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i use a single t-shirt and a pair of pants for a month
Pls love yourself
Man, seriously, folding is the fucking worst. I cannot emphasize this enough
It's a sign of how long it's been since I've done a proper question on the main site that I'm impatient about this one.
It's not as bad as when you're forced to do your roommates dishes because they won't
iu dont mind dishes
I don't mind them if they're mine
ugh, dishes.
just put their dishes on the table
I'll just leave them outside their doors
Go from passive aggressiveness to straight aggressive
no that's still passive
aggressive is throwing them at them
Their doors open into the hallway so if I did this it would probably lead to broken porcelain everywhere
@EricSilva i have come to the conclusion that love is a primal and self centered concept at any level or any form. i do hate myself, passionately
@BalarkaSen primal yes, self-centered not always
maybe i shouldn't spew more golden trash at this point of the hour
It's ok to be a little self centered if it helps you take care of yourself
you are the golden trash of my heart, balarka
who took over all of your accounts
pure gold, anon
observation of a true algebraist
heeere comes johnny
hi @Daminark
I promise it wasn't me
Also how'd you know my name is Johnny? :O
Wasn't me.
@skullpatrol lies
Tell me lies.
applies to most of the convo
applies to most*
Daminark brings a new level of trash to the chat
i can't do better than him even if i try
I'm having trouble understanding why my suggested edit was rejected with the reason "This edit was intended to address the author of the post and makes no sense as an edit. It should have been written as a comment or an answer."
The answer I was editing was incomplete, and is wrong and nonfunctional in its current state without the information I added. The information was definitely not that of a comment to the author.
if an answer has a conceptual error that makes it "wrong and nonfunctional," then tell the answerer in a comment.
@Balarka now imagine going to school with him
I know right???
It's constant highest quality trash
it must be so frustrating to have a schoolmate who's better than you no matter what
at trashing
There's already a comment to that effect @anon
Honestly I might just be the form of trash itself
@anon Is there a reason that it shouldn't be simply added in an edit? I don't know that the author will return and make the edit since it was answered in 2013.
then no.
The platonic ideal @Daminark
"Trash talk" is usually constructivist.
I really like the Platonic solids.
@Daminark I asked today about the papers we have to write at the end of bootcamp stuff and André's postdoc was just like "tbh you can probably just do whatever you want"
@Eric if a sequence of curves divides the area of a closed surface in two, their limit will as well, yeah?
Also kek
What do you mean divided in 2
Like half?
Connected, closed curve btw
@Keavon Edits should always strive to uphold the "intentions of the author". It's mostly etiquette, but the general rule of thumb is: correcting typos/mathjax you can do right away, but adding anything that "changes the math" is a no-no.
so you know the curves are converging to some definite limit curve in some sense
So the real point is that there's a lower bound on the length of closed curves that can do this
this is the shape of the drum talk isn't it
@Keavon I know it's annoying to leave a faulty/incomplete answer, but that's just how it is I'm afraid. If it's any consolation, most users also read the comments when figuring out an answer. And finally, you can check the profile of the author and see that he was "last seen 1 hour ago" - so there's a good chance he'll reply if you comment! :)
Nope, the talk on closed geodesics and minimal surfaces
oh huh
ooh, shape of a drum
my office buddy does research on that
We also had the shape of a drum talk which was nifty
Ah yeah I've seen this
I gtg kitchen on fire
If I were you, I'd just run and not notify us that the kitchen is on fire first :P
some people just want to watch the kitchen burn
I sure do, except if it's my kitchen.
Though I'm prob gonna focus more for now on the homology stuff, I'll still need to think about that talk carefully
@Daminark Compute $\pi_{368}(S^{78})$
It's 4
well, 42, but yeah
what am i doing with my lif
i should be asleep
Actually it's 7
@BalarkaSen If you really want to feel like you're wasting your life, go 100% cookie clicker or so
Also, two questions
fun fact: there is a left order on $\widetilde{SL_2 \Bbb R}$
meaning a total order so that $A < B$ implies $MA < MB$ for any other element $M$
1) Is there some reason why we think that separation of variables should work?
to figure out $\pi_{368} S^{78}$? yeah, it follows from the bousfield-kan spectral sequence
so whats the answer
@MikeMiller This is interesting.
2) Similarly, why do we have all these weirdly specific dimension-dependent results?
Bonus question 3) Why is the Laplacian important?
I can go for 3. Laplacian = 0 means harmonic
in 2 dimension those are precisely real part of complex functions
Do people not care about them in higher dimensions?
for higher dimensions you do still retain (IIRC) the various nice properties, like maximum principle, mean value property etc
yes they do
harmonic functions are a natural object of study
I have the notebook from the workshop beside me, let me quote you a big theorem
Well I mean so, I imagine that there's just stuff to be analyzed about the heat/wave equations, but those seem very specific
Oh nifty
Big theorem: If M, N are compact Riemannian manifolds and N is negatively curved
Then any $C^\infty$ map $f : M \to N$ is homotopic to a harmonic map
Well, I didn't define a harmonic map to you.
But it's an energy-minimizer IIRC. similar ideas playing around
@BalarkaSen Wow, really? $M$ whatever
How unique is the harmonic map in the htpy class?
Yeah apparently. Let's see if I have references
I won't read them.
I just wanted to know.
Me too. :D
I want to know if I wrote correctly.
Eells-Sampson. Let's see...
Yup, that's it
nonpositively curved suffices btw
For genus >= 2 Riemann surfaces/negatively curved Riemannian surfaces (same objects) it's true that if $f$ is a diffeo I can give you a harmonic diffeo in the homotopy class
Sorta like a homotopy version of Hodge theorem, all this.
What's npc? The codomain?
@Adeek Congrats
I mostly care about $M = S^1$
The codomain, yeah
@Daminark They are not very specific. The heat equation is the canonical example of a parabolic equation (for which there exists a general theory but often you need to work out the detailed analysis of specific cases). The wave equation, the same for dispersive.
is there any admin or moderator around?
I guess it's hyperbolic, not dispersive. I don't know anything about dispersive PDE but it's all people do at UCLA.
I am not sure how to report this, or if I should (is the behavior mentioned below a violation of the rules?). Basically, an user downvoted an answer of mine because they had misunderstood the question. Since they couldn't apparently undo their downvote, to make up for it (I guess?) they have been through many of my older answers to different questions, and upvoted them.
@MikeMiller What makes them canonical?
People were doing them in like the 1800s.
They actually describe things in the world.
You can solve them (or at least they could).
@Daminark SemiC can tell you why the Laplace equation is relevant to physics
Solution to specific Laplace equation with specific boundary values give rise to potentials of various electrostatic systems
so there's that
Sounds dumb. Solution to the Laplace eqn with specific boundary values are heat distributions on a disc / manifold that are stable over time :P
What does stable over time mean?
Doesn't change when left alone to do its own thing.
if I understand correctly, that should be what it is. Potentials (in electrostatics) don't change over time
The setup I have is M is a manifold with boundary, and I have a machine making sure that the boundary always has heat function $f(x)$. And then I let... the temperatures move around, like they want to.
Harmonic fcts are the ones that don't move.
After all the heat eqn is $\partial_t f = - \Delta f$.
The easiest example to think about is where the function is on $[0,1]$
$f_t(x,t) = f_{xx}(x,t)$, $f(0,t) = 0, f(1,t) = 1$, say.
See how things evolve.
(Pick a Fourier expansion of $f$ on the interval and plug it into the eqn, where the coefficients are functions of t)
@MikeMiller Ah, OK
Heya Nate!
Heya guys!
@ClementC. As far as I know you can always undo a downvote.
I am not having a very good week, I will tell you all that much. :)
Oh oh @Dodsy
Basically I was offered admission with no conditions and decided not to finish chemistry or english, and had an 82.5% average. I got a call a couple days ago from the person in charge who said I was supposed to have conditions and that I must have an 84% average, and that I need to get my courses done by the 15th.
@MikeM @Balarka @PVAL Here is a question for you all.
so, I might not even be going to school next year.
even though I already own an appartment.
I suppose you don't have the (original) terms in writing? This is risky stuff.
The way I think about harmonic functions is that if I have an isolated charge and I draw a sphere around it, then by Gauss' lemma $\text{div} E = \rho/\epsilon_0$ where $\rho$ is the volumetric density, which is 0. So $\text{div} E = 0$. As $E = -\text{grad} V$, that says $V$ is harmonic.
I do indeed.
but whenever I push on this lady she just pushes right back.
Then they need to stand behind that or at least make some compromise. Someone screwed up, but it's not your fault.
I would say jump in there now and do your absolute best to get to the 84% mark.
Don't shrug it off.
yeah that's my plan
OK, go for it, man.
I' hoping to meet that 84% but if I don't I'll definitely be causing a stink.
But the head of admissions needs to know that they're messing up.
Document everything in writing.
For sure.
I've been in a similar position with people saying that the transfer credit website said we'd give them credit for such and such a math course. I had to remind them that the website has a disclaimer on it and that ultimately I was the one responsible for such decisions, but the website with inaccurate info. But it still made for very unhappy people.
@TedShifrin Tell them to look at Wall's old work.
Hi DogAteMy
LOL, not for me to say. I don't think about this stuff.
I have forgotten electrostatics
Are you still across the non-existent wall?
All the electrostatics you knew you've forgotten? Sounds like you need a meme.
Where's @Hippa when we need him?
I left a comment.
are these waves or glitches?
I dunno.
I certainly don't see wave motion in a particular direction. They're sort of chaotic waves. Does that make them glitches?
I think he's trying to make Brownian motion.
Things seem to cluster slightly more to the right and bottom.
Well, the latter seems right.
The thing is, that I thought she'd cave after I sent this email:

Hello Tamarra,

I appreciated our conversation today, and will do my best to complete and send my final HS transcript by the date we decided upon. However, I did want to emphasize that I was not aware of these conditions as it was not outlined in my offer of admission. My offer of admission stated that the basis for my admission was my 2013 high school transcript, and I felt that anything I completed would only serve to act as a prerequisite to further learning.
edit my full name out of there real quick
The letter of offer should be the definitive statement. However, if there's any ambiguity in that, ...
here's my letter of admission
and she has admitted that it was a mistake on their end.
sorry, I know I seem to always complain here.
Well, I have no definitive word on such things, but I think that she doesn't get to admit it was a mistake. They have to stand by it. Some Dean of Admissions needs to rule on this.
I agree. So best idea is to give this test a shot, if I fall short then go a little deeper down the rabbit hole?
Regardless, you should do your best to get it finished, but since they messed up they should make time allowances at this point. Stop wasting time and get work done.
good point.
thanks Ted.
There usually are appeals processes, and especially if you have her admission that they messed up, some sort of official appeal should be granted.
Hey @Ted!
Sorry @Dodsy, good luck!
Heya @Daminark and @TedShifrin and @Dodsy LOL
Hey @Jasper!
I don't understand how Balarka can wear the same thing for a month, lol. I was reading the transcript.
I think maybe I tried it for three days at most long ago.
i lead a minimalist life
Oh I am trying to be vegetarian now @BalarkaSen.
I do want to buy a big commie Russian coat at some point
@TedShifrin How about now?
I dunno if it was for a month but I spent quite some time in life where I never woke up in time to change so I'd go to school in pajamas
@BalarkaSen Vodka for you, comr... Wait buying? KAPITALIST PIGDOG
Does anyone know of any links concerning the series $\displaystyle\sum_{k=2}^\infty(-1)^k \frac{\lfloor\log_2(k)\rfloor}k$? I tried to ask Approach0 but came up with nothing
And what the heck are you guys up to? O.o
@Daminark No need to be afraid, komrad. I would merely lend it, and send the owner to GULAG
I am going to sleep, see you all in my dreams.
I was worried that komrad Balarka Sensky bekom kapitalist pigdog
Just don't go full gopnik
@Daminark Have faith in the RED FLAG
Hmm, trying to find a "simple" expression for the positive real solution of $7x^6-56x^4+112x^2-64=0$
The smallest garbage I can get from Mathematica is
$$-(-1)^{3/4} \sqrt{\frac{56 i \sqrt[3]{13+3 i \sqrt{3}}+\sqrt[3]{14} \left(\sqrt[3]{14} \left(13+3 i \sqrt{3}\right)^{2/3} \left(\sqrt{3}-i\right)-14 \left(\sqrt{3}+i\right)\right)}{21 \sqrt[3]{13+3 i \sqrt{3}}}}$$
I somehow suspect this is the best it will get
has faith
Hey @PVAL!
Apparently, it's also equal to $\frac{2 \sqrt[14]{-1}}{1+\sqrt[7]{-1}}$
Hey @Dami
The problem is, I don't really trust radicals with $-1$ in them
How's it going?
I just got like a $300 book recalled from the library, and I couldn't find it.
but I found it so all is well.
Oh that's good, lol those recalls are sp00ky
I'm pretty certain it was from my advisor
whose putting it on reserve for a class.
Which is it?
@LegionMammal978 lol
Ozbagci-Stipsicz "Contact Surgery on 3-manifolds and Stein surfaces"
@LegionMammal978 Mathematica likes to use those to represent roots of unity
Shouldn't be too hard to simplify that and end up as a real number
@Legion What happens when you substitute y=x^2.
and at the end just take the square root of the postiive real root.
@LegionMammal978 $2\cos(\pi/14) / (1+\cos(\pi/7))$
or, in fact, just $\sec(\pi/14)$
Surprisingly "clean" solution o.O
@SteamyRoot Darn it, I was just about to suggest a solution with trig functions...
Now plug it into the original thing and see if it checks out
It does.
I'm betting $\sec(n\pi/14)$ will work for $n$ less than and coprime to $14$, actually
Actually, it's not that surprising it's a clean solution, since that polynomial only had even powers... heh
That gives us six roots, and it's a six-degree equation
So hopefully that's all of them
Those are all solutions, yes.
@AkivaWeinberger xD That was fast

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