$ preserving a shape, rather than symmetries of the shape itself
@TobiasKildetoft : What is "the symmetry of a shape"?
@Rudi_Birnbaum yeah, that is actually a good question (and the best answer is probably exactly the way you think about it here: Symmetries of $\mathbb{R}^3$ which preserve that shape)
Where this tends to not quite behave intuitively is if we allow shapes of too small dimension
Like, a line segment having a non-trivial symmetry that consists of being rotated
@TobiasKildetoft (Can't see the counterintuitivity at the moment, but still:) So the symmetry of an intersection is contained in the group generated by the intersection of the groups (insert "up to isomorphism" at places ...).
@Rudi_Birnbaum The thing with the line is that if you rotate a line you are not actually changing it, so from the point of view of symmetries as maps from an object to itself, this should be the trivial symmetry. But when seen inside $\mathbb{R}^3$ it is no longer trivial.
Where by "not changing it" I mean that every single point remains in place
@TobiasKildetoft everything you say is clear but I fail to see which part is counterintuitive, sorry :-(. But thats not the point now, anyway, I think. Do we agree on: "The symmetry of an intersection of objects embedded in a common space is contained in the group generated by the intersection of the symmetry groups of the objects."?
@Rudi_Birnbaum No, I think you need it the other way (as for example intersecting in a point gave as many symmetries as we could possible have)
whereas the original shapes might have hardly any symmetries
(or for a less degenerate example, think of two rectangles intersecting in a square in 2 dimensions)
@TobiasKildetoft: For that we have the "contained" bit in it, I thought.
Right, but I think that is containment the wrong way
In the "ideal" case they are congruent.
Then the symmetry is exactly the one generated by the intersection.
I actually started the thing by thinking of conic intersections, or better to say of cylindric intersections and how these relate to conic.
For the cylinder its clear that the intersection geometry in case its non-zero is the group with three perpendicular symmetry planes.
while when you "reduce" the symmetry of the one object from cylinder to cone its not trivial to see that the symmetry stayes the same
of the intersection I mean
@TobiasKildetoft: The intersecting lines do not have any symmetry elements (excepot the trivial) in common. So the intersection of the two groups generates the trivial group of order 1. The point of intersection is of symmetry SO(3) (if I am not mistaken) which contains the trivial group. In this sense we would not have any contradiction, do we?
@Rudi_Birnbaum That is precisely containment in the reverse direction of what you originally wrote
@TobiasKildetoft: Oh sorry, I see it (I was just confused since our first statement in that direction was that it can contain "many more"). So: "The symmetry of an intersection contains the group generated by the intersection of the groups of the intersecting objects." Which can be at times a terribly small bit of information ... (two intersecting lines...).
Quick sanity check: If I pick some branch for a square root on $\mathbb{C}$, will it be multiplicative?
Seems wrong, cut along the negative real axis and just half the argument in (-pi, pi), then multiply e^(2pi/3) with itself
@MikeMiller Yeah, I just realized that the usual argument problems appear here too
since we can never pick the set of allowed arguments to be closed under doubling mod $2\pi$
It is multiplicative on the right half plane
Hi mercio!
I found a book called "quantum mechanics for mathematicians"
doing fine?
Sounds cool :-)
i'm being melted by the weather
Oh dear, we just had some cooling down ..
In Kauffmanns knot book, is some QM as well.
yeah the book is cooler than the weather
Quantum optics contains a lot of nonlinear phenomenon that you can make light tie into knots
but otherwise I know nothing about the details
:-) is it the Brian Hall one?
yes it is
I read the first 5 chapters the other day
poission brakets on page 34 lol
you'd kill any chemist with that lol
it's all a bit weird
what do you mean
Teaching QM to chemists is kind of an art, involving lots of hand-waving and seduction ...
would "quantum mechanics for chemists" be very different ?
I am a QM chemist
You could not imagine a bigger difference, I am too,
the first thing that chemistry treatment of QM differs from physics is that we deal with two electron integrals a lot, as well numerical approximations and finding eigenvalues
there was one funny passage where it said that the usual roles between mathematicians and physicians were reversed cuz mathematicians want to know what is the Hilbert space used everywhere and physicians are like "we don't caaaare"
which is kinda true and also reminds me all the whole measured spaces thing in probabilities
I saw that book and it looked interesting
But it looked like it required work and I am not that patient
I found it pretty good and readable so far
If you can understand it, it looks like a great to study!
I'm not sold yet on the importance of the framework being hilbert space and self adjointnessof things
You know the harmonic oscillator is on page 227. We would start with that ...
haha well Im probably skipping chapters 6-10
You are going to see something like (u||v) and (u|v) alot in quantum chemistry texts as these are shorthands for something like $\iint \frac{\psi(r_1)\psi*(r_2)\psi^*(r_1)\psi(r_2)}{|r_1-r_2|}dr_1dr_2$
@Secret: Thats an entirely different buisness
Thats numerical approximations to the many-body problem
(in QM)
@mercio Works well enough apparently, judging by physics od the last century
but I have to think more about it one day
God these people are awful
@Mercio: Thats the mathematicians burden
that notation was a bit tough
to have to deal with that kind of stuff in order to understand anything, lol
Some also like "the Dirac" which Einstein used to call "my Dirac".
did I mention how I hate einstein's implicit sum notation
and how my dad is a crank
I like his notation but it took a long time
It is valuable when you have lots of indices being contracted
It is sort of like Sweedler's sumless notation for Hopf algebras which is very useful
@Rudi_Birnbaum actually, I like to hear your experience on this. I have not been reading much recently due to spending too much time on analysing data and coding python to do that for me, thus my QM chemistry might have gone rusty
So if you get stuck a cross read here could be helpful digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/wasbleibt/57355817/… But watch out its not for mathematicians directly, but rather for mathematically oriented physicists.
is it in german ?
@Secret: Yes, I hear you.
@Mercio: Yeah the kind of German without grammar people call it English ..
ooh it's from dirac
thats why Einstein called it "Dirac"
he was clever
@Secret: My experience on what exactly? Sorry I am a bit slow to catch on today ..
@Rudi_Birnbaum what in physical quantum that will kill QM chemists and how do you seduce them with physics QM
So, getting up to date on arXiv after 3 weeks of vacation. Takes a while :)
14 mins ago, by Rudi_Birnbaum
Teaching QM to chemists is kind of an art, involving lots of hand-waving and seduction ...
The only thing I recall that is close to handwaving is how atomic orbitals are used as a basis set to approximate the molecular wavefunction
@Secret: You do not start with all the mathematical frameworking and supposing people know what a Hilbert space is. Because they don't. They even do not know what operators are (really). You teach QM without being able to go back to "Funktionalanaylsis" (whatever that is in English).
You start of usually with particles in the box and some example for wave functions and stuff.
You'd have a propedeutical course where you have to teach some what complex numbers are (no kidding).
They might never have seen differential equations before.
I see, glad I have took a couple of QM, differential equations and multivariable calculus courses back in my undergrad along with my chemistry
Or with discussing what a trajectory is and the uncertainty principle.
@Secret: Yes if your interested in QM, the more maths you know that better it is. But I would discourage you to go all the way a mathematician has to go, still.
Cool, I just realized that ChatJax also works with arxivist
I think my current level of understanding is somewhere between the physicists and mathematician version, though I will say I still don't have much experience with functional analysis (because UNSW don't teach that in their 3rd QM course)
@TobiasKildetoft I also noted some days ago it works with all kind of text formats.
for example, I knew position eigenvectors are non normalisable
@loch the Hartogs point was brilliant! I was trying to come up with an example of something noncompact without functions and didn't think to try a quasi-projective like punctured P^2
@Rudi_Birnbaum And it even keeps rendering when I switch between days, so I don't need to keep activating it.
@Secret I would suggest to you to spot some text book and orient your study towards getting the prerequisties to understand that one. Eg in you case the Dirac could be ok. But beware it has a "horrible" fame in Chemistry. And in deed only one in 10 chemists might find it useful. Among them usually the more mathematically oriented are.
Sounds good
A brief skim read suggests I should be able to handle the notations. I also previously learnt about possion brackets from Susskind
@Secret I read it much too late, because at TUM they all discouraged me to read it and had some three term tutoring with a prof on quantum mechanics in "group" of two students...
bye for a minute - cu later!
I see no good reason why people are taught the dot product, yet teaching them Hilbert space would be too much.
(back again) Hi all!
@mercio In way that is something containing the deepest essence of all :-) I suppose you know why the hermitian ("=" self-adjoined) operators are that important in QM? Just for the sake of fun I restate it: Its because they have real eigenvalues and any measurement (that what we actually want to do, and nothing else) result is an eigenvalue of the corresponding operator. So operators with other than real eigenvalues are kind of uninteresting. But that brings us to some contemporary
@merico mathematically very relevant research. Its a certain attack on the Riemann hypothesis from QM side. There is this Bode-Miller (if I recall exactly) "Hamiltonian" (= operator) which has the complex parts of the zeta zeros as eigenvaules. Now if you can show that this operator is hermitian you are done. Then it seems that they are not hermitian but it seems they are PT- (parity-time) invariant. And now it happens that PT invariant operators have real eigenvalues as well.
@mercio: Which in turn poses some doubt on the "dogma" of physical operatirs "having to be" really hermitian.
$$\operatorname{Gal}(K^{ab}/K) = \widehat{\Bbb I_K/K^\times}$$
@mercio: its not "Bode-Miller" its "Bender-Brode-Müller"!
@Iza_lazet So in principle the dot product is a thing in $\mathbb{R}^n$, in order to do a lot with it all you need is some linear algebra. To work with Hilbert spaces you also need some metric spaces/analysis
@Iza_lazet You can teach the dot product in fourth year high school in $\Bbb R^2$ vector space. And all the various linear algebra implications. In fact you can teach linear Algebra without having to mention Hilbert space.
@merci: here some disc on that and related math.stackexchange.com/questions/2211278/…
well, I am under the impression that Hilbert space is used when we talk about differential equations and analysis.
but I suppose there is THAT kind of Diff Eq class for non-math majors who don't know what a Cauchy sequence is
So, I have seen only a tiny bit of ODE theory but Hilbert spaces didn't come up there, everything lived in $\mathbb{R}^n$. I know even less PDE but that it involves more sophisticated stuff like Sobolev spaces
Though if you know what Sobolev spaces you're years ahead of dot products
Anyway I should probably either sleep or get some work done, so I'll catch you nerds around!
I think @Iza_lazet is thinking about linear DEs.
Technically, even the theory of nonlinear PDEs such as Navier-Stokes and NLS use Hilbert spaces in many places.
@Secret and @mercio: The uncertainty principle is introduced in Halls book in chapter 12 on page 239, while the very famous physics textbook (which is definitely outdated, but might be a valuable read for advanced physicists) volume III of the Landau/Lifshitz starts QM with the uncertainty principle, in a way it looks like the only kind of axiom on which QM is based. And in deed he "deduces" (in his special way) kind of everything in QM more or less from that uncertainty principle.
Just to show how differently QM can be taught.
@Iza_lazet OK. But is it correct that the "unifying structure" of linear Algebra and DEs is basically the Hilbert space?
Not surprising, one of the quantum computing engineers in my old uni said that the reason why quantum has all the weirdness can be traced all the way to the uncertainty principle
that sounds a bit too grandiose, but the Hilbert space is certainly important as we can have some geometry and self-adjoint goodness. Sometimes we drop down to Banach spaces though.
My slogan for Banach (which is probably wrong) is that its basically a Hilbert space but without assuming an inner product
Still has a norm, but not necessarily an inner product
For me, I am sticking to defintion. It still puzzles me why there are no banach spaces that reminds me of barnacles
Because that's my very first (wrong) impression when I first learnt of the term back in year 1: They are infinite dimensional spaces that look like barnacles
That’s a common misconception. For that you need a subset of Banach space, ie a Banach-icle
(Banachle maybe)
Another misconception I had about banach space is I always thought it expands from some center point
Just the way the word "Banach" is pronounced seemed to give me all sorts of wild impression on what banach space look like
For example, below is my 1st year impression on what a Banach space is:
1. It reminds of barnacles
2. It expands from a center point
3. It is always infinite dimensional
4. Pick any point, and it will expand forever
My impression is that a Banach space looks like a cigar, while a Hilbert space looks like a hat.
Well ,David Hilbert does has a stylish hat
Strange, at the same time I read about Banach space I have read about the Polish mathematician named Banach ;-) pronouncing "ch" seems to be an issue with some English speakers (while those able to speak Irish or Scotish Gealic have no problem).
My impression is that you say it as though you were going for a “k” sound at the end but don’t actually pronounce that consanant
I pronounced that word as Barn-na-ch
Say something between an "h" and "k"
lol Barn-na-h->>>k
where >>> denotes quick switching
here you can listen to the polish pronounciation: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stefan_Banach . At the moment I fail to see what Banachs relation to German(y)/Austria-Hungary is. Since the name doesn't sound particularly Slavic.
Ste-fan Barn-na-khhhhhh
I don't even know if I pronounce half the mathematicians correctly. Though I do know Euler is in need of some democracy.
Its more like clearing your throat...
it does
Euler is pronounced like "Euler". :-)
I pronounced euler as oi-ler
Yeah looks OK.
Back when I was in high school, I don't knew that thus I pronunced him as Eu-ler (Eu as in euro)
what we would write as "Ula"
What you would pronounce like "Jula" lol
I am a bit bitter on English phontetics ... I once started to read some tourists guide to Scottish Gaelic written in English.
And I was completely desparate about the phonetics
I got everything wrong and thought its hell of complicated.
I believe we have greatly erred in settling on a non-phonetic language.
Until I discovered a very old German text on it and discovered that it was almost like German
I just discovered that the Chinese translated Latin names into their own Chinese characters. zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
or at least much easier to understand in terms of German phonetics. @Iza_lazet Yes I think English has some "very advanced" phonetic rules.
more like no rules at all, since many words and names are directly imported from other languages
Perhaps that is the trade-off
Skandinavian languages (Danish, Svedish) are not unlike.
Also there an "o" can mean three or 4 different phomens. Or an "u".
While the classic indoeuropean phonems like in Latin or Sanskrit are pretty much the same still in German. At least those they share.
1 hour later…
Q: How to to equally distribute pool reword in ROW(Race of Work)

Ilya GazmanIn ROW, there is a pool of $N$ miners, each trying to mine a block during the block time. The mining process is executing a hash function $F()$ that return a number between $0$ to $2^{256}$, the miner who got the smallest hash during the block time wins. He mines a block. The mining-reword for t...

Please help me with this distribution question
translate it to Maths
isn't it?
what the hell is a reword
What part you don't understand I will try to reword it
oh, maybe you spell it reward?
that definitely sounds more plausible
still super unclear. Is the hash function pseudorandom, or is it not important?
also, lawest should be lowest
and what is mining power?
mining power is the number of times you execute the hashing method
Its pseudorandom
then every miner's mining power is the same? Because the number of times the hash function runs is the same for everyone?
No, each miner has a different mining power
Each miner manage to execute the hashing function different number of times
that is a super important detail not provided. Which is why I said to translate to Maths.
There shouldn't be ambiguity
Hello! I need help with a concept! Suppose there is function in the form f(x,y)=a where 'a' is a constant. I need to find its domain and range. So should I first write y=f(x) then start finding the points where f(x) is defined for domain or just check for values of x where f(x,y) is defined?
@Iza_lazet updated
Assume there is a miner who got hash results : 3,2,4,5 ; and a miner who got the results : 3,2,4 (one less mining power). Then they would both return 2, and we have no indication of any difference between them?
If $f_i : X \to Y$ is an open map for $i=1,...,n$, will $h : X \to Y^n$ defined by $h(x) = (f_1(x),...,f_n(x))$ be an open map?
@Iza_lazet yes, but on average the miner with the bigger mining power will produce lower numbers
then that completely depends on how the hash function works
and you give no information about how it works
As you can see from my output there is an equal distribution of winners based on mining power
The hashing method is sha256 of some unique random number
You really can treat it as a random output.
what is the random distribution
Sorry, I meant equal distribution
There is an equal chance to get any of the numbers $0$ to $2^{256}$ when executing the hash method
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