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@Semiclassical Welp
So here I am, in the library
to procrastinate I go look at some books
turns out Pohozaev has a book!
and the paper is in there
hah, of course it is
that would explain why everyone still cites it
@Semiclassical lmao that result isn't actually proved
false alarm, still garbage
I know how to prove it now
I am thinking about a non hausedoff topology which is so messy that it has the following properties:
Imagine an open ball in $\Bbb{R}^n$
except that for each point in the ball, you adjoin uncountably many copies of said open ball
and then for each point in each of those open balls, you repeat the same thing
repeat the above process uncountably many times
Now the point is, if this is a region of spacetime, it is uncountably branching at every event uncountably deep so that basically determinism is completely thrown out of the window
Anyway, the above visual is inspired from this paper:
I will be surprised if even a probablistic description of the dynamics of a particle inside such spacetime can still be made
“Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.”
― Albert Camus
Actually, suppose the dynamics is probabilistic, meaning that given a particle at one of the points $p$ in this space at depth k and and copy x, there is some probability distribution that it will end up at the same point p, but a different copy at depth k+1 or k
Now consider a system of n particles, when these particles entered the space, some time t later, they will quickly end up in copies so far away from each other and thus they are no longer next to each other anymore
Now, take the limit as $t \to 0$ to model the scenario for uncountable depth and uncountable copies (hence uncountable branching points at each depth)
then the result is that as soon the n particles entered that region of space, they immediately being separated "far away" so they can no longer interact with each other
Therefore, an observable effect of such scenario is that everything disintegrates as soon they enter the region
1 hour later…
The 21st century, is the first ever century where there exists interfinite elements $c$ such that $c+c+c+c+c+c+c+c+...+c = \aleph_0$
Put it in another way, the internet have empowered people enough that individuals (finite) finally have the power to affect politics at the state level (infinite)
Indifference is lethal, extremely lethal. and the 21st century is where we predicted it will be erased forever
Be it domestic violence, wars, apathy, incompetence, corruption etc.
Given an non archimedian ring, a finite element $c$ is interfinite if there exists finite $d$ such that $cd=e$ where $e$ is an infinite element
Interfinite elements allow the system to possess the property of finite step blowup
In other words, we have the following
Suppose that $c < d$ and that for all $x$ strictly finite, then $nx < e$ for all strictly finite $\Bbb{n}$
However, $c$ is interfinite since there exists $d$ such that $cd = e$
meaning that if you happen to start at $c$, then after $d$ steps, you will reach infinity
now to see what are the implications...
$c < e$
$kc < ke = e$
$dc =e < de = e$
@feynhat Hi
How do we show that if two continuous functions are equal on a set then they are also equal on its closure?
@feynhat You need the space to be Hausdorff for that
Can we say that for every limit point $a$ of $A$, there exists a sequence in $A$ which converges to $a$?
I think that only holds for first countable spaces
@feynhat Once you assume that the space is Hausdorff, it is a matter of showing that the set on which the functions agree is closed.
the integral of any function is its integral. $\square$
(you need the codomain to be Hausdorff btw, not necessarily the domain)
@ForeverMozart that is so self referential
@TobiasKildetoft what kind of topology research are you doing these days?
@Secret yes but very advanced "horseshoe mathematics"
you just draw an equals sign curling back to the original expression
Our topologist is back! Hi @ForeverMozart
Alessandro: I thought balarka is our topologist :?
balarka does more of the algebraic, I do continuum theory
@ForeverMozart hmm.. In that case I might have never came across it, for I am only vaguely familiar with something called the horseshoe map in chaos theory which I briefly stumbled upon in one of the vsauce or numerphile videos
@TobiasKildetoft don't you really need firsr countability more than Hausdorfness? $[0,\omega_1] is Hausdorff and $\omega_1$ is in the closure of $[0,\omega_1)$ but there is no sequence in it converging to $\omega_1$
yes the horseshoe is a great example
yeah, that brieft exposure to the horseshoe map is what caused me to wonder whether the invariant quantity in all chaotic systems are some kind of strange attractor that has a fractal or self similar structure, untl one day acuriousmind showed me otherwise by pointing out there exists non chaotic strange attractor (and also the logistic map, which has no attractors of any kind)
topological horseshoe mathematics
@AlessandroCodenotti I wonder if there exists spaces that are not first countable without involving uncountable ordinals... might need to check that topology database...
@Secret weak topology on infinite dimensional Banach spaces if you want a naturally arising example
@AlessandroCodenotti I don't see where any sort of countable is needed. The set on which the functions agree is the diagonal in a suitable space
Rather, the set is the preimage of that diagonal. So you want Hausdorff for it to be closed
@ForeverMozart I don't do any sort of topological research. I have only used very little topology ever in my research (though not none)
Sorry @Tobias I didn't see feynhat's first question and misunderstood what you were answering to
@AlessandroCodenotti Ahh
You're definitely correct then, first countability is needed for the second question
intuitively, how is $\ell^1$ the dual of $c_0$? i mean isn't $\ell^1$ smaller than $c_0$ ?
@blat I think you might want to include a bit more context. Or are those completely standard notation that I am just not familiar with?
it's pretty standard
$\ell^1$ are the complex sequences, which can be summed in absolute value
and $c_0$ is the space of complex sequences converging to $0$
Pick $p$ and $q$ Hölder conjugates with $q>p$, then $(\ell^q)'=\ell^p$, even though $\ell^p\subset\ell^q$
@AlessandroCodenotti Ok, but they are reflexive. We have a theorem, that for non-reflexive spaces, $V$ is a strict subspace of $V^\prime$
Is there a canonical identification of $V$ with a subspace of $V'$?
nah you need a basis even in finite dimensions.
Yeah that's what I thought, I'm confused in which sense is $V$ a strict subspace of $V'$
Hey hey hey
Yes true, I'm also a bit confused. But that's how it is written in the script
Oh, I misread. The theorem reads $V$ is a strict subspace of $V^{**}$
makes a lot more sense then, since $(\ell^1)^*=\ell^\infty$
yeah the map V \to V^** is canonical.
but not natural iirc
@PVAL-inactive Hmm, I think it is natural, but I didn't write it down to check
yeah im not too sure
what's the difference between natural and canonical?
I'm really tired and not going to check
natural means that the isomorphism respects the GL(V) action.
@blat canonical is a vague term (essentially "does not require the choice of a basis")
natural means that it corresponds to a functor
@PVAL-inactive I disagree with that definition of natural
well for maps between vector spaces
Is it really enough to respect the action of $GL(V)$ to get a functor?
I think natural means that there is a GL(V) isomorphism.
yeah it should be at least in finite dimensions.
one thing people do is prove it respects the GL(V) action, and the map is continuous therefore its a functor
if your field is R or C
as GL is dense inside square matrices
I think
I don't see how that implies that it gives a functor
but I agree that it should be natural for finite-dimensional vector spaces, but probably not in general, since the way we want to lift to morphisms is using the map from $V$ to its double dual, and the image of this map only determines a map between the double duals when everything is finite dimensional
well if f\in GL(V), f acts on x \in V** as f(x)(y)= x(f*y)
and f acts on x \in V as f(x) of course
and my brain is too fried to see if those actions are equivalent or not.
in the first line y\in V*
again iirc they aren't.
wikipedia says I recall incorrectly.
I guess its pretty simple if you assume x \in V** is an evaluation (say at x for bonus abuse of notation). Then x(f*y)= x(y \circ f) = f(x)y which is what you want.
I found this question in which both (highly upvoted) answers ignore the question of naturality: math.stackexchange.com/questions/292353/…
2 hours later…
@MatheinBoulomenos Hey, are you here?
Hello. Can someone help me in proving that if $(X,\sigma,\mu)$ is a finite measure space, and if $f_{n}$ is a real valued sequence in $M^{+}(X,\sigma)$, which converges uniformly to function $f$ belongs to $M^{+}(X,\sigma)$, and $\int f d \mu = lim \int f_{n} d \mu$
i have studied monotone convergence theorom
if i could show that $f_{n}$ are increasing, the question is done
but i do not know how, or maybe that is not needed and there is some other way?
@TobiasKildetoft I'm here now
@MatheinBoulomenos Can I invite you to a chat?
Define primitives:
Does anyone know if there is a way to draw this commutative diagram so that both Ws are the same vertex? i.gyazo.com/2f1af822dbf036ef59ad964fa33f8897.png
@WilliamOliver Well, if you flip the part with the left $W$ that should do it. You get two arrows from $W$ to $X\times Y$, the $X$ on the inside of the left triangle and the $Y$ on the left of $W$
that should avoid any arrows crossing so it should still be readable
@TobiasKildetoft Wouldn't I get an arrow that crosses a bunch of lines from W to X?
and how would I show $f' \times g'$
wouldn't that get in the way of f?
You need $f$ and $f'\times g'$ to be parallel arrows
@TobiasKildetoft ahh okay
You would have the $X$ inside the left triangle, formed by $W$, $X\times Y$ and $(X\times Y)\times Z$
Ah okay I see
since the arrows to and from $X$ all are from $W$ or $X\times Y$
@TobiasKildetoft Awesome thanks! Forgot about parallel arrows. A separate question is (for my own sanity check), does that make sense? Would that diagram with the parallel arrows still commute?
@WilliamOliver It would be the same diagram, just arranged differently. So yes
@TobiasKildetoft but wouldn't that imply that $f$ = $f' \times g'$?
whereas the current diagram doesn't
Why would it?
Because the two arrows start and end at the same place
its supposed to be a commutative diagram
Oh you know what
it does make sense
sure, but none of the requirements of it commuting would imply that
Oh really? I am new to this. Maybe I just don't know what a parallel arrow implies
ohh, wait, I see what you mean. Usually the requirement of commuting is not applied to parallel arrows
(hmm, now I am starting to doubt whether we migth actually sometimes do that)
Well, now that I am thinking about it, the graph makes sense if I replace $f$ with $f' \times g'$ anyways
Usually if a commutative diagram has two parallel arrows, then I will read it essentially as two different commutative diagrams. But technically I suppose this is not the way it is defined
But I have to remove, "for all $f$"
Anyways, thanks Tobias!
you're welcome
If $0\le a<b<n$, then how to show that $b-a<n$?
Is this a good proof: Suppose $b-a\ge n$ then $b\ge n+a>n$
@Silent that looks fine but you need $b\ge n+a\ge n$
@Silent $n>b$ and $0\ge-a$, add them
@WilliamOliver oh! forgot.
@AkivaWeinberger wow
Or $b<n$ and $-a\le0$ I guess
@Akiva \o
wuz poppin
Could someone explain this proof to me?
in particular the part about Kronecker delta and multiplying adjoints
Is that Miles Reid chapter 2?
Right, so $i$ is the free variable in that equation?
i indexes the generators x_n
$\sum_{j=1}^n\delta_{ij}\phi=\phi$, doesn't it?
It's a matrix equation, $TX = 0$ where $X$ is a vector of elements of $M$ and $T$ is a matrix over $A$
@BalarkaSen ah, I see, there's the same proof in Reid's book, 2.7
Oh wait
$\sum_{j=1}^n\delta_{ij}\phi x_j=\phi x_i$, which is the relevant thing
The authors should have written it as a matrix, yeah
$(\phi I-A)X=0$, I think?
Something like that
symbols much
Actually $T$ is a matrix of $A$-module endomorphisms of $M$
Oh, he's using $a_{ij}$ to refer to the matrix as a whole, on the bottom
so AM is setting up a matrix?
a matrix with entries in $\text{End}_A(M)$
I think
:o what
$\delta_{ij} \phi - a_{ij}$ are $A$-module endomorphisms of $M$, right?
Multiplication works by feeding it an element of $M$
so the matrix is like $\begin{bmatrix}\phi - a_{11} & -a_{12} & -a_{13} & \cdots & -a_{1n} \\ -a_{21} & \phi-a_{22} & -a_{23} & \cdots & -a_{2n} \\ -a_{31} & -a_{32} & \phi-a_{33} & \cdots & -a_{3n} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ -a_{n1} & -a_{n2} & -a_{n3} & \cdots & \phi-a_{nn} \end{bmatrix}$?
I can't see what is happening
So if you call that $T \in \text{Mat}_{n \times n}(\text{End}_A(M))$, and $X = (x_i) \in M^n$, $TX = 0$ (matrix multiplication works the same way except by feeding each entry of $T$ the elements of $X$)
Now multiply by the adjugate: $\text{adj}(T) T X = 0$ (the adjugate is defined formally as thet transpose of the cofactor matrix)
notation $M$...
better :P
is one allowed to change how matrix multiplication works?
I thought a matrix represents a linear transformation
I mean it's defined the same way, except you use composition instead of multiplication while doing the termwise thing
It's just how $\text{Mat}_{n \times n}(R)$ for a general ring $R$ works, I believe
or are we embedding $M$ inside $\operatorname{End}_A(M)$?
$x \mapsto (y \mapsto xy)$
Something like that should work. I'm thinking of it as, there's an action of $\text{Mat}_{n\times n}(\text{End}_A(M))$ on $M^n$
Coming from combining (1) how matrices act on vectors (2) how End_A(M) acts on M
it's more abstract than my flavour of abstract o.O
guys, would anyone here like "graph theory and algorithms"? I didn't choose the course, but I'll be doing a project in graph theory, so I was wondering if it's something that's worth considering, since I might choose to do it after all
@LeakyNun Yeah I surprised myself with the string of words I spoke there...
I have sinned
sad reax only
I need tide pods
Anyone here who could help me with a small doubt with fourier transform?
Only tide pods can wash away my sins
Oh by the way there's a SpaceX rocket launch in ~2.5 minutes
live stream needed
@BalarkaSen I'll do a tide pod if you do
I'm watching the live stream
It's one cool-looking candle
is there an intuitive reason why $M/{\frak a}M \cong A/{\frak a} \otimes_A M$?
@AkivaWeinberger The M to a power modulo problem you presented yesterday in chat, isn't M the message that is encrypted by raising it to a prime number?
or never mind, not that important
Yes @MatsGranvik
I have seen that explanation in one of Terence Tao's videos.
@LeakyNun The obvious map $A/\alpha \times M \to M/\alpha M$ is given by $(a \pmod{\alpha}, m) \mapsto m \pmod{\alpha M}$, I think
$M$ is the message, $M^e$ is the encrypted message
@BalarkaSen right, I can convince myself algebraically, but not intuitively
btw just write $a + \frak a$ lol
$(a + {\frak a}, m) \mapsto m + {\frak a}M$
yeah i use blah (mod blah) because it reminds me of modular arithmetic which is helpful for my unalgebraic soul
oh well cosets are fun to work with
it makes sense to interpret them as real sets
and it also helps
Let me see if I can find a bundle theoretic meaning
well it's just the fiber of the projection map
so $A^\infty$ is a submodule of $A^\omega$ that is not finitely $A^\omega$-generated :o
@LeakyNun I have a geometric sketch for why $\Bbb Z/n\otimes_{\Bbb Z} \Bbb Z/m \cong \Bbb Z/(n, m)$ if you're interested
I think it can be generalized
go ahead
there's this theorem in literature called the Serre-Swan theorem which says if $X$ is compact Hausdorff, let $C(X)$ denote the space of continuous functions on $X$; there's a natural correspondence between f.g. projective modules over $C(X)$ and vector bundles over $X$
you've seen the exercise in A-M which says $X$ is homeomorphic to the maximal spectrum of $C(X)$?
I'm only on Ch.2 lol
it's in chapter 1
i think
really :o
must be one of the last exercises
because I skipped those
yeah it's one of the last ones iirc
it's worth doing that one
what you should take from the two facts above is f.g. modules over $A$ should be thought as uh finite rank vector bundles on $\text{Spec}\, A$ such that the rank of the fibers can vary
the projective condition is the one which restricts rank to be constant globally, which we throw out
if you believe this philosophy, $\Bbb Z/n$ as a $\Bbb Z$-module is like the bundle over $\text{Spec} \Bbb Z$ which has a one dimensional vector space stuck at every prime divisor of $n$, and zero dimensional fibers stuck at every other primes
$f:A \to B$ a ring homomorphism, $N$ a $B$-module, then one regards $N$ as an $A$-module by $a \cdot n := f(a)n$. $B$ is also an $A$-module by $a \cdot b := f(a)b$. Now consider $N_B := B \otimes_A N$. It comes with a map from $N$ by $g:n \mapsto 1 \otimes n$. It also maps to $N$ by $p:b \otimes n \mapsto bn$. It is clear that $p \circ g = \operatorname{id}$, so $g$ is injective and $p$ is surjective. By the latter and the first isomorphism theorem, $N_B/\ker p = N$
if you take $\Bbb Z/n \otimes \Bbb Z/m$ the fiberwise tensor is nonzero iff you tensor over a common prime divisor of $m$ and $n$
so the resulting object has a one dimensional fiber stuck at every common prime divisor of $m$ and $n$
that's exactly "the bundle corresponding to" $\Bbb Z/(m, n)$
I think something similar works for $A/\alpha \otimes_A M$... every fiber over all the prime ideals that contains $\alpha$ dies unless $M$ has some fiber at that point too...
In which case the resulting object should be fibers of $M$ that lie above the prime ideals that contains $\alpha$, and zero everywhere else
which is like $M/\alpha M$
@BalarkaSen $\Bbb Z/n\Bbb Z \otimes_{\Bbb Z} \Bbb Z/m\Bbb Z \cong (\Bbb Z/m\Bbb Z)/((n\Bbb Z)(\Bbb Z/m)) \cong (\Bbb Z/m\Bbb Z)/((n\Bbb Z+m\Bbb Z)/m\Bbb Z) \cong \Bbb Z/(n\Bbb Z+m\Bbb Z) \cong \Bbb Z/(m,n)\Bbb Z$
there you go
That works
I guess A/I otimes A/J = A/(I + J) in general by your argument
lol. i've grading a two part problem, and the number of people who make their answers match by assuming that 1/x+1/y = 1/(x+y) is funny
physicism intensifies
right, it should be 1/x otimes 1/y = 1/(x+y) by the above discussion :P
(You could get the right answer in part (a) despite making bad assumptions, but it won't work in part (b) and will give 1/(x+y) instead of 1/x+1/y.)
actually screw that, wrong mesaage
It's actually a fun little problem: Three concentric cylinders, with the inner and outer cylinders connected by a wire.
A question for local calculus gurus: If $f(x)$ is smooth and bounded, is its Taylor series expansion always guaranteed to have a nonzero radius of convergence? If not, is there a special name for functions that do have this property?
@COTO $e^{-\frac{1}{x^2}}$
So you've effectively got a capacitor with two positive plates and one negative plate (or vice versa)
its taylor series is identically 0
That means it has a nonzero radius of convergence though (radius is infinity)
It just doesn't converge to $f$
Soooo many people assumed that the charge per unit length on the outer cylinder was the same as on the inner cylinder :)
@LeakyNun: Hm. Damn.
Borel's theorem famously says that any power series (regardless of any convergence restrictions) can appear as Taylor series of a smooth function
So tough luck
Of course, $e^{-1/x^2}$ is only bounded if you think of it as a function on $\mathbb{R}$ :)
that's not the right thing to say. there are not many interesting holomorphic functions on $\Bbb C$ that are bounded
the point is it behaves very badly at 0 as a complex function
Liouville :P
Sure. I’m just pointing out that it’s only a smooth bounded function at x=0 if the domain is RR
So it’s not a counterexample to the original claim in that setting
eg, for any complex number $z$ you can find a sequence $z_n \to 0$ such that $e^{-1/z_n^2} \to z$
Even stronger than that
You can find a $w$ arbitrarily close to $0$ such that $e^{-1/w^2} = z$
Yay Picard
I forget if that’s little or big Picard tho
papa picard
daddy picard
Older brother Picard
This is my problem: I have an $f(t)$, bounded and smooth, and I need to approximate it as a power series over some small time horizon $\delta t$ (i.e. a polynomial in $\delta t$). Of course, there's no limit to how well I can fit a polynomial to this segment of curve as I let the order of the polynomial go to infinity.
picard be my homie
Hence I want to elegantly make the argument that "no matter what $f(t)$ is, so long as it's smooth and bounded, it can be represented by a convergent power series over this interval", which allows me to use the power series in place of $f$ over the interval.
That seems too strong a claim unless you have additional assumptions about f
@Semiclassical: That's what I'm worried about. How so?
Can I appeal to the increasingly good least-squares fit of some orthogonal polynomial series of increasing order?
That may be enough, yes. But I don’t remember enough
@Semi i just overheard a prof walk in and tell my prof "dont touch this or you'll die" when he pointed at an experimental apparatus thing
seems e&m is fucking hardcore
“You’ll probably be killed if you touch it, and if not I’ll kill you myself for messing it up”
Is it a threat or the apparatus would kill them?
it wasnt a threat
toucing a van der graff generator without rubber boots = fry to a crisp
magnets are actually magic tho
Touch the thingy
@EricSilva Sp00ky action at a distance
literally as i read that my prof actually said those words out loud
EM is really the closest thing to magic we have in phsyics
it really boils down to the fact our geometry of the universe has a light speed barrier
I think computers are magic
though maybe that's a math thing rather than a physics thing
the fact that Turing completeness is a concept that exists and that is in a sense "cheap"
computers are totally magic
they run on magic smoke
Let p,q be two probability distributions on a set of size n. How can I prove the inequality \sum[(p(x)-q(x))^2/(p(x)+q(x))] \leq 2\sum [p(x) log(p(x)/q(x))] ?
I have no idea... I honestly can't parse all of those nested braces---can you please try to MathJax that up? You can use basic TeX commands without difficulty; just enclose in $ signs
$\sum \frac{(p(x)-q(x))^2}{p(x)+q(x)} \leq 2\sum [p(x) log(\frac{p(x)}{q(x)})]$
Does this help?
@NehalSamee I notice you have created another account to get around a question ban
This is not such a good idea.
The division algorithm says if $a,b$ are integers and $b$ nonzero then there exist unique $q,r$ such that $a=qb+r$ and $0\le r<|b|$. I can't find $q,r$ when $a=5,b=7$
Silly question. If I’ve got a matrix {{a,b},{c,d}} and I want a+d, then I take the trace
If I want to sum the entries, I can act on the left with {{1,1}} and on the right by the transpose
Is there an easy way to see that there’s no way to do the trace in the latter sort of way?
It seems like there should be an obvious reason for that
@LeakyNun, will you please look at my question?

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