Ben, note that the proof Brian gave goes through when you throw in closed. So a nested sequence of closed compact sets in an arbitrary topological space has non-empty intersection.
Oh I don't know what happens there though. Finite point sets become closed? @tb And I thought you did not like AC now you are talking about varieties???????
It is not in the MathJax. I have it turned off (refreshing the window and not running the bookmark), paste the clean string in, and copy the string to check it, and the weird spaces are there.
> Assume (b) is false. Then there is an $n$ and a injective endomorphism $b$ of $A^n$ satisfying $b(e_n)\in A^{n-1}$, where $e_n$ is the last vector of the canonical basis. Then $b$ is integral over $A$ by Cayley-Hamilton, and we get a contradiction by using the lemma (with $B:=A[b]$) and applying $a=bf(b)$ to $e_n$.
The justification for $a_n$ is non-zero is that we can make it non-zero (the standard proof of cayley-hamilton might give $f$ with zero-constant term, you have to cancel the $b$'s)
because $ae_n$ is the element $(0,0,...,0,a)$ which is not zero
since there is a non-zero coordinate
Anyway, @MarianoSuárezAlvarez, I think I understand $\kappa(P) \otimes M$ (we're just extending the ring of functions by inverting some convenient functions), but I still don't get $I\otimes M$
I thought that $\kappa(P) \otimes M$ would shed some light on $I \otimes M$, but they the problems plaguing the latter are surprisingly separate from the former, since there are no nasty non-elementary tensors to deal with in the former
@tb It is the same problem we had with the smileys. I added a space before the offending number, and that reset the 79 character count. I added a comment.
@SbSangpi You can just write x^(-3). If you want to LaTeX it on the mainsite, you want to write $x^{-3}$. You can latex in here but you need to use the special bookmarklet.
@BrianMScott Hi, I think I found the source of confusion for the label "dummy" variable, it is better to use the adjective "index" variable, it helps to inform the student that this is a book keeping device.