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Rehi everyone
Rehi Mathein
@Adeek did you see my recommendation? I think you will enjoy Neukirch. Chapter 3 is on Riemann-Roch theory
Who thought it was a good idea for ZUCC to have a stroll through hurricane-devastated Puerto-Rico to promote their virtual reality technology?
@Eric apparently there's just gonna be Silvestre, Soug, and Neves doing the bootcamp since only 11 folk my year expressed interest
I had an undergraduate lecture me for five minutes today about Lie algebras
except that he spent the entire "conversation" calling them "Lye algebras"
Uh, is that not how they're pronounced?
@Daminark No. Because I stealthily edited what I wrote.
My fingers were so disgusted, that they wouldn't let me type the mispronounciation
Lee algebras
Don't lie to me about them algebras!
the g in algebra is a hard g
I thought it was silent
either or
just dont pronounce it like a j
I thought it's pronounced like the "g" in "paradigm"
I thought paradigm was pronounced as paradijkhm
every letter in paradigm is silent except the m at the end
i lose
cant top that
and the m is pronounced like a g
@Daminark im still conflicted
maybe ill ask André about it later
@EricSilva in your name, "e" is pronounced like in "name", "r" as in the first r in "library", "i" as in "business", "c" as in "indict"
@EricSilva I don't remember how to do problem 13 in chapter 3 in Hirsch
that is accurate
The graph of this equation $\frac{dA}{dt}=A(2-\frac{A}{5000})$, at first seems exponential but then it becomes a constant equal to 10000 and the reason it's because of this term $-A^2/5000$ right?
Lol since Marianna isn't doing it I'm out
id be happy to work with any of those guys but idk if i should stick around
Somehow you have to smash togather the saddle points if you want to do it for a torus... im sure the 3rd critical point (apart from the max/min) is going to be a Monkey saddle
what are necessary conditions for $f:\Bbb R \to \Bbb R$ such that for every metric space $(X,d)$, $(X,f \circ d)$ is a metric space with the same open sets?
@Balarka i would look at it but im too lazy to change tabs
"every $C^1$ surface of genus $g$ has a $C^1$ function with exactly three critical points"
I do not think any height function of the standardly embedded torus in R^3 does the trick.
i think that you can get it for a height function for some immersion
i guess so but i dont see the immersion
Ah ok something like, the point of self-intersection would be the Monkey saddle?
something like that
my brain is too mush to prove it but id bet a small sum of money on that
Does polarization give you a functor from normed vector spaces (with morphisms being continuous maps) to inner product spaces (ditto)? @MatheinBoulomenos
Id be surprised if there any embedding with such a height function whatsoever
hi i need help, i have a integral with a square root:

2cosh(u)/sqrt(4 + sinh^2(u) )

Im sure there is a trig identity for 1+ sinh^2(u) in this but i can't see how to get there, any one got some advice?
yeah im skeptical u can do it for embeddings
@LeakyNun no
why not?
not every norm comes from an inner product
only those that do satisfy the polarization identity
@LeakyNun so like r in range
@Corellian no
@MatheinBoulomenos I thought <x,x> gives a norm
not every norm arises in this way
you get a functor from the category of inner product spaces to the category of normed spaces (and don't forget to take square roots btw)
@LeakyNun kidding. it's dialect [ɹ]
are one-cycles the same as stabilizers?
well not the same object exactly but point standing
how did they get to that
i just don't see it at all
Q: Factoring $5 n^4 - 70 n^3 + 380 n^2 - 945 n + 911 $

mickLet $n$ be an integer. Then any prime factor of $$ 5 n^4 - 70 n^3 + 380 n^2 - 945 n + 911 $$ Must be congruent to 1 mod 10. Also Let $n$ be an integer. Then any prime factor of $$ 5 n^4 - 10 n^3 + 20 n^2 - 15 n + 11 $$ Must be congruent to 1 mod 10. How to prove these ? How to find such i...

@WDUK factor out $4$ inside the square root, bring that out as $2$, then cancel with the $2$ inside
damn it - its obvious now you say it
@Eric There's a drawing by Curtis that I have seen before, forgotten, and refound after googling around here
I can see it has three critical points with a monkey saddle in the middle but what I don't see is why it's an immersed torus
this is a mad drawing
There's a singularity which looks like three lines intersecting each other transversely in every pair (like -A-), which closes up and becomes three lines intersecting each other at a single triple point (like -X-) and then drifts apart to become -A- again
That triple point is where the Monkey saddle is at
I wish I knew more about the theory of immersions. There's some rich topology there
i wish i knew how to fuckin draw this kinda shit
There's a book by Scott Carter which draws a movie of pictures like this to describe a sphere eversion
p cool
creating and cancelling singularities...
i actually had a book at some point that was literally how to draw like a madman for topology
i sadly do not know what happened to it
do you remember the name
no idea
it was floating around my dorm room when i was a first year and i have no clue what happened to it
fair nuff
Are any of you familiar with stats? I.e., bias-variance tradeoffs and really basic simulation?
@BalarkaSen it's 10% luck ...
@Eric I have a good candidate for a 3cp map on the torus which is easier to see than this.
@Mathein lol, true
gimme gimme gimme dem deetz
So realize that if $f : T^2 \to \Bbb R$ is a map on the torus with one maxima, one minima and one fucked saddle, then $\nabla f$ (the gradient) gives a vector field on $T^2$ with one source, one sink and one monkey saddle (the index -2 picture).
There is a way to get such a vector field on the torus. Think of the hexagonal tiling of the plane and quotient by the lattice isometries. This gives a torus as a quotient of a hexagon
Like this
The 1-skeleton of this picture has a "Y" bit in it, as you can see in the picture
There is a vector field along that Y with a Monkey saddle at the center of the Y
I am 90% sure you can produce a vector field on the hexagon which quotients to a vector field with one source, one sink and one Monkey saddle like that
It'd be conservative, and it's antiderivative is going to be the 3cp map
hrm hrm hrm
Why the downvote ??
Q: Julia set of $x_n = \frac{ x_{n-1}^2 - 1}{n}$

mickConsider the following iterations : $x_0 = z$ Where $z$ is complex. $x_n = \frac{ x_{n-1}^2 - 1}{n}$ It is well known that for real $z > 3$ the sequence grows double exponentially. It is known that for $z = 3$ the sequence grows linear ; in fact like $3,4,5,6,7,...$. In fact When considering...

There's actually a trouble. I don't think there's a vector field with a singularity which has a local picture like a "Y". Also notice that the picture I posted has two Y's in it.
That's worrisome
I was too hasty. There was a problem Ted came up with once which is, come up with a vector field on the torus which has a single source and a single saddle
My way of seeing it was take the usual square picture on the torus and consider the vector field on the square which is like $(-y, x)/\|x\|$ and stays tangential to the boundary of the square
When it quotients down the four corners of the square forms a "X" picture" where the saddle lies and the interior of the square has a source
I was trying to analogize that construction
> analogize
is that a word?
that is definitely a word
(hot take: all words are made up anyway)
anything's a verb if you verb it
verbification is 100% a thing
its so hard to tell when to use hyperbolic trig sub or just ordinary trig sub in the integrals i don't see when i should use one over the over. does any one know a good rule of thumb for this?
Sheafification, categorification, twiddlification
@Eric I emailed and it turns out I'm finally gonna be paid this week for grading last quarter -_-
better than when i got paid in july for grading last winter
Fuck's sake
Also yo @Narcissus
hey smart people
tell me the volume of the paraboloid of revolution of radius r
i dont want to integrate
no one? i thought this was a maths chat room. aren't you people good at maths?
fucks sake i cant pull off a normie impression
wtf, but r is a letter
how can you have a letter as your radius
get 1 up'd boy
that caught me off guard
"get 1 up'd" cracks me up somehow
maybe its like my asmr trigger word
I'll make a youtube video for you
With that in mind
whispers "get 1up'd boi" swallows microphone "gewww owwuuup boww"
Where even are you putting this radius?
What, like $z=x^2+y^2$ from $0\le z\le r^2$?
i got it tho
you guys are slower than my calculus skills
What was the answer?
Probably quadratic in $r$, it would be
$\pi r^4/2$
$\pi$ maybe? I dunno
$r^4$, really?
Oh, 'cause it's the radius, not the height
well the height factor comes into play
and stuff that's quadratic in the height is quartic in the radius
i need to work out the volume/surface area of a solid of revolution at some point of time in my life
thats a calc 3 exercise i have never done in my entire life
When a polyhedron overthrows the dictatorship, that'll be a solid of revolution
Quality joke
Solid joke
@Balarka psh calc 3 is for nerds
$\pi \int f(x)^2 \, dx$
i think there should be a factor of $f'(x)$
For volume?
It's just a bunch of cylinders.
dx is the height of the cylinder
is $y = f(x)$ the curve you're revolving?
Your formula clearly doesn't work for $y = x^2$, then eg. It gives $\pi \int_0^{\sqrt{r}} x^4 dx$ for a paraboloid of radius $r$, which is wrong, isn't it?
@BalarkaSen I'm pretty sure that the formula for a paraboloid is $\sqrt{x}$ at least according to cut-the-knot.org/Generalization/Cavalieri7.shtml
I computed it. It's $\pi r^4/2$
Remember, the parabola is "sideways" so we use the inverse function.
Oh I see, ok
Well then you didn't state it right. You're revolving $y = f(x)$ around the x-axis, not the y-axis
@BalarkaSen I'm pretty sure it's not $\pi r^4/2$ either. The revolution is usually around the x axis.
Or something like that
@berrygreen You're wrong.
@BalarkaSen Assuming you meant me and not poor Berry, explain why?
web.calstatela.edu/curvebank/volrev/volrev.htm is a fairly solid reference, no?
Well it does give the volume of half circular paraboloid as $1/2 \pi h^2$
So I am correct, 'cuz $h = r^2$
(And so are they)
@BalarkaSen Ah, OK, I get it. Your 'r' is the largest radius of the paraboloid?
And I see why your integral formula is correct
Kind of surprisingly simple
I was just answering the general question about finding the volume of a solid of revolution.
Right, gotcha
Well, yes, calculus is simple when you break it down.
Except possibly for curve length
arclength is great tho
But painful to compute.
$\int \sqrt{f(x)^2+x^2} \, dx$
You mean sqrt(1 + f'(x)^2)
Well, yeah but in that case you're give it as a graph of a function y = f(x)
Yeah, hang on that one was wrong.
Yes, you're right. dx^2 + dy^2
Or, square root of that actually
integrating the thing without the root is also an interesting thing
@EricSilva Does it have a name?
It's called energy :)
I've never heard that before. I thought energy was a physics concept.
it behaves better when u do variational thing
Yeah it's physical, it's like 1/2 m v^2
i mean it is but it's also a math thing
Never thought about it -- velocity is like curve length per unit x.
blegh i have no idea how to show this
yeah the name energy is just bc it's actually like the kinetic energy
@berrygreen that's it
@MeowMix What are you trying to show?
i have no integral tools
only the fundamental theorem of calculus, basic derivative rules and definition of integral
i know i have to show the limit does not exist
Isn't the first one bounded by 1/(x^(3/2)) for example?
bounded in the wrong direction tho
no, your right
Decreasing the denom increases the number...
I think the hint on all 3 is to look for bounding functions.
The second one is eventually lower bounded by x/(2*x^(3/2))
what would i do from there?
If I'm doing the math right, x/(2*x^(3/2)) can be simplified to 1/(2*x^(1/2)) which diverges. Thus, the larger original integral must also diverge.
For the first one, its smaller than an integral that converges and must then also converge.
how do you know $1/(x^(3/2))$ converges
i mean
i guess you could do reverse power rule
x^(-3/2) integrates to ... yes
it hasn't been brought up in the book yet
I'd just call it the standard power rule but sure :)
god persona 5 memes are so good
Without the power rule is tricikier
Wait, does integral of x^(-3/2) really converge? The limit's from 0 to infinity
It blows up near 0
The general idea: when x gets large, the largest power will dominate the others. Find the convergance/divergance of that dominating function and tweak it into a proof of convergance/divergance for the original function.
I said it diverges
@barrycarter You said this.
$\int 1/\sqrt{1+x^3} dx < \int 1/x^{3/2} dx$.
Divergence of the right hand side doesn't prove anything
That's what I was talking about before
That was for the first one.
Look at the line immediately above that for what I said about the second one.
That is the first question.
Well, crap. OK, yes, x^(-3/2) does converge-- it doesn't matter that it blows up near 0 because the function is well-defined at 0, we're only concerned as x -> infinity.
The second one is like x^(-1/2) which diverges. My mistake if I said it wrong.
I don't think $\int_0^\infty x^{-3/2} dx$ converges.
No, but if the lower limit is 1, it converges, right?
And, for x>1 it upper bounds the original function for x>1, correct?
And, for the original function, the integral from 0 to 1 exists and is finite, right?
We only need the upper bounding condition eventually. So, for x>1, we know x^(-3/2) converges, and thus the original function converges. For 0 < x < 1, we know the original function converges for a different reason.
The point is the original integrand is bounded for x = 0 to x = 1
Er, it's finite for x=0 to x=1. It's bounded by x^(-3/2) for x > 1
Oh, I see what you mean. Yes, because the original function behaves well for x=0 to x=1
Right, I said integrand. It's bounded by some appropriately large constant in [0, 1]
Correct. I'm saying the interesting bit occurs as x gets bigger.
Actually, i like what you're saying. It's bound by min(1,x^(-3/2)) for x>0
For sure, that works. Just wanted to point out you need that little fudgery to make it work.
Yes, the ugliness with improper integrals is that the bounds run off to infinity.
The three functions are essentially i) x^(-3/2), ii) x^(-1/2), iii) x^(-3/2)
I missed a perfect chance to use big O notation, darn it.
Hey @Balarka
Hmm, do you recognize me
Nope, I don't think so
You did the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs?
Do I know you?
lol no prob
New account I see
Just changed the name/avatar, still have my content afaik
How's life and math
It's well, it's well
What about you
same yeah
@Corellian Well math has a little bit of a cold, we'll give it some Tylenol and see
@Daminark oh, I see. poor thing
also hi
How's it going?
Good thing is I'm wearing a mask
@Daminark Avoiding the flu from my infected family
@Daminark mixing meth and tylenol is probably not a good idea
honestly once youve taken the meth the tylenol probably wont matter
Lol here we've been having a sort of stomach virus going around
@Balarka currently I'm counting color-tiled mobius bands as part of algebra hw
@Corellian oh really
yeah it's pretty straightforward stuff. professor basically walked us through with the formula n stuff @Balarka
I may have had it some time back, I got sick in Texas right after my aunt did and it was nasty, but the main feature was really flu-style rather than... stomach-type things, aside from mild diarrhea, so I dunno... Anyway came here, recovered quickly, now two of my friends got sick back to back but it's very stomach virus-y
which kinda removed the fun a little but shrug
@Daminark hmm, odd. you mustve got something different with flu-ish respiratory symptoms
Yeah likely
the weather's changing here so i pray to the poop gods everyday that i dont get stomach infections
anything but that
are there actual emoticons here lol
on mobile so can't tell (sorry *emojis)
@Corellian what is the exercise you're doing?
@Corellian no @Daminark is just a nerd
i want a za warudo emoji
"Baka" is either Japanese for 'idiot' or a contraction of Balarka's name
though I suppose those aren't mutually exclusive
perhaps even connected
@BalarkaSen 4 tiled mobius strip with two colors (is 8 nonequivalent bands)
did Akiva just roast me
that was 10/10
also 5 tiles with 2 or 3 colors
get d u n k e d on s o n
lol @Akiva
I'm going to unleash the darkest powers on Akiva very soon for this
I will have my revenge
I have the power of god and anime with me
You coulda just no you'd him but you missed the opportunity. Sad!
no ur sad
that dunk was too good it wouldve just reflected poorly
thanks for the original idea
I like this
So, uh, Brody, long time no see
I'mma go now to take a shower
So bye
glad to see all familiar names and pictures
Ha, yeah, we've all changed our icons, haven't we?
Balarka's was generic, Damin's was… I don't remember, actually
I wonder what I should hit @Akiva with. I could rickroll him but that's too old and annoying. I could papa Franku him but that'd be way too offensive.
I mean look it was great ammunition
Daminark was a floating polar bear
akiva gotta cool down from burning balarka to ash
@BalarkaSen A N G E R Y
It was a friggin' SLOTH
polar bear
no balarka is right it was a polar bear
Right, that's still your Facebook pic, isn't it?
@EricSilva <---- chump who didn't change profile picture in the sloth revolution
im looking at his fb pic rn and it's obviously a polar bear
the thinking emoji meme is too good
@Akiva yup
eternal, immutable. never change it
i think i missed the sloth thing in the fb group @Daminark
@Akiva I want to sneak link you STFU by Filthy Frank but I think you should just listen to it by yourself
I might get banned if I linked it here
i was too busy doing drugs and not caring about my future
Arright I'mma actually shower now
Listen to STFU while showering
10/10 experience
I'm actually listening to it. God.
so we can type profanity (semi-)liberally but not link videos mentioning it
I mean that song is too offensive for a public chat
oh the song track, forgot about that
It's not just profanities, it's like actually intentionally super offensive
But that's what makes it funny
plenty of good snippets out there though, if not as choice for you

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