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Spoiler alert: $df$ is the Jacobian :^)
For $\Omega \in \mathbb{R}^n, f: \Omega \to \mathbb{R}^m, x \in \Omega$. We say $f$ is differentiable in $x$, if there exists a linear map $T: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^m$ with $$\lim_{h \to 0, h \ne 0} \frac{\Vert f(x+h) - f(x) - T(h)\Vert}{\Vert h\Vert} = 0.$$
"Quotient of norms"
$T$ is called the total derivative of $f$ in $x$.
So, $T=df_a$?
$T \sim df_a$?
That's completely equivalent since the norm is continuous
$T = df_a$
...$=\Delta x \frac{\mathrm{d}f}{\mathrm{d}\text{something}}$?
so, in other words, $f$ is differentiable if you can approximate it with some lines?
What ?
if differential is linear part of $\Delta f(x)$, then it is a gradient times $\Delta x$, isnt it?
or perhaps a Jacobian matrix times $\Delta x$.
Ugh, perhaps, but that's kinda doing things backwards
@Astyx ok, perfect. So I rarely understand these definitions, especially the one with the differential, as I have solved 0 exercises using it.
Why these two are similar? They look pretty different.
I was looking at this post of yours.
I think you can also interpret you claim combinatorially. If $\lambda$ is a partition, write $e_\lambda = e_{\lambda_1}e_{\lambda_2}\cdots$ where $e_r$ is the elementary symmetric polynomial on the variables $x_i$ (be there infinitely many or not).
It is known that if $\lambda'$ denotes the conjugate permutation to $\lambda$, then
$$ e_{\lambda'} = m_\lambda + \sum_{\mu<\lambda} a_{\lambda\mu}m_\mu$$
where $m_{\lambda}$ is the symmetric polynomial obtained as the sum of permutations of $x^\lambda$. Because the $m_\lambda$ are obviously a basis for the symmetric polynomials, the formula above shows the same is true for the $e_\lambda$.
Which definition are you talking about ? @Kirill
This you can read in MacDonald's book on Symmetric Functions.
On the other hand, if $\sigma$ is a permutation written in one line notation, let $a_i$ be the number of entries $j$ to the left of $i$ such that $j>i$. The tuple $(a_1,a_2,\ldots)$ built in this way, which satisfies $a_i\leqslant n-i$ for each $i$, is called the inversion table of $\sigma$ and it is known this assignment is a bijection between permutations and inversion tables.
What you are looking then is at monomials indexed by inversion tables.
I would guess someone who knows more about this than me (anyone, basically) can join the dots and give a nice combinatorial explanation of why that indexed basis by inversion tables (=permutations) is a basis of Z[polinomials] over Z[symmetric polinomials]
I hadn't heard of inversion tables
I'll have to think about that some time
Welcome back Pedro.
I will think about it, @anon, but I confess I am busy.
@skullpatrol But I never left. ;)
@Astyx lets take this one again.
why is $r$ defined this way?
you said you understand this
What do you mean by why ?
Do you agree with the proof ?
@Astyx let me hyperbolize. Why $r(h)$ is not $\sqrt{2}$?
Because then the inequalities wouldn't be true
@Astyx no, I am not. The proof is a manipulation for me at the moment. I understand only the triangle unequailty there.
Don't you agree with the first equality ?
if you define $r(h)$ as such, then the equality is true, so the triangle unequality is also true.
I still do not see, why we need $r(h)$, what is $r(h)$ among that that that is a "remainder" of some approximation. I thought we want to show that $f$ is continuous and not approximate something.
Once you have the triangle inequality, do you understand why there exists $C$ such that $\Vert T(h)\Vert \le C\Vert h\Vert$ ?
I have 4 versions: 1) somehow $T$ is bounded as linear functions seem to be continuous. 2) T(h)=O(h). 3) Something about the Lipschitz-continuity, as $T$ seems to be Lipschitz continous. 4) something else?
$T$ is Lipschitz indeed
That implies that $C$ is a constant that is independent from $h$, so from $x$, right?
Only $h$ here
But that's sufficient
@Kirill What is your problem?
Since you need to prove continuity for a fixed $x$
@PedroTamaroff mathematics
Yes, that I can figure out.
@PedroTamaroff or, more precisly, some steps in the proof above.
Mathematics is not the problem, it's the solution
I cannot read German, though. What do you want to show?
That a differentiable function is continuous
Unless I'm mistaken
OK. I can help you with that.
@PedroTamaroff or, more precisly, what is $r(h)$ among that tha that is a remainder of some approximation that I do not see. Why do we need it? Why we define $r(h)$ that way besides that we do tricks in order to get the right unequality?
So $f$ is a function from Euclidean spaces, and let us assume it is differentiable at $x_0$.
I mean there should be a logic of what we doing. I do not see any in the proof.
@PedroTamaroff agree.
This means there is $T =Df(x_0)$ that satisfies what you wrote above, namely that the difference $r(h) = f(x_0+h) - f(x_0) - T(h)$ satisfies that $\|r(h)\|/\|h\|$ goes to zero as $h\to 0$ right?
$f(x)$ is a $0$th order approximation of $f(x+h)$ (it is constant with respect to $h$)
$f(x)+Th$ is a $1$st order approximation of $f(x+h)$ (where the matrix $T$ depends on $x$)
$r$ is the difference between this approximation and $f(x+h)$
You are approximating as best as possible $f$ with an affine map $f(a) + T$
@PedroTamaroff yesno, there exists a linear map. Namely that the difference... I do not understand.
Well, the definition of differentiability at a point is...?
$r$ is the remainder of that approximation, ie the difference between the actual function and the approximation
...that $\|f(x_0+h) - f(x_0) - T(h)\| /\| h\|\to 0$ as $h\to 0$.
@PedroTamaroff "there exists a linear map, so that the limit of the quotient of some terms is 0". I do not understand the numerator.
Consider the 1-dimensional case.
A linear transformation is multiplication by a scalar $T(h) = \lambda h$.
$r(h) = o(\Vert h \Vert)$ means that $r$ is small enough around $0$
ie that the approximation is good enough around $a$
@anon $r$ is a function that shows the difference?
Then quotient is $\frac{|f(x+h) - f(x) -\lambda h|}{|h|} = \left| \dfrac{f(x+h)-f(x)}h - \lambda\right|$
$r$ is the difference : $r(h) = f(x+h) - (f(x) + T(h))$
"Hey, I wonder how closely this affine map $f(x)+Th$ approximates $f(x+h)$? Well, let's call the difference $r$ and see..."
@Kirill Now convince yourself $\lambda = f'(x)$ in this case.
Right, I'll leave you to it then :)
The multidimensional case generalizes this: you want a linear map that makes $f(x+h)-f(x)-T(h)$ go to zero faster than $|h|$ as $h\to 0$.
@PedroTamaroff why do I want to? :)
"you want to define a derivative as"
@PedroTamaroff, why are you sure in the first case, that the $T$ you look for, is $T(h)=\lambda h$ and not $\lambda h + $some constant? Why did you mention a linear transformation?
oh man, RobertIsrael's comment here: math.stackexchange.com/q/2380498/137524
Also, I just tried a Mathematic calculation on a campus desktop, one which gave my laptop a heart attack
And it seems to give the campus computer a nervous breakdown as well :)
(It's trying to find, by brute force, the longest simple path on a 30-node graph with lots of cycles )
@anon why do you multiply $T$ with $h$ in the first order of approximation? Are you multiplying $T(x)$ with $h$, or you set $T$ as a matrix corresponding to the linear map $T$?
(Brute force meaning: for each of the 30 choose 2 = 435 pairs of vertices on the graph, compute all simple paths between them. That's a lot of paths :P )
so, have I got it right? $r$ is a function that shows me the difference between the approximated value and the given value of the function. And, somehow, the approximation is much better, if I am closer to $x$.
So, using this fact, I compute the norm of $f(x+h)-f(x)$ and find an upper bound for it. And this one goes to zero as $h\to 0$. That means the last equation in the proof, which is equivalent to $\lim_{x \to a}=f(a)$ saying me that $f$ is continuous. Right?
@Astyx ?
at least I hope so, and thank you for help
Sorry, I was away
Yes, right @Kirill
@Astyx analysis seems to be so simple for me, but ONLY when I understood it
before that moment that is a pain
It's the same for all of us I think :p
so, I got $1/2$ of a one proof among 70 other proofs that are improtant. Do not know, if I shoulb be happy or sad about that...
...be happy because these things build on each other.
It's only the first ones that are hard
Be happy because it's best to be happy too
@skullpatrol I also think so. If you build a house, you are in dirt the first year building the foundation.
@Astyx btw. "math is not a problem, but a solution" was a really nice one!
Hi @Daminark
Hey @Astyx!
@Kirill Is the cup half empty or half full? Be optimistic about it :-)

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