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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Urgh I don't have the time to think about such a question now, I was expecting something nicer :/
please just a minute i do all the calculus
@Semiclassical this is going to be a (in my opinion) interesting talk. I hope the audience can follow
good luck
@Semiclassical I am currently thinking about how to explain stability in the compact-open Sobolev topology :P
...good luck :P
I'll probably just lie and make it easier than it actually is
@XanderHenderson I just curious if this possible, since I would like some constructive statement rather that suppose some features
What's the most natural definition of current (or distribution) in an algebraic context?
I read that the currents on, say, $\mathbb{C}$, are $D/Dx$ where $D=\mathbb{C}[x,\frac{\partial}{\partial x}]$.
@LeakyNun hey leaky :D
I got some questions about logic , text me when you back :D
@KasmirKhaan hi
yeeey :D
you have time leaky ?
@LeakyNun Wake up :D
@KasmirKhaan sure
yeey :D
all righty , we started the course with inductivly defined sets
and took an example of natural numbers
that part was ok for me :D
then we did semantics and propositinal logic
this where i got lost a bit :/
I see
so what is propositions P_i stand for?
it's just a variable
(its intended value is either true or false)
so i can think of it as any statement ?
so "proposition" means "assertion" or "claim" right
which is either 0 or 1 ?
okay so far so good :D
and we use greek letters
phi and psi for formulas
if i understood this right
something like P_1 ==> P_2 is no longer a proposition
it is a formula now right?
not sure
the book calls those metavariables
Am not sure why
interesting distinction
I don't really care about how things are called
I just use them
nice :D
okay you know about the set FORM ?
what set form?
okay so it is not universal ><
well the way the book defined it is
P_i in FORM
"and " "or " " entails" are in form
P_1 in form , P_2 in form, P_1 "and" P_2 in form
or any other operation between em
what do you call that?
the set of well-formed formulas
wait no, it shouldn't have "and"
okay i think we are on same page now :D
hmm it does in this book
whatever, go on
"TRUE" " False " are also in form
now the claim is this set form is inductlvly defined set
and from that statement i thought i knew what inductivly defiend means but now it seems like I dont
we have elements of this set
btw when you said "entails" you mean "implies"
yes implies
in this book they use entails as a synonym
"entails" is a different thing
so we have a set of any number of propositions
and some binary operations between them
and we have true and false
how to see that this is an inductivly defined seT?
the base case is the propositions and the operations
the inductive step is "P_1 in FORM and P_2 in FORM => P_1&P_2 in FORM and P_1|P_2 in FORM and P_1->P_2 in FORM"
so there is nothing to read into there right?
the set being inductivly defined means that we start and we continue
base case , and the case n+1
you see, what you just said is just induction for the natural numbers
this thing here is induction generalized a billion times
yes but i dont see the analogy here
what are we unducting upon here?
the props P_i's ?
we aren't; this is an inductively defined set which will allow us to do induction
so the natural numbers nat are inductively defined as follows:
eg if we want to compute P_1 "and" P_2 "and" P_3 we can do it inductivly ?
inductive definition nat:
| zero : nat
| (n : nat) -> (succ n : nat)
"zero is a nat, and whenever n is a nat succ n is a nat"
and the most important bit
"and nat is the smallest set containing those things", i.e. "every nat is formed this way"
okay this example makes perfect sense to me
one has to begin and then continues
0 in N
and then induction is that for a proposition p(n) of nat, you prove p(zero) and p(n)->p(succ n), and then it gives you p(n) for all nat
s(n) in N
so if you want to prove that something is true for every well-formed formula
you prove that it is true for the atoms P_1 P_2 ...
okay how to draw the analogy from natural numvers to the set FORM ?
and you also prove that it is true for P_1 and P_2 imply it is true for P_1&P_2 etc
and then induction says it is true for everything in FORM
seems a bit cryptic at this point =P but lets keep going :D
we use the notation [[ phi ]]
for truth value
Structural induction is a proof method that is used in mathematical logic (e.g., in the proof of Łoś' theorem), computer science, graph theory, and some other mathematical fields. It is a generalization of mathematical induction over natural numbers, and can be further generalized to arbitrary Noetherian induction. Structural recursion is a recursion method bearing the same relationship to structural induction as ordinary recursion bears to ordinary mathematical induction. Structural induction is used to prove that some proposition P(x) holds for all x of some sort of recursively defined structure...
one might call it "structural induction"
okay ill read that :D
btw we use different notation
do you have any CS / programming background?
they surely help in logic because of their precision
we put a line
Nope :/ nada
we put a line, and what above it is what we can assume, and below the line, is what we can conclude from what we can assume
0 in N
it would look like that, we dont need anything to say that 0 is natural number
n in N
that isn't "different notation", that's the inference line in Gentzen-style
s(n) in N
aha okay good that you know that notation :D
different from what?
because i was planning to send you some exercice i done by hand
and the resulting mess is called a 'proof tree'
haha yes :D
okay am gonna hsow this
[[ "not" phi ]] = "not" [[phi]]
as in truth value ?
those double bar notation is something standard right?
am in the section of semantics now
I don't know the standard, but I can understand what you want to say
okay , here i just follow the defintion
"not" phi := phi ==> 0
[[ phi ==> 0 ]] = [[phi ]] ==> [[0]]
but here where i get comfused
i need to somehow show that i can pull out that "not" symbol
but what i end up with is [[phi ]] ==> [[0]]
well what is the truth value of 0?
well we use upside down T
for false
i just put 0 so you are with me =p
[[T]] = 1
you still haven't answered my question
the value of 0 is 0
do you want me to email you the notes we are using ?
so it would be easiar to communcate?
no need
so replace [[0]] with 0 and you are done
i dotn follow why one can do that
pull out that "not " symbol
you just said the value of 0 is 0
[[0]] is the value of 0
so [[0]] is 0
but we dont know the truth value of phi
this is called, transitivity of equality haha
you don't need to know it
5 mins ago, by Kasmir Khaan
but what i end up with is [[phi ]] ==> [[0]]
replace and you get [[phi]]->0
i.e. not [[phi]]
so you proved that [[not phi]] = not [[phi]]
aha right right
what i was thinking about is to remove [[]] from phi
which makes the exercice pointless
but that is not the case here =p
I showed [[phi]] --->0
wich is the same as "not" [[phi]]
the other question is [[ phi <--> psi ]] = [[phi]] <--> [[psi]]
btw ,[[phi]]^A
this is the notation for all of those with brackets
its an interpertation thing
any formula has infinite many interpertations, we A is one of them
but when there is no danger of comfusing we can leave out that A
okay i solved it
what is it leaky ?
you solved it yourself
and ? :D
you surprised?
while talking
hmm i dont get your point leaky =P
i just did this
[[ phi --> psi "and" psi --> phi ]]
and divided that
[[phi --> psi ]] "and" [[ psi --> phi ]]
and divided the two smaller pieace
[[phi]] --> [[psi]] "and" [ psi]] --> [[phi ]]
wich is what we needed :D
do you have an idea why one studies logic?
i fail to see the big picture of it so far
well i like exploring foundations of maths to see how everything is justified
nice =P
I really want to be better at proofing things logiclly that is why i took the course
but so far , its something very different from what i expected
I see
okay :D now i need to compute this
[[ "not" ( P_1 "or" P_2) ---> "false" ]]
"not" P_1 "or" P_2
this is the same as P_1 "and" P_2 ---> 0 right?
I don't think that's right
let me think :D
i mean if we want to negate the statements P_1 or P_2
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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