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Does ummm... nothing give a proof?
Watman Returns.
Maybe he meant to put an x in front of log.
@anon: could you please cast a delete vote here?
whew Successfully turned down a dinner invitation (without tears). : )
And then sent one...
checks email
Nope :-(.
I can't wait to be done with school
You're too far away, sorry : (
Well, you're having the dinner in Zürich, so then I should go there? 8-).
I have five years left of school and I have already gone to school for about 2 1/2 years
Not that I am in the position to do that.
@Jordan No problem!
@JonasTeuwen Sure, we'll be happy to have you : )
Yeah I will only be like $70,000 in debt by that time
Okie :-).
8 years for a 4 year degree, I am awesome
What degree?
computer science
I think I should go to sleep.
70k is no problem.
Yeah I guess
Because I've had an unproductive day and it looks as if I'm being more unproductive. So I can end this day here. : )
That's a good choice. Have a beer before you go to bed? 8-).
Pet the cats?
I'll do that anyway : )
I am so incredibly sick of school, it is all so futile
just woke up
@Jordan I agree! Have a beer.
Good morning.
I like beer
@BenjaminLim Did you get maggot yesterday?
@MattN Adrenalin still pumping from yesterday
Did you have any interesting dreams about closed maps?
@JonasTeuwenn No I was caught in circles for 5 hours before going to bed
@MattN No but in my mind the whole night was the thought that $X \cong graph(f)$
So I guess before I cry more about how horrible my life is, if I have $-x^2=4$ can I square everything and make is $x^4=16$ and then find x from there?
You wish.
@Jordan No.
Why not?
Multiply both sides by $-1$
@Jordan Multiply both sides by $-1$
You get $x^2 = -4$
Now do you know about complex numbers?
That problem was for a box, a box can not have a side length of -4
not really
An imaginary box can.
what good is an imaginary box?
Very good for imaginary people!
they dont exist
@Jordan No shit. Do you know about complex numbers?
Then again, neither do you.
You're just a product of this fire water I reckon.
I know a little bit about imaginary numbers
that is the same as complex right?
@JonasTeuwen WHat do you mean?
I don't know.
@Jordan well yeah, imaginary numbers are just complex numbers without the real part.
E.g. 3+4i is a complex number
@BenjaminLim I think I got used to being embarrassed. Not sure whether I got used to teddy and the idea that there is someone out there who knows my most embarrassing secret or whether I'm generally less bothered about it.
4i alone is an imaginary number.
@MattN It's ok!!!!
Trust me it's ok.
@MattN I just got humiliated yesterday anyway!
@MattN Story of the life of mathematicians
round in circles, confused for 5 hours
Well anyways I was suppose to find the area of a box and it reduced into being $x^2=-8000$
@Jordan Check you working again
$x$ is now an imaginary number, you need to check your working again
@BenjaminLim It's about as ok as standing naked in a crowd...
@MattN Some actually enjoy that..
$4s(8000/s^2) + s^2 = 0$
$3200 = -s^3$
Could someone please be so kind and have mercy on this one?
Good night everyone.
I dont know what is wrong with me, I just panicked and forgot everything on my test
Good night, Matt
@Jordan No problem!
What did I do?
Fail a test?
oh probably
I always panic and forget the easy stuff
Don't worry. It all is futile.
I am beginning to think so as well
what will I get out of 8 years of school besides an education and debt? COuld I not learn these things on my own
@JonasTeuwen Jonas at his most constructive :)
by going to a larger university it just means my classes will be taught by teachers assistants instead of a professor
That doesn't really matter.
TAs are usually (if they are good) better than most professors as they still have ideals.
It just seems like an immense waste of time, I can teach myself just as well as some kid can teach 300 students at once
I never went to classes, so shouldn't be a problem.
Jonas is a role model :)
Can someone help me how to write two layers of conditions in TeX under the sum, please?
@KannappanSampath \stackrel I think.
So you paid like $80,000 to skip classes?
Education is way cheaper in Europe.
I paid 3000€ to skip clases.
@JonasTeuwen A construct please?
you paid the ultimate price Jonas, your freedoms and liberty
How many assault rifles do you own? Probably none
Yeah, none. I'd probably just shoot myself in the foot.
and anyone else if they feel threatening to you, that is called liberty
@KannappanSampath \frac{\pi^2}{3}=\sum_{\substack{n \in \mathbb{Z} \\ n \neq 0}} \frac{1}{n^2}: $$\frac{\pi^2}{3}=\sum_{\substack{n \in \mathbb{Z} \\ n \neq 0}} \frac{1}{n^2}$$
@KannappanSampath Oh, I was just checking.
@Jordan I actually never have that.
Or at least not in such a sense that I felt like my life was in danger.
So no problem!
only Americans are born with liberty
I know.
Yes, stackrel doesn't resize the text.
Was checking old code.
But usually, that would be a reason for me to write in the text over what the sum is taken.
@Jordan The liberty to have very high debts before even starting to work.
@KannappanSampath and here's a useful website and in particular a very useful document
Big Picard for this sure feels like nuking mosquitoes, no?
If you didnt want debt you should have been born rich
Thank you @tb @Jonas.
@KannappanSampath But teddy has a point, check out the amsmath document, it contains a lot of useful information.
Sure, I know that is a result of getting annoyed with my asking TeX questions one after the other. But, never mind.
@KannappanSampath No, no. You should read it because then you know about things that you didn't even know were possible ;-).
I don't mind answering such questions, but first RTFM perhaps.
What Jonas said.
And even what Jonas added
@JonasTeuwen Oh, interesting. Sure, I'll.
I see professors still using eqnarray...
@tb OK. People why make me cry? :'(
But maybe physics journals don't include amsmath.
@KannappanSampath Don't be such a wuss 8-).
So is calc 2 harder than calc 1?
@Jordan No, it is easier that Calc 1.
It is very easy.
because I am not doing well at all in calc 1 and I need a really good grade in calc 2
@KannappanSampath You do that quite often and it looks a bit strange to me. I don't think it is proper English to contract things like "sure, I'll" or maybe "yes, it's" and stop the sentence there. I'd say "sure, I'll do that" or maybe "sure I will".
What the... How do you know what "calc 2" entails?
I teach calculus 2 for several studies and they all do something else.
That douchebag Stewart wrote my book
@tb OK. I will take note of this. Thanks for correcting me.
We use that book too! 8-).
It is the more popular one, so it should be a pretty standard lcass
Yes, but we can still select topics.
@KannappanSampath there is nothing that was intended to make you cry...
I need to get an A in Calc 1, Calc 2 and Physics 1 and 2 and Programming and then I can transfer with the minimum gpa requirement
Is calc 3 easy?
Maybe I can take that to boost my gpa
@Jordan All calculus is easy. So, no problem!
calc 1 is extremely difficult
is calc 3 multivariable?
They only do three variables, I was like: what the!
@KannappanSampath what time now in india
You could as well do most results just with $d$ variables.
@BenjaminLim 4 in the morning.
@BenjaminLim Do you know how big India is?
you're nuts to be awake at this hour!!
I wonder if they only have one time zone.
If I fail calc 1 again or dont get all As I won't graduate until 2018
@JonasTeuwen The time zone is about the same throughout the country
@BenjaminLim Is it also nuts to get maggot at 4 AM?
like \\pm 1 hour
@JonasTeuwen But still, we have only one timezone.
@JonasTeuwen no
@KannappanSampath Excellent!
@KannappanSampath No problem dude!
Whatever. BBL.
have dosa
@JonasTeuwen look at wiki page
@BenjaminLim What kind of drink do you have with that?
i'm off for coffee time
Is it reasonable to expect that it is possible to say anything more than $C_\sigma$ acts as permutation on the basis $e^{inx}$ here?
I've done something stupid
@tb Hmm, I don't think so...
Does someone need card number for transferring money?
I only need to give you my visa number?
What can they do with it?
Umm, I gave the number away and now there are some weird transaction reports
What the...
that sounds about right
I hope you're just trolling.
I hope too
credit cards are bullshit, that is why I keep all my money in my closet
$45,000 in cash
So you have $-25,000?
No I have like $70,000 in assets
$25,000 in assault rifles
I hope you don't say closets are bullshit one day
I lied I haven o cash
Too late, I'm on the way to your home
are you male or female?
Does it matter?
Yes, this is acceptable if you are a female, otherwise no you may not come over
Oh? That's not fair
Why am I so stupid?
That is an offensive term actually
Flag it
Oh I don't care at all, just wanted you to know that people take offense to that
I am never offended by words that dont mean offense
@Jordan Really? Stupid is an offensive term when self-applied?
No, it was form the deleted comment
I see.
I'm quite stupid too, but no problem. I don't mind.
Well, the pc-thingie went nuts a long time ago but that would have been a new unexpected dimension to it...
I wonder why this guy never votes for the rather complicated answers he gets.
@tb Hmm, but he gets +1 from me because the answer is very insightful :-).
(Nate that is)
Plus he mentions the Gaussian measure, that deserves +2.
I left a comment.
I want to investigate the theoretical feasibility of the tractor beam.
Wow, Nate is awesome. He uses emacs, FreeBSD and awesome!
Is it just me or is it self-fulfilling prophecy that all math on this page seems broken?
It's like a crazy art project.
I will be in my 30s before I graduate, life sucks
No problem!
People make to much problems out of nothing 8-).
I prefer to make problems into nothing.
I prefer no problems
Right. I am done with all the lemmas.
Now, it's one proof and 5 corollaries.
Oh, only 5? ;p
You mean, I should have more? But, the problem is it is Combinatorics and this one classifies some objects.
In my world everything is a theorem or definition.
Nah, that sounds like a lot of work.
So, I can apply to particular cases and make a million deductions; but in this area of Combinatorics, much of it is with the SF. We have to ask him unravel them.
I mean we know very less.
Very less should have been VERY LESS.
What is the point of going to a good university? It isn't like the education is better, the bigger of a school you go to the more TAs teach classes
@Jordan networking, quite possibly. more opportunities while in school.
Didn't you ask this some hours ago?
@Jordan I'd flag your rant for a moderator. We have had enough of you. This chatroom is not for whining.
@Jordan You did ask this distinctly. Mariano, Ben and David patiently told you what matters in life.
No I meant specifically why go to an expensive university over a cheaper one
you are just a child
popcorn time
@Jordan We don't know. But, IMO all of this was answered previously.
@Jordan Yes, I am. I don't deny it. But I don't whine often in this chat room.
Jordan, cursing here is not a good idea
PLEASE do not do that again
You are like child, be man kill many bear.
Where's the life advice?
You can get that with me.
I could use some, especially if it's for free :)
What's your question?
@anon Ended up quite uninteresting, huh?
here I am with a full bag of popcorn and you people decide to be all mature n adultlike.
@anon That sucks :(.
Holy, If it was for real, I would die of heart attack.
Why? It is true. May I get the professor names now? Cruisin' for a bruisin'
His proof of Collatz is 2 pages
quite elegant, if i may say so myself
I specifically enjoy the second page
I love the handwriting :)
Or this is an extremely good troll or a crank.
if it is a troll, it is a pretty lame one, really
Hmm, that's true.
30 minutes went fast

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