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oi, Balarka
@AkivaWeinberger it's not an algorithmic problem though. It's just a problem of what is the line that separates the points evenly.
Hi @Soham
What's up?
No, it's not. It's a problem of finding that line. That's an algorithm.
I think I got into RKM Vidyamandira
I mean the college across from rkmvu
Ah, OK. Nice!
Yeah, it's a relief-ish
"There's a related problem in CS where, given coordinates of a bunch of points in the plane, you have to find the line that divides them in half"
So, what's up?
Laci puzzles? :P
sounds to me like the problem is finding the line as in the math problem of what that line is....
(I know what you're talking about)
Hi! How is you? @SohamChowdhury
@Typhon Well, finding a general solution for finding the line
I suppose I wasn't clear
Doing physics, but getting tired of it. Last few days has been mostly me solving cool puzzles.
@AkivaWeinberger it's just a formula or integral?
@BalarkaSen But if your dividing line contains the points you haven't solved the problem right?
Akiva, me does not-too-bad.
It's the linear separability problem, if I have my terminology right.
@Typhon I dunno, I haven't seen the algorithm
@AkivaWeinberger you don't....
@MikeMiller Nah, you count points on the line as on both halves.
I don't like it.
@AkivaWeinberger This is isn't an algorithm problem. It's an operator problem.
it's just plugging numbers into a function
I also don't think it should really work in general.
@MikeMiller Otherwise you can never do it if the number of points is odd, say.
My guess is you can't just pick a "sufficiently small disc". The hyperplane could in principle always cut through a non-center
but maybe you can
I think the point is that there isn't a general formula for it.
oh maybe you want to take limits of the cutting hyperplanes?
Instead one has to convert it to a linear programming problem to find a solution.
@BalarkaSen Yes, but there are many other discs too that you won't cut in half
@Semiclassical wouldn't it just be a variation of method of least squares, which is an integral?
Imagine a tilted plane and two balls at z=2 and z=-2
still cuts everything in half
@MikeMiller I misremembered what we were doing. We're cutting a bunch of disks in half. OK
I agree I guess.
@Typhon Why would it?
The line of least squares doesn't care about what side the points are on.
@BalarkaSen I think you should apply the HSE to B_epsilon(your set), then take a limit of the cutting planes by passing to a subsequence.
That should do it I think
@Semiclassical method of least squares is the line best approximating a sequence of points. This seems to be one that runs down the middle of the sequence of points. So maybe the line perpendicular to it at some point?
hs theorem
the ham sandwich egregium?
That is sufficiently vague as to be useless.
@Semiclassical D:
@MikeMiller Yeah I think what you say is sound.
I think it requires some nonzero work to verify that the limit does cut in half
Details here, albeit geared for an implementation in R: joyofdata.de/blog/…
I'm a bit annoyed that the Wiki page for linear separability doesn't talk about the relevant algorithms.
How about, we pose a related problem, which is simpler?
Consider a point tracing out an ellipse.
It apparently comes up in machine learning a lot...which, okay, sure
isn't algorithms more of a math thing anyways?
@SohamChowdhury How's life now? Doing any math?
If we are in the same plane as the ellipse,
we can figure out the eccentricity easily.
Algorithms is most definitely a part of the theoretical side of computer science.
Simply from a ratio.
@BalarkaSen Aren't you schoolmates or something
I thought the aspect of algorithms which was CS is for things exclusive to CS such as list operations and other stuff like that. I didn't think geometric processes and solving equations was something that fell in there...
That's a pretty narrow view of CS.
@Akiva neh
well no, I just meant that math already has had algorithms for hundreds of years...
So how do you know each other, again?
so @balarka if you have 2 lines between 2 pairs of points that cross you can replace them with 2 other lines that don't cross whose total length is smaller than that of the $2$ you started with because of the triangular inequality. Since there is a finite number of ways to place $n$ lines between $2n$ points there must be one with the smallest total length and this can't have any crossings by the argument above
and what about algorithms for mixing chemicals a special way?
@AlessandroCodenotti HOLY SHIT
Looks like I'll have to pre type and then post.
i mean I'm just saying it cannot be all algorithms.
that was my reaction too when I read that argument @akiva
@TheDarkSide Yeah that happens sometimes
Didn't say it was. But computational complexity stuff, for instance, is a huge part of CS.
@AkivaWeinberger :P
$P=NP$ or $P\neq NP$
@Semiclassical i hope you don't mean the level of rates of increasing like the big number stuff simple art messes with.
@Alessandro O_O
$P=NP$ when $N=1$ or $P=0$. Can I get my million dollars now?
actually, had anyone checked whether that P NP problem is undecidable?
mind = blown
@Secret the problem is that it is a question about the nature of thinking itself and it is ultimately subjective.
I'm consistent and complete.
in the sense that i might find verification harder than obtaining the potential solution
...no, it is not. NP != P or NP = P are not subjective statements.
(Whether or not I can do arithmetic remains to be seen)
I thought we can check that by seeing if there's a map that can map it to the halting problem
that's some serious dark magic, I found it earlier on reddit, but there wasn't a source
if such map exists, then P,NP problem will be undecidable
@Semiclassical it's a question about whether or not verifying a solution is easier than finding it. That's literally a question about human ability. XD
What the answer is, I have no idea. How it will ever be proven, I have no idea. But P and NP are well-defeined thing.
This is fantastic, though. I am going to note this technique down somewhere.
P != NP is not a question about human abilities.
@Typhon That's the pop-math version. The real thing involves polynomial times and stuff
well then define "easier"
They just found a numerical invariant (total length) which the ultimate configuration minimizes.
"Polynomial time" is considered "easy"
@AkivaWeinberger oh so computer verification?
though that's not 100% accurate
@BalarkaSen I think there is a somewhat similar proof of the Sylvester-Gallai theorem, but I haven't read it in ages so I might be wrong
Q: Proof that the halting problem is NP-hard?

templatetypedef(I apologize if this is the wrong site for this question, but given that there are many "not-hard-enough-for-CS-Theory" CS theory questions floating around here, I think that this might be a good fit. Please feel free to move this if it's inappropriate.) In this answer to a question about the d...

O whoops, halting problem is NP
What is Sylverster-Gallai again?
so it cannot really say anything about P,NP
@Secret Isn't halting problem undecidable??
I thought NP stuff were all decidable
@BalarkaSen given $n\ge 2$ points in the plane either they're all collinear or there is a line that contains only $2$ of them
That's what I knew too about the halting problem, I however don't know much about the decidability of the different complexity classes
@Semiclassical true, but I was making the argument that an algorithm for finding a plane with certain qualities falls more into the math realm than the computing realm.Or at the very least,the algorithm itself isn't restricted purely to computers or only useful in the context of a computer.Not to say that people cannot use computers to study it.We have programs like matlab and mathematica for that sort of stuff,but I simply meant that it seems more like an application of CS than something part of it.
@Alessandro Ah, right, I remember this. I will try to rederive the proof for a few minutes (don't reveal, people)
I can't reveal what I don't remember
and it seems to be even more complicated than I thought
I have a vague memory of a proof that derives a contradiction by finding a solution with a smaller area for something that was supposed to be minimal, but I forgot all the details...
Oh, turns out undecidable and NP-hard overlap, but undecidable and NP don't
@Typhon defining computer science as "what PCs can do" is an exceptionally narrow view of CS
ah I see
Also another weird question:
@Semiclassical Well would naturally presume that the center of computer science is computers and things relevant to software engineering and such. Not to say there aren't theoretical aspects, but to some degree there are parts more ingrained within the subject than things are merely studied because they serve as applications for working with things outside the realm of computer science.
@AlessandroCodenotti To dissect that proof: You can think of it as, you start with a random arrangement of line segments between the things. At each stage, you undo a crossing. You want to show that this must terminate.
To do that, you utilize a monovariant: length.
it's just weird to me that a geometry problem falls directly in computer science, ok? Seems more like it would be a math problem. XD
Computer science is essentially part of math, I think
Let me put the point like this. In what sense is computer science a science?
(but that might be wrong)
@AkivaWeinberger yep
A: Is computer science a branch of mathematics?

Bruno JoyalTheoretical computer science could certainly be considered a branch of mathematics. This branch of computer science deals with computers and computer programs as mathematical objects. Theoretical computer scientists could be described as computer scientists who know little about computers. Howev...

@AkivaWeinberger I would say partially so, but my point was that the problem doesn't seem to have a direct application in CS. It seems more like something CS could be used for to help solve a geometry problem.
For a longer-form version of the mindset I'm pointing towards: cs.mtu.edu/~john/jenning.pdf
"However, when people say "computer science" they usually include many things which would not be considered mathematics, for instance computer architecture, specific programming languages, etc."
tbf, I did say that the two subjects "intersect"
yes, and the geometry problem we're talking about lies in that intersection :/
In any case, complexity theory $\subset$ theoretical computer science $\stackrel?\subset$ math
going by that answer
@Semiclassical fair point. I guess the computational analysis is CS and the geometry itself is math.
We knew that in topology there are 4 different types of sets: Open, closed, clopen and neither. Therefore unlike a door, if it is not open, it is not necessary it is closed

Now, in classical logic, we have a proposition $A$ and its negation $-A$ . The law of excluded middle says these are the only two truth values we can have

Now my question is: Given a mathematical object with entities $A$ and its opposite $-A$. How can we show that there does/does not exists an object $C$ such that $C\neq A$ and $C\neq -A$. Putting this question using topology as an example, if $A$ is an open set, then
The way I'd put it is that the concepts involved in posing the problem are not computational in nature.
@Secret I'm not sure I understand that question, but uncomputable is defined as "not computable"
@Semiclassical that's probably a good way to phrase it and also just asking for such a line isn't really CS since well.... geometry. XD
and closed is not defined as "not open"
Well, keep in mind that there are two things:
"Does such a line exist?"
That, I would agree, is not computational.
"How do I find such a line?" That is certainly computational.
i know what you're getting at, but by that reasoning, finding the "foot" of a point to a line is a cs problem...?
The word 'find' is the key one for me.
How do I find such a line with the least amount of resources, really
Sure. It's just a really trivial one.
The hardness of the task isn't what makes it computational. It's that it can be posed as a computation in the first place.
head explodes
I mean, heck, binary addition
That's an algorithm.
@Semiclassical addition is computation
The only real way to get a feel for the subject is to actually read stuff in it, or to do stuff in it
Talking about it won't give much insight
This has become a bit of a meme for me
@AkivaWeinberger And work with people who know it, preferably
@AkivaWeinberger not sure who you're talking to?
Well, I am wondering in general how we can show that "a third option" exists or don't exists. For example. why we cannot have a function that is neither computable nor uncomputable

O wait. If we have $-(P \wedge -P)$, then $-(P \wedge -P)=-P \vee P$ so that means it is either computable or uncomputable...
Here's another aspect of this.
…Yeah @Secret
guys. the browser is saying this page is not secure/safe
something about images
Maybe the Youtube link is making it unhappy
I think that scanners trailer made the browser think it was getting scanned.
Nothing to do with the weird polyhedron I posted an hour ago, I hope
...then that's either a really smart or a really dumb browser
@Semiclassical or the setup to a really bad joke.
Browser got it's head exploded
The scanning experience is usually not a pleasant one after all
Suppose I look at a set of points, and I want to find a line to divide it up into two subsets. Setting aside how I might find it systematically, the human brain is pretty good at finding a solution to the problem.
and $-P \wedge -(-P) = -P \wedge P$ is a contradiction, thus classical logic said such functions cannot exist
How does the brain do that?
@Semiclassical Even when it's lots of densely packed points?
Eh. If there's not too many points?
My point is more that, to the extent that humans succeed at finding such lines, they tend to do so pretty quickly
@AlessandroCodenotti What if there's an infinite amount of points, I wonder?
I suspect we did that by focusing at the most empty channel between the set of points, then drew a line there
Under certain conditions to make it more plausible
More generally, the human brain is good at classifying images.
Like, say they're all isolated
@Semiclassical So… throw a neural net at it?
note how whenever we were asked to do that problem, our eyes tend to focus on the empty spaces between the points
I've seen that approach to smoke simulation, by the way.
Which, beforehand, involved (I think) complicated differential equations and was computationally expensive
It's not perfect but it's pretty good
I wonder how will computer algorithms detect those empty spaces?
@Semiclassical Umm... The problem is to divide a set of points into two symmetrical images. That's not a trivial problem. At the very least, it requires some math in terms of averaging points.
distracted for now
@Alessandro S-G is proving to be harder than I thought. Maybe I won't find a proof after all :P
chances are slim to none that I'll get into full time at UWO
I need a textbook for geometric combinatorics, man. This stuff is great fun.
@AkivaWeinberger well there are symmetric functions to just look for the point or line of symmetry?
Wait a second.... P = NP should always be P >= NP as part of finding the solution includes verification.
@dodsy how come?
That tune though
always reminds of tom & jerry
@Zee they said my application came in too late
I've been waiting 6 weeks
MGM logo enriches it
@Typhon Wrong way around. $P\subseteq NP$.
But that is the right reason.
@AkivaWeinberger P is finding the solution, right?
NP is validation?
So if it's in P, it's in NP
@dodsy well you can always transfer next semester
so... in order to find a solution you must during the process validate
@Zee :{
therefore the time to find a solution is longer than validating it
@Dodsy it will be ok man, I went to community college before I transferred into a good uni
Well they said I could do part time
@Typhon So if it's easy to solve (including validation), then it's easy to validate.
but I'd need to pay another 50 bucks.
Do part time, just take the math classes, this way you won't slow down at all
@AkivaWeinberger P = NP asks for a relationship between the time to validate and the time to obtain a solution.
im saying that the time to find a solution is the time to validate along with some other stuff as validation is a requirement of obtaining a solution
I'd have to take 3 courses
@AlessandroCodenotti Here's a problem I don't know the answer to. You have finitely many points in 3-space. Is there a direction along which there's at least $2$ maxima and at least $2$ minima?
only 2 math classes offered per semester
so I'd need to do physics or compsci.
Im gonna go for a drive.
@Typhon To be clear, both P and NP are sets of problems. They're not amounts of time.
They're not numbers.
@Dodsy this sounds like a scam to me.
@AkivaWeinberger they are not the general times to compute some.... thing?
No. P is the set of problems that can be solved in polynomial time ("quickly")
NP is the other one
not polynomial
NP is the set of problems that can be shown to be correct in polynomial time ("quickly") when provided with a token
@Typhon Nondeterministic Polynomial time
is what it stands for
so it's not "time to solve" and "time to verify"
ok now I can see why the problem is more tricky
Oh, and technically, they're all meant to be sets of yes/no problems
And there's some variable in each problem
Lol people thought I was a bot...
@Dodsy Here's what I'm thinking happened. Someone either screwed up and lost your application or misplaced it or they basically pocketed it so they wouldn't have to admit you. Then, they can say "well it is too late to go elsewhere so you have to take part time or not got to college. Btw, it will cost you more in the long run to do part time, because then you're not eligible for scholarships!"
@Zee you were posting literal gibberish.
Yes, people do that you know
Consider the Traveling Salesman problem. Here's the yes/no version: Inputs: A set of points (and distances between the points), and a number.
you misunderstand, you were spontaneously posting things completely unrelated to the conversation as if you were responding to some other conversation.
Output: Yes if there's a path through all of the points with total length less than the number, no otherwise
(I hope I'm doing this correctly)
(In fact, let me double-check)
@AkivaWeinberger the what
@Typhon paper is not made from wood
Then zee is ok, cause I post a lot more gibberish than anyone else here (except spammers and trolls)
I have posts that are known to direct at no one
or more accurately, the audience is nonlocal
Lol people thought I was a bot
Glass is actually are from sand
@Secret except in this case it was annoying people.
@Typhon OK, I got it correctly.
So, the Traveling Salesman Problem is,
@AkivaWeinberger i still don't know what the travelling salesman problem is
I was describing it
The Traveling Salesman Problem is,
and I got the question now about p = NP
It's about being a traveling salesman, just imagine that
given a bunch of points and a number $L$,
i see what it is asking
does there exist a route through all the points with total length less than $L$?
@AkivaWeinberger I'm not sure what you mean
So, this is NP, because:
If the answer is "yes,"
then you can just provide the route.
And it's "easy" (polynomial time) to just sum the lengths of the parts of the route and show that it's less than $L$.
@Zee You're not a bot, you're just a pessimist :P
However, it's not known whether it's in $P$.
(= realist, i know)
Nobody has found any "quick" algorithm that always solves it correctly.
In fact, it's in a special class called $NP$-complete. What that means is that it's essentially among the hardest things in $NP$. If it's in $P$, then everything in $NP$ is in $P$.
@Semiclassical you know something is wrong when people on a math chat start calling you a pessimist
Meaning that, if it's in $P$, then $P=NP$.
@Zee this isn't a math chat
I was going to post a paragraph about mathematical coincidence and bypassing phenomenon but this discussion is ongoing and potentially interested, thus I will leave that for the downtime
@Typhon The title of the room notwithstanding...
@Semiclassical it's a stock exchange chat
Which is titled "Mathematics."

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