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Can any one delete comments on a post?
Yes, moderators can delete anything.
The poster of the comments can also delete his own comments.
You can also edit your own comments within a short period of time only.
I am not referring to your meta posts, but the votes on this site are not meant to make much sense in general.
You also don't need to care too much about what others say about you here.
So don't be too upset about the reception of your meta posts, that's all I wanna say @aminliverpool
My last five comments on a post have been deleted. How can I complain about it?
Which comments on what post?
On this post:
Q: How can we create a free university within MSE?

aminliverpoolI have a new idea. Let us construct a university in MSE. Like other universities it would have classes (MSE chat rooms), staffs (professors, directors, president, ...), research groups and etc. We would also have Bachelor and PhD programs in it and give graduated students Bachelor and PhD degree...

Maybe someone flagged them as inappropriate?
How can I complain about it?
You can raise the issue once again on meta, stating exactly which comments were deleted, and asking why, if you feel they were not inappropriate.
And I really think this is a bad idea, the free university within MSE.
those downvotes though...ouch
Sure, you can have free universities in the world, which is already in several parts of the world, just a small fee in some countries, but not in MSE, because like I said MSE is nothing but a simple question and answer site, and the chat, of course.
It's not a novel idea that is scorned by people in this case, to me. It's just something that cannot work, something that is suggested on the wrong platform. Sure build free universities, but not on MSE, full stop.
What if the moderators themselves behave unfairly? How can I complain of them?
I have already told you to raise a meta post @aminliverpool.
And really it is a small thing for people to behave unfairly, not that this is the case or not, but it happens almost every day in real life!
This is an unfair world where there is unfair treatment everywhere anyway!
It is so in real life, and it is so online.
All you have to ask yourself is what you wanna do about it with the time that is given to you, something Gandalf said in the Lord of the Rings.
I think we should not allow them to do whatever they want.
Hi @usukidoll I see you here after so many years, LOL. I hope you are fine!
oh thanks xD
I completed my undergraduate Math studies :p
@s.harp Can I complain of the moderators themselves there?
Moderators are people, you can ask them why they did things and the will explain it to you
taking the position that you are persecuted or unfairly treated will not get you far in life, also not here
@s.harp Though very often, one really is treated unfairly, just to add, and the people who are treated unfairly, well, they don't get very far in life anyway, but that's another issue altogether.
The following algebraic structure is inspired from a facebook bug that caused it to unable to scroll back to the previous day:
Consider the following nonassociative structure:
Let $n$ be some element
Then we have recursively $(n)+1 < (n+1)$
It should be note that $1+(n)=(1+n)=(n+1)$ as long $n > m$
Now, when $n > m$ the following will happen
while $(n)+1 < (n+1)$ even when $n > m$
$1 + (n) = (1+n)$ for all $n > m$ but $(1+n) < m$ for all $n > m$
In words, it means that you are free to scroll back to some hours ago, and this is reversible
However, at the mth hour post, the bug occured which despite you can move from the (m-1)th post to the mth post, attempt to move from the mth post back to (m-1)th will give you different posts which is always later than the (m-1)th post choronologically speaking
So at the point m, scrolling is one way, you can move from m-1 to m, but you can move indefinitely far back from m but never reach m-1
(NB the above demonstrate how I can turn a lot of rants into some legitimate discussion by making the rant concrete)
For a video game example:
Geometrically, the space modelled by the action of the above algebraic structure on some poset will look like this:
This is even worse than the endless stairs because once you decided to turn around, it will take you the distance you have tried to travel up to get back
The above can also be represented as follows, which is related to the semigroup action non hausedoff topology that Typhon first raised and is a phenomenon very common in the gaming world where surfaces are rendered only on one side
Q: I would like help identifying the rigorous classification of this 'surface' geometry based on my interpretation of 3D models.

TyphonI want to try and identify a geometric structure I thought up while doing some weird stuff with making things walk on the surface of a 3D model and trying to incorporate backface culling into the surface geometry itself. See, in computer graphics each side of a polygon or triangle are considered ...

Here, you are free to walk from the left to the right passing the red surface. However, if you walk backwards, you will be forced to walk onto the red surface, and never get back to the gray surface on the left
Antichamber and dozens of Escher type geometry games make heavy uses of this geometry to implement one-way passages
We can also take this geometry even further to implement a very scary trap:
Please see my new post:
Q: We are the 99 % , now in the MSE

aminliverpoolI have posted the following two posts in the Meta MSE: How can we create a free university within MSE? and Are downvoting and upvoting performed fairly I saw that in less than one day, they were attacked by flood of down votes. And some users with high reputations put them on hold as "off-top...

Does anyone know what Topology is about?
This topology has a very pathological fractal like property that once you are inside, you can never get out, no matter which direction you move
Suppose you are on one of the red surfaces and you decided to turn back after realising your mistake. Then sorry, you cannot since at any moment you decided to turn back, you will be sent to another surface which will take an eternity to walk through it, now you regret and decided to turn back, you are then once again sent into another surface
will I get sent from the red space to the blue space?
So the result is you can only move forward, and you will spend an eternity trapped in such complex
@usukidoll Yes, as soon you decided to turn back
so if I go forward I'll remain in the red space?
yes, but you will never escape because it extends to infinity
I know it's a never ending red surface road
so if I was on a red surface turning back then I'm stuck on a blue surface that never ends
lose-lose situation o-o
yes (and what is not shown is that the red-blue surface structure will keep on repeating down indefinitely, so for the nth surface when you decided to sent back, you will get sent to the n+1th surface)
(luckily, no games think of such scary and boring trap)
I am not sure how one will wrote this mathematically, cause being one-sided surfaces that only exists in gaming design, while it does look like train track topology, as the MSE answer have described, it is produced by a semigroup action. But I suspect if the first iteration is $S_0$, then the whole surface is described by $\bigcup_i^{\infty} S_i$
Now, for the interesting bit. Most games use a finite version of these "one way topologies" to implement things like nonlinear mazes, such that one has to take a certain sequence of directions in order to pass through them, else sent back to the start. Antichamber has one example, but so are many other games. In gaming, we build these structures by using teleportation points such that when the player chaarcter reach those points, they are being transported to a duplicated room which reflect the
set of paths that are avaiable to transverse at that point
@usukidoll It's a good idea to read Wikipedia for first overviews of a subject, including topology.
O, almost forgot, suppose your physical space in you game only consists of the gray road. That means, all your movement on the colored spaces will be projected onto the gray space, then what will be seen is as follows:

Moving forward, you will transverse the gray space in uniform steps, but once you decided to move back, you will found even though to you you are talking uniform steps near point m, to others they will see you moving slower and slower, until you are effectively staying put in one point despite they can see you actually walking
Things get even worse when you are in the blue space. Your friends will be seeing you walking but heading nowhere, because your position in the blue space will be projected to where the asymptote of the red space is, which then projects onto the gray space
But we can make the scenario less hopeless and more interesting as follows:
What if your friend decided to give you a push?
Many possible outcomes can happen depending on how this is implemented.
One possibility is that since all actions will be reflected to all the colored spaces at that point, your friend can actually push you out of being trapped in the colored spaces since the point immediately next to it as seen in the gray space has no counterpart in the colored spaces
1 hour later…
@usukidoll Topology is about dank stuff
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
$$\epsilon_{( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)}\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\omega$$
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
This has gone too far
emoticons took over
$$(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻^{(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ^{(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ^{(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ^{(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ^{\cdots}}}}}$$
btw the emoji movie sucks
there is a movie on emoji..
yeah it was released
and it was eh
not nice?
There was a movie on pixels
Both seemed terrible
I watched neither
Please see my new post:
Q: We are the 99 % , now in the MSE [not duplicate]

aminliverpoolI have posted the following two posts in the Meta MSE: How can we create a free university within MSE? and Are downvoting and upvoting performed fairly I saw that in less than one day, they were attacked by flood of down votes. And some users with high reputations put them on hold as "off-top...

come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Oh well, I am a little tired of all this ranting now.
I don't see what the problem is @aminliverpool.
What are you trying to achieve with all these posts, exactly?
good question
Prepare for chat explosion:
@usukidoll (removed), ROFLMAO
in 3
oops cuzzzz I don't wanna get #reported by an attentionnnn ..........
and it's not seeker or snitch from Harry POtter
damn it I was gonna type something but I forgot
I decided to ping you @aminliverpool because I did not want to ignore you.
Countdown terminated until further notice
now I know. Honestly making those postings at MSE will only screw your rep further and you're just wasting time and energy on petty stuff. Downvotes mean that the posts aren't that contributing and are very irrelevant as Peppa Pig
Maybe think about what you want happen on this site before posting anything again @aminliverpool.
@usukidoll I miss Peppa
Guys, look at the star wall, ROFLMAO.
We famous now
On the right, but maybe things look different if you are on mobile.
We should not be indifferent about these issues.
Yes, I starred the smilies.
it's like those annoying musical DOT ly things
@aminliverpool Indifferent about what? People come here to ask and answer questions about math, so what is the problem?
The problem is some users may ignore morality.
OMG, morality?
Now you are just making shit up.
omg call the Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhmulance
oy I just thought of something.
I think that user was the director of that sweatshirt song
@usukidoll I love Jacob Sartorius!
@aminliverpool Seriously, I think you are taking some things too seriously...
It seems playgrounds like to use polytopes for monkey climbers
They are serious.
@aminliverpool The matter is very simple. People here downvote or close posts they don't like, end of story. Not an issue of morality at all. And remember this site is for math questions primarily, not these peripheral issues that don't really matter, like how many votes a meta post receives...
ya -_-
@usukidoll I really love that kid, he is so like me when I was that age, LOL.
sometimes I get downvoted, but I just shrug it off and try to gain my rep back by posting new relevant math content with LATEX
Some users may want to impose their thoughts on others.
gawd those downvotes on you buddy
it's a sin
So In Naughty z.o.n.e
@aminliverpool They are not harming you with a click of the mouse on a post of yours on the internet.
with a click?
It was already explained that upvoting or downvoting on Meta is not about judging the quality of a post like on MSE, but about voting whether or not you agree.
@aminliverpool If they say things which are psychologically abuse, then that is a real matter, but I don't think it even remotely falls into that category.
Apparently, most people disagree with you, and you can't accept that.
Hi chat , is homeomorphism symmetric relation ?
They may want to impose their thoughts on others.
@aminliverpool Now that is a very deep sentence, and you should think more about that, and maybe you will get the answer you need...
They are not most people.
@Jacksoja As far as I know, yes.
They are a few people with high reputations.
I got that confused with homomorphism which was in abstract algebra
@aminliverpool What do you mean by imposing your thoughts on others? Ask yourself that, and maybe you will get the answer.
I looked at some really old chat that I posted back in 2013
@aminliverpool Yes, so they vote on posts and stuff like that which is how this site works, and so what? So what?
holy crap I sounded so not confident lel. Times have changed ;p
Q: Is isomorphism symmetric?

Graduate It is from Jech's "Introduction to Set Theory." I think that symmetry doesn't follow from it, it has not been mentioned that the function $f$ is $onto$ (that it covers all $Q$). If two ordered sets $(P, <)$ and $(Q, \prec)$ are isomorphic it doesn't mean that $(Q, \prec)$ and $(P, <)$ are isom...

@Jacksoja Homeomorphisms are equivalence relations
Homeomophism is an isomorphism between topological spaces, thus what holds in isomorphism also holds in homeomorphism
They do not like new ideas which may endanger their positions.
So if a topological space $X$ is homeomorphic to $Y$, then $Y$ is also homeomorphic to $X$
@Secret A graph isomorphism is different from a graph homeomorphism.
Heya! @Daminark
In particular, two graphs are homeomorphic if they have respective subdivisions that are isomorphic
@aminliverpool Yes, and so what?
Homeomorphism is when you have a graph H for example, you do subdivision on it to get G_1 and other subdivision to get G_2
G_1 and G_2 are said to be homeomorphic
But what is the relation between H and G_1 ?
We should not allow them.
Ah in that case I don't have the background to answer, steamyroot and co will take over this answering process
I don't really have a background in graph theory either :P
I only know some basic definitions
@Perturbative @SteamyRoot Please look at what wrote , I really need to understand this idea for planar graph theory
I know some deep things, and some basic things, but not stuff in between (the theorems)
maybe we should just give him a crunchyroll account -56...oops -58 in total downvotes is just nuts
Homeomorphism is when you have a graph H for example, you do subdivision on it to get G_1 and other subdivision to get G_2
G_1 and G_2 are said to be homeomorphic
But what is the relation between H and G_1 ?
@Jacksoja Whoops sorry
@Jacksoja Well, two subdivisions of the same graph are obviously homeomorphic.
@aminliverpool Why not you let them do what they want and you do what you want yourself. If you want to post on meta, go ahead, but you can't stop them from downvoting you. If you want to email SE team, go ahead, but you can't stop them from telling you your concern is no issue at all. End of story. I won't say anymore ever about this matter.
And the original graph will also be homeomorphic to any of its subdivisions
There is a theorem that sais all non-planar graphs must have a subgraph that is either homeomorphic to K_5 or K_(3,3)
I still don't know how to work with that :/
Q: We are the 99 % , now in the MSE [not duplicate]

aminliverpoolI have posted the following two posts in the Meta MSE: How can we create a free university within MSE? and Are downvoting and upvoting performed fairly I saw that in less than one day, they were attacked by flood of down votes. And some users with high reputations put them on hold as "off-top...

yesterday, by skullpatrol
I give up.
@Jacksoja Yeah, sorry, that goes beyond my knowledge I'm afraid.
@SteamyRoot Thanks for help anyway :)
I'm pretty sure that, if you make a question on MSE, someone will have the required knowledge
@TheRaidersofLasVegas LOL
@JasperLoy IKR
I will make a topic :)
@aminliverpool So basically, you dislike 1) the voting process on MSE; 2) how Meta works; 3) high-reputation and longtime users; 4) the entire moderation system.
And you come to MSE and want them to implement your idea of an open university on their website.
If you dislike so many aspects of MSE, why not start your own website for your idea?
1)downvoting process 3) not all of them 4) not all of it
liverpool: Do you wanna build a snowman?
Everyone else: NO GAWD NO NO GEEZ NO
We can change them all together.
i have this c++ code for sqrt using newt-raphson method. but i am getting WA on the online judge
is there any problem with the method or the no of iterations?
@usukidoll I prefer Jacob Sartorius to Justin Bieber. At least he is still a good boy.
what if liverpool is Justin Bieber?
Liverpool: you are wasting your and everyone else's time by pursuing this. the meta post has proven that majority of MSE users does NOT want your "novel idea" materialized - even if they have nothing constructive against your idea, they have shown their disapproval. The community thinks it's a bad idea; there's no point to arguing about the community on why and whats at this point
then england is my city
@ShankRam wait, what does your code do exactly?
@usukidoll That's not possible. I mean to say that I don't like Justin anymore.
Newton-Rhapson iterations of an already specified function on an already specified point?
@SteamyRoot it finds the sqrt
well, i took the initial value as the num/10 then did iterations with it
It seems to work on TIO
The kind of people who pursue these far-fetched ideas are named as cranks by the scientific community. The same will happen here. If you continue on this idea, the same will be said about you, at the back if not in front. You will at best be an internet meme.
well, sometimes, that is
The rational thing to do is to give up. It was an idea, you asked if it was a good idea, community says no, and you move on.
16 gave me 4.0000 but 9 gives me -nan o.O
@SteamyRoot it does, but when the number goes to say, 10^18, i dont know if it will work
@BalarkaSen I am very open to ideas, to the point where people may call me crank sometimes, but the MSE University idea is really nonsense to me, I must say.
make that num/5 instead, that should woprk
my bad
where's robjohn? Haven't seen him in a while
Oh, your code was made to only work for integers $\geq 10$ ?
@usukidoll It appears he doesn't come very often anymore.
yup. only integers
also, how many iterations in general is safe for newton-raphson when the roots are far enough
That's.... a difficult question :P
:) i knew that would be the asnwer
@usukidoll I watched all of Jacob's youtube videos for a while, but I have stopped for a while. =)
more like, can't say i guess
It's good to have an absolute bound on the number of iterations
but, you may also just want to check the difference between two subsequent interations
yes, thats a good idea
that might bring the runtime down
when dealing with large projects
thanks for the help peeps
cya :)
Q: What will be the form of the equation of a standing wave in circular form as shown below?

BlueFollowing is the image of a 3D standing electron wave in circular form. Each of its loop moves up and down (while the adjacent loop is supposed to be $\pi$ radians out of phase) i.e. out of the plane and also into the plane. I think the wave equation should be something of the form $z=\sqrt{r^2-x...

Could someone help me with this? ^
@BalarkaSen Any ideas?
@Blue cute question. i don't know off the top of my head how to write that as a level set
Np, let me know if you get it
Maybe @TedShifrin can answer it
yeah that's the person to ask
or @Semiclassical
Also cc @Semiclassical
actually, uh
I misunderstood the question. So this is a curve in $\Bbb R^3$?
which wobbles up and down along say the unit circle in the xy plane?
you can't write that as $z = f(x, y)$ then. That cuts out a surface in 3-space
Forget z=..then. Can we just write it as f(x,y,c)=0 ?
That cuts out a curve on the xy-plane. Your curve moves out of the xy-plane quite often, if I understand correctly?
@BalarkaSen Yes
So you cannot do that. However, you can parameterize it easily. $f(t) = (\cos(t), \sin(t), \sin(t))$ should work?
That should trace out one state at a fixed time of the vibrating circular string in $\Bbb R^3$
question: I have two points $A(2,1), B(1,0)$ and $f(x,y) = x^2 + y^2$, so I have $f(A)=5, f(B)=1$. Now, $f(B)-f(A)$ shoul be $-4$. But if build a segment between two points $(2,1,5)$ and $(1,0,1)$ the program tells me it should be $4.24$. Why?
Why what?
What why what?
Doesn't the absolute value of the difference of two function values equals the distance between them?
You found the distance between two points A and B. Then you choose two different points, this time in 3-space, and find the distance between them. Then you ask "why".
Don't you mention that the points are $(2,1,f(A)), (1,0,f(B))$?
what should be what?
"but if I build [..] the program tells me it should be 4.24". what is "it"?
@Kirill do you think that f(B) - f(A) should be the same as the distance between those two points?
@LucasHenrique the difference of $f(A), f(B)$
Oh. So you generalized $f(x,y)$ to $\Bbb R^n$
@anakhronizein at least I thought so. The function values are seen as points in the space, so I thought that the difference of the function values should be the distance between them. Am I wrong?
So think of $f(\mathbf{x}) = |mathbf{x}|^2$, where x is a vector
You are doing the distance in the graph.
@LucasHenrique more generally I try to interprete the MVT visually in GeoGebra, and need the difference of the function values on the left side of the equation.
@LucasHenrique and I try to understand what the difference visually should be
Distance in the graph is not the distance in the image.
f is a function from R^2 to R.
So for the first you are measuring the distance in R, but in the second you are measuring them in R^3.
Try to use that definition and you should see the difference algebraic difference of what you think and what you have in terms of functions
@LucasHenrique what is an absolute value of a vector? The sum of components? The maximum component?
Its distance to the origin.
@LucasHenrique 2-norm?
@anakhronizein what do you mean with "first" and "second"?
First --> f(B)-f(A).
Second --> distance in graph
I'm using my cellphone so I won't use beautiful LaTeX
@LucasHenrique but you wrote $f(x)=\langle x,x \rangle$, right? (lets try angles, hope this renders to you correctly)
$f(x) = |x|^2$. The line segment of two points (that can be though as vectors) is $x-y$. Therefore the square of its length is $f(x-y) \ne f(x) - f(y)$
@Kirill my cellphone doesn't render LaTeX, so I'm just reading it. :p
@LucasHenrique, oh , then \mathbb{C}^{n \times n} should be a pain to read...:)
Not at all hahahah
Looks ugly, tho
not this one for sure. But there are some things like big matrices with greek letters are subindices that I cannot read normally.
the one should be a compiler himself with a sheet of a paper then
got its, @LucasHenrique. That should be the difference in the height, sure.
Hi @Daminark
No wonder my laptop randomly shut down... pushing 350 fps on a badly optimised game >.<
the gradient for $f=x^2+y^2$ in the picture above is $(2x,2y)$. How to draw it in some point $(x,y)$? Is that a vector $(2x,2y)$ starting at the origin?

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