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00:00 - 10:0010:00 - 00:00

I am the guardian
of silence
in the math room...
@tb That's the zero function.
Plus some constant 8-).
(is joke)
FIELD THEORY EXAM DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@BenjaminLim what a relief!
@Jeff Pheww
Gonna go out tonight and get maggot
"get maggot"?
1 hour later…
@BenjaminLim Nice.
@JonasTeuwen I've invoked the Cauchy Integral Formula without knowing what Homotopy Groups are :-)
That's a better order :D.
Oh, arranging two trips in one day is time consuming...
Milano, Florence and Beijing...
@Ilya that's a helluva day ;-)
I will talk now to our Italian guys if it's worth to buy IC tickets in advance
suddenly I saw today that several are sold out. It couldn't happen e.g. in NL for non-high-speed trains
@robjohn: namely for Beijing I only need to reach the hotel - there I'll meet my colleagues, but because of the Italy trip they fly a day earlier than me
@Ilya thinking about traveling to Bejing?
yeah, and Italy too
I guess it is related to mathematics in some way
yes, conference in China
@N3buchadnezzar Rammstein, "America"
I saw Rammstein last summer here in Norway, my best concert experience.
@Ilya I guess you are busy packing and such?
@N3buchadnezzar I missed my chance :( from the last album I liked "Roter Sand" a lot
@Ilya Aren't that three trips?
@JonasTeuwen what are you talking about?
@Ilya This!
yeah, maybe three
at least as time consuming as three :)
@JonasTeuwen Mind looking at something here ? Cheers, Jonas, and hellow.
I am looking as we speak.
I will check this evening what is wrong, okay? I need to grade exams now.
Okay, only problem is that I obtain a different nummerical result when using polar coordinates.
why "B"?
Yes, why not "F"?
@tb That's what I'm trying to understand.
Matt won't stick to the chat.
@robjohn what do you mean?
@robjohn indeed. :)
@Jonas: I now tried to answer the question from yesterday... Thanks for the reference!
I saw Matt enter the chat and then leave. Since the gravatars float in from above and off below, it looked as if he tried to join the chat, but couldn't stick.
@robjohn :) btw, I've asked you some time ago why your name is written in italic
I think he doesn't want to waste time here. But it's very hard to figure out what he actually wants to know here...
@Ilya he's the room's owner, that's why.
@tb was it also the case for Asaf?
Yes, it was.
@Ilya You can no longer verify this because he's not the owner anymore, but you can see here for example that Kannappan's name is in italics and he's the owner of that room.
@tb I can't, but I just didn't remember Asaf's name written in italics. I believe you of course
@Ilya because I'm a room owner. I see I am a bit late :-)
@robjohn s/a/the :)
Is this realistic? And... why on earth would one want to do that?
@tb why would it not be realistic?
Of course, they didn't specify the range of numbers.
If they are small enough for integer division, a 3 GHz processor might be able to do it.
It is odd... I have gotten two upvotes on my recursion for $\zeta(2n)$ today. It is a pretty old post.
What a day--had to get admitted to a hospital and had to take several injections and typhoid --the doctors say!
@KannappanSampath are you preparing for a trip?
Here is something for JM and his easter egg gravatar.
If $f$ is analytic and compactly supported -- can I pick a point in the boundary of its support, use that it's analytic to get a neighbourhood on which its Taylor series converges and then since the points is in the boundary the neighbourhood intersects with both the support and outside where $f$ is zero so $f$ is zero on all of that neighbourhood?
The problem is that you speak about non-existent gadgets. Analyticity only makes sense for functions on open sets and if $f$ is analytic on $U$ then the set of its zeroes is closed and discrete in $U$.
I could tag it unicorns...
More seriously: how do I see that it's zero?
I don't see why the set of its zeroes should be closed and discrete.
So which bit of what I wrote above is broken?
Are you still there or have you left again like that?
It's the identity theorem for analytic functions: if two analytic functions on $U$ coincide on a set with an accumulation point in $U$ then they are the same. If the set of zeroes of $f$ were not discrete in $U$, then $f$ would coincide with the zero function on a set with an accumulation point in $U$, hence it would itself have to be zero.
So I do have to use the identity theorem. I was trying to "see" it without theorems.
I think I'll have to "see" why they coincide if they share an accumulation point.
Thank you.
@robjohn Yes, this chat can be quite a time eater. I don't mind from time to time, after all I enjoy this. But I haven't been enjoying myself as much as I used to. For example, I liked Asaf being around. And then there are a few other factors that prevent me from visiting as often as I used to.
It really is not a difficult theorem, it's a simple consequence of connectedness and the hypothesis.
Exactly. That's why I'm frustrated that it isn't obvious to me.
Anyway. I've had a very busy day full of non-productiveness. I'll be off for a while, see you folks later.
I think it is clear that the set of points where the functions coincide is closed, since analytic functions are continuous, so the problem is to see why it is open.
And for this you can consider the set of points where all derivatives coincide. This is still closed and it is open by analyticity.
So that set is already everything if the domain is connected.
I'm sorry, I can't think straight right now.
I'll re-read this in a few hours.
It's not wasted. : )
@MattN I will endeavor to be more entertaining :-)
@tb Btw, thank you for your patience when teaching me about Fourier transforms. I got very positive feedback for my seminar lecture.
(Although I didn't mention duality.)
@robjohn : )
See you in a bit.
@MattN Nice to hear! Recover well :)
enough for deanonimization
@Ilya ? did I miss something?
:4124370 The OP?
that would be deanonymizing
deanonimization?? What are we talking about here??
@anon it's what happened to you on 1st of April, Rob :)
ha, it's quite hard to deanonimize me even using my surname
especially with -ov instead of -ev
Has anybody heard of a genetic dirichlet character, or am I reading a typo of generic?
generic perhaps?
I'm pretty sure I did
@robjohn nice to meet you there :) Jonas can be an additional criteria for the verification
@Ilya I don't have Jonas there, but he probably wouldn't be too hard to find :-)
oh that's true :)
ok, I have 7 minutes to organize myself and leave the office
@Ilya good luck
I will be absent here for 3 weeks I guess
have a nice time, everybody
@Ilya Ack, really?
@Ilya I bet you will pop in before that
@Ilya Have fun, and good luck =)
@N3buchadnezzar: we'll see :) and thank you
@Ilya have a good time :-)
@robjohn you too :)
@Ilya You are addicted, addicted to this place I say!
say it more often to yourself :)
@Ilya: don't take any wooden rings of power :-)
@Ilya have a nice stay in Italy and China!
@tb: thanks, wish me good weather :)
@robjohn I should elaborate a bit on getting that :)
1 minute :-)
30 seconds ;-)
to Mars
@Ilya All the best of luck on your travels.
@tb Nice post!
@Ilya Bye bye!
@Jonas: thanks!
@robjohn No, I am suffering from typhoid.
@Jonas: let me know if there is something I should add to the Continued Fractions paper (or something that needs to be changed).
when you get a chance.
sorry, misidentification :-)
@robjohn Hi :D
@tb Exams are all over
@robjohn I will!
@BenjaminLim hey there!
@JonasTeuwen thanks!
@KannappanSampath Urgh! that sounds bad. Are you still in the hospital?
@robjohn: hi
each time I enter this room, nobody is here
That's strange, I've never had that happen.
I should try more times maybe
@KannappanSampath Get well soon!
@KannappanSampath I hope you all the best and a full recovery.
@Rob wish, not hope
3 dark gravatars in a row
oh, not now - I shouldn't post a message
when writing an answer, if one hides the preview mathjax is still working?!
Is that an assertion or a question?
Hi Henning, long time no see.
Ah, I remember: you were away, I think.
@KannappanSampath Correction: I wish you all the best and a full recovery.
@MattN Doesn't help and will lead to more Kopfschmerz!
@MattN I went to a conference, two weekends of travel, no time to access the internet during the week. Lots of drama seems to have happened here in the mean time.
Then I don't know. I assume in this case all pain killers will. : /
I just need some fire water, that can help 8-).
@HenningMakholm Drama? I didn't see any.
@HenningMakholm Yes, I remembered that. Let's wipe the past from our memories though (the drama, in this case).
@JonasTeuwen : )
Say no to drama.
Does this comment make any sense?
Dinner time. Be back soon.
@SD nobody? evidently :-)
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez You can use the bookmark which actually disables the preview, and the one that enables it again :-)
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez They are given here. The rendering off and rendering on bookmarks.
@robjohn Mariano showed me an interesting motto that "a theorem is simply an organized set of examples."
@Rob A Theorem is an explanation that convinces the reader.
Some readers are harder to please.
@robjohn Wouldn't the convincing come with the proof?
Hmm, CoordinatesToCartesian, what order does that place the axis...? Physicists seem to like the $y$-axis pointing to the top and the $xz$-plane down.
I retagged this question from (statistics) to (algebra-precalculus) and (mathematical-modeling) but am not quite sure it's right. Do we have a tag that is "more elementary" (and perhaps more applied) than algebra-precalculus?
It needs a unicorn tag.
I won't do that again. Don't want to annoy the teddy.
I'm quite happy. I got some homework today, a new piece to work on. And I'm particularly pleased because it's one I like and it's not impossibly difficult : )
Quite excited : ) Feels like I'm making progress : )
@MattN Oh, no math.
Yes : )
Ok. Time to watch House! : )
I don't know if the OP wants to see this, but I thought it worked out nicely. :-)
@HenningMakholm I looked, but I don't think there is much here more elementary.
@HenningMakholm In my opinion, weighted averages do belong to statistics, but I maybe wrong.
@Rob handling weighted averages relates in some degree to linear algebra (matrices, etc)
@HenningMakholm so I see no harm in adding and
@robjohn I removed [statistics] because the OP seemed to have chosen it simply because the calls inputs to the function he wants to construct "statistic"s. It certainly has nothing to do with estimating the parameters of unknown probability distributions.
@HenningMakholm Okay. It looked as if the problem was based on a statistics problem.
No probability, but just statistics.
@robjohn Hmm, how do we make the grey box?
My view of what counts as statistics might be overly broad :-)
@JonasTeuwen [tag:statistics]
@robjohn Isn't "statistics" (as the name of a mathematical subdiscipline) alwas about probability?
@robjohn Don't we need to add ?
Outside mathematics, of course, "statistics" refers to any organized mass collection of quantitative data.
@JonasTeuwen You should request that on meta. Remember to tag the meta thread .
probability is applied to the interpretation of statistics.
Just my thoughts
@robjohn Interestingly, the linked mathematical statistics article claims that the term has a special meaning in Scandinavia, which may be biasing my understanding.
And like I said I maybe wrong.
probability is just one subarea of statistics
@HenningMakholm It seems that applying the mathematical discipline would be the right thing.
@robjohn Then you must be understanding the question in a rather different way than I am.
@HenningMakholm No, I am saying that you may be correct in removing .
@JonasTeuwen do you have a question that warrants ?
The OP is trying to design a scoring system, and has extremely vague ideas about what he wants from it. He certainly doesn't seem to have any correctness criteria for his scoring system that he could meaningfully use to evaluate it as a statistical model.
@robjohn Some questions deserve . Or .
@JonasTeuwen which ones?
I don't have a particular example, I will tell you when I find one 8-).
@JonasTeuwen thanks. I am $\color{yellow}{\text{curious}}$.
$\color{red}{\text{Me to because I've never seen a unicorn.}}$
Look in the mirror!
:4130401 Nothing mystical there, nor any sign of a horn. :-)
N3 was right
@robjohn: hunting for mystical animals?
Earth to Mars "Have you landed?"
@Ilya: hi
@Ilya regarding?
@Ilya It would be nice to see one.
@SD: hi
@robjohn: regarding my visit of this chat room
@Ilya Do you think we need more or . Perhaps ?
@Ilya Ah, that you'd be back :-)
@Jonas: I don't
@JonasTeuwen why not ?
Hmm. Interesting 8-).
@robjohn Because they are not so cute!
@robjohn Awww. :)
Those claws don't look that cute.
Just my opinion.
@robjohn Much better.
crap only had 4 hours sleep
came back yesterday at 4.30am
or rather 4 hours ago at 4.30
@BenjaminLim Excellent. Did you get maggot already?
Kind of. There was a girl I think she was asking to make love :D
@BenjaminLim you think?
@robjohn According to my friends she was so close that my whatever "radar" should have been able to tell
I do remember her face being like 2 inches away from mine
@JonasTeuwen You should use "maggot" when you're here. Quickly you will assimilate in!!
@BenjaminLim No problem!
@BenjaminLim You are a lucky guy then.
@WillHunting I was too maggot to even remember everything that happened....
@JonasTeuwen End of semester in australia is super wild
So lots of opportunities to get maggot? Hmm.
@JonasTeuwen You must be prepared. End of semester, all hell breaks loose
yesterday was not even end of semester
@BenjaminLim I am still a virgin, shh...
@WillHunting Shhh this is not the place to talk of V!!
Why is it called "get maggot"? Some people die and get devoured by maggots?
@JonasTeuwen No, not that. It's just in australia there are a lot of weird words people use
one of those is to get maggot
Excellent. I like that.
@BenjaminLim V can stand for many things. :-)
For example, V can be a vector space.
@WillHunting obviously V here is you know what
Is it those islands? Olive oil? Cell phone?
00:00 - 10:0010:00 - 00:00

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