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I don't follow although I think it must be a real thriller!
@KannappanSampath this or this?
Well, both of them naively answer this issue. I'd like the OP to know that: "If $G/H$ and $G/K$ are two quotient groups, then, there is a homomorphism between them if and only if $K \subseteq H$" but I am too lazy to get the commutative diagram and write out those proofs.
@tb Thank You for the links. I'll read through and try to understand the second one esp.
@RajeshD that's pretty harsh
We are used to it....no complaints.........
@RajeshD 'sup?
@tb Do you think I should prove the result I wrote above?
@KannappanSampath well, it doesn't take more than a line... Careful with the phrasing though. The quotient map $G \to G/H$ factors over $G \to G/K$ if and only if $K \subset H$. On the other hand, it's in every basic algebra text...
@tb You spoiled it for Kannappan
by giving away clues
For instance DF gives this "factors through" as more of a notation while he proves these details about the commutativity of the triangle in his Isomorphisms theorem. Am I missing something @tb?
BTW I do not know the subject matter...so my perception could be ridiculous
'm so lazy
DF=Dummit and Foote, whenever they go undefined.
@Ilya Me too : /
Now I'm bored (also of the book) and restless. : /
@RajeshD I'm pretty sure Kannappan knows those results better than I do... That wasn't a clue but rather making sure he uses precise language.
@MattN let's play some game
@Ilya Ok.
What? Truth or dare?
what are the rules?
@KannappanSampath I don't think you're missing anything. Nothing deep here.
@Ilya We're taking turns. Each one picks truth or dare. If truth the other one can ask a question and the person asked has to reply with the truth. If dare the other one can order them to do something.
Nothing deep, but if the OP is new to this subject, I'd be scaring him/her and that is exactly what I do not want to be doing. (s)he is making very good mistakes!
crap out of peanut butter
@Ilya Here.
@MattN nice, you start
It's what you play in kindergarten... : )
@KannappanSampath so maybe not delve too much into abstraction and refer to DF?
@Ilya Truth.
@MattN we were playing wargames
@BenjaminLim d'uh because of your question?
@MattN would we move to another room?
@Ilya Does it matter? We're never going to meet any of these people IRL.
ok, that's your choice. I was going to meet you guys in ZH sometime - but after this game maybe I'll not dare to :)
We can't really play the game anyway because how are we going to verify the dare part?
@Matt: is it true that you have a girlfriend?
@tb I think that'd better. I'll write the result and refer the OP to DF for a proof. :-) Thank You.
Your turn.
Shave your moustache.
@tb I asked a noob question. But then again my friend asked me if a division ring yesterday is always a field in the non-commutative case
done today
@BenjaminLim "crap out of peanut butter" was that a comment on your most recent question?
@Matt @Ilya : Grow up kids !
i meant it really out of peanut butter
@MattN: how old are you? :-p
ugh below the belt
Happy now?
yes ^_^
Oh dear. Now I need to find an embarrassing question...
@Matt Don't worry The Thirties are going to be the new Twenties !
I don't care.
I missed that! ^
@Raj: could I ask you to analyze your last phrase?
The only thing I'm slightly worried about is turning 80 not hearing and seeing properly anymore and rotting away in some elderly people's home...
I ask you then
@MattN: no need to worry, that was my guess for the last month. Before I had another impression about your age
World has changed so much that the thirties (age) are going to be like the twenties of the past era @Ilya
@Ilya Now how am I supposed to interpret that... : )
that may be your question (what's a plan of mine, ah? :D )
Now I have one but now I'm not sure it's too personal...
But then again you asked me that so ...
@Ilya sneaky
@RajeshD if you think that a person care about 20-30 stuff, then your phrase won't make him happy anyway. If you think that a person don't care, then there is no need for such phrase. That's my opinion
@MattN so? or you can send me an e-mail. I'll answer you here or there. Just tell me when you send it.
@Ilya : Its not about the listner cares or not...try to understand about what the person who said it is thinking
@Matt: would you delete it now?
what about you and your partner? (the same question)
How long have you been seeing your wife (including before marriage)
Argh, I keep missing the answers!
:) or : ( Whichever you'd like!
@tb My god I am so dumb
Argh. That's actually a question you'd answer even without truth.
Oh well.
@BenjaminLim 'sup?
If we have a finite degree extension L over the reals then L is algebraic over the reals so that it is certainly algebraic over the complex numbers. Hence $L = \mathbb{C}$
@Ilya Heh! Almost same as us.
@MattN but you're not married, are you?
ah crap! well, you can count this question as well :D
No but it makes no difference, does it?
: D
Ok. Your turn again.
@MattN well, let me think
@tb merde...
@BenjaminLim tb is merde? Duel!
je suis stupid....
@Ilya Je n'ai pas dit qu'il est stupid.
@BenjaminLim oh, well... everyone is from time to time.
@BenjaminLim :p
@MattN this is subjective. I don't know about you guys anything particular
@MattN You would not believe it I forgot how to solve $x^n + 1$ over the complex numbers
@Ilya I don't see.
@BenjaminLim : D So what?
It is so embarrassing that a guy doing AC forgets how to solve an equation like that :(
@KannappanSampath why would that be NARQ?
@Ben : You can forget.....its allowed...
@Matt: do you study, or you also work?
@Ilya We are quite off topic...
@BenjaminLim watch your filthy mouth little boy :)
@Ilya What is blet or chort?
@MattN with my last question?
@Ilya No but it was your turn, not mine!
Cheeky little bugger trying to trick me into answer more questions...
@tb I saw that $s^2$ term there after that answer... : )
then I got you wrong, ok
@Ilya My friends in a chemistry class hear a guy say that in russian quite often
@BenjaminLim saying what?
what does it mean?
They assume it is a swear word
since he says it when he is pissed
Is it equivalent to **** ?
Synonymous to putain...
bl'yad' means the whore, bl'yat' you usually say when something bad happens
both words are very obscene
Heh. Teddy knows Russian?
@Matt: I said, Truth
I know. I heard.
But I can't come up with any evil questions...
Also, why aren't the others in here playing as well?
@MattN nah, just a few words.
@MattN hey. don't look for a saviour
@tb which are:...
@Ilya I didn't say "truth" :)
No the saviour would be beer which I have to go buy first.
@tb Now you have.
@MattN high five :)
@MattN okay. got me :)
@Ilya High five : )
What do we ask him?
I've already asked him.
@MattN: ask me
I'm still trying to come up with a question!
@Ilya Have you ever cheated on any of your girlfriends or wives?
Now I'm confused...
@tb By what?
@Ilya No you haven't. We'll come up with an interesting question.
@MattN never
Can I suggest questions for Truth ...coz a lot of evil questions comming up in my mind
@RajeshD Yes shoot.
@MattN hope you read my last message
@Matt : never heard such things happen accidentally
@RajeshD didn't you watch "Friends"?
@RajeshD Come on, suggest your evil questions.
okay never mind
@Matt: with several persons, who asks and who answers? there should some order, right?
@tb: although you're trying to be silent - we know that you're here :D
If they do sound not so eveil I might be embarrassed
@Ilya The order can be teddy -> ilya -> me in turns for the asker.
The asker picks whoever they want to ask something.
@RajeshD yeah, we may think that you're a frank guy from the village :D
@MattN nice. @tb: agree?
@Ilya : D
We're playing Truth or Truth?
@Ilya He doesn't get a choice . D
oh no
@AsafKaragila Yeah. Are you in?
@MattN No. I have like 60 more exams to grade :|
@AsafKaragila No. Truth or Dare.
@AsafKaragila Then you choose dare and I dare you to grade 60 exams.
@Matt: feeling less bored now?
@Ilya Not that much...
Well, you guys have fun.
I return to my game "try to understand where in the text hides the proof for Cantor's theorem"... :|
@AsafKaragila you too. Don't forget about beer
@AsafKaragila don't whine, I've graded 200 - some of them in Dutch which I don't know and all of them in Signal Analysis which I don't know
@AsafKaragila 60 took resit test?
No, 200 took the resit.
I have about 60 left to finish.
@Ilya Are you still playing?
@MattN: yes (and it's true :D ). My turn?
@Ilya Well teddy needs to be asked a question.
@KannappanSampath The course had 350 students in it, and 150 of them failed the first exam.
I'll ask
@MattN well, look in the Truth's eyes. He escaped
@tb : Q for you on truth
Are you jobless currently ?
@RajeshD It's our turn not yours!
And that's not an interesting question : (
No no no
@AsafKaragila Holy, you are entrusted with passing 150 people? I would very cleverly manipulate and give them points! Why fail them and unnecessarily see them suffer!
@MattN: I've never thought of that since I used to think tb is a postdoc which means he has a job
@Ilya How about this: you suggest a question and I suggest one and then we pick the more interesting one?
@MattN to whom?
@Ilya We need a question to ask teddy. You suggest one, I suggest one and then we decide which one we ask.
@KannappanSampath I am very merciful as a grader. If one of the other guys would have graded this they all would have failed again... he would have given almost everyone <10 points out of 25; I gave many people much more than they deserve in mathematical standards.
What do you think of this?
@AsafKaragila Never mind! Didn't you have 60 exams to grade? : )
@MattN: listen, he doesn't answer. I would suggest attacking him together whenever he will write any message and disprove his absence - in the meanwhile we proceed with our game.
@AsafKaragila :-)
Well. So long, breaktime is over!
@Asaf : I fail to understand How come the grading process of a math subject become Subjective ?
@MattN: and overall, I am not sure I would like to play in this game with him. Before he was always answering my questions whenever I felt interested in this or that part of his life.
@Ilya But what do we ask? Maybe we should decide that in advance.
@RajeshD Because this is proof reading; not "check if the calculation is correct".
Well, it can. I can choose to award points for partial proofs and some proofs where one part of the proof is very slick....
@Ilya You're a wet blanket.
Also you can remove points for excessive writing; or just ignore the superfluous points they make (which can be wrong!)
@Asaf : But still.....the process may be ill planned on grader's part but i would not dare to say subjective
@MattN: me? is that me who can't think of an evil question? you still owe it to me
@Ilya What? I thought it was my turn.
@RajeshD You have obviously never graded exams of a theoretical course before. This is how things are in mathematics, inaccurate and approximate. They are not exact and absolute.
@MattN: ok. Truth or dare?
@Asaf : My comments are coming on you saying " I have given more marks than they deserve"...I fail to understand it
sorry I was on the phone
@MattN: shoot me your photo on the e-mail. Now.
: ) Ok.
@MattN regretting?
No. phew
@Asaf : Okay never mind
Hi @Asaf, bye Asaf!
Bye Asaf. See you later.
@tb Matt wants you to join. What about you?
wooooooooooo : I thought @tb was gone for the day
@Ilya I'll answer one question for truth by both you and Matt. I can't join in for real though because I gotta go soon. And no, Rajesh, I'm not jobless.
@Ilya Happy now? Check your email. Now let's decide on a question. Suggest something personal.
@tb my question was which Russian words do you know - but I am not sure it fits this game, so it you who decide answer it or no.
Heh. We even get to pick truth or dare!?
@Ilya I veto this question.
@MattN you have one and I have one as tb said
and yes, I'm happy :) are you the one to the left?
@Ilya I don't think that's a good question.
I second that.
@tb impolite, you mean?
Let me estimate somewhere between 100-150 words in Russian
@Ilya No. Boring.
@tb wow, then don't answer it, please
@MattN: are you the one to the left or to the right? (or both?)
@Ilya what Matt said. I don't speak Russian but I picked up a few words when I was in a course for about 3 weeks (2 hours per week)
@Ilya Left.
@tb why did you take it?
@MattN icic :D you've reminded me one of my classmates, by the way
@Ilya no particular reason.
@MattN: dare
@tb What is a system of open sets like in here? math.stackexchange.com/questions/120920/…

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