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@identicon the first step should be $\|x^t A x\| \le \sqrt {\| x \| \cdot \| Ax \|}$ by Cauchy-Schwarz
but the rest looks good
@LeakyNun Thanks
hi handsome folks
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui $b_1$ and $b_2$ will of course depend on the angle
edited @identicon to say $\|x\|$ instead of $\|x^t\|$
so order of G is 15
Hey @Kasmir
so it has 5 sylow and 3 sylow
@MatheinBoulomenos Hey :D
@KasmirKhaan third sylow
@MatheinBoulomenos how?
let H_5 be generated by <a>
and let H_3 be generated by <b>
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui it's group theory
Sylow theory is a powerful tool in group theory
are u all undergrads?
Sylow is a guy
pretty much yes
bab' = a^t
since H_5 is normal
what is t?
just some power
fair enough
the teacher said that that t^3 is congurent to 1 mod 5
I dont know where he got that
what happens if you evaluate bbbab'b'b'? @KasmirKhaan
I get a back
@MatheinBoulomenos nice
in other words H_3 act on H_5 by conjugation?
because b^3 = e
i'm having trouble finding the anti-derivative of this $∫ sin(√x)/(√x)) $
could anyone help me
@MATHASKER wolfram alpha first
to check if an elementary antiderivative exists
Should sin√x = u
@KasmirKhaan correct, but what if you use identity bab'=a^t?
@LeakyNun yes
y cant we uv - v du are way through every integral?
oh nvm its a website
@MATHASKER I've checked it for you, it exists
what does elementary antiderivative mean
ignore it
it just means it's a question you can solve, for now it means that
as opposed to integrals like int sin(x)/x
try $u=\sqrt x$ @MATHASKER
@MatheinBoulomenos i dont see it
b^3 a b^-3 = a
that we know
and we know that the order of a is 5
@KasmirKhaan bbab'b' = ba^tb' = a^tt
so inside that product
aha = h^t
i can do it 3 times and get exponent of a
on one hand that equals a
and other other hand it is equal to a^t^3
so they must be congurent mod the order
@MatheinBoulomenos @LeakyNun thanks :)
@MatheinBoulomenos i checked by expanding again, b1 and b2 are in terms of c1 and c2 not the opposite like the book says
Can you have an inclusion map from the circle to the 2-torus thats like $f: S^1 \to T^2: p \mapsto (p,q)$ thinking of $T^2 = S^1 \times S^1$?
@Mathein oh that is beautiful
@Daminark what are you referring to?
@KevinDriscoll what is q?
if you mean $p \mapsto (p,p)$, then this is the 1-1 knot (which is homotopic to a Villarceau circle)
The 336 one
Q: Calculate $E[XY]$ for $(X,Y)\sim N(\mu_{1},\mu_{2},\sigma_{1}^{2},\sigma_{2}^{2}, \rho)$

JeffI need to calculate $E[XY]$ for $(X,Y) \sim N(\mu_{1},\mu_{2},\sigma_{1}^{2}, \sigma_{2}^{2}, \rho)$ by using integration and then determine the correlation coefficient afterwards. Now, when $X \sim N(\mu_{1},\sigma_{1}^{2})$ and $Y \sim N(\mu_{2}, \sigma_{2}^{2})$, the probability density funct...

@Daminark ah I see, I forgot about that one
well hi again handsome peeps
I got an other Q about sylow
so in working abstractly on a Group of order n
sometimes n_p is just one value
sometimes many values are possible
so without any extra info how does one elliminate the other possiblities?
@KasmirKhaan one does not eliminate anything without info
If we take |G| = 90
one find many possiblies of n_2 , n_3 , n_5
kasmir shall return after gathering few data
@LeakyNun here? :)
Anyone here know a website I can find creative math problems to solve?
@KasmirKhaan ?
@HiHello searth for olympiade math questions
they are handsome Q's
@LeakyNun if we have 7 , 3sylow subgroups does that mean we have 18 elements of order 3 ?
based on that, we can make a counting arguemnt
14 elements
so even if many p-sylows are possibles some combinations will overflow no
yes sorry
14 elemnts of order 3
you can't have 7, 3 sylow subgroups if |G| = 90
@KasmirKhaan yes. When I was on high school I have done some times. haha. But a person told me about a website where I can find creative problems and he does not remember the name.
I need to ocupy my brain. hahaha
@MatheinBoulomenos here? :)
@LeakyNun was different problem leaky ><
Mathei :D
I igot exam question on sylow
G has order 90
a) suppose that G has more than one 3-sylow subgroup. and the intersection of any two 3 sylow is trivial
prove that G is not simple
let me tell you what I got
since we have more than one 3 sylow
means that n_3 = 10
and we know that normal subgroup is a uninon of conjugacy classes
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui yes, the exponential function is strictly monotonously increasing
@KasmirKhaan I don't think that criterion for normal subgroups is going to help you here
grrr okay ><
let me Think again
the goal is to get a non trivial normal subgroup
so i need to have some p sylow
to be unique
it cant be the 3-sylow
not necessarily
a group can have normal subgroups that are not sylow subgroups
nice did not Think of that
but let me keep my experiment
n_5 is either 1 or 6
at some Point i need to get 90 elements
okay, is n_5=1 possible?
1 is allways possible
but, is it possible if the group is simple?
oh :D
smart !
we have to exclude that :D
n_2 is 45
to make this into 90 elements
well since 1+20+24 divide 90
there are more possibilities for n_2 then 45, even if G is simple
but then we wont have 90 elements no?
since both n_3 and n_5 are foced to be 10 , 6 respectivly
those add up to 44+1
n_2 has to be 45
hmm, I don't see how you arrive at 44+1
10*2 for the 3 sylow
and 6*4 =24 for six 5sylow
+1 idenity
How many elements are contained in each 3-sylow?
90 = 2 x 3^2 x 5
2 non trivial elements
let me try again
@KasmirKhaan you don't know if they intersect trivially
@AkivaWeinberger hi
@LeakyNun he's allowed to assume that
@MatheinBoulomenos why?
it was in the question leaky
assumed that way
What's going on?
oh, ok
@AkivaWeinberger I taught Mathein the basics of model theory
aha it is done then
Was your explanation consistent and complete?
n_5 is forced to be 1
hence non trivial normal subgroup
because 80 elements of order 3
@AkivaWeinberger yes, it is even recursively enumerable and can encode PA
if n_5 = 6
we get 24 more eleemnts thus more than 90
@MatheinBoulomenos ? :DDD
they can be of order 9 as well, technically, but this is the right idea
hmm what do you mean ?
Gödel's incompleteness theorem: No discussion is complete without mentioning Gödel.
oh yeah yeah
subgroup of order 9
@BalarkaSen O_O
we have 80 nontrivial elements in 3sylow subgroup
@LeakyNun can we express algebraicity in first-order?
... O_O
blink blink
@MatheinBoulomenos let's go to logic room to discuss this?
okay part b) is wierd
oh yeah right
wait :D
suppose that G has at least two distinct 3 sylow subgroups whose intersection is non trivial. prove that G is not simple
by intersection being non trivial here means that they are the same subgroup no ?
@KasmirKhaan no, the intersection can have 3 elements
or wait ._. the order is 9 so they might be of order 3
you see, you answered it 10 seconds later
ill text you guys later, ill keep trying
haha=p am stressed out leaky , exam in 1 day
@KasmirKhaan you need to look at the normalizer of the intersection
that's a bit tricky
@MatheinBoulomenos hmm I know what normalizer is , but what does it have to do here?
it can help you prove that the group is not simple
normalizer of any subgroup is normal in G?
oh well ._. I need to keep thinking on this. I ll be back in few minutes
I hope you guys dont leave :D
@LeakyNun I meant $q$ to be any point in the '2nd circle' of $S^1 \times S^1$
@KevinDriscoll then it is still yes
it is one of the vertical circles
(or horizontal depending on how you define the product)
That was my intuition, just wanted to make sure I was right
I was thinking about the same idea but applied to $T^2 \to T^3$
trust the algebra

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