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I meant det != 0...
well i was looking at the n = 2 case.... where we have: $q_1(a,b) + q_2(a',b') = (0,0)$
if we had LD, we can assume wlog $q_2 \neq 0$
$q_i\in\mathbb R$?
so $(q_1/q_2)a + a' = 0$, for example
test: $\Bbb R$ $\mathbb R$
Hey guys
@DavidWheeler Yes, but what now?
Hello Benjamin : )
Hi, Ben.
Did you solve that algebra question?
so $q_1/q_2$ is rational, right?
@BenjaminLim What are the remaining questions you need to have answered?
Sorry for not being of much help.
Yes, right.
Q: Exercise on separable polynomials over fields of prime characteristic

Benjamin LimHaving learned about separable polynomials today in class, I tried to do the following exercise concerning separable polynomials, namely: Suppose $f$ is the minimal polynomial of $a$ over a field $F$ of prime characteristic. Let $K = F[a]$. Then $f$ is separable iff $F[a^p] = K$. Now one di...

Oh. I was talking about $\Bbb Z_4 [x] / (x^1 + 1)$
so we multiply through by $1/q_2$, and we've reduced it to LI over Q
Anyone please help
@MattN That is not a field. $(x^2 + 1) \subset ( 2,x+1)$ that is not the whole ring
now, i could be wrong, but i think we can use induction on n, now
@DavidWheeler But this we can do anyway. What we want to do is reduce all the way to LI over $\mathbb Z$
@BenjaminLim Awesome. Great that you solved it : )
but we already showed LI over Z = LI over Q
actually zhen lin was the one that provided that answer
@DavidWheeler Yeah, but my question is how to avoid going through Q.
With Q, we can do what anon said.
@ymar Can you help with the question I posted above?
well, i think you're going to run into Q anyways...because the integer coefficients might not have any common factors
Can't you use Smith Normal Form ?
@BenjaminLim Not immediately. I'll have to think about it.
@ymar It's not attracting a lot of views too
to go a bit further, if $q_1/q_2$ is rational, then for some INTEGER k, $kq_1/q_2$ is an integer as well.
@tb How can I use it? I think the problem comes down to proving that if the Grammian is 0, then the vectors are linearly dependent.
@BenjaminLim I'll see what I can do. It's a nice question.
zhen lin was telling me yesterday about showing that the if $g$ is the minimal polynomial of $a^p$ over $F$.
so instead of multiplying through by $1/q_2$, we can multiply through by $k/q_2$ obtaining LI in Z.
Then $g(x^p) = f(x)^{n}$ where $n$ is some positive integer greater than 1. $f$ is the minimal polynomial of $a$ over $F$.
@ymar you can assume right from the start that your vectors are multiples of the standard generators for which both the implications seem obvious. If they are linearly (in)dependent over $\mathbb{Z}$ then they are linearly (in)dependent over $\mathbb{Q}$.
@DavidWheeler Well, yes but you're still mentioning Q,
@tb Standard generators being vectors with coprime coordinates?
@tb You guys are talking about modules over PIDs?
Yup, free, finite-dimensional modules over $\mathbb Z$ to be exact.
Sigh, I hope I can join in.....
i don't see the problem with invoking Q. it's like factoring over Z[x], by passing to Q[x].
but unfortunately now I have to revise set theory
I have an analysis mid term on tuesday
@DavidWheeler It's not a big problem. I would just like to know if it can be done. I think it would be nice.
@tb I don't understand why I can assume that $v_i$ are multiples of those!
@DavidWheeler I agree. You can resolve many questions on integral domains by passing to the field of fractions.
because they generate $\Bbb{Z}^n$
@ymar That's what the Smith normal form tells you: let $A$ be the matrix having the vectors you're interested in as entries. Smith's algorithm gives you invertible $S$ and $T$ such that $SAT$ is diagonal.
bye guys
bye ben
(a,b,c...) = a(1,0,0,...) + b(0,1,0,...) + c(0,0,1,...) and so forth
@tb And multplying a matrix by an invertible matrix doesn't change linear (in)dependence of the columns, yes?
$\Bbb{Z}^n$ is "nice" it has a basis
@ymar exactly. That's what invertibility of $S$ and $T$ gives you.
@DavidWheeler Yes, but this is not enough. t.b. wasn't talking about linear combinations but multiples.
@tb Yes, I can see it now.
Thank you very much!
i understand that, but we can "re-arrange things" until we get multiples
@DavidWheeler But the existence of the basis is far from enough for this...
to go back to my toy example: suppose we started with (a,b) and (a',b') so a typical linear combination is r(a,b) + s(a',b')
we'll just assume Z-linear for now
that's the same as saying (ra+sa')(1,0) + (rb+sb')(0,1) = (0,0)
ra+sa' and rb+sb' are still integers, we've just "shuffled things around"
so i don't see how we lose anything by just considering the standard generators
Yes, they are but I don't get the point.
Heh. You guys are very serious.
Of course every vector in $\mathbb Z^n$ is a combination of $e_i$
It's 1 am and you're still talking about maths : )
You've definitely not had enough to drink.
@MattN I haven't. :(
@ymar Then you know what to do : )
i'm saying a linear combination of arbitrary vectors can be considered as a (different) linear combination of the $e_i$ so we may as well consider those from the get-go
Prove: If $\rm X=SAT$ with $\rm S,T$ invertible, then $\rm \exists v: Xv=0 \iff \exists w:Aw=0$. Use smith normal form and invoke this equivalence - this is the approach t.b. suggested. What's not to like about this?
@anon I like it very much.
This is why you can go from arbitrary vectors to basis vectors.
A is diagonal right?
It doesn't have to be for the immediate equivalence to be proven, but it does have to be in order to finish the proof at hand.
in smith normal form, though
Back from the slow coffee workshop :-).
@JonasTeuwen Heh! So you've been making coffee until now?
@DavidWheeler Yes, and this is what t.b. said. He didn't say linear combinations of $e_i$ but multiples.
Well, no until 22h30 :-).
Just took me a while to get home.
since S,T are invertible, they can't take non-zero vectors to a zero one...seems clear to me
@JonasTeuwen What have you learned? : )
Great, so $\mathbb Q$ is indeed unnecessary here.
Nothing. Was just fun :-).
@DavidWheeler Seems he got an answer to his question already, why are you still trying to help? I'd thank you for all the lines you typed in LaTeX.
@Gigili...we're just talking. i daresay he's helping me as much as the other way 'round.
Right, that wasn't very courteous of me not to thank everybody,
Thanks, anon, David and t.b. :)
@DavidWheeler Aha, sorry then.
@ymar @tb @anon no, thank YOU. it's a pleasure to see how you people think.
Gigili, see what you've done? Now everybody's acting weird.
let's cool it :) The room had enough drama for a week...
My salary will probably be "frozen" 8-(.
What? Why?
@JonasTeuwen that could be good.
Did you not produce enough theorems this month? : D
@ymar Umm, I was wondering what he's doing when your problem's solved.
@robjohn Yeah, it might prevent him from buying Port Ellen.
@MattN could keep it from going down
@robjohn I would get a 12% increase!
@tb Well, I think there was a misunderstanding somewhere.
there was drama and i missed it? fastnabberglab!
@MattN No, budget cuts.
@tb yeah, for once we're mod free ;-)
@DavidWheeler I seem to have missed it too!
@JonasTeuwen Oh noes. I didn't realise we're still in a recession.
@JonasTeuwen oh, then that is not good.
@DavidWheeler Drama as in they kicked someone out.
@Gigili who? what? where? when?
Err, was Rob kicked out while I wasn't paying attention?
@anon he was suspended for an hour if I understand
@DavidWheeler Follow the starred message over there ----->
the artist formerly known as Skullpatrol?
@DavidWheeler that'd be he
I think he has two accounts as Rob, doesn't he?
I seem to remember two avatars in a short period of time.
@ymar he changed the other to Skullpatrol then deleted it
He still has the chat Skullpatrol, but the main site Skullpatrol is gone
I may be wrong about the chat Skullpatrol
It's Rob on his chat profile, last time I checked today
I can't believe someone saying I would like him not being around about someone, they really need to feel confident which I do not.
This topic has been talked to death /me thinks.
Actually, I don't want the one who said it around here but I never said it.
@MattN I don't care what you think, I needed to say it.
i am bored with it already. let's talk more about me.
@MattN Here a picture: yfrog.com/z/oc51811027j
@DavidWheeler Okay. Let's talk about your sexual preferences.
Or rather, let's not.
@JonasTeuwen Looks like fun! : )
i was "this close" to complying, too
I call for a caption contest.
I think I should log out. Drink makes me too honest.
@MattN No problem!
really, you wouldn't want to hear about my sexual preferences. i'm boring.
I'm already too honest without drink.
@DavidWheeler Yet, you are still talking about it. :-)
@anon What's a caption contest?
@ymar Thanks for the topic change.
@ymar ouch. sir, you slay me.
@ymar: People try to caption a picture the funniest way possible.
@anon don't think so. He jumped out of the room at the exact moment I entered a few hours ago.
The pictures in my head are too vivid. I wouldn't want to see any of it in most cases.
okay, so it is the same account but a new account on the main site.
@DavidWheeler Actually, I would like to talk about that, but I guess it can't be done here.
@tb Looks like he hates you : )
Hate is not good. Let's have a beer together.
I've already had a bottle of fizzy wine on my own.
I think that's it for me today.
@anon Then I'll be happy to watch the contest.
@MattN As long as you can still make coherent sounding sentences, there is no problem.
Seeing as I want to have another productive day tomorrow.
@JonasTeuwen I'm impressed with myself in fact. : )
You could try coffee and whisky and see which one wins.
Well, maybe make that beer...
Since when can't you order the starred list chronologically? What is the order now anyway? Is it the last time a star was added?
I didn't know you could.
I can't believe that I am ahead of Robert Israel on votes for a question.
wonders never cease
@JonasTeuwen No. I think it's just right for me : )
@MattN why do you want to have one of those?
Ping! Food!
@robjohn Because I like them.
@robjohn His condensed posts are often quite hard to parse... Not in this case, where I hold the picture responsible :)
And they're scarce.
@tb I think pictures really help to draw in the votes. They definitely draw attention
@JonasTeuwen Is there a problem beyond that point?
@tb and hopefully they make the point clearer
I never have any problems.
I am not that keen on pictures at all. I like well written text. But I did give you two plus ones today for two of your answers : )
You don't like my picture? 8-(.
*) in answers to my questions
: )
@robjohn a picture is worth two R.I. lines?
Oh. It's late.
I got up twelve ours ago. No chance for a sleep now. I'll go get myself a beer -- see you!
See you ymar
@ymar Enjoy!
@tb could be :-)
@ymar later
@robjohn What's R.I.?
@MattN Robert Israel
@MattN Or perhaps it was a reference to a couple of Rhode Island rail lines...
back to trains?
@robjohn Probably the latter...
@MattN no.
no, he only builds railroad tracks all around the globe. Preferably on Sunday nights, as far as I know.
@MattN I used to count train cars with my son when he was younger.
@tb Yes, monopolizing the world through crayons!
well well.
Before I end up typing into the wrong window: night folks. : )
good night
But it makes me wonder what masochistic TA asks his students to hand in homework in TeX. I always asked the students to please, please not do it.
Why not?
Err, are you talking about raw latex markup? Do people actually hand that in?
Because they were even more incapable of typesetting than of getting an argument straight. Focusing on the LaTeX bit distracted attention from the more important part. Both in the write-up as well as in the grading.
I see, I hadn't thought of that.
A novice was trying to fix a broken Lisp machine by turning the power off and on. Knight, seeing what the student was doing, spoke sternly: "You cannot fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no understanding of what is going wrong." Knight turned the machine off and on. The machine worked.
eh, it was funnier here
Re: your comment on the Kleiman reference request: I think the reason simply is that G.'s articles rely on the others, so they had to include them to make the articles comprehensible.
I see someone asked about the same article I did...
yeah and went through the same disappointment...
I found a different article by Kleiman which had what I wanted though, so that was OK.
Is it wrong to answer a L'Hopital question without using L'Hopital? :-)

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