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@Faust not bad faust, good luck :D
ill be doing rep theory and analysis
also logic in march
but what is this with advisor? how does it work
Well in the summer i am doing a reasearch project that essential just amounts to me trying to learn a course in C*-algerbras and non-commutative geometry
but i get paid which is kind of cool
that is neat
My advisor is writing a textbook and he wants me to go through all the exercises and learn the material form his book and give feedback i can also ask him questions when i get stuck etc
we do also have summer classes but they are mostly courses that are extra stuff
Anyone think they can answer a quick question about Implicit Function Theorem?
give me your advisor name :D
hes trying to write a textbook for an undergraduate class in the topic area
Heath Emerson at UVIC
tell him there is a hungry student who also wants to be in on this
inphsise the hungry part:D
i actually am trying to find a second person to do it with me cause its really hard material
u got me
also like those topics :D
or at least love to learn more of em
the thing is theres like 4 undergraduate 3rd year classes that are required for it at our university and even then there still some graduate level material on functional analysis i will have to learn on my own before the research project starts
so its going to be a ton of work
you got half a year before that
thats plenty of time :D
it starts may 1st so not really
you got my email , ill be happy to work some of that with ya
we finish june
do you know any topology?
middle of june sometimes
taking course this semester :D
we finish around april 18th
Hi @Kasmir, long time no see
@MatheinBoulomenos mathein :DDDDD
Happy to see you :D
Yes it has been ! been busy with family and stuff
How's it going?
How are you ?@MatheinBoulomenos
yeah we should defiantly do some functional analysis i got a textbook need to meet with my advisor and figure out what i need to learn then ill let you know
Pretty good, thanks
so far so good ! gonna start study again on monday so need to be in shape!
@KasmirKhaan round is shape ^^
@Faust all righty =p you can mention that kasmir is handsome also
Ah I see. what are you taking?
@MatheinBoulomenos I have some questions about algebra mathein , hope you are not busy :D
Feel free to ask
faust gotta help a teacher
to make a book, he will be reading it and give him notes what seems good / bad , hard / easy
thanks Mathein, i need a min to phrase it properly
I heard about that, yes. It's on non-commutative geometry, right?
and C* algerbras
though i think they are very related from my understanding of the book
I thin Mathein would be best fit to do that faust , come to hink about it :D
anyway mathein, can you help me understand the quotient group properly ?
I know when we do G/N
we making a parting of G
into cosets, each of size N
those cosets ( seing them as elements) form a group if N is normal
so we can talk about Na Nb =Nab
that I understand, but the idea of modding out when we do examples
Can one continue the Euler product for the Riemann zeta function to the complex plane by simply multiplying the Euler product with something?
sometimes its not easy to identify the cosets
If you're having trouble with examples, it would help me to see these examples
i think its usually easier to use the FIT Kasmir
what is FIT ?
find a homomorphism that makes N
R/Z mathein for example
as its Kernel
so in that example you want to send every integer to zero
can you think of a homomorphism that does that?
hmm dont I need to understand the quotient group before iso theorems?
R>0 ---> R/Z
we can send a --> [a]
anyway, the idea of modding out by a normal subgroup
Okay, this is really informal, but the way I sometimes think about quotient groups (or rings) etc. is that we deliberately "forget" about something or that we force something to be the same. For example, when we look at Z/2Z we force all even integers to be the same as 0 (from this it follows that all odd integers need to be the same, too), so Z/2Z has two elements.
do we use the fact that a R b, if ab^-1 is in N ?
and the notation of that
is it because 2Z is acting like a unit ?
in that factor group
In that case the map you want is $\phi : \Bbb R \to \Bbb C^{x} $ with multiplication in the second group
2Z is the part which we forget about or which we "collapse to one point"
Maybe a better example ist $\Bbb R^\times /\{\pm 1\}$, here we just forget about the sign
its getting better let me try to make more sense of what you said :D
I like the example of $k\mapsto \exp(i 2\pi k/n)$
why did you tell him the map :\
$\Bbb R^\times /\{\pm 1\}$
i like this one
trying to make sense of it
i think i know i finnally know what it is
isint that isomorphic to R^+
need to remove zero as well
and no its definatly not isomorphis
we use R^+ to mean R\{0}
Be careful with "/" and "\"
the elements of the factor group are of the form
thats wierd
[n] = {-n ,n}
but eithier way u cant have zero but if you land on a negative number you could "factor it out" and mod it out
@MatheinBoulomenos fixed now :D
so you can have only positive non-zero numbers
thats the thing
those words mod out and factor out , dont make sense to me
like at all
so your landing in R remove zero and all negative with multiplication
yes $\Bbb R^\times /\{\pm 1\}$ is isomorphic to the group of positive reals under multiplication
Hi @Ted
Hi @Mathein, Kasmir, Faust.
wow theres no non intergers?
@TedShifrin Ted :D
@Faust fixed
oh thanlk god =)
@MatheinBoulomenos so what i said first was right?
hmm the thing is i did it using a map
@KasmirKhaan you said that you use R^+ to denote R\{0}. If you mean that, then no, that's not correct
perhaps what you thought was write but what you wrote wasn't
wrong notation
this is R^+
Yes, $\Bbb R^\times /\{\pm 1\}$ is isomorphic to that
but the way i did it was not so obvious
i mean i had to find a map
a ---> [a]
Hi @TedShifrin
hi Balarka
Morning @TedShifrin
can you say in words, the intuition behind " modding out"
this idea did not stuck in my head
I understand it for modular arithmatic
there are at least two ways to see this: you can note that the restriction of the quotient map $\Bbb R^\times \to \Bbb R^\times /\{\pm 1\}$ on $\Bbb R_{>0}$ is bijective, or you can use the map $\Bbb R^\times \to \Bbb R_{>0}, x\mapsto x^2$
Z/5Z, we get any element we can reduce it to be less than 5
@MatheinBoulomenos that was a nice example never seen it before thats nice
Hey guys can someone help me with a probability problem ?
It's a simple one but i can't think of the answer since this morning : D
i rpobally can't but someone might be able to if you post it
note that the way you implement mod 5 stuff is to say that $n-m\in 5\mathbb{Z}$ means that n,m are in the same equivalence class
Yes I know semi, but I lack the intuition to use that idea in general
The question is if i have 5 red balls, 4 green balls, 6 blue balls and we get 5 balls at random. What is the probability that AT LEAST one ball is blue.
like if the question was : what is R^X / {1,-1} Isomorphic to ?
I would be stuck
so what you do for general $G/F$ is to say that $a,b$ are in the same equivalence class when $ab^{-1}\in F$
@Shago can you figure out the probality that you get 0 blue balls?
@Kasmir an example which is dual to the other I gave. Can you figure out what $\Bbb R^\times / \Bbb R_{>0}$ is isomorphic two?
okay ill think about it now :D one second
So you want real numbers $a,b$ to be in the same equivalence class mod {1,-1} when $a/b\in \{1,-1\}$
it should be something like 9C5/15C5 @Shago
I have no idea how to get the probability of getting 0 blue balls
ok well you need 5 balls
none blue
there are how many balls that are not blue?
9 i guess
ok, now how many Ways can you choose 5 from those 9 balls?
@Faust unfortunate parsing there
now how many ways can you choose 5 balls from 15?
@MatheinBoulomenos should be isomorphic to the group +- 1
so 126/3003 is the chance of getting no blue ones
subtract that number from 1 and that gives you the chance that in your selection at least one of them is?
@KasmirKhaan correct. Note that the multiplication law in the quotient group basically amounts to the rules for signs that you learned way back in school "positive times negative is negative", "negative times negative is positive" etc.
Thank you very much : )
@KasmirKhaan every time you say isomorphic it makes me uncomfortable lol
@MatheinBoulomenos aha nice
why faust?
the way i saw it was, ab^-1 is in R^+
means a/b is positive
@Shago sometimes its alot easier to count the number of ways for something not to happen than it is to count it happening once , twice , three times , .... etc and suming them all together
so either a , b >0 , or a,b <0
Any time you see at least you should think im going to count none
it may not always work but its a good place to start
@Kasmir yes, that works
ok, thank you very much Faust : )
so a R b if they both have same sign
@KasmirKhaan i normally talk about $\Bbb R \to \Bbb R$ /(w.e) being homomorphic
@MatheinBoulomenos hmm is +- 1 the sign function ?
That doesn't make sense, Faust.
im trying to mod
its not working
sup chat
there we go
Like out of 100 things faust say , i only get 3 things and 2 of them I dont need _D
Homomorphic is not an adjective that is used.
you can use the sign function, that's group homomorphism from $\Bbb R^\times \to \{\pm 1\}$ which has $\Bbb R_{>0}$ as the kernel @Kasmir
You have a mapping. It's the homomorphism.
Hey @Eric
If it's a bijection, we call it an isomorphism. And we do have the adjective "isomorphic."
@KasmirKhaan lol
Hi @Eric
@MatheinBoulomenos thanks mathein :D
It's a symmetric relationship. Having a homomorphism from $G$ to $H$, you need to know the direction of the mapping. Saying two groups are "homomorphic" makes absolutely no sense.
hi Eric
@TedShifrin that doesn't mean it doesn't make me uncomfortable even if its completely correct
you could perhaps say "homomorphic mapping" but that'd just be unnecessary
I was grading a LA exam which asked if two groups where isomorphic. The student wrote "$G$ is isomorphic, but $H$ is not isomorphic" and he had long "proofs" of those facts
i mean the mapping i just dint want to type phi
Well, Faust, what you seem "comfortable" with makes no sense, so stop being comfortable with it.
the only reasonable way to define homomorphic would just make any groups homomorphic
we sometimes say that one group is a homomorphic image of another (which is just another way of saying it's a quotient)
if you can find a homomorphism then the original thing mod the kernel is isomorphic to where your map landed is how i prefer it
That's sloppily stated.
but thats the way we think about it
we dont go oh this is isomorphic to that
"Where your map landed" had better be the entire thing.
yes yes
@MatheinBoulomenos lol classic grading horror story
Sometimes isomorphisms don't arise from the fundamental isomorphism theorem, so get over it.
sorry its just my thought process
@MatheinBoulomenos ya this is fine phrasing i think
i usually say that it's the image under some homomorphism or smth
its not something i say out loud
@Faust: I can say $(\Bbb R,+)$ is isomorphic to $\Bbb R^\times$.
so when asked to show a group is iso to another
You can't say that?
we just need to find a map
but finding that map, should that be easy or what
not necessarily @KasmirKhaan haha
@TedShifrin you can say that, but it's wrong
haha because most of the examples on the book the map was easy to find
but when they do state what map we use
I typed the wrong thing, @Mathein. Good point.
i would not be able to come up with it
of course @KasmirKhaan "easy" is in the eye of the beholder :P
had it not been written
I meant $(\Bbb R,+)$ is isomorphic to $(\Bbb R^+,\cdot)$.
im trying to think of the bijection
@Antonios-AlexandrosRobotis by easy , i meant the most natural thing to do
anyway guys
@KasmirKhaan some isomorphism come really natural, some are really difficult to find
If i tell you what grade i got on this course
you wont belive me
you got 4?
@TedShifrin I'm not sure if I'm seeing an issue with one of Spivak's exercises. I was wondering if you were interested in giving me a hint or confirming my suspicion.
@Antonios-AlexandrosRobotis And "trivial" is in the eye of the reader, to whom it is left as an exercise
Get dab'd on
@TedShifrin ok i belive it
loolll @BalarkaSen
What's that, @CryinShame?
@BalarkaSen if i ever write a book ill include this in it somewhere
I got a B , questions were not on first part, iso thms and these type of group theory
were on sylow
group actions and symmetric group
and rings
there were two reall hard ring homomorphisms on my final
but i feel like I should not even have passed because much I dont know
we had a nice question, about chain of non proper ideals
@KasmirKhaan your understand isn't all that much diffrent from mine imo

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