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That's correct, right?
b must be 1 for it to be a multiple of 3
is 9 a multiple of 3?
and how many times do 2,5 divide 450?
@Semiclassical Thank you so much for paying attention to my problem. In problem 26, Rudin says to use exercise 23 and 24, so I have to go this way: "Using 24, limit point compactness implies separable (A>C) and using 23, separable implies countable base (C>D)" And I am asked to show compact. So final implication path is "A>C>D>B". My question is: Can I deduce that because "A>C>D>B" holds, we get "C>D>B"?
Or is this deduction some sort of violation of the fact that implication is not associative?
@Semiclassical I think I fixed it now
@DarkRunner yeah, that's right
That should be it
So my method was just listing out the factors, and I found out pairing them up in a certain way gave a constant product of 1350, and then raised it to the number of pairs, which was 6.
My final answer was 1350^6, but the book solution was entirely different, and I'm dumbfounded
the way I'd do it is to say that if a=3b divides 450, then b divides 150
and the divisors of 150 are 1,2,3,5,6,10,15,25,30,50,75,150
How could you conclude tat if a=3b divides 450, b divides 150?
I don't understand that part
define divides
No remainder
150 divides 450, so 50 divides 150.
do you know division algorithm?
or, more simply: if a divides 450, then 450=na for some integer n.
but if a=3b, then we have 450=3nb means 150=nb. so b divides 150.
he be like that's too many symbols!!!
If 450=blah(3x) then 150=blah(x)
this is when i'd hand in pseudo code of some for loop as an answer
So, since we can pair up 150 and 3 to get 450, all the factors of 150 that are multiples of 3 are all the factors of 450 that are also multiples of 3
the factors of 450 that are multiples of 3 are in one-to-one correspondence with the factors of 150
no restriction on the latter (other than positivity)
there is a one-to-one and onto function
{factors of 150} -> {factors of 450 that are multiples of 3}
given by the formula
> no restriction
> positivity
hey you said no restriction
@anon now that's way more machinery
then is required
f(x)=3x ?
I mean, right, combinatorics boil down to bijection
but it usually isn't taught as bijections
knowing that every multiple of 3 which divides 450 is 3 times more than a multiple of 150...is a lot of machinery?
> 3 times more than
i also said multiple of 150, not factor of 150
As an example, @DarkRunner, consider the factors of 12 that are multiples of 3. They are all 3 times some (any) factor of 12/3=4. You can see this in the graphic below.
@Semiclassical no, I mean phrasing it in terms of bijections is a lot of machinery
@LeakyNun okay, "one to one correspondence"
aka what I did in the first place...
I think the point Leaky's making, much as I disagree with it, is that intro combo is just taught as counting instead of finding bijections between sets. Not as much the terminology, I don't think
@Daminark I'm not necessarily complaining about the pedagogy
@anon I think I'm starting to understand
Do you know why this one-to-one correspondence happens?
because it's injective and surjective...
ew who likes math
@Fargle me
If x is a factor of 150, then 3x is a factor of 450. Conversely if 3x is a factor of 450, then x is a factor of 150. (The reason: 450=(blah)(3x) implies 150=(blah)(x).)
hi @Fargle. Happy almost new year.
Happy holidays to you, @anon.
@TedShifrin ich lese the sensual quadratic form
kennst du diesen Buch?
Heya @Ted! Happy New Year $-\varepsilon$ to you too.
Oi @Fargle, how've you been?
@DarkRunner just give your teacher:
factors = []
sum_this_list = []
for i in range(450):
    if 450 % (i+1) == 0:
for number in factors:
    if number % 3 == 0:
print (sum(sum_this_list))
@Salt because someone can't do range(1,451)?
you can't possibly fail
@Daminark Alive. Didn't quite graduate--seems the university had a vested interest in not telling me about one of my graduation requirements.
That's annoying. Which?
Number of upper division hours.
but range(450) is prettier
print(sum(i for i in range(1,451) if i%3==0 and 450%i==0))
@Salt there you go, in one line
On the bright side, I only have one part time semester to go.
that works
@MeowMix hi
thats some ugly code ya got there
well, you only need to run it once
unless youre code golfing, then i guess its pretty :)
i meant leaky’s
@MeowMix :P
I do come from PPCG
yours is quite tidy
i can appreciate a one-liner
@MeowMix I can do better
im sure you can
im not much of a python boy thougg
so i cant say id understand it at first glance
python is for people who can't understand stuff at first glance, you can't go wrong
it's why i use it
print(sum(i*(i%3==450%i<1)for i in range(1,451)))
i do think c++ is a valid substitute for most languages
49 bytes for you
though, keyword most
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
	int sum = 0;
	for(int i=1;i<=450;i++){
		if(i%3==0 && 450%i==0){
			sum += i;
there you go, in C
I don't know C++
man, python really has the superior loops
most valid C is valid in C++
python loops are ugly imo
well, we all know that lisp loops are the prettiest
asm loops are the prettiest :D
the isometry group of the quadratic form $3x^2+6xy-5y^2$ is generated by $\begin{bmatrix}1&2\\0&-1\end{bmatrix}$ and $\begin{bmatrix}2&-1\\3&-2\end{bmatrix}$
cmp ecx, loop_max
inc ecx
jne .loop
the hell
then youd have your looped code before those 3 lines and after a .loop label
it could be called .poop too, yes
now i'm interested
@Salt Much appreciated, but this is not for school
So basically, just to clarify, we take the number, N. To find the product of all the multiples of k that are factors of N, we divide N/k. We take the product of all the factors of N/k, because all the factors of N/k will simply be 1/kth of the factors of N that are multiples of k (one-2-one correspondence). Then, to compensate for the fact that we have found the product of all the factors of N/k, we multiply this product by k raised to the power of the number of factors of k.
> spends some time to write a long paragrph
writes “2” for “to”
^this gave me a chuckle
@DarkRunner k raised to the number of factors of N/k
$2^2+2^2=8$ is in, so $1^2+8^2=65$ is in. however, $4^2+7^2=65$, so 4 and 7 are also in (don’t write “if and only if” if you don’t mean it!). since 4 and 1 are in, so $4^2+1^2=17$ is in — Kenny Lau 20 secs ago
am i right?
Huh: "Every natural number has a unique representation in terms of divisor products."
divisor products?
Product of the divisors of a given integer
if p is a natural number coprime to the given integer N, then how do we write p as a product of divisors of N?
I mean in the sense of: If $\pi(n)$ is the product of the divisors of $n$, then $\pi$ is a bijection from the natural numbers to themselves.
It's mentioned on A007955
W. Lang gives a proof, but it looks pretty involved
All terms of this sequence occur only once. See the second T. D. Noe link for a proof. - T. D. Noe, Jul 07 2008
Yeah. I mean, that goes in hand with the representation being unique
an explicit formula would be $\prod p^{e(p)}\mapsto \prod p^{(1+\cdots+e(p))\prod_{q\ne p}(1+e(q))}$ I think
Though the proof of each term only showing up once seems much simpler
not as nice as a one-liner, but it's the next best thing
it's the other direction, showing that each natural number has some representation, that is the hard part
anyways. neat theorem.
so, what's the inverse function?
No clue.
"Sometimes called the "divisorial" of n."
come to think of it, I'm a little surprised the inverse function isn't tabulated on OEIS
@GFauxPas Illustrating how to do a matrix multiplication
hmm, $\pi(n)$ feels a bit like cyclotomics
Actually, no. My reading of it is wrong
the key point is that it's divisor products, plural
so you can express 4 as $\pi(2)^2$
yes, the $q$-analog of $\pi(n)$ (divisor products) is in fact $\Phi_n(q)/(q-1)^{\omega(n)}$
but not $\pi(n)=4$ for some $n$.
So every $\pi(n)$ is distinct, but you may need to multiply a few $\pi(n)$ together to get a given natural number. So, no bijection :/
I see
Still weird, though
And interesting that you still have a sort of 'unique factorization' theorem
I wonder what percentage of sequences in OEIS with the property that each term in the sequence occurs only once "factorize" natural numbers
my q-idea was all wrong, don't mind me
anyone there
not i
2 hours later…
Does a vector space always admit a basis ?
1 hour later…
$g:K \to \Bbb C$ is a continuous logarithm, $K$ is compact. i need to prove that $g$ can be extended to a continuous logarithm over an open set $U$ containing $K$ .

First i want to show that there is $r \gt 0$ s.t $r\le min\{|g(x)-g(y) -2\pi i l |: l\in \Bbb Z -\{0\} x,y \in K \}$
my question is : is that minimum necessarily positive?
nvm, it is.
The meme squad has assembled
Clouds are gathering
Is $A\implies B \implies C$ same as $A\implies C$?
@Silent depends on context
usually yes
@LeakyNun Which context? Actually I had this question because of this
@Silent the context of the sentence, obviously
in that context, yes
@LeakyNun, when does that not hold? Sorry, but it is not obvious to me.
@Silent do you notice that $A \implies B \implies C$ is not a well-defined notion?
it's an abuse of notation
and one must know its context to know what it means
@LeakyNun Yes, so I think you mean that $(A\implies B)\implies C$ is same as $A\implies C$, but $A\implies (B\implies C)$ is not same as $A\implies C$?
what they mean by $A \implies B \implies C$ is $(A \implies B) \land (B \implies C)$
you get very different meanings if you do $(A \implies B) \implies C$
you can
2 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
what they mean by $A \implies B \implies C$ is $(A \implies B) \land (B \implies C)$
remember this
@LeakyNun But then that means here that every separable metric space is compact! But $\Bbb R$ is separable, but not compact!
@Silent let me read it
@Silent do you actually not know how to prove it, or are you just confused in the implications?
@Narcissus I take back what I said about the new Elder album. I retroactively like it now.
I have solutions to those problems. i am confused because they are very similar. @LeakyNun
Yes, confused about implications.
A:Every infinite subset has a limit point.
B:Space is compact
C:Space is separable.
D:Space has a countable base
26:A⟹B (path:A⟹D⟹B)
A⟹C⟹B⟹D does not hold
because, as you said, C⟹B does not hold
@LeakyNun i am sorry, but that is according to Daniel Fisher's notation. You have use my notation, in which, following Rudin's hint, A⟹C⟹D⟹B holds, and from previous doscussion with you we can deduce C⟹D⟹B that is C⟹B .
There was a confusion of notation between me an Daniel Fisher, I am really sorry about that.
you can't deduce that
because the final step D⟹B uses A
why don't you actually post your solution
@LeakyNun So, there A⟹C⟹D⟹B means something other than (A⟹C)∧(C⟹D)∧(D⟹B) ?
there's a point after which abuse of notation doesn't really hold much water
I have to check if the function $f(x)=x^{\alpha}\ln(x + |\alpha - 1|), \alpha \in \mathbb{R}, \alpha \ge 0$ is differentiable.
In my script there is a proposition that says that every real polynomial is differentiable.
So now I just need to show that $\ln(x + |\alpha - 1|)$ is differentiable and apply the rule that differentiable functions chained are differentiable either.
Is that way correct ? How do I show that $\ln(x + |\alpha - 1|)$ is differentiable?
@jublikon by differentiating it
@LeakyNun I am using this solution
yes :D I agree haha
@jublikon seriously
$\displaystyle \lim_{h\to0} \frac {\ln(x+h+k) - \ln (x+k)} h = \lim_{h\to0} \frac {\ln(1+h/(x+k))} h = \lim_{h\to0} \ln \left( 1+\frac h {x+k} \right)^{1/h} = \frac1{x+k}$
I was working to put my wrong solution into latex to show it to you. But you seem to be faster than me. Why do you use that k?
The definition that I always use is : $\lim_{h \to 0} \frac{f(x_0+h)-f(x_0)}{h}$
for $x_0 \in \mathbb{R}$
@jublikon because I don't want to type $|\alpha-1|$ 1000 times
@jublikon if you have a shifting lemma, I would gladly use it and drop the $k$
shifting lemma, i.e. $f(x)$ is differentiable iff $f(x+k)$ is differentiable
@LeakyNun unfortunately we do not have the shifting lemma in the scriptum :(
note that the name is just due to me, lol
i.e. I just made up the name
yeah, I see. But cannot find anything that looks like that in there..
it is not a VERY detailed script I think
do you have chain rule?
then you have the shifting lemma :P
ah okay, I see !
@LeakyNun Will you please let me know what does actual logical path look like as suggested in hint of exercise 26 instead of A⟹C⟹D⟹B? I will be obliged.
@Silent alright, reading
@LeakyNun can you explain the last step for differentiating $ln$, please?
I am a bit confused by the $\frac{1}{h}$ exponent
$\displaystyle \lim_{h\to0} \ln \left(1+\frac hx\right)^{1/h} = \lim_{h\to0} \ln \left(\left(1+\frac hx\right)^{x/h}\right)^{1/x} = \frac1x \lim_{h\to0} \ln \left(1+\frac hx\right)^{x/h} = \dfrac1x \ln e = \dfrac1x$
Why use $\arg z=v$ when you could just write $v$=something instead?
@LeakyNun Thank you for your answer.

How can that be ? I mean $\frac{h}{x}$ goes to $0$ and $\frac{x}{h}$ to $\infty$ for $h \to 0$.

$e$ is defined as $e = \lim_{t \to \infty}(1 + \frac{1}{t})^t$
I am looking at $\frac{1}{x} \lim_{x \to 0} \ln (1 + \frac{h}{x})^{\frac{x}{h}}$
HI everybody
What doe this means in elementary terms:
Let K be a subfield of C and f,g $\in$ K[x]. Let z be a complex root of f and assume f is irreducible in K[x] and g(x)-z is irreducible in K[z][x]. Then f(g(x)) is irreducible in K[x]
@jublikon $x$ is fixed
let $t=h/x$
@AlexKChen do you know what a field is?
Nope very sorry (I know what finite field is though, courtsey you)
where does that question come from?
Problems from the book, by Gabriel Dospeniscu and Titu Andreescu
is it from a course?
This is from chapter 21 of that book, called Cohn or something irreducibilty criteria
That is a book for preparing for mathematical olympiads
I'm uploading a picture, you'll see
how much time do you have?
As many as you can give me :)
so we are familiar (let's say we are) with the real numbers and complex numbers
we know many of their properties
but one might wonder, what properties are retained with other types of numbers
Like ?
so we might want to define other types of numbers
this is an abstract setting: we want it to work for all kinds of numbers
firstly we might want to define what a number is
we don't actually define what a number is
but a set of numbers, when they satisfy certain properties, we call them a ring
What properties ?
if they satisfy other properties, we call them a field
so let's say we have a set of numbers
we aren't just concerned with the numbers though; they need to interact
and we want them to interact using the two basic operations: addition and multiplication
Can I interrupt a bit ?
I know a bit about integers modulo prime and very little about finite fields.
So no need to introduce them again.
Please tell what happens after that.
are you sure?
OK, so you can give analogies with integers modulo p and inverses modulo p. I know them well.
if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it
@AlexKChen I'm doing this in the abstract setting
OK, sure, then go on.
it works with every possible kind of numbers
so we have a set of things we call numbers, as well as two binary functions we call addition and multiplication
what's binary function btw ?
let our set be called R
then a binary function is a function of the type R^2 -> R
must be commutative ?
now we want those numbers and the two functions to satisfy some properties
we want the two functions to be associative and commutative
we want multiplication to distribute over addition
what does that mean ?
"distribute over addition" ?
that means, (x+y)*z = x*z+y*z
we want additive identity and multiplicative identity to exist, i.e. a number we call 0 such that x+0=x for all x, and a number we call 1 such that x*1=x for all x
we want negatives to exist, i.e. for every x there is y such that x+y=0
we call those numbers together with the addition and multiplication a ring
"the [set] forms a ring under [addition] and [multiplication]"
@AlessandroCodenotti buongiorno
@AlexKChen do you get it?
what does "buongiorno" mean ?
it means good morning in italian
oh ok
So that's the defination of ring
now if multiplicative inverses exist for every non-zero element, we call them a field
so integers modulo composites are ring, and modulo primes are field ?
that you can spell buongiorno is more impressive...assuming that's how you spell it
@AlexKChen yes
and every field is a ring
of course
now let's say we have a field K
we can define polynomials over K
a polynomial is defined to be something of the form a_n x^n + ... + a_1 x^1 + a_0 x^0
they are not functions. they are just formal objects
where n is a natural number
"they are just formal objects" I don't understand
Gimme an example
I thought polynomials were functions
formal (adj)
of or concerned with outward form or appearance as distinct from content.
"I don't know enough about art to appreciate the purely formal qualities"
@AlexKChen but here we are not considering them as functions
think of em as combinatorial objects....at least, i usually see them as physical objects with lots of little pieces
@LeakyNun we're treating them (like say) circles ?
nah, like legos
if we treat them as functions, we start running into problems like "why is 0 and x^2+x different polynomials over Z/2Z if they agree at every point in the domain?"
because a function is uniquely determined by its domain, codomain, and the image of each point in the domain
OK, so we can treat them as tuple of numbers: (Coeff of x^n, Coeff of x^n-1, ..., constant coeff) ?
now we can add polynomials together
we can also multiply polynomials together
and you can verify that the set of the polynomials over K forms a ring under polynomial addition and polynomial multiplication
yeah of course
we call that ring K[X]
X is numbers from ?
K is a field
we denote by K[X] the ring of monovariate polynomials over K under addition and multiplication
"polynomials in X"
(polynomials with one variable)
only blue legos
Give me an example except common things (polynomials in R, Q, integers modulo P)
of what
a nontrivial example of a polynomial in K[x]
you need K to exist for K[X] to exist
It's just an ordered n-tuple of elements of K
if K is Z/2Z, K[X] contains x^3 + x + 1
the coefficients are only 0 and 1
I wrote "except common things (polynomials in R, Q, integers modulo P)"
but you don't seem to understand that K[X] depends on K
No I seem to understand.
let's say K is Q[sqrt(2)], i.e. {a+bsqrt(2) | a,b in Q}
I was asking for a nontrivial example of K
yeah that
Z/2Z is trivial? you take that back
So this is a good polynomial:
Do you know complex analysis? The meromorphic functions on a domain form a field
it heard you
(2+sqrt{2})x^3 + sqrt{2} ?
2+sqrt3 isn't in K

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