Right. Yes, I was concerned about this. Do you mind reading my problem? from this link: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2582865/how-can-i-determine-a-matrix-when-i-know-a-vector-and-the-matrix-vector-product
Now you can only go backwards @Startec if you start with a vector that's in the column space of your matrix. The column space is 4-dimensional, sitting inside 7-space.
@TedShifrin Just want to make sure I understand this. So in constant sheaf a section over a connected space is just an assignment over an element g of G. So the morphisms over sections are just maps between singletons ?
@TedShifrin the text I am using hasn't covered reduced echelon form yet, but I do know the concept behind elementary matrices, so I think we can proceed. (got the latex working thanks)
@Startec: Figure out the product of the (7 by 7) elementary matrices $E$ that will give you reduced echelon form and take the top 4 rows. That'll be your left inverse.
We had a really quick introduction in the abstract algebra course, there is a master program in cryptpgraphy and codes theory here so they try to fit a bit of this stuff in the undergrad curriculum
Excellent. So @TedShifrin you suggested starting with a vecotr that is in the column space of the matrix, for instance, could that be, [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]? Could we start with that?
@TedShifrin Ah, right okay. This ^ technique has also not been covered yet in this text (which is rough because obviously I need to know it). Can you guide me?
@Startec: Suppose you have a smaller matrix $A$ (say 2x3). What 2x2 matrix $E$ can you put in front of it so that when you multiply $EA$ you switch the rows of $A$?
You're gonna use row operations, so you might as well use row operations to find the inverse, Demonark. It's basically something like $O(n^3)$, I think.
@TedShifrin I am not sure. My understanding of elementary matrices is to think of "adding one row to another row". I don't know how the relate to swapping
Nowadays, I often multiply matrices by treating each column as a vector, then distribute each component to the column vectors of the matric on the left, then add them up
That's the first way of defining matrix times vector, Secret, yes. Take the linear combination of the columns of your matrix given by the entries of the vector. Not useful for this, however
well matrix times matrix is basically the process of matrix times vector repeated twice (for 2x2 matrices) since each column acts independently, thus demonstrating the linear wrt arguments of matrices and linear operators in general
Just multiply matrices as you are used to doing, @Startec. I find it helpful to move the left hand across a row while moving the right hand down the column, multiplying and adding as we go.
(after reading transcripts) yeah I agree, start with moving fingers first before thinking about doing the matrix multiplication in a vectorised (computer programming jargon for doing operations on all components of a vector at the same time) manner.
Leaky: That's the answer I have in mind, but I think Startec is trying to understand how to move fingers
Well, you want 0 times the entry in the first row plus 1 times the entry in the second row, right?
If you guys are being so stubborn about this, you can dig out my YouTube lecture where I demonstrated matrix multiplication. I'm sure it's in there somewhere :P
The same technique, I think. @LeakyNun, usually I do the Row i of the matrix on the left * the matrix on the right, = row i of the the two matrices etc. But in this case I do not have the matrix on the left so I can't do that.
for every pair of number pointed by fingers, multiply them. For every row and column of numbers traces through, add those products together to get the corresponding matrix entry
Okay @TedShifrin so for the simpler 2x2 example, the matrix is [0 1] [1 0] I did that with my fingers, however, I am not sure I see the pattern exactly
@Salt NB Inspired by einstein summation notation, I have developed a way to multiply matrices as the sum of outer product of its corresponding row and column vectors. It is equally complex thus no less time consuming, but manually it is faster for me because I am more used to vectorised operations (and visually there are only n terms in the sum). Will tell you more about that later cause I don't want to confuse the current discussion
for some reason i was reminded of reading about how eigenvalues of random matrices repel each other years ago and i've been off trying to find something about it
> First, the eigenvalues tend to repel each other; the probability density for unitary eigenvalues $e^{i\theta_j}$ $$f_2(\theta_1,\ldots,\theta_n) = \frac 1 {(2\pi)^n n!} \prod_{j<k} \| e^{i\theta_j} - e^{i\theta_k} \|^2$$ is smaller when two eigenvalues are close together on the unit circle.
i seem to recall watching someone smoothly change these random matrices and watching the eigenvalues move towards each other and then away, never touching or crossing
Okay, but there is still a question which is that, how did you know that you want the generators there, in the first four rows? Like what if we had [0, 1, 0, 0] in the third row instead of the 2nd?
@Salt that’s a pretty typical result, in fact: if there’s no symmetry which permits a level crossing as a parameter is varied, you’ll instead end up an avoided crossing
Now, if all the entries of the diagonal of B are distinct, it's diagonalizable (and so is A). If not, you add a tiny diagonal matrix D to B so that it is
Suppose you've got an electron. It's a spin-1/2 particle, which means that the spin part of the wavefunction is represented by a complex column 2-vector (normalized to have length 1)
the basis states are just $e_1,e_2$ which conventionally correspond to the spin z-component being $\pm \hbar/2$
now suppose you've got two such electrons, and you want to be able to talk about them at the same time.
To characterize a given pair of electrons, we can measure the z-components of their spin angular momentum separately. You can either have them be up-up (both +hbar/2), down-down (both -hbar/2), down-up, or up-down.
So you go from needing a 2-component vector for one electron to needing a 4-component vector for two electrons.
And the usual way you do that is to take the up-up combination to be $e_1\otimes e_1=\begin{pmatrix} 1e_1 \\ 0 e_1\end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0\end{pmatrix}$
and similarly $e_1\otimes e_2,e_2\otimes e_1, e_2\otimes e_2$ for the up-down, down-up, and down-down combinations
formally I'm not sure that's how tensor product is defined, but it is how the kronecker product is defined and that notation uses $\otimes$ as well.
Similarly, you can now talk about linear maps on these vector spaces
and the Kronecker product $A\otimes B$, with $A,B$ being 2-by-2 matrices, acts on a state $u\otimes v$ as $(A\otimes B)(u\otimes v)=(Au)\otimes (Bv)$
so the Kronecker product is the right matrix representation of the tensor product of $A,B$ as maps on these vector spaces.