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Math is so easy when you just use a lined sheet of paper instead of the space $they$ provide.
@MatheiBoulomenos the hell
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere use a lined sheet of paper to find the Galois group of $x^5-x+1$
In mathematics, more specifically in the area of abstract algebra known as Galois theory, the Galois group of a certain type of field extension is a specific group associated with the field extension. The study of field extensions and their relationship to the polynomials that give rise to them via Galois groups is called Galois theory, so named in honor of Évariste Galois who first discovered them. For a more elementary discussion of Galois groups in terms of permutation groups, see the article on Galois theory. == Definition == Suppose that E is an extension of the field F (written as E/F and...
Could someone of you take a look at my question (it's about change of variables): math.stackexchange.com/questions/2466703/… ?
@Mambo: It seems that Hadamard wrote a paper on this too, and it's necessary and sufficient that $\sum (b_{n+1}-b_n)$ converges. Oddly, it seems that this multiplying factors can be chosen independent of the original convergent series.
define group
In mathematics, a group is an algebraic structure consisting of a set of elements equipped with an operation that combines any two elements to form a third element and that satisfies four conditions called the group axioms, namely closure, associativity, identity and invertibility. One of the most familiar examples of a group is the set of integers together with the addition operation, but the abstract formalization of the group axioms, detached as it is from the concrete nature of any particular group and its operation, applies much more widely. It allows entities with highly diverse mathematical...
oh okay I have both a lined sheet of paper and a rubik's cube. I think I can do this
@Mambo: We should have checked MSE first!!
@TedShifrin That's very weird.
It looks like Borel's lecture is also constructing the terms without paying attention to the particular convergent series.
let me just make sure my lined sheet of paper is mathematical.
define lined sheet of paper
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere hucking fell
I got back-trolled
poor hucking I hope they didn't hurt themselves
@Mambo: I suggest you hunt on MSE. Here's another.
@LeakyNun because you asked, $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathbb{Q}(X)/\mathbb{Q}) \cong \operatorname{PGL}(2,\mathbb{Q})$
@MatheiBoulomenos right, someone told me that earlier
you can replace $\mathbb Q$ by any field, too
I see
but what about $\operatorname{Aut}(\overline{\Bbb Q})$ lol
:o my book says "Galois group $\Gamma(L:K)$"
@Faust top of the morning
@TedShifrin The very original proof of Riesz brother's theorem : If $\mu$(Borel measure on $[-pi,pi]$) is of analytic type, then it is absolutely continuous wrt Lebesgue measure, uses such construction.
As I said, the absolute Galois group of $\mathbb Q$ is a mystery
@MatheiBoulomenos :c
OK, @Mambo.
G'night, @Faust.
Think about it, the inverse Galois problem (which is still open, but solved for many groups) asks if every finite group is quotient of that group
I will follow up on those MSE links. Thanks again
@MatheiBoulomenos :O
Let $G = \mathbb{Z^3}$ and consider
$N = {(i, j, k) ∈ \mathbb{Z^3}| i + 2j = 3i − k = 0}.$ where N is a normal subgroup. i want to define a homomorphism to $ \mathbb{Z^2} $ what do i use?
@TedShifrin its not night time!
@Faust you use a pen and a paper to solve the equations parametrically
What kind of homomorphism to you want to define, @Faust? BTW, every subgroup of an abelian group is normal, of course.
Answer my question. What does the homomorphism have to do with $N$?
Just any homomorphism? Send everything to zero
@MatheiBoulomenos lol
I'm happy with that, @Mathei. Then I can quit.
and (1,-2,-6) isn't even right
sorry, it is 1-dimensional.
getting fed up
@TedShifrin sorry :c
@TedShifrin G/N isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z^2}$ ?
So you want a homomorphism $\phi\colon G\to\Bbb Z^2$ such that ... ?
ker of the homo morphism is N?
Bingo. Now do it.
well i got n(-2,1,-6) or w.e as a generator?
Forget that.
How do you know what $N$ is in the first place?
it was given in the question?\
How was it given?
You may assume that N is a normal subgroup of G. Find a familiar
group H such that G/N ∼= H
or am i misunderstanding the question
So we don't even know that $H = \Bbb Z^2$ is correct, by the way.
no that was my assumption
But you're missing the main point. How was $N$ given to you?
cause the ker phi
is cyclic and infinite
thats not correct
N looks like its two planes that intersect in a line
But $N$ is given to you by integer-coefficient equations.
but the lines all busted so points that lie ona line
What does kernel mean?
kernel of phi is all the elements that phi maps to the identity i have no idea what kernel means
What's the identity in the groups you're working with?
What's the identity in $\Bbb Z$, $\Bbb Z^2$, $\Bbb Z^3$, etc.
well in N the identity is n(-2,1,-6) where n is in the intergers?
Right. So can you write down a homomorphism $\phi\colon\Bbb Z^3\to\Bbb Z^2$ so that $\phi(i,j,k)=(0,0) \iff (i,j,k)\in N$?
send i+2j to 0 and 3i-k to zero
So tell me what $\phi(i,j,k)$ is.
not a nontrivial one
Hint: This is totally immediate and you should have written it down in one second.
You're obviously over-thinking ridiculously.
well i mean let $ \phi(i,j,k) =(0,0) \forall (i,j,k) \in N $
That's obviously crap.
It's for all $(i,j,k)\in\Bbb Z^3$.
i dont understand
ones in three dimensions
the others in 2
i mean i can just drop off the last one?
send it to (i,j)
Then does precisely $N$ get sent to $(0,0)$?
No, all things with $i=0$ and $j=0$ get sent to $(0,0)$.
i mean everything of the form (-2n,n,-6n) gets maped to (0,0)
Not with your $\phi$ you just made up.
It really is not helpful having that formula. It is distracting you completely.
If I ask you to give me a linear map $T\colon \Bbb R^2 \to\Bbb R$ so that $T(x,y)=0 \iff x-y=0$, can you write one down?
I'll take either a formula $T(x,y) = $ ... or a matrix.
I wouldn't take a matrix
Sup guys
I'm uncertain if I got the contrapositive correctly.
Here's the original statement https://i.gyazo.com/d02ad718d212705def039b68ab704135.png

and I got $\exists n \in \mathbb{N}, K > \sqrt{n} \wedge [n \neq K*L \vee K > L]$
@TedShifrin not in any kind of math words. you want to take everything and send it to the diffrence of its first and second cordiante
So write down the formula $T(x,y) = ...$ that says that!
I would show that the space of $(x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2$ such that $x-y=0$ is one-dimensional subspace, consider the quotient $\mathbb{R}^2/\langle(1,1)\rangle$, use rank-nullity to show that it is one-dimensional and compose the quotient map with an isomorphism $\mathbb{R}^2/\langle(1,1)\rangle \cong \mathbb{R}$ :P
@Dragneel yes
smacks @Mathei
@MatheiBoulomenos let them do it
@LeakyNun Great! Thanks :)
and it's \langle \rangle you LaTeX illiterate (just kidding)
@MatheiBoulomenos are you going to claim next that it is a one-form?
Okay, that smack was deserved
@MatheiBoulomenos give me an inverse Galois theory problem :P
@LeakyNun Show that, if the ground field is allowed to be anything, any finite group is the Galois group of some field extension
if y=x take (x,x) to 0 if y=x+1 take (x,x+1) to -1 etc?
@MatheiBoulomenos :o what
youd be at it for a long time cause there unaccountably infinite unique y
how at all
i dunno i really dont understand this crap O.o
no, I was talking to Mathei.
I'll give you a lemma, with which you may not be familiar with: If $K$ is any field and $G$ is a finite group of automorphisms of $K$, then $K/K^G$ is Galois with Galois group $G$
this is due to Artin iirc
@Faust: This is nuts. You told me in words to take the difference of the first and second coordinate. You can't write the formula?
@MatheiBoulomenos that's just the Galois correspondence innit
@Ted is getting fed up woo
@TedShifrin but it says you want to take it to 0
that only works when y=x
What's the damn formula?
@LeakyNun not quite. It's used in the modern proofs of the Galois correspondence, but it's an imporant lemma in itself
I need $x$ and $y$.
Write down what you said when you said "take the difference of the first and second coordinate."
@MatheiBoulomenos but I can't just adjoin any element ;_;
I think with that lemma you can do it
say what
@TedShifrin x=y?
wait, I misread the lemma the first time
err y=x*
Where is the difference of the coordinates?
@MatheiBoulomenos so you need to construct $K$ first lol
like x-y =0 ?
@LeakyNun right
like x-y = a
Sigh. $T(x,y)=x-y$. Then $T(x,y)=0 \iff x-y=0$.
@MatheiBoulomenos is it completely arbitrary or based on pre-existing fields?
Now go off in a quiet corner and write down $\phi$ in the obvious, correct way.
@LeakyNun I guess you need to know that some field exists
@MatheiBoulomenos I only know the obvious fields that everyone knows lol
@LeakyNun I meant "any" field
finite fields, rational, extended rational, algebraic completion of rational, rational rational functions, real, complex
you can take any field and start from there
and I don't know how to construct "any" field in general, unlike groups
you just let letters in groups
e a b c whatever
I meant an arbitrary field
I can assure you, you know enough fields to solve this problem
every finite field is contained in $S_n$ (Cayley)
@TedShifrin i finally understand what the hell that says your talking about the kernel of T(x,y) you know you want it to be 0 so you want T(x,y) to be defined in such a way so that T(x,y)=0 iff x-y=0
I guess you mean finite group
@MatheiBoulomenos yes
Cayley's theorem is the right approach
so in my original thing i want $\phi (i,j,k) = (i+2j,3i-k) $
Yup. Finally! ... Now you can apply the Fundamental Homomorphism Theorem provided you check that $\phi$ is what?
subjective homomorphism
@Faust be objective
I think we can show that it is a homomorphisms objectively
@MatheiBoulomenos and Aut(Z2^n) = S_(2^n-1) right
not sure if this helps
that doesn't really help
Z2^n is not a field
the homomorphism part isn't bad the surjective part will take me a minute
@MatheiBoulomenos any hint?
Suppose you have a field $k$. Do you know some way to make it bigger?
@TedShifrin anyway thank you very much i have been staring at that for like an hour before i asked you.
@MatheiBoulomenos adjoin elements lol
Right. You do need to check surjective. So remember that all you have to do is find something that hits an arbitrary element. You don't have to necessarily find everything.
@Faust: I hope you learned a lesson here. Go back to basics!!
@LeakyNun Right, but what kind of elements can you adjoin if you know nothing about the field?
@MatheiBoulomenos a transcendental element
that doesn't make $S_n$ embed in the automorphism...
Well, one transcendental element doesn't
you win
you can't distinguish between the transcendental elements.
@TedShifrin i think the problem was that i didnt really understand what was being said exactly and my book only has exercises not examples =\
Sure you can, just give them different names
@MatheiBoulomenos I mean
if you have n transcendental elements, you can't distinguish them, so the Aut group is S_n
I mean, disregarding the PGL thing
the Automorphism group is certainly not S_n
I mean, S_n is a subgroup of the Aut group
right, that's the important part
@Faust: Don't forget to study your lecture notes and make sure you understand them.
an explicit construction would have $\Bbb Q(e,e^e,e^{e^e},\cdots)$ (Lindemann-Weierstrass)
I'm glad Leaky and Mathei have become algebra friends. I can escape :)
@TedShifrin we're still doing Galois theory :)
@TedShifrin my lecture notes are so messy that i cant read them i think ima have to borrow notes from someone going forward cause he does a buncha the excerises in class
well, you don't need to be so explicit, just take $F(X_1,X_2, \dots ,X_n)$, where $X_i$ are trancentendal by fiat
@MatheiBoulomenos I want to be explicit

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