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[Random] The above discussion inspired the following weird idea: Suppose $a,b,c\neq 0$ are zero divisors such that $ac=0$ and $bc=0$. Now there's the following relation:

$a+a+\cdots + a = b$
Then by right distributivity

$ac+ac+\cdots + ac = bc\implies 0+0+\cdots + 0 = 0$
Not sure whether there is something special about such rings
Take $\Bbb Z/p\Bbb Z$ with the usual addition and trivial multiplication $xy=0$ for all $x$ and $y$, it should have characteristic $p$ by daminark's definition
hmm, actually, if $ac=g\neq 0$, the presence of zero divisors can limit the characteristic of a commutative ring since $a + a + \cdots + a = b$, then $ac + ac + \cdots + ac = bc \implies g+ g + \cdots + g = 0$ so the characteristic of such rings will be $< (n-1)$
so, zero divisors kinda behave like as if you have a fragment of zero floating around in your structure which given the correct conditions, becomes zero
Attempted sketch proof: A Schauder basis is countable and for a Banach space that has a Schauder basis, all elements can be expressed uniquely in terms of a countable linear combination of the basis, so any open set in the norm topology must contain at least one member of the Schauder basis, meaning that the basis forms a countable dense subset and hence separable. For $\ell^{\infty}$ it is not separable thus it cannot have a Schauder basis.

As for why $\ell^{\infty}$ is not separable, I currently have no idea as I cannot find any countable bounded sequence in it that can fall outside of a
That's not right about the Schauder basis
Think about $\ell^2$
A Schauder basis is given by $(1,0,0,\ldots),(0,1,0,\ldots),\ldots$
But those vectors are all in the unit ball
So the Schauder basis itself won't work, but what can?
Remember that you wan't thinks to become dense but still countable, and you have a Schauder basis and know that any vector is converged to (is that a word? Well it is now)
all unit vectors in $\ell^2$ should converge towards the spherical surface of the unit ball, because of how the norm is defined?
I mean, each of those vectors is norm 1
As for $\ell^{\infty}$ not being separable
Consider the set of sequences of $0$ and $1$
Each of those is in $\ell^{\infty}$ (and not necessarily in $\ell^p$ for finite $p$), and the distance between any two of them is 1
But they've all got norm 1 and there are uncountably many
Or I mean no need for norm 1 here
Anyway I've gotta pack real quick so I'll let you dwell on that for some time, it's sneaky
going on holiday? @Dami
Nope, I've got this geometry/topology RTG for the next few days
"Matt Gursky - How to hear the topological and geometric properties of a manifold " that one seems super interesting
The professor of my PDE course went through some stuff related to this during the last 2 classes since we were done with the syllabus and he wanted to show us something interesting
presumably it's about spectral theory of Laplacians on the manifold
how to hear the shape of a drum etc etc
It is, according to the abstract
@mathiu_lady I don't know if you saw my message earlier but I think that should work as a counterexample
Is there a power series with radius of convergence 0?
$\sum\limits_{n=0}^\infty x^nn!$
Any series where the coefficents grow fast enough to have $\limsup \sqrt[n]{|a_n|}=\infty$ will do
@AlessandroCodenotti yeah I just saw it and also it may be one of counterexample : Let R= Z_4 (the set of all integers modulo 4) and take the subring {0,2} of Z_4 then the subring is of characteristic 2 but does not contain Z_2 or F_2
isn't $\varphi(0)=0$, $\varphi(1)=2$ a field isomorphism from $\Bbb F_2$ to your ring?
[Chemistry] Just submitted draft 1 of the proposal for review. Currently re-tidying all the data folders and need to once again redo the numbering of the files as it once again become so messy with letters and caps everywhere after some time of sequence breaking
Meanwhile, trying to think of a way to code a rotation matrix along some given axis which is determined by the structure of the molecule
ah, of course not, that ring has no identity
nevermind, I was thinking about it as a group
@AlessandroCodenotti yeah
@AlessandroCodenotti heh, thanks
I have questions to the proof. Could someone help?
@Kirill just aks; don't aks to aks
@LeakyNun ok. I need to present the proof, thats why. There are more than one question there.
@Kirill what is it above?
@LucasHenrique bom dia
bom dia! :)
@LeakyNun pretty simple for you I think. Given $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$, that is open, $f: \Omega \in \mathbb{R}^m$ and $f$ differentiable in $x$ prove that $f$ is continuous in $x$ and partially differentiable in $x$.
so, step by step: first part proves that $f$ is continuous:
you mean $f:\Omega \to \Bbb R^m$?
oh, sure, $ \subset$, not $\in$, sorry
$f: \Omega\to\mathbb{R}^m$
continue :)
The proof says: let $T: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^m$ be a linear map, that satisfys the definition of a differentiable function. With $r(h)$ (our remainder from yesterday), so $r(h) = f(x+h)-f(x)-T(h)$ is true that $$\Vert f(x+h) -f(x) \Vert = \Vert r(h) + T(h) \Vert \le \Vert r(h) \Vert + \Vert T(h) \Vert \le \Vert r(h) \Vert+ C\Vert h\Vert $$, where $C$ is some from $h$ independent constant.
what is the language?
ok, we can find such a $T$, as $f$ is differentiable. Why has been $r(h)$ set in this way?
@LeakyNun originally German
Said exaggeratedly, I do not understand, why $r(h)$ not equals $\sqrt{2}$, or $r(h) = f^2(x)$ or something else. Why exactly this term, used in the proof?
18 hours ago, by Kirill
Does somebody know this guy: $\lim_{h \to 0, h \ne 0}\frac{r(h)}{h}$ and his brother $\lim_{h \to 0 h \ne 0}\frac{\mid r(h) \mid}{\mid h \mid}$? They come from the formula $f(x+h) = f(x) + f'(x)h + r(h)$. What are they?
@LeakyNun if so, why $f'(x)h$ equals $T(h)$?
because it is defined that way?
@LeakyNun it is said, that $T$ is a linear map, that is unique for every $x \in \Omega$. But I do not see, why it should be exactly the first derivative of $f$, and not of some other function $g$, multiplied by the $h$.
I'm also thinking about this
But said generally, you think that it is just a transformed formula from yesterday, wih respect to $r(h)$, right, @LeakyNun?
I've no idea
hast du der originell Beweis?
ok. So, further I would like to ask, what does the term on the left side of the equation in the center mean. He says, "let $r$ be defined this way. Then I take the difference of $f(x+h) - f(x)$ and take the norm of it." What for?
@LeakyNun klar, wenn das für Dich einfacher wird.
@Kirill is it a soft-copy or hard-copy?
ich verstehen einfacher wurde
@LeakyNun tell me what these two mean
was ist 5.1?
that is the part proving that $f$ is continuous
5.1 is:
@LeakyNun $\lim_{h \to 0, h \ne 0}\frac{\Vert f(x+h) - f(x) - T(h)\Vert}{\Vert h \Vert}=0$
I mean all-in-all that is a proof that $f$ is continuous. I understand only one step here: triangle unequality. All of ther others: mystery at the moment.
so, $1.$ Let $r$ be the term I do not understand. What does the difference on the left of the unequality means? Why there is a norm there?
$2.$ Why is $\Vert T(h) \Vert \le C \Vert h \Vert$?
$3.$ What is $C$? Why that should be independet from $h$?
$4.$ What does the last equation mean? How it follows from it that $f$ is continuous?
$x$ is nicht eine Variable, aber eine Konstante
dafur $f'(x)$ ist eine Konstante
@LeakyNun that is a certain point in Omega, that we look at
@Kirill yes, that is why $f'(x)$ is a constant
@LeakyNun maybe English?
so $T(x) = f'(x)h$
and then $\|T(x)\| = \|f'(x)\| \|h\| = C \|h\|$
where $C=\|f'(x)\|$
@Kirill you don't speak German, or is my German too bad?
14 mins ago, by Kirill
@LeakyNun klar, wenn das für Dich einfacher wird.
wait, you clearly speak German, so it's the latter
@LeakyNun ich kann freilich und gern Deutsch reden, es geht ja darum, dass man mathematische Aussagen möglichst präzise ausdruckt. Es klappt bei dir in dem Englischen besser, als in Deutschem
so you speak German and I speak English? :-P
is $h$ a vector or a scalar?
I speak about math clearly better in German, but English is a good exercise, too. I will have my master in English anyway.
well, in your English rendition of the proof, you left out the very important "welche 5.1 erfullt"
Does any one here know anything about finite groups and GAP?
@AlwaysNeedHelp maybe you could tell me what conjugacy ... and r... triplets are
@LeakyNun that is the definition of the differetiable function that says, "if such a $T$ exists and 5.1 is true, then the function is differentiable". I wrote that $T$ is the one from the definition :) $h$ should be a vector, as $x+h$ is undefined then
but $x$ is a scalar
@LeakyNun I'm afraid [email protected] would be more help.
@LeakyNun $x$ is a vector too, we are in $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$
and $x \in \Omega$
if $x$ is a vector, then what does partial differentiability mean?
@AlwaysNeedHelp done
@LeakyNun every partial derivative of $f(x)$ exists
what does it even mean
$f(x) \in \mathbb{R}^m$
partial derivative is when you have another variable, right
Should it not be "every partial derivative of $f$ exists" ?
e.g. $(x_1,x_2,x_3) \mapsto (x_1 sinx_2, cos x_2, x_1 + x_2)$
so, $\partial_1f_1(x) = \sin x_2, \partial_2f_2(x) = -\sin x_2, \ldots $
If $f = (f_1, f_2, \dots, f_k)$ and $f_i = f_i(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_k)$, then $f$ is partial differentiable if $\frac{\partial f_i}{\partial x_j}$ exists for every $i$ and $j$
oh ok
Really ?
13 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
and then $\|T(x)\| = \|f'(x)\| \|h\| = C \|h\|$
Is this correct?
Does partial differentiable on a basis imply partial differentiable ?
or, $f$ is partially differentiable in $\Omega$, if $\partial_if(x)$ exists for all $x \in \Omega$ and all $i, 1 \le i \le n$.
@Astyx I have no idea what you mean with "on a basis" o.O
@LeakyNun according to the proof that is not correct, as it should be $\le$ there. According to my question - ok, the triangle unequality is perfect, but why there is such a $C$, and $C$ doesn't depend on $h$?
@SteamyRoot Like, if you have a basis $(e_1,\dots, e_n)$ of $\Bbb R^n$ and $f : \Bbb R^n \to \Bbb R$, does "$\forall i {\partial f\over \partial e_i}$ exists" imply "$\forall x\in \Bbb R^n {\partial f\over \partial x}$ exists" ?
@Kirill because $C = \|f'(x)\|$?
How do you define $\frac{\partial f}{\partial e_i}$ ?
$${\partial f\over \partial e_i}(x) = \lim_{t\to 0} {f(x+te_i) - f(x)\over t}$$
he says $\Vert T(x) \Vert \le C \Vert h \Vert$. So, $\Vert T(x) \Vert \le C$. @LeakyNun
Oh, a directional derivative
@Kirill I'm out of this :)
@Astyx do you have any idea?
About what ?
@LeakyNun but have you understood the proof on your own?
Ew, that's one abusive notation :P
@Kirill I haven't
@SteamyRoot Was that for me ?
48 mins ago, by Kirill
The proof says: let $T: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^m$ be a linear map, that satisfys the definition of a differentiable function. With $r(h)$ (our remainder from yesterday), so $r(h) = f(x+h)-f(x)-T(h)$ is true that $$\Vert f(x+h) -f(x) \Vert = \Vert r(h) + T(h) \Vert \le \Vert r(h) \Vert + \Vert T(h) \Vert \le \Vert r(h) \Vert+ C\Vert h\Vert $$, where $C$ is some from $h$ independent constant.
@Astyx help him understand the proof
How do you define $\partial f\over \partial e_i$ then ?
I define it the same way, I denote it differently
@LeakyNun we normally say that the function is continuous, so that small differences of function arguments imply small differences of function values. But I do not understand, why that proof shows that $f$ is continuous.
@Kirill well, continuous would be $\lim\limits_{h\to0}f(x+h)=f(x)$
Oh right. Yeah I've been taught to abuse notations a lot when dealing with multivariable functions
@LeakyNun true. But he says it follows from the big equation. I do not see the implication.
Anyway, if the $e_i$ and $x_i$ match, then obviously it's true. But in general, I doubt it... I'll have to think a bit :P
@Kirill I have no idea
please ask @Astyx
@Astyx I think functions like $f(x,y) = \frac{xy}{x^2 + y^2}$ may pose problems
Not sure, though, analysis isn't exactly my forte :P
@Kirill Any linear map $T$ on a finite dimensionnal normed vector space $(E, \Vert\cdot\Vert_E) \to (F, \Vert\cdot\Vert_F)$ is Lipschitz (ie $\exists C \in \Bbb R_+ \forall x\in E, \Vert T(x)\Vert_F \le C\Vert x\Vert_E$)
@Astyx hi!
@SteamyRoot Yeah, that's the kind of examples I was afraid of :p But I guess we simply don't have the same terminology
Hi @Kirill
The subscription price of ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS is $345 for an individual (for just one year).
I need to go soon though
as in, now
I am not rich enough to read mathematical journals.
It is illegal.
@aminliverpool caomparing to the Wolfram and MatLab annual licenses, 345 is like a cheesburger by McDonalds.
@aminliverpool there are a lot of libraries with such papers, as much as free works online
Selling science is not a good job.
sure, but respecting the job of others is a good job
What should I do if I can not find the libraries having those journals?
not learn mathematics.
Clearly mathematics should only studied by the exceedingly wealthy.
That is what the bureaucrats want.
@aminliverpool you can search better and use evtl Google for this
Lol, you have all you need to study mathematics on the Internet for free if you have the will to
that is, mathematics is for rich people?
And legally ofc
@aminliverpool my bicycle keys cost 40 Dollars each, are bicycles for rich people?
But some articles are not published for free.
no, they are just too specific to be cheep
Virtually every paper that appears in the Annals first appeared as a preprint on the arXiv.
@Astyx are you gone, or, here?
On my phone
wow, like an electron
two conditions at once
@Astyx I am not sure about the Lipschitz argument. It seems plausible, but we want to show that $f$ is continuous, and using Lipschitz-continuity for proving continuity seems for me to be wrong. I can mistake though.
But here I'm only talking about linear maps - which I believe you know to be continuous in finite dimension ?
@Astyx yeap. I do not know why, but I know the fact. The discussion with Leaky-Nun was about this certain proof. There were several certain points that were not clear.
Linear maps are continuous iff they are lipschitz
It's simple enough to prove with some topology
What points aren't clear ?
Is there any way to repost the message? Do you speak German?, @Astyx
I do not know and not well enough
Yeah I saw that message
1. Why he defines $r(h)$ that way?
That's the non linear component of the function
Why exactly that way, not as $f^2(x)$ or $\sqrt{1+x}$?
what do you mean?
What do you know about the differential of a function ? How is it defined ?
@Astyx we are not told about differentials at this course
Like , how is T defined ?
@Astyx T is defined as a linear map, going from the same space into the same space as $f$. It is said that $T$ is unique for each $x$ of the domain.
I have struggled to get something about differentials, but they say it is too early for them.
Yeah but what makes it unique ?
@Astyx I don't know.
Huh that's a problem
for every $x$ there is correspoding linear map
Unfortunately I don't quite have the time to explain it
the proof I do not understand and that I try to understand shows (lectro says) that this $T$ is unique
So, it shows him, not me
And I try to understand the proof to see why it shows it
It's because it's he unique one such that $\Vert f (x+h)-f (x)-T (h)\Vert=o (\Vert h \Vert)$ (hope that renders correctly)
so, we can stop at this point, I can ask you later, or I can ask other things, @Astyx. What would be the best for you?
You can still ask, I won't guarantee I'll be there to answer
Someone else might
@Astyx I do not know Landau good. But I hope you mean that the numerator goes to 0 faster as the denominator
If I understand what you mean correctly, yes
it still doesn't tell me why $T$ is unique. So, what was the main idea to define $r(h)$ as such, and not as $\sqrt{2}$? @Astyx
Because then you can bound it upward by the norm of h in your triangular inequality (by definition)
Why T is unique is another proof
It doesn't really matter here that T is unique
We have $A \le$ triangle unequality $\le B$ in the central unequation. What is $A$ and $B$? He constructs $r$ that I do not understand. Then he takes $A$ that I do not understand, too. What is $A$?
$A$ doesn't look like a numerator of the differential quotient, it is just a difference. Why he takes a difference, not a sum, a product, etc?
I can't answer on my phone sorry
Perhaps tomorrow same time ?
are you French?
Or in 7 hours if you prefer
I am
at some evening would be better, in 7 hours is perfect. I will have a course tommorow at the daytime.
Right, I'll try and be there
Asking because if you were in Canada, the evening is defined differently there
ok, so ~ 21.00 if you can.
Do you not have holidays at this time in Germany ?
@Astyx I have, but the exam is in 6 days, and tomorrow is a whole-day-repeating course for the whole module.
@TedShifrin Do you think there's a geometric interpretation of the determinant of a complex matrix ($\Bbb C^{m\times n}$)?
uh, you mean nxn, else rectangular matrices have no determinant
Right yes I do mean that
@AkivaWeinberger The "hyper-volume" formed by the "hyper-parallelepiped"?
Hey everyone!
@AkivaWeinberger product of eigenvalues
At least that's from 3B1B's essence of linear algebra
Actually I saw a research paper published recently can I ask the author to share that paper or is that not decent or do i have to purchase it , i am confused.
@BAYMAX what is the name of it?
@BAYMAX See if either the author has put the article on his/her personal website, or look if there's a preprint available on arxiv
hello guys. there is a math problem i'm solving, can some one tell me if the word "minimal" is a strict comparison or is just normal comparison? (i mean < or <= ?)
Normal I think
@BAYMAX I may be able to find the pdf online if u want
@AkivaWeinberger do you have a bit of time can i send the question?
with solution
thanks @parvin @SteamyRoot !
I got it in arxiv
How we can know the latest papers published like say "what are the papers published today or this month in a specific area like say differential equations" ?
any idea
I might need to run in the middle
@BAYMAX also check this one if needed anytime : gen.lib.rus.ec
Looks like a stars and bars sort of problem
What is gen.lib.rus.ec ? why is copyright violated here repeatedly?
is the second one uploaded?
None of you believes in copyright?
So I guess thirteen stars and twelve places between the stars in which we can place bars?
@aminliverpool because we are living in iran or some other places in which people have no access to the shop or bank whatever and in addition to that it's not my website ...
@aminliverpool do you believe in free world wide education?
@AkivaWeinberger yes I can see that but why? why did he choose 1 n 1 n 2 n3 instead of 2 n 2 n 3 n 4?
is that bcuz it's "minimal" not minimum?
@parvin I can buy your required books and journals and post them to you; if that is your only reason.
@parvin so that the y are positive
but i would have used 2,2,3,4 and natural numbers :)
@aminliverpool that is...and I guess there are people wanting paper books so amazon still have the books. they buy it. some may want the ebook...I dunno..
@LeakyNun i see...
They also can buy ebooks
should I trust the book's solutions?
@aminliverpool you are right the poor author should get what ever the income is, and it's sort of a theft ...
@parvin your book is correct
Please don't advertise websites of hackers.
or maybe better to say of thieves.
ok..I thought he may be in need
Stealing from rich people also, I think, is not good.
He might, just as a huge amount of academics pretty much need it. But, it's still illegal, and should probably not be advertised here.
Though, on the other hand, when @aminliverpool says "None of you believes in copyright?", my answer is I don't believe in the copyright enforced by academic publishers, no.
One book sale is usually enough to get a profit and lawyer fees are expensive
I just learned something that I had completely forgotten, and that is very obvious.
Enlighten us
Namely, that the graph of a function $f : U \rightarrow \Bbb R^m$ (where $U \subset \Bbb R^n$) is always homeomorphic to $U$.
For $f$ continuous, I take it?
Er, yes.
I'm tired and careless.
Very very not true for $f$ discontinuous--e.g. the indicator function on $\Bbb Q \subset \Bbb R$
You can do it for arbitrary topological spaces, by the way.
I think we should not force publishers and authors to do their jobs in such a way that we think it is right.
What do you even mean by that?
It's basically the authors being unhappy about how the publishers treat them.
They have right to sell their products in such ways that they want
Authors can publish their works for free
Yeah, in a perfect world that all makes sense.
Has there been talk of forcing? It's mostly grumbling as I see it
Also, first of all, academics are paid by the university to, amongst other things, publish.
Though I do think that authors are given less control than they ought so... It's sketch
If I only throw my papers on ArXiV and don't publish them in a journal, my university will never award me a PhD.
We can produce free products to reduce the price of books.
You want to publish in journals that are aimed towards people in your area. You preferrably want it to be a "good" journal too, whatever your standards of good may be (impact factor, etc)
Good journals are often owned by big publishing companies, who charge way too much money for anyone wanting to read your paper; or they allow you to publish your paper as "open access" for a measly 2000 - 3000 dollars.
Also, as soon you publish your article, you hand over the entire copyright of your article to this publisher
You can publish your preprint of it in ArXIV.
Sometimes. It depends on the publisher.
But, unlike a journal, ArXiV is not peer-reviewed.
A "good" journal also entails that papers appearing are "good".
We should create a good free journal by ourselves.
So academics prefer to look in journals aimed towards their research interests, because they know the papers will be good.
And hence, if you want many people to read your good article, you need to get it published in a good journal
and so the circle continues and continues...
@aminliverpool Free is impossible. Cheap/fair is possible, but it takes a lot of time and effort.
And that's what's happening right now, very slowly, step by step.
Also writing free books
Also free food for the entire world overnight, while you're at it?
No. Science must be free for all.
Yeah, well, a lot of people agree.
But things aren't going to change overnight.
Short question: Is $\dfrac{\sin2n\pi}{(2n+1)} = \dfrac {\sin \pi}{(2n+1)} $ ? where n is integer
Is $n$ an integer?
@SteamyRoot Yes
In that case, you can just cancel the denominators.
and $\sin(k\pi) = 0$ for all $k \in \mathbb{Z}$
@SteamyRoot So are they equal? Only then would I be allowed do cancel the denominators
My question is whether the two expressions are equal or not
Well, you already know the denominators are equal.
So all you should care about is whether the numerators are equal.
Regardless, both expressions are just $0$, so yes, they're equal.
@SteamyRoot True. Thanks :)
Let's write free books all together like Wikibooks.
@SteamyRoot Well I made a big typing mistake.
Is $\sin\dfrac{2n\pi}{(2n+1)} = \sin \dfrac {\pi}{(2n+1)} $ ?
$\pi - \dfrac{\pi}{2n+1} = \dfrac{2n\pi}{2n+1}$
so yes
@LeakyNun Oh. Thanks.
@aminliverpool I wonder why Wikipedia is so much higher quality than Wikibooks
Probably something about how articles are structured in comparison to books
So here's a question. Is it possible to find a family of (overlapping) convex sets $A_1,A_2,\dots,A_n$ such that the union is $[0,1]^2$, each one has a diameter less than $1$, and $\bigcup_{i=m}^nA_i$ is always convex for $m\le n$?
@AkivaWeinberger probably because the former is more well-known
so more editors would contribute
Anyone feel like taking on a basic linear algebra question on AI: ai.stackexchange.com/q/3734/1671
Q: Determining the value of trigonometric expression

AbcdIf x and y are real numbers such that $\dfrac{\sin x}{\sin y}= \dfrac{1}{3}$ and $\dfrac{\cos x}{\cos y}= \dfrac{1}{2}$, then how do I find the value of $\dfrac{\sin2x}{\sin2y}+\dfrac{\cos2x}{\cos2y}$ My attempts: Using the given condition and double angle formula, $\dfrac{\sin2x}{\sin2y} = \...

@LeakyNun Please see my question^
@Abcd answered :)
@Abcd not me
@LeakyNun yes.
Q: Generating a finite simple group via rational conjugacy classes.

AlwaysNeedHelpI'm currently new to GAP and computer algebra systems and was wondering whether anyone knew of the easiest method to achieve the following. Suppose I have a finite simple group - let us take $M_{11}$ (a Mathieu Group) and let $C_1, C_2, C_3$ be a triple of rational conjugacy classes (for the def...

@AkivaWeinberger I think Wikibooks is really a bad idea. It is not good for so many people to work collectively on one book. Books need a lot of uniformity to pass.
@aminliverpool I don't think science should be free for all, but I do think it should be affordable, and many books and journals are indeed absurdly expensive.
Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to

Bob: you i everything else

Alice: balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me

Bob: i . . . . . .. . . . . .

Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to

Bob: you i i i i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . .

Alice: balls have 0 to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to
frequency analysis is going to fail badly for this one...
Ooh yea that was the AI that 'invented' a new language right?
It seems more like it just failed at english, rather than having invented a new language
Could someone answer my question?
Q: Probability of having the biggest draw

Tamay BesirogluI'm reading a probability theory text book and came across a puzzle Suppose N people draw gold nuggets from an urn. Person $i$ takes $k_i$ gold nuggets. The weight of the gold nuggets are given by the cumulative distribution function $F^{k_i}(x)$, where $F$ has the support $[0,\bar{x}]$. The fun...

in English Language & Usage, 13 mins ago, by Jakub
@Secret Maybe it's organically born exploits. Alice adds "to me" a few times after saying "balls have zero (value?)' because Bobo the robo perceives it as strong assurance.
ongoing discussion with english guys in the english room
I am starting to wonder whether that cumulative distribbutive function is monotonically increasing, and that $j\neq i$ might be the first N draws except the ith draw of the gold which does not attain largest value
but to simplify into 2) either means it might be related to the details of F, or it might be some sort of property ofprobability is being used when you integrate the N-1 trials
But all of this is just wild guess, I don't know enough measure theory to work out this probability

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