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Underlined letters reveal the user name actually.
But he's only got 12 all time down votes.
Just talk to the moderators.
(I did not check all that, if someone has access to the number yesterday, someone could say something. Three yesterday, I am quite sure.)
Top of the morrow to you all, and whatnot.
Hi Asaf and whatnot.
You morrow of the what? Top all, Asaf t(w)o (not and)
Do I write personal mail to the mods?
(running out of permutations).
@KannappanSampath Yes, I think so.
One of the exams I graded yesterday belongs to a girl that retakes the course. She failed then and she failed now. I tried to see if there were four more points to give her somehow so she can pass... alas there were none in the question I graded.
@KannappanSampath If you feel so strongly about it, then it would be the way to go. But note that he did explicitly say that he didn't downvote your answer and I see no reason not to believe him -- but then I don't get his $-1$... Be that as it may, you'd better talk to the moderators about this.
@AsafKaragila You are so kind.
@KannappanSampath Not at all.
@MattN I also spend quite a lot of time trying to figure out what they write and whether or not minor mistakes are due to confusion or not.
I'm grading a question about Cantor's theorem+Proving the statement that if $|A|=|B|$ then the collection of finite subsets of $A$ is equinumerous to that collection of $B$.
Quite the simple question really, but people insist on claiming "For every set $A$, we know that $|A|=|Fin(A)|$..." which is a bold contradiction to the first part of the question: Cantor's theorem!
I mean, so a connected subset of $\mathbb Q$ is also connected in $\mathbb R$. The intervals that contain only rational numbers are degenerate. Is this fine @Asaf?
In the infinite case we only teach the countable case too, since the course makes no use of the axiom of choice... so there's no good reason why it holds for "every infinite set".
@KannappanSampath That's better. Although slightly hard to understand that you mean to hint that $\mathbb Q$ is totally disconnected.
I wanted him to come up with that reasoning because he has thought about it in a good way.
pedja's second comment reads like the beginning of LOTR: One pokemon to rule them all and in darkness bind them...
@tb That really depends on the version you're playing...
@AsafKaragila you know, there is this concept of lots of paper with alchemical symbols on them, held together by a piece of cardboard. :)
@tb someone called the Lord of The Rings?
@tb I meant Pokemon... You do know that those are Gameboy games, right?
@AsafKaragila Yes, but that's exactly where my knowledge about those creatures ends... I wouldn't recognize one if I see one.
Can someone suggest me a linear algebra text? I am overwhelmed by the intriguing connections in the subject. I would like to understand them more clearly. I have read Artin and Herstein. So some other suggestions will help.
@AsafKaragila He probably doesn't know what GameBoy is. Remember the cave paintings...
@Kannappan: I noticed that being far away from this chat I missed some sad story. Happy that you've not escaped
@KannappanSampath Hoffman and Kunze is often recommended. Then there's Linear algebra done right and Linear algebra done wrong. Halmos is a classic...
@tb I think I did Hoffman for some time. I'll have to continue from where I left then.
But I have not done the other two. I haven't even looked at Halmos.
impolite ignorance... third attempt
@Matt: did you tell me that you liked Blue Velvet?
@Ilya Hi Ilya!
I didn't call the LOTR...
@KannappanSampath and this
@tb Thanks for the links. I'll read through now. And, thanks for the references. : )
@KannappanSampath well, good, because I would be tempted to do it the other way round...
@Ilya No.
@tb hi
@tb BTW, are you now used to this abbreviation IMSc or it's standard that you know it?
@MattN then I've mixed up things in my memory. Maybe you were mentioning the Elephant Man
@Ilya No.
Class... BBL.
@KannappanSampath Well, given the context I ventured the guess that it meant Institute of Mathematical Sciences...
@MattN yes, that was David Wheeler - but you've also participated in the discussion, that's why the confusion
@tb : reading Do Carmo.
Nice, good idea!
@Ilya: Are you The Elephant Man?
@AsafKaragila no, are you?
@Ilya Only where it counts.
@AsafKaragila where it counts?
@Ilya Heh.
@MattN we are laconic today, aren't we?
@Ilya No.
@Ilya In that dream I didn't have about being The Elephant Man.
Well I have a feeling that today is going to be another unproductive day...
@MattN 0. Don't forget to motivate your answers. (Grading exams changes people)
@Ilya Did you figure out the question that you posted and deleted shortly afterwards? Note that you can decompose your space into two pieces $B$ and $B^c$. On $B$ you look at the subspace $\sigma$-algebra (or its completion) and on $B^c$ at the $\sigma$-algebra of sets that are either null or equal to $B^c$ up to a null set. Now observe that the disjoint union of measure spaces is again a measure space and it coincides with the space you're interested in.
I'm fed up and not in the mood.
Well. I have to go and buy a dozen beers for tomorrow.
Then I have to grade a bunch of exams.
@AsafKaragila Have fun.
@MattN to be fed up means to be fool with meals?
@tb I've deleted it because I've found the answer by myself. I also wasn't sure that it was a good idea to ask that question
@Ilya No.
@Jonas: hi, I've found the hotel
Hi, Jonas
@Ilya Hi.
@tb Hi.
Nice, @Ilya.
@tb: thanks - it was the first experience for me to deal with this stuff. I decided to prove it by showing that if we take the intersection of the generated sigma-algebra with the collection of sets satisfying the desired property, it will still be a sigma-algebra containing the same basis. Somehow it is similar to the proof you've mentioned
Who was this profiletobedeleted ?
@RajeshD Kan
any ideas ?
I think Sam deserves some votes here...
@tb interesting, let me read it first
It's funny. This book (Bourne) is all about Zurich but a modified version of it.
@MattN better than a movie?
@Ilya Equally enjoyable so far.
@MattN positively enjoyable?
@Ilya ?
or negatively?
Enjoyable is always positive.
when you say that A is as good as B it could mean that both are bad
@tb I'm not saying that enjoyable could mean something negative - I only said that equally enjoyable can have a negative sense provided some sarcasm
Would it be exaggerated to add a sentence to the graph theory tag wiki saying something of the form: "this is not for functions and their graphs, use (functions) instead"
@tb are there such questions so far which are tagged incorrectly?
@Ilya I see at least one or two questions per day that feature the graph-theory tag wrongly. Last instance here
@tb: I think that people who do it barely read wiki for tags
but of course, it won't be bad to add such sentence, so I would say, go ahead
@Ilya Okay, thanks! I might when I get over my current phlegmatic phase.
@tb in 5-10 minutes, my I ask you to take a look on my proof of this sigma-algebra stuff? I am writing the answer now
@Ilya okay.
@tb Phlegmatic? Despite all this sun?
@MattN yep.
Shouldn't you be all euphoric and running around on the grassy pastures outside your mountain hut in the sun?
@tb (never mind and don't give me the webcam link again:) )
: D
@Ilya [see here]()
@tb :p should I see in () ? it doesn't look polite :D
@MattN Prancing around bare-feet in the meadows, picking flowers in order to make daisy chains? Why not. Sounds like a plan! I'm going to go as soon as I can...
@Ilya You're the second person on SE who shattered the image I had of them this week.
@MattN what do you mean?
@tb I meant naked, actually.
@Ilya Never mind.
@tb No don't if it involves leaving chat today.
@MattN hm. It's difficult just to forget about sentences like you wrote
@Ilya Well I interpret this one to be in the same category as the question about my hairstyle the other day... except for there I assumed it wasn't intended. : )
@MattN oh, Matt. Of course, I didn't mean quiff (if it was the word the first time) this time as well
: ) Never mind. I don't mind either way. I just want to interpret things the way they are intended.
@MattN but may I ask you who was the first person? And I apologize - sometimes I indeed use slang :( sorry if it hurts you
@Ilya Doesn't at all. Like I said: I just want to get the right meaning : )
@MattN icic. I maybe take too seriously my image in the eyes of other people
@Matt: so are you a bit melancholic today? because of the sun, say?
@Ilya Maybe.
geee are we in a mood today...
@tb is there a day he is in a mood?
What Ilya said.
And whatnot.... Never mind. : )
my roommate is moving
I think I have to arrange the new one
I thought you're married? So you don't live together?
Or did she get a divorce after you grew a moustache?
@MattN: I usually don't like kidding about a divorce - but you shouldn't have to know it
I was referring to a roommate in my office anyway
@MattN ...
@Ilya Ok. I'll add it to the list of things I can't say in this chat. No offense intended.
@Ilya there are some TeX problems at the end of your post. Do you want me to read all of it from the claim on?
@tb: just fixed it: missing $$. I would like to ask you just to read the proof of the claim - that is essentially the fact we were talking about this morning
@Ilya Yes, this looks good.
@tb: thanks
Maybe you want to say a word about the easy task: it doesn't take more than a line, does it?
@tb it doesn't, do you think it's worth? then I will
@Ilya no it isn't really worth it.
@MattN this might be one for you
@tb Thank you.
Not sure I can bring myself to looking at anything today though.
Wanna join me in the meadows? I'll bring a guitar... :)
Yes. And I'll bring mine and some booze...
Although given the setting LSD seems more appropriate.
(Not that I've tried any hard stuff I'm just thinking because meadows with lots of flowers and funny mushrooms are quite colourful.)
Not at all. More like this.
A mixture between the above and this...
sort of reminds me of the usual teletubbies landscape
@MattN ever been ot Japan?
I'll do some gym finally, because of the teaching assistance had to skip it the whole week. Add my laziness...
@Ilya Yes.
@tb I think you are a teletubby...
@MattN teletubby-töibeli-teddy?
+motzi but this would destroy the alliteration...
@tb Not sure. If it's a pun on tele tubbies I won't understand because I've never seen tele tubbies.
But if you'd describe yourself like that then fine with me : )
@MattN no pun on Teletubbies, uh-oh, is the only thing I know about them. töibele
I would not have thought that you're the sort throwing tantrums and what not. I think you have a bit of a(n explosive) temper. But I might be wrong...
@tb Thanks, I knew that. It's the same in Zurich dialect. : )
: )
^^ this one for Jasper
Does she want to show $\frac{\partial}{\partial x} f \ast g (x) = f^\prime \ast g = f \ast g^\prime$ for the first question?
You tricked me into looking at maths! And also into hurting my ears by listening to one of the worst songs ever made...
@MattN basically, yes. Two problems: 1. in your formula only the one involving $g$ (or $g_m$ for that matter) makes sense 2. the $g_m$'s aren't compactly supported, so some modification of the argument for $C_{c}^\infty$ must be made. Nothing very serious, though...
@MattN very good for the first thing. One of the worst songs? Well, I could show you far worse, but it's okay, it's not one of my beloved ones either. It's just the only one I could remember that featured people dancing around hippie-style for sure...
I'm going to be afk for half an hour or so. Hope you won't have run off to the meadows before I get back.
I'll be around for a little longer, yes. But for not too long today.
Now you won't get a carrot.
Hi guys, I put a new picture of the Mahonian numbers mod 2 at my blog: mobiusfunction.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/…
@MatsGranvik I'm not sure what it is but it sure does look cool.
@JonasTeuwen Thanks. It is one of my favourite tables. The Mahonian numbers are found in the oeis: oeis.org/A008302
@MatsGranvik it's a really nice picture. I don't know the Mahonian numbers either, but it looks fascinating, this combination of noise and the Sierpinski triangle. Thanks for the link!
Yay! The Bourne Identity is a love story!
Oh Finally
@tb Hard to believe but there really were classmates of mine at high school who watched (and enjoyed) tele tubbies.
@MattN simple minds, simple pleasures, I guess
@MattN I've seen one episode. I was depressed
@Ilya But Hobbiton looked pretty close to Teletubbies-land, didn't it?
@tb that's why I was going to burn it ^_^
@tb Yes. I'm also simple minded: I enjoy reading "trash".
Hi everybody!
@MattN what's wrong with trash? It can be very enjoyable...
Hi Skullpatrol.
@tb imagine Sauron turning on his Palantír and seeing all this Hobbiton Teletubbies-sort-of stuff. With 4 hobbits
Hi Skullpatrol
@Skullpatrol: hi
@Ilya Which 4 hobbits? Ilya, tb, Rajesh and Skullpatrol?
I think after that there are no questions why Sauron was considered as an evil guy :)
Hi @MattN @tb @Ilya
@MattN nope, Frodo etc.
@tb So no running around making daisy chains? </3
@MattN: but following your joke, I would assume that you saved Gollum for Asaf, didn't you?
@Ilya uh-oh, Fro-Fro, I lose pipe - Mer-Mer and Sam-Sam lookie, lookie, Pip-Pip ooooh
^I'm tempted to flag this as offensive. : )
@Ilya I thought Asaf was Saruman...
Jonas is Legolas.
@MattN wow :) he'll be happy
@MattN I'd love to, but I don't have time...
@MattN what about?
@Ilya Below the usual silliness threshold, I guess.
@tb I can see the pattern... : )
"Yes. I'm also simple minded: I enjoy reading "trash"."...."@MattN what's wrong with trash? It can be very enjoyable..."............I get this interpretation that simple minded people do not read anything that is enjoyable........Am I right @tb ?
@tb I even didn't understand what did your uh-oh mean.
@RajeshD Far too elaborate a conclusion... :)
Yes that why i want to clarified....I do not really understand what is meant by "simple minded people"...who are they ?
ducks away until serious discussion is over
Matt & tb talk on a very high plane of consciousness.
@RajeshD let's stick to You know us when you see us
It's so high because we live on the top of a mountain in a little hut made out of wood.
...eating cheese and chocolate all day and spending the evening watching the sun set behind the Matterhorn.
...next to goats and cows...
Are you going to be away again for the whole weekend?
...stroking our white beards, wearing knee-long leather pants and red chemises with Edelweiss embroideries...
...ewwww, Edelweiss embroideries.
@MattN No. I'll be around from time to time.
@Skullpatrol I know someone who has and it's apparently very good.
any way If i chat more I may go mad.....I just wanted to share this
@MattN compulsive outfit when doing the Talerschwingen
@tb Heh, so this is what you do in Bern and what you grew up with. Interesting : )
@RajeshD Thanks for sharing that with us Raj
@Skullpatrol No, I haven't. But is this a cannabis leaf wrapped around the wrench on the cover?
@MattN I think they only do that in the Tockenburg and Appenzell :)
@tb It does sort of look like that.
@tb : )
For those like me who did not know what Talerschwingen is...
Didn't Tim ask this already more than once?
@MattN so much for the ewwww... :)
Sachin : "Doesn't matter how many hundreds you score, you still have to put your head down and grrind it out for the team", "Enjoy the game and chase your dreams"
@tb Not my favourite either but I prefer it over Hair... : )
@MattN Not me. If you really want to torture me lock me into a room and play Hudigäägeler and Männerchör nonstop.
@tb Good. Now I just need to find out your address, get your keys and a choir that yodels.
Or handcuffs then I don't have to lock the door.
and find a room
I was going to use his room.
@MattN No need for keys, just ring the door bell and pretend you're my neighbor :)
@MattN How cruel...
tortured in your own room
@tb Or wait until you get a flu... : )
Not sure how to hide 20 men dressed up in red and white cloths though. That might look suspicious.
You could say they are electricians who have come to fix your socket.
Maybe there are other ways to torture you...
@tb I don't know and he's asked 351 questions so I won't go through all of them.
@MattN I think I found it. He's asked a few on those constructions. I don't know what he has in mind with them (but I never do for that matter)...
there is something which makes me calm when I see you guys talking here
@Dan: Inf
how are you?
I am OK, sitting in this class about concurrency and stuff
And how are you, @Ilya?
@Daniil fine, looking forward for the March to end
@Ilya why so?
Hi @Daniil
@Dylan: good [morning]?
Hey @RajeshD
How unpredictable: the girl's fallen for him and after saving his life she's thrown away all of his clothes and now that the doctor has left they're all alone in a hotel room... I wonder what is going to happen next.
are you sitting in a class right now ? @Dan
@MattN Bourn?
@Dan: because it is in Signal Analysis which I've never known before
@Ilya Yes : )
@MattN I was reading Borges this morning - I do like when from the first novel I understand that the writer is just awesome: in the plot, in the language, in his philosophy
@RajeshD yep
I've set up a goodreads profile, any of you folks use that site?
How is it possible........i've never seen such a thing before........
@RajeshD which thing?
@Ilya That guy seems to have a high opinion of himself.
sitting in a class and hooked onto internet simultaneously ??? @Ilya
@RajeshD welcome to Russia
@MattN as for now, it smells like a politics. So I won't judge
@RajeshD What's wrong with that? I know the material presented, so...
@Dan : I don't mean anything wrong....I am just wondering that in India ...forget about internet/laptop....students are not even allowed to turn their head in a classroom
@tb : I have a question for you
He must've gone out to milk the cows.
seriously ?
Hello Guys.
Can someone help me find a link to question on the site that talks about universal property of quotient maps?
@Dylan Did you read that answer on the homomorphism question?
Yay. Finally!
What happened? : )
The sequel of this : )

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