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@Ilya No.
Hi Jonas : )
Is anyone willing to help me out with some linear algebra concepts?
We can try.
Thanks, I just want to discuss Span and Null space.
I would like to solidify my understanding.
So the span is the set of all linear combinations of $v_1\ldots v_r$.
Basically I'm looking at the space that my vectors are capable of taking up.
All the possibilities.
So when I'm looking to solve for the given set of vectors's span, what should I be keeping in mind?
I'm not sure what you mean by that.
I understand that when given given a set of linearly independent vectors that it takes up the $\mathbb{R}^n$ however, I'm not quite sure I follow what that means.
So say I'm given the vectors $a=\begin{bmatrix}1\\-1\end{bmatrix}$ and $d=\begin{bmatrix}1\\0\end{bmatrix}$. How should I approach finding the span?
You haven't stated a problem so far.
Sorry, I'm a little out of it.
The dimension of a vector space is the number of its basis elements and the basis is defined to be a maximal set of linearly independent vectors.
@arete No problem, don't worry : )
We haven't covered basis yet.
I'm not sure what they expect you to write down when they ask you to "find the span". The vectors you have there are linearly independent so you might want to prove that.
For the problem above, if I were to go about creating an augmented matrix with some arbitrary vectors $v_1$ and $v_2$. When I solve that augmented matrix, what am I necessarily accomplishing?
What's an augmented matrix?
Hey there, robjohn!
$\begin{bmatrix}1&1&v_1\\-1&0&v_2\end{bmatrix}$ would be the augmented matrix.
[A|b] Where A={a,d}
Guys, do you know some alghoritm that allows to find eigenvectors of a matrix nearest to given ones? Say, given vectors [a1,...,an], i have to find eigenvectors [b1,...,bn] of matrix B such that b1 is the nearest to a1, etc. ?( I wanna receive a continuous time-dependent eigenvector of a time-depedent matrix)
@arete And what does solving it mean?
Hi, do you guys know how I can prove a subset of a metric space is closed?
That's what I'm trying to understand
Why does solving this matrix give me the information that I need?
@Godisemo Show that its complement is open, in most of the cases. If that won't do you need to give more information.
@arete I haven't understood what "solving the matrix" means.
Usually you have something like $Ax = b$.
Then you solve for $x$.
Sorry reducing to rref.
What's rref?
Reduced Row Echelon Form.
It's kind of overkill to use it for a system of this size
Consider the space l^1(Z_+,R) but with the supremum norm instead of the l^1 norm. My subset is B={a; sum_i^inf abs(a_k) <= 1}
So here's a set of vectors that I was given for the exercises. I'm looking at $a=\begin{bmatrix}1\\-1\end{bmatrix}$$b=\begin{bmatrix}2\\-3\end{bmatrix}$ $c=\begin{bmatrix}-2\\2\end{bmatrix}$d=\begin{bmatrix}1\\0\end{bmatrix}$e=\begin{bmatrix}0\\0\end{bmat‌​rix}$
How would you find the Span of S (Sp(S)) if S={a,c,e}?
@arete I'd try to determine whether $a,c,e$ are linearly independent and if they are you have $\mathbb{R}^3$. If they're not then you'd have to see what dimension they span... This might be what they're asking for but I'm not sure.
Ok, so it's clear that a and c are not linearly independent.
as well as e.
From that point how would I go about finding the span of the system?
Well as soon as you have the zero vector in your set your set is going to be linearly dependent.
You observe that you have only one vector so you get one dimension. That's a line in $R^2$ and it looks like $x = -y$.
However my book has the answers $Sp(S)=\{\bf{x}:x_1+x_2=0\}$.
That's the same. Right?
I'm just confused by why that's my span I guess.
Oh wait, so that's saying that my span of vectors is only capable of living on that line right?
So no matter what combination of vectors that I have, I'm only capable of having my vectors take up values that are equivalent to that line.
@MattN right?
@arete Yes! : )
So it's the space that my set of vectors is allowed to "live" on.
Yes, exactly.
Thanks for bearing with me there.
It's hard to articulate what you're trying to learn sometimes.
I know : )
So, on to null space.
Null space consists of all the vectors $x$ such that $Ax$ is the zero vector.
Or more formally $N(A)=\{x:Ax=\mathbb{0}, x\in \mathbb{R}^n\}.$
that 0 is not a scalar.
I don't quite know how to properly notate the zero vector in latex.
So why is the null space important?
A system is linearly independent iff x=zero vector.
So would this be telling me whether or not my system is linearly independent?
If your zero space is only the one element set consisting of the zero vector you know that your $A$ is an injective map.
@arete Yes. Because that's basically plugging in the definition of linearly independent.
Hmm I know what an injective map is, we just haven't even discussed it in my lin alg class.
If the zero space is only the zero vector this means that the only coefficients you can pick to make your vectors into a linear combination equalling zero is the zero coefficients.
What if my null space were something like $\mathbb{R}^2$?
OTOH, if your vectors are linearly dependent you know that you can find coefficients not all zero such that your vectors multiplied with these coefficients added up yield zero (even though not all coefficients are zero).
If $K$ is a Galois extension over $\mathbb{Q}$ and we are assured somehow that $K$ has a unique subfield $F$ of degree $2$, can we conclude that $F=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{D_f})$, where $D_f$ is the discriminant of the splitting polynomial?
@arete Then your $A$ maps all of $R^2$ to zero which is saying it's the null map.
Hmm I like to see this map speak. It makes you think about the systems in question, instead of just manipulating a matrix or vector.
What the... where the hell is there a place for a downvote here except perhaps someone who's angry at me for some reason?
i countered the passive aggressive downvote, asaf
That wasn't needed, but thanks anyway!
your answer is fine
@Godisemo Sorry for taking so long: You are in a metric space $M$. So you know that a set $A$ is closed iff every sequence in $A$ that converges to a limit in $M$ has its limit in $A$. Here.
I know it is. :-)
Asaf, do you have a comment about my simple question? i was led to believe i should be able to conclude this, but i don't see why exactly.
@AsafKaragila Who do you have in mind?
@MattN I have no idea. I pissed a few people in the past two days... :-)
@AsafKaragila Heh. : )
@jaywendt I haven't read your question. I'm struggling to bring myself to grade more exams.
@AsafKaragila, i understand
@MattN I've had a hard time coping with life and I've been quite prickly lately.
Hi, is anyone here interested in an invite to computerscience.SE private beta?
@MattN No problem. I know this property about limit points and read that it is probably simpler to use this property. The problem is that I don't understand how to use it.
@Daniil Maybe Henning is. Ping him.
@AsafKaragila I know others... : )
Ah, right. But he is not online
@Daniil Pinging him will leave him a notification on the main site too.
@MattN I also know others. What's your angle?
@AsafKaragila I was hinting at grumpy people that aren't here atm.
But I can't ping him. When I start typing @H nothing comes up
@MattN Oh.
i think if you type his user name it will work
@Daniil Just write him name.
Also, whatever you do: Do note ping Candyman three times in a row while looking in a mirror.
@AsafKaragila well I don't know about the "hard time coping with life"...
Henning Makholm, @HenningMakholm
@Godisemo Now you need to either pick an arbitrary Cauchy sequence in your set $B$ and show that it converges in $B$ (that is, that its limit is again an absolutely converging series or you find an explicit sequence that is Cauchy but has a limit that is not an absolutely convergent sequence.
What a crappy day.
Time to have wine.
May I ask why it's crappy? It looks pretty good from this angle.
Well said, @MattN. I like how you quit quitting alcohol! :-D
@jaywendt I have to grade tons and tons of exams if I want to get hammered on St. Patrick's Day. Also despite the junior staff strike there's a threat to cut my salary if I won't finish grading by Sunday. So I have to sit and work really hard today and tomorrow. Ergo, crappy day.
If you need me ping me, I'll be reading afk but within hearing distance of ping.
@MattN This is a test. Can you hear me now?
@MattN Since $\sum^\infty_{k=1}|a_k|<\infty$ all cauchy series converge to 0, right?
@Asaf, that does sound crappy!
Well, I shall return to force myself to grade... only 50 more. :|
@Godisemo Well I think you're confusing two things: yes, $a_k \to 0$ but your space is not the space of $a_k$s but rather the space of $(a_0, a_1, a_2, \dots )$ of sequences! So what you have are sequences of sequences.
@MattN that is confusing... :/
@Godisemo Yes it is but you will get used to it quite quickly. Fiddle with it for some time.
Hey anyone, does @Henning mean "random" when he says "Brownian motion" in the third line of this answer: math.stackexchange.com/a/120274/22544 ?
Does this proof hold, for showing the complement is open?
The complement to $B$ is $\{x; ||x||_1>1\}$. Now choose an arbitrary point $a$ in the complement. Then create the open set $\{x; abs(||x||_1-||a||_1)<\epsilon\}$. Now $||a||>1$ and we can choose $\epsilon$ arbitrarily small so we get $||x||>1$. This x is then a part of the complement to $B$, so the complement is open.

Note that I used that $||x-a||_\infty < ||x-a||_1 < abs(||x||_1-||a||_1)<\epsilon$ when I created the open ball around $a$.
I misremembered $B$! Ignore what I just wrote.
@MattN $B=\{x; ||x||_1 <= 1 \}$
Yes, thanks.
So the complement is $B=\{x; ||x||_1 > 1 \}$
@robjohn What are you doing? :P
@Godisemo And did you prove $\|x-a\|_\infty < \|x -a \|_1 < abs(\|x\|_1 - \|a\|_1) $?
And why is the set you describe there open? I'm not sure I see that.
@MattN You have a point there
@MattN This is just using $||b||_\infty <= ||b||_1$ together with the triangle inequalities
Nitpick but wouldn't you have $\|x-a\|_\infty <= \|x -a \|_1 < abs(\|x\|_1 - \|a\|_1)$?
yes, true
I've been stuck on this problem for a couple of hours now...
(But your proof is sound. : ))
does it hold?
I meant how you argued that these inequalities hold.
But your other proof looks good to me too, I hope I'm not missing anything.
The only thing I'm not 100% sure of it what you said earlier
that the set I created really is open
(but I'm quite sure it is)
Yarr mates!
@Godisemo It's open because it contains $x$ such that $\|a - x\|_1< \varepsilon$. So it's an open ball around $a$ with respect to the $1$-norm.
Anyone mind helping me with some trigonometry ? gosh I feel so embarressed =(
@MattN that is true.
@MattN Thanks for the help, just have to write it all down...
@Godisemo Pleasure : )
I need to prove that $$\sin(\pi - \arctan(c)) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{c+1}} $$
Any real symmetric square matrix is O(n,R)-similar to the real diagonal. And what can we say about matrices, SO(n,R)-similar to the real diagonal?
is it a set of all real symmetric matrices?
I figured it out
@Nimza: Yes. If the matrix of the similarity transformation A has determinant 1, then it's in SO and we're done, otherwise it has determinant -1 and the similarity transformation associated to -A is exactly the same, and -A is in SO.
@N3buchadnezzar How did you prove it?
@N3bu, @Skull: It's actually incorrect.
@anon Why?
@Skull: The actual answer is $c/\sqrt{c^2+1}$. To derive this, first use sin(pi-x)=sin(x), then construct a triangle with side c, base 1, and thus hypotenuse $\sqrt{c^2+1}$.
@robjohn may interrupt you to ask your opinion about something Sir?
@Skullpatrol what's up?
I'll have to get back to you in an hour and twenty minutes...
Np enjoy 1:19:42
I am sad that people don't understand hints here on the site.
Another user writes an answer totally derived from hints three hours later and (s)he gets three upvotes. This is holy crazy!
@AsafKaragila Done.
Teddy's absence makes me wonder whether he had an attempt at reinstalling his socket...
Well, this is my last guys and I will not return. I am bidding a fare well to all of you. Bye and take care.
@Profiletobedeleted Wot?
@Profiletobedeleted Why?
@Profiletobedeleted What's happened?
@Profiletobedeleted Hope you all best in the future.
@Profiletobedeleted Kannappan what is happening?
@MattN I think he's gone.
Finally. Done with the exams. One more push like this tomorrow, and I'm done with that course altogether. Now: home, food, sleep.
@AsafKaragila No drink?
@Skullpatrol \sin +\arctan x = x * ( 1 + x^2 ) ^ -0.5
I just made a simple triangle
@N3buchadnezzar Thanks
And ofcourse there should be no + on the left handside
@MattN I wonder what happened to Kannappan?
@Skullpatrol Looks as if he's annoyed about how people vote and write answers.
Hi @BillDubuque
It looks like Kananappan was upset about this thread. But there must be more to it than that. Does anyone know more?
Mind giving me a few tips on the following problem?
$\text{Find} \iiint_R x \, \mathrm{d}V \ \text{and} \ \iiint_R z \, \mathrm{d}V \\
\\ \text{over that part of the cone} \\
0 \, \geq \, z \, \geq \, h \left( 1 - \frac{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}{a} \, \right ) \\
\text{that lies in the first quadrant}$
Sorry for nt asking more about Kananappan, I am sure he will be back soon =)
@Profiletobedeleted This is just something that happens.
@BillDubuque I just returned, so I know no more.
I don't see much in the log.
@robjohn He is not online on skype
It's always a sad day when we lose a big contributor. I don't understand why some folks take votes so seriously.
@BillDubuque Recall Kannappan is only 17. I will try to persuade him to return.
@BillDubuque Unfortunately I was afk and saw his previous message too late.
Otherwise I would've talked him out of it. It looks like a reaction made without a cool head to me.
People downvote on this site. I have been downvoted at least 10 times. So what? It's the nature of things....
I think he was upset because of a full answer being upvoted.
@BenjaminLim Well good job you have him on skype.
@MattN Add me on skype, we can have a teleconference to persuade him
Hahah =)
Great community
Voting seems to be more and more erratic recently. Often good answers get little or no votes and trivial answers get most of the votes. This probably will drive some folks away from the site, esp. those who take votes too seriously. How can we fix this? Vote up good answers (and vote down poor answers if need be)
As long as everyone gets a vote, this will always happen
@BenjaminLim Not now. He's gone to bed probably, it's quite late there.
People are stupid, it is that easy
Kannappan should know by now that there are questions on batman that get 200+ upvotes, very good questions that get at most 10 upvotes...
@MattN What is your skype?
I saw an answer that got 38 upvotes or something, and all it said was "W"
I'm not posting that here. Let me see if I can find you.
: D
search that
See you in a bit. Going afk for a while.
@MattN I did say food. Beer is food.
@robjohn Were you just being polite when you said, "I'll have to get back to you in an hour and twenty minutes...?"
@N3buchadnezzar Could you explain to me why you use a "3" in N3buchadn?
@Skullpatrol Nebuchadnezzar was taken
@N3buchadnezzar Thanks for clarifying that for me ;-)
@MattN haha
@MattN Not allowed?
:3840282 hey there, I'm not sure. I haven't slept in 23 hours...
@MattN (removed)?
@tb At least you have slept since 1945! :-)
@tb Sleep deprivation is not good for you pal.
@Profiletobedeleted I have no clue what happened, but I sincerely hope you reconsider...
In any case: I had fun talking to you and it would be a pity if you left...
Dear Kannappan, please come back. (star this message if you agree)
Who is Kannappan?
Who are you?
fair question ;)
@tb 23 hours? But I thought you'd gone to bed early.
Okay, that's it for me guys. I might come back a bit later, but not sure. I declare March 15 official drama day....
@tb Oh noes. What happened?

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