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@Daminark no you misunderstand. Teacher's aren't bothered. The institution itself has this weird idea in its head that they can only truly make sure teachers are doing their job well if every student is coming fresh into the material
@Typhon basically sending me to administration at the slightest (or even nonexistent) provocation, constantly writing me up, giving me detention for things that i didn't do
@EricSilva such as?
and like, it's not like im making it up, i eventually befriended an adviser and they looked into it and had to reprimand a teacher
sounds more like the teacher was generally an a**
a band teacher gave me 3 weeks of weekend detentions for singing in class, i wasn't the one singing
and every time i would object he would add another week
did they know it wasnt you or could it have been a mistake?
Teachers are people, and people are occasionally assholes. hence, teachers are occasionally assholes.
im fairly certain he knew it wasn't me
@EricSilva what did you say to the administration
I suspect I was a bit of a teacher's pet in high school? I'm not certain, though.
To be honest, I keep getting in trouble but I also end up failing a lot of my classes as well. :-(
i was a freshman and it was the beginning of the year and i was kind of a nervous wreck cause i went to a huge school far from home so i didnt really say anything
and it definitely isn't undeserved
but like eventually i found my backbone and didn't take this kind of nonsense without standing up for myself
i think i just had a few teachers who didn't like someone who did this (i was in this prestigious magnet program and teachers were generally used to very respectful students who didnt call them out when they were being unjust i think)
Lol in high school teachers liked me quite a lot, since most students there didn't care about anything and were badly behaved so the fact that I did alright and didn't talk in class was enough for most of them. The teachers who were bad there were less unfair and more ineffective
i also had a few who liked me for that who defended me a couple times so idk
@Daminark the thing that confuses me is that one of the dudes who was super out to get me was my senior year english teacher. But all i did was read books in his class. I never talked out of turn and i aced all his assignments. I honestly have no idea why he was so hostile to me
I don't know how my teachers would respond to that
We mostly had either the people who paid full attention, or at least gave the guise of doing so, or people who were disruptive
and the other thing that gets me is that the same teacher looooved my SO at the time, but she was super disruptive
My English teacher in 11-12th grades would've likely been fine with it if you told him, like he'd plead that you do participate but in his class with the behavior problems, the statement "I don't think I gain much from our class discussion" would be a very fair case to make, and if you're not being disruptive he's basically happy
I've been ther all night
I've been there all day
At one point he was reduced to saying "Look, I know you guys won't read this, so I'm assigning the sparknotes, please read it for the love of God"
and boy got me walking side to side :S
reading is boring
I think I managed to sustain myself throughout high school on "school is what I'm good at."
But say, my physics teacher would be really upset if someone was just reading, even if it was physics, she wanted you to be paying attention to her lecture and nothing else
even if it was the textbook?
She didn't really operate out of the textbook directly
Had she been doing so, maybe she'd be alright if you glanced at it to understand something
@Semi i honestly don't know what got me through high school, i do not think i thrive in that kind of environment, I was never really a traditional kind of classroom person
What I don't understand is how I managed to get writing assignments done in high school.
me neither
I hate writing
Though even then she'd only likely go for it as far as, if the thing she's saying right now relied on a previous thing so you had to look it up for reference. Just reading the textbook and not focusing on the lecture didn't fly
I suspect I just did it frequently enough that it wasn't so much a problem.
i was always good at those
Which is perhaps why I've found it harder and harder to write at any length, except in an extemporaneous way.
i don't have that issue
If you can get me talking and reasoning, I can get a nice stream of writing done.
@Daminark i had a bio teacher who HATED when i didnt do bio in his class (i never did) but eventually we had a bet where he said if i get anything less than a 5 he'd get to give me a month of detention
But sit me down and tell me to write something out, and ughhh
i just write too much in the sense that i keep finding more and more and more and more sources until I am just writing about way too much to handle.
I've generally been alright, but my writing has been described as convoluted
In large part because I always write in a train of thought style
@Semiclassical i have that issue too I suppose. :-(
@Typhon I tend to get stuck in my own head. So I'll read and absorb a lot, but
getting me to actually pull it out is a problem.
the timed writing is suuuuch bs
me too, I suppose
It's fine if I'm thinking of stuff and being like, alright I'll do this, now this, now this, blah blah
@EricSilva uggghhhh yes
it's also so like not what good writing is
So, writing MSE answers? I can do that.
writing MSE answers is annoying for me
it is why I don't answer really ever
Writing up something that needs to have an actual structure beyond just "this is the logic", though...
like i remember having to write my first college paper and getting a month and i could actually say things and i was like taken aback
@Daminark, also what was your first uchicago paper
I've always had a hard time saying whether I'm a good or a bad writer. I mean, I've always been reasonably happy with the writing I manage to do
i feel like that's one of those things that might be memorable
But anything which isn't train of thought just isn't my style. So I never really edited/revised much except locally, and often did in short bursts, so I often had 100+ word sentences at least once or twice per paper
@Semi idt im a good writer but idk how to judge
like i can't go by grades cause that doesn't really mean anything?
idk man
usually since once I managed to get myself to do it, the ideas had enough time to coalesce and form into something worth reading
What I am baaad at is documenting what I know.
a theology grad student once told me my writing was good, but like another theology grad student once said it was mediocre so idk what to believe mannnn
It's a bit like how I think about chess, I suppose. Set me up with a chess problem and I'll find it interesting.
But the strategy of an entire game? That's a different matter.
Analogously, ask me to talk about some element of a problem, and I'm happy.
@Eric It was about how Genesis portrays the advancement of human civilization as being bad for our relationship with God
Ask me to set it up? Hnnnnggg
It was extremely short, that first paper was just 2-3 pages or smth
@Daminark mine was about the relationship between Achilles and naturee or something like that
o that's really short
Add to that the fact that I just don't feel like any of the writing I'd do these days has any intrinsic value
Most of our papers in that class were 4-5 pages, our last one being 8-12
But our first was 2-3, second was 3-4, and thereafter 4-5
o our first was like 10
our last was like 15
that class was a hard intro to college lol
I cannot stop myself from having 7-8 sections with 5-6 subsections each most of the time.
but then each section is like... 5 sentences
Concise writing is hard.
@LasVegasRaiders huh?
the problem is that I couldn't write enough material
My hum class was pretty reasonable, my sosc class first quarter had a lot of people not doing terribly well
and I try to write about so many different things that my writing is useless
Though it was more about our professor just grading really harshly (barely anyone got more than C+ on the first paper) than it was volume
o wow that is harsh
The message I've gotten from my advisor a few times, which I find absolutely frustrating, is
I generally have done well on my paper classes, i think my graders have been very nice
"This is just bureaucratic, don't worry about it."
with regards to writing.
what does that complaint mean
I honestly despise writing
This is mostly in the context of stuff for various qualifying requirements.
I know I should've fought it, at least I'm being honest
so the message is "it's not worth caring about, but you still need to do it."
I did better on hum papers than sosc ones, I think in part because my procrastination on sosc papers was of an iffy sort and because my focus was just bad
I procrastinated hard in hum too, like I think I probably did a bit under a page the night before and then 3 pages in the 3-4 hours before it was due
Fun story: I wrote an undergrad research paper for a behavioral psych/econ course.
I did it on academic studies of procrastination.
I got it in a day late :P
@Semiclassical how big was it?
i think my hum teachers were all nice, so i never really had a harsh grade in those classes, my history papers have all been really good too, but my ethnomusicology papers were just t r a s h
@Semi lmaooo
good topic
I feel like...10 pages? But I could not tell you at this point.
that's not even worth mentioning. XD
I took longer to do sosc papers but that was amidst distractions, and it was often because I developed my argument as I went, so at one point I'd say something and be like "Shit I can't counter that and it was supposed to be devil's advocate... But if I am to negate my thesis I'd need to rewrite this paper... Fugg!"
my teachers give me assignments to write 30 page papers
@Daminark rip.
tfw you alienate yourself from your Gattungswesen
Then an hour later I'd figure out how to counter it, but there would be an hour left before it's time to submit so I'd have write 2 pages in that time
Which often meant that the quality of writing was just bad, I'd have way too many comma splices and such
u played urself m8
Or I mean, I'd write it such that each sentence corresponded to a given train of thought, so any given comma separated 2 things which chained well, but it would still be annoying to read on the whole
My usual strategy with my papers was to somehow turn them into writing about things I was already interested in.
Q: Is being a right triangle both necessary and sufficient for the Pythagorean Theorem to hold?

EJoshuaSI'm hoping that this isn't a dumb question, but I encountered a Stack Overflow question in which the OP was testing for whether a triangle was right by whether or not it "met" the criteria of the Pythagorean Theorem (i.e. whether or not the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the square of the t...

this is by far the dumbest duplicate I have ever seen.
they actually duplicated another question
i remember i wrote my final paper on my modernism class in like 2 hrs @Daminark. I was so tired from a long quarter that i basically just didnt write a conclusion and then i submitted it
Okay conclusions mess me up so bad
i ended up getting an A- on the paper and the comment "this paper would be an A but i feel like there should be more"
and i was like rip me
i played myself so hard
i fail on the introduction, the body, and the conclusion
@Typhon Eh, I think that's a bit of a leap to judgment absent the relevant SE question
(which they should have included)
I've started to get the hang of them but it was like, what's there to say at this point? "Yeah, so that's how it goes, I guess. Kthxbai"
It always just felt cheesy
it's different depending on what kind of paper it is though
a question asking if a triangle is a right triangle by confirming the pythagorean theorem directly implies and asks the question: "does the converse hold"
therefore, this question is an exact duplicate
like you don't end papers in history classes the same way you end literary or formal analysis papers
Lol I remember in my TAPS class I had this one assignment which I really underestimated how long it'd take
Without the other question to compare with, you only have one source of evidence for that.
It was actually to write a scene this time, not an essay, but I basically started 2-3 hours before class
the op flat out admits their question is a duplicate by stating that
they describe an exact duplicate
hence "lol, this guy just made a duplicate and admitted it"
@Daminark sounds hard. I actually haven't taken a "paper class" since this past fall... I need to get back to it
I miss proper history classes
I got an A- on that and the comment was "Yeah this is fantastic but like, this was supposed to be a 6-8 minute scene and this was like, way shorter"
Let me put it like this. Suppose the person hadn't included it. Would you think it's a duplicate?
@Semiclassical that doesnt make any sense
i wouldn't know the other question existed...
Have you seen the other question?
you're not making sense
If not, how do you know it exists? How do you know their description of it is accurate?
the person has no link to the duplicate
That's my point.
they described a duplicate
I mean, reading it, it might not necessarily be a duplicate. I actually get the vibe that this was more, hey in the process of doing some question, the OP used this method, now I'm asking if that method was valid
and it is isn't possibly a failure to interpret
@Daminark i write tersely and im always scared i have no content because i always feel like i have said nothing
and my papers end up on the lower end of length
they say a question was asked to confirm a triangle was a right triangle by using the pythagorean theorem
This is the point, it's not that someone is claiming to have a duplicate. If someone were to explicitly say that, that'd be pretty pathetic
so their question is already asked by the other question since someone must confirm the test works to answer it
"Hey, can someone show me how to integrate this function by using a trigonometric substitution?"

"Hey, how do we know that change of variables is true?"
@Daminark yet they ask if one can use the pythagoren triangle to confirm a triangle is a right triangle in response to seeing a question use that "test"
@Daminark they are the same
also the latter is just
"is change of variables true"
questions can be logically the same without being duplicates
it doesn't ask for justification
it's just "yes or no"
I said "how do we know"
That's asking for a proof
but the question i linked asks
"is it true"
what I really find it quite silly how you resort to calling this question 'dumb'
yes or no
i think it's actually quite a good question, cause it leads to an interesting formula
It's not a dumb question. It may be a lazy question but it's not a dumb one.
In answering the first question, people often black box the fact that change of variables is true and just use it. The second is distinct in what it's requesting you to do
@Semiclassical I meant that it is the dumbest duplicate I've ever seen as someone actually managed to create one off of another question and not just due to lack of research.
And, once again, you are entirely taking them at their word for that.
@Semiclassical If they claim it to be true, then they should be held to their word.
@Semi I mean, I don't think anyone would lie about a question being duplicate when it really isn't, that would make no sense, but this person doesn't sound like he's claiming this at all
If I wrote "this answer was copied from quora" would you not punish me even if it were not true?
No. I'd ask for you to show me the question, and then ask what about that question's answers was not satisfactory. I'd then tell you how to modify your question to reflect that.
asking for some help finding the supposed post isn't wrong
The question the OP described wasn't even necessarily asking if the converse of the pythagorean theorem was true
at least it can then be sent through the queue and verified one way or the other
To merely say "haha dumb duplicate" is at the very least unproductive.
He's saying, a test was used in another question, which doesn't mean that the answer went and proved what was being said.
@Semiclassical you didn't read my last post. I said that if I just claimed "my answer is copy/pasted from another site" would you not punish me?
And I answered. No, I wouldn't necessarily
@Daminark yeah, and honestly from reading the question i actually would assume from the language that it wasn't proved.
Or, at the very least, I would not simply take you at your word.
@EricSilva but it is directly implied that it be verified as true. The op didn't ask for a proof. He just asked "is it true, yes or no".
To return to the example I gave, if I ask for help on computing this kind of an integral, I'm not asking for a proof of this fact necessarily.
To reiterate:
2 mins ago, by Semiclassical
No. I'd ask for you to show me the question, and then ask what about that question's answers was not satisfactory. I'd then tell you how to modify your question to reflect that.
@Semiclassical "No. I'd ask for you to show me the question, and then ask what about that question's answers was not satisfactory. I'd then tell you how to modify your question to reflect that." isn't a fairly logical response to copied answer.
that sounds like a response to copied question
That was in regards to what you said about a self-reported copied question from quora
@Typhon where did it imply that it was verified as true in the original stack overflow post.
@EricSilva they ask "is it true, yes or no". Therefore any answer to the other post must at least claim the test was either true or false when answering.
i hope that made sense
no it might just use it as an intermediary step without justifying
@EricSilva that is verifying
i never said they proved it
if it justified it well, this person wouldn't have asked this question
this question isn't asking that either imo
they just want someone to say "yes or no"
@Semiclassical self-reported copied answer from quora
you misread it
anyways whatever
i thought maybe you guys could help find it
1) This still isn't what the original question was necessarily asking, the original question wanted to use the test. It's possible that someone decided to take it at face value that this worked and just apply it, or assumed that the OP knew.
2) This interpretation of the wording as just asking for yes or no, and not verification, is literal to the point of being complete and utter nonsense
3) Why would you punish even if they falsely claimed to copy?
if i ask someone "is this true" in math i usually want them to justify, and i think it's fair to assume that this question is more than a yes or no question given that this is a pretty normal thing to do in math
@Daminark with regards to 3, if someone was claiming they posted plagiarized material, I would immediately delete the material and that's that.
@EricSilva actually, asking "can X be done" is considered wrong for the reasons I stated on virtually every computer programming based site here.
because "you're just asking for a yes or no"
1) Why? You punish people for plagiarizing, not for saying they plagiraized
2) No one in their right mind would do that anyway, and the wording of this question is in no way explicit
@EricSilva depends on the question. some really do expect to have a yes/no answer.
@Daminark it is an analogy and i only wish the post to be closed.
Still doesn't make sense
what is wrong with me asking for people to help find the post?
@Leaky Nun, sure, but i'd say it's not the norm, and idt the post that Typhon linked has language that suggests this is the case, i think it actually is suggestive of the opposite
like this person seems like they want more than a yes or no answer, they don't say it explicitly but again it's like, not an unreasonable assumption.
"Hey, this question referenced another so I'm interested in seeing the source"
"Oh wow what a lame duplicate question even though you have to be interpreting it in a very specific and likely wrong way to arrive at that conclusion"
These are sharply different things
it just seems like the person already has the answer to their question
as the statement being true or false is confirmed by the other post's answers
As I said before, interpret it from a reasonable standpoint
if they had a satisfactory answer, why would they ask
The fact that the OP was curious about this suggested that he didn't want to take it on faith that this was true just because you wouldn't have answered it/asked it like that if it were false
But then you won't want to take it on faith if someone's like "Yeah dw"
we can agree to disagree
let's do number theory
So even if the word-by-word interpretation doesn't tecHNICAlly 0_0 ask for a proof, if the person wasn't doing that it'd make no sense, while there is an option to interpret this such that things do make sense.
it was an SO question
flips table
this discussion is a moot point
MSE questions cannot be duplicates of SO questions
intra-network duplicate tracking doesn't exist yet
Okay now look at the revised question
i just came from there...
You have an answer which indicates VERY CLEARLY that this was in no way a duplicate
just for reference, I think the SE question they refer to is this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/44890678/…
I say that both at the level of the SE question itself, and also the fact that one of the commentators there is the OP here.
...I'd love if they'd actually bother to say as much, though.
"its been deleted"
post that link and see if they say it is the question
maybe they lost the link
"The Stack Overflow question (which has since been put on hold and will likely either be deleted soon "
read the latest replies
A: Proof for elements of $\textbf{Z}[\sqrt{3}]$ regarding the existence of the norm.

TyphonThere is nothing wrong with Akiva Weinberger's post. However, since this post was made in the context of a somewhat more rigorous and formal setting, I'm posting a formal proof that I believe would most likely be considered acceptable in that setting. Let $z$ and $y$ be extended integers such...

(i was in the process of asking for verification for my answer in chat)
So looking at Semi's link, it wasn't even clear what that other post was asking, especially since it was a Java context
So now he goes to a math community and says "Yo, some question involved some test that I'm curious about"
That's absolutely alright
Ahah, he confirmed it.
but originally it was suspect
so I don't see why I got flak for asking for some help
(finding the context)
There was potential for it being a duplicate but the most viable possibility was that it was not. And you were jumping toward being judgmental about it, so you got flak for being condescending when it was in no way called for
careless question, yes. "dumbest duplicate ever"?
well it certainly appeared that way
and that comment was made in a joking manner
not meant to be rude or judgemental
hence "dumb" as obviously it wasn't malicious
...you and I have very different definitions of 'judgmental', it would seem.
You had to be trying to interpret it like so. And it wasn't obvious that it wasn't malicious at all, in fact it seems unlikely even now, since you were literally searching for a way to get him closed and being condescending about it.
Regardless, it's 1:20 in the morning and I have no idea why on earth I'm still awake. night.
night @Semi
Good night!
@Daminark no i was not claiming malicious
malicious != dumb and/or not-well-thought-out behavior...
You were not claiming he was malicious, I'm saying you were kinda being malicious insofar as you were being condescending
Anyway, let's put this to rest and stop making these snap judgments, capiche?
@Daminark alrighty
but before then
Q: Pythagorean theorem to syntax

Yeuhan ShenThis is just a sample code for the proble. int a,b,c; system.out.println("Enter sideA"); system.out.println("Enter sideB); if ( c == a * a + b *b) system.out.println("This is a right triangle"); else system.out.println("This is not a right triangle"); [formula](https://i.sstatic.net/1NqAP.p...

i dont have edit privileges and this looks like vandalism
could someone revert the edit?
I don't have editing privileges, at least on a question which is on hold
But this is bizarre
2 hours later…
Hello all,
Let $P$ be an $n\times n$ doubly stochastic matrix and $S$ be an $n \times k$ orthogonal matrix. Is $S P S^T$ also a doubly stochastic matrix? Can someone comment on this please?
Hmm, I don't know much about this stuff but I do wonder if there's a way to think about this as a property of linear transformations
Hi chat
Probably not, given that I'd guess that this isn't a property that holds under similarity
Hey @Balarka and @LasVegas
Hi pal @Daminark
A stochastic matrix is one where columns or rows sum to 1. That sounds like for a right stochastic matrix, the column vector (1,1,1,1,1) is an eigenvector with eigenvalue 1 whle for the left stochastic matrix, the row vector (1,1,1,1,1) is an eigenvector with eigenvalue 1. So a doubly stochastic matric will have both of theses vectors as eigenvectors with eigenvalue 1
Wait hold up a sec what's your definition of an orthogonal matrix, just to be sure?
Doubly stochastic -> all rows sum to 1 and all columns sum to 1
orthogonal matrix -> all columns are orthogonal
Normally I think about it as having its inverse as its transpose, but you're defining it such that it's not necessarily square
@AkivaWeinberger That's an interesting question.
to each other
This is because for any matrices that multiplies to the vector of all 1s, it is effectively the same as summing up each rows and columns, and the summand is given by the entry of the resulting vector
Well, don't you want them to be orthonormal?
No they should not be orthonormal. Let me explain the bigger problem I am dealing with.
So I guess, the question boils down to whether $SPS^T$ still have the column and row vectors of all 1 s as an eigenvector with eigenvalue 1
I have an $n$ element vector on which I am applying summation over every $k$ elements
to obtain an $\ell$ element vector
this can be written as $\vec{x} S$ where $S$ is of the form
1 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0\\
1 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0\\
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \cdots & \vdots\\
0 & 1 & 0 & \cdots & 0\\
where the first column has $k$ ones at the first $k$ locations
@AkivaW Well, for one, you can still define linking numbers for maps $f : S^m \to S^n$ by taking two generic regular values $x$ and $y$, and looking at linking number of the submanifolds $f^{-1}(x)$ and $f^{-1}(y)$ in $S^m$. Check this question out for the definition and the meaning of this.
In any case, if you do this, the linking number of the quaternionic and the octonionic Hopf maps turn out to be $1$ too; in fact these are the only maps with linking number 1 - this is the famous Hopf invariant one problem I think.
So there's that genericness theorem; if you find a map $f : S^7 \to S^4$ with linking number 1, it's the Hopf map. I think that answers our question by similar logic as before?
I have another vector $\vec{y}$ which majorizes $\vec{x}$
So let $\vec{x}' = \vec{x}S$, and $\vec{y}' = \vec{y}S$ Does the majorization relation still hold between $\vec{x}'$ and $\vec{y}'$?
im trying to find the volume of the set $T$ where $T$ is the set of points that satisfy $x \ ^ 2 + y \ ^ 2 + (z - 1) \ ^ 2 \lt 1$ but not in $z = \sqrt{x \ ^ 2 + y \ ^ 2 }$, someone can help ?
I hope I made some sense.
$S$ is not $n \times k$, it is $n \times \ell$
@Liad try to draw a 3D diagram
or picture one in your head
@AkivaW Actually that question does not give the definition in full generality so let me say it; if $M$ and $N$ are two closed submanifolds of $\Bbb R^{n+1}$ such that $\dim(M) + \dim(N) = n$ the linking number $\ell(M, N)$ is defined to be the degree of $f : M \times N \to S^n$ given by $f(x, y) = (x - y)/\|x - y\|$.
@Liad the last one is a cone
@LeakyNun i did , but i want to use spherical coordinates and the fact that the ball is not around the orgin make it difficult to me.
we want $x \ ^ 2 + y \ ^ 2 + (z-1) \ ^ 2 \lt 1 $ and $z \ ^ 2 \gt x \ ^ 2 + y \ ^ 2 $ , right?
@Daminark Did you understand why, if $f, g : M \to S^n$ are homotopic maps with regular value $p$, then $f^{-1}(p)$ and $g^{-1}(p)$ are cobordant?
i wanted to talk about pontryagin thom a bit :3

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